SPAM random annoying things


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Zarjazz said:
Using the word hipster in any context is even worse.

I'm not even sure what the true definition is... What I do hate are people who describe themselves in this way and then go on to give their usually overinflated opinion on the subject in hand ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Apparently you have to do it right there in the shop or some shit. Otherwise it's not #showrooming...or something.

I dunno


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I can understand that with anything except clothes Raven, need to make sure they fit before you get them surely.

Edmond has a point though, unfortunately.

Distance selling; buy three different sizes, return two.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Except when I need it to pay my bills..... Paid in gbp and live in Sweden...
Do you use HiFX? They always seem to have *slightly* better rates than anyone else I've used. I used to transfer money directly from an English HSBC account to a French HSBC account but their rates were awful (plus they charged for the transfer). I never know exactly what the cutoff for the HiFX charge is (it seems to be somewhere between £2500 and £3000) but it's only £9 if you don't transfer "enough".


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
It is in Currys - their sales team are so awful you would be mad to buy from them.

Needed a new printer this time last year, but it had to have the print-cd option. I asked one of the assistants to show me the ones that could do it, and they said none of them can print onto cd's.

Off i went on my own and found 3 in about a minute, on sale on the shelf.

As for buying online, just got a Wii game on Amazon this morning for £39.99, Tesco's want £55.00 for it. No brainer really


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
To ressurect the Foie Gras thang (I never replied to Olga):
I appear to have touched an almost religious nerve @Olgaline - demonstrated by the three minutes you gave me to answer this post:
before posting this:
Go ahead, proove me ? didnt think so

Woah there bud! Slow down! Give me enough time to know your post even exists before you write off my argument!

That leads me to believe that you (or someone in your family) is either a producer of Foie Gras or you've some sort of sexual relationship with the fatty pate :)

Aaanyway - I read the articles you posted and watched (with a kind of bemused and amused horror that you'd post it as a supporting argument) the video you posted.

Force-feeding animals is a cruel process. And before you try to shout me down I think you should know that, like most animal welfare enhancement processes that have occured and are occuring, the process of outlawing force-feeding for Foie Gras is just that - a process that will happen over time. With Foie Gras the weight of argument - and subsequent movement on legal action against the practice - is behind me, not you.

In the European Union the law is slowly swinging against Foie Gras production - as the laws have done in other animal welfare cases.

Production in the EU is now legally limited to countries that have been doing it for a long time. No new producers are allowed to come on-line by law. In The Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, Norway, Finland, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, Foie Gras production is prohibited.

Turkey and Israel have both banned the force-feeding of animals and it is now banned in Argentina as a cruelty to animals issue.

The United States is slowly coming round to banning. It is already prohibited in California, for example.

The weight of law, as in other animal welfare cases, is bringing generational change. Politicians do it this way because zealots (like yourself and, of course, the French, who have protected this cruel and inhumane practice under "cultural" laws) kick up such a fuss - but you'll all die soon enough so restricting production means that over time less and less people will miss the product - and it'll quietly die out.

It's a done deal. You're wrong, and the wheels are in motion to outlaw it's production (in that way) permanently.

What will actually happen is this: Foie Gras, in it's current form, is dependent on the force-feeding of animals. There is a legal definition for this in some countries - animals that haven't been force fed cannot produce Foie Gras.

However, for example, the US drinks sparkling white wine as "Champagne". It's not actual champagne - but nobody in the US gives a fuck.

In a similar way the force-feeding of animals to produce Foie Gras will be totally outlawed (at some point in the future). The law that says Foie Gras can only be produced by force-feeding animals will be dropped - and nobody but a few zealots will give a fuck.

In time, nobody will remember the (incredibly slight) taste difference between the two methods and the new "Foie Gras" will be widely available.

Job done. You've lost. Nobody cares :)
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Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
People wearing migraine inducing amounts of perfume / aftershave on public transport.... I swear if I don't get off this bus soon I'm gonna hurl ;(


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
People wearing migraine inducing amounts of perfume / aftershave on public transport.... I swear if I don't get off this bus soon I'm gonna hurl ;(
Better than the homeless alcoholics who stink of piss, lager and BO that I seem to attract all the time.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
ileks said:
Better than the homeless alcoholics who stink of piss, lager and BO that I seem to attract all the time.

We don't seem tiger homeless alcoholics stinking of piss and lager on the bus from the centre of town to karlaplan :p


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
rynnor said:
Maybe the tiger gets them?

Sorry my keyboard was set up in a different language so the auto correct went a bit crappy


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Bla bla bla

As I suspected. Alot of talk and no real proof of anything, You say it's cruelty yet offer no real evidence. I asked you to proove me wrong, I'm Afraid you fail.
Your right though force fed foie gras is very likely to be a thing of the past thanks to the powers of Lobbyisme and a generation utterly detached from anything agriculteral.
So yes, lets ignore what the veterinarian is saying, surely if it looks cruel, and if it would hurt on me..then it must be cruel.

animals that haven't been force fed cannot produce Foie Gras.
you really dont have a clue do you ?

The law IN FRANCE says Foie Gras can only be produced by force-feeded Ducks of Geese
There Fixed, Ps: You really still, dont have a clue do you ?

New "Foie Gras"
Taste exactly the same as the force fed one, it's just ..smaller

Finally, something we can agree on.

Having discussions like these is like having discussions with religious nutheads - Logic, facts, and commen sence is a waste of time and energy.



FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Our little chat so far:
Scouse: Foie Gras is Bad!
Olga: Ehm ok why ?
Scouse: Becuase I dont like it
Olga: Why not ?
Scouse: Because it's cruel to force feed animals, and tastes bad!
Olga: Ehm ok? Can you give me any kind of proof ? You know that vetenarians and biologists say it's not harmfull right ?
Scouse: Yeah, but it's not legal in some countries
Olga: Right, and prooves what exactly ? btw did you know that they also make none force fed foi gras ?
Scouse: Thats not real foie gras! You know, like American "Champagne"!
Olga: Okaay.....You do know that American "Champagne" is made from the same grapes and the same methods as French Champagne right? It's preaty much the same thing and taste much the same.
Scouse: But...
Olga: Did I not say that if you dont like force fed Foie Gras you could choose an ulternative?
Scouse: But it's not "real foie Gras"
Olga: Does it taste the same?
Scouse: Yes, but...
Olga: Then does it matter?
Scouse: ehhmmmm..uuhm..Foie Gras is evil and you'll burn in hell with the faggots for eating it!!
Olga: Okay then...I'm just gonna go stand over here ok? dont follow me.... Jahova? you dont say?


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
To be fair, champagne technically has to be made in champagne to be classed as it... :whistle:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
As I suspected. Alot of talk and no real proof of anything, You say it's cruelty yet offer no real evidence. I asked you to proove me wrong, I'm Afraid you fail.
Your right though force fed foie gras is very likely to be a thing of the past thanks to the powers of Lobbyisme and a generation utterly detached from anything agriculteral.
So yes, lets ignore what the veterinarian is saying, surely if it looks cruel, and if it would hurt on me..then it must be cruel.

you really dont have a clue do you ?

There Fixed, Ps: You really still, dont have a clue do you ?

Taste exactly the same as the force fed one, it's just ..smaller

Finally, something we can agree on.

Having discussions like these is like having discussions with religious nutheads - Logic, facts, and commen sence is a waste of time and energy.


He doesn't need to prove anything, the courts in several countries already are beginning to ban and restrict production of true Froi gras, due to it being, you know...cruel and all that.

Yeah yeah, Wikipedia


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
The funny thing is, I'm more than open to accept any proof - At all!
And no! I'ts Illegal i XX is really a very poor argument of proof.

It would be a fun path to explore :D
So the Saudis got it right, Women can't drive!

Wait..bad example...
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FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Thanks for the link Raven..

Although the committee reported that there is no "conclusive" scientific evidence on the aversive nature of force feeding, and that evidence of injury is "small"

The HOD sent delegates to visit foie gras farms. One delegate, Robert P Gordon of New Jersey, indicated his personal position changed drastically after the visit. He also testified tube feeding is less distressing than taking the rectal temperature of a cat and urged the AVMA to take a position based on science, not emotion
But..but..but....god hates faggots!

describe how geese and ducks show "avoidance behaviour indicating aversion for the person who feeds them and the feeding procedure

Finally a shred of evidence to support that it might be unplessant to the animals...Unplesant = cruel ? I'm not one to say.
This I'd be willing to discus and explore.
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I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Again, hard to come by washing-schedule that some people seem pass other people by, starting an hour long washing session when its your time.

Simple solution. Override their washing session and change the temperature from 40 degrees to 95 degrees, then continue the machine as usual. Fuckers.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Again, hard to come by washing-schedule that some people seem pass other people by, starting an hour long washing session when its your time.

Simple solution. Override their washing session and change the temperature from 40 degrees to 95 degrees, then continue the machine as usual. Fuckers.

Decent queue behavior died out long ago. There is not much to indicate thats going to change any time soon, solution? Get your own machine, and you can wash when ever you want ;)
Same reson people try to sneak ahead at road works, supermarket ques, etc etc..
Hell, even in the way we speak. Example, In danish we used to, and should say "when talking about you and someone doing something we'd say:

Fett'chump and me are on our way to....


Me and Fett'chump are on our way to....

Me first!
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I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Get your own machine, and you can wash when ever you want ;)

Have one. This is at a friends apartment in another city. Apparently there are a lot of immigrants that seem to have their own washing-rules. Fixed that for them.

And in a sudden flash of self-revelation, that would be the first thing Hooch in Scrubs would've done.

Hey, got any good bourbons/rye's you can recommend?
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I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Perhaps something sweet and smoky in flavor, also with a lot of character.

We used to wash at the "washhouse?" Kept getting shit stolen, or our dryer time stolen. So we bought our own washer and dryer..but it's freaking anoying since the washhouse is about 30m from our appartment.

Edit-quoting like a pro; Yeah it is annoying that people are a bunch of thieving cunts.
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FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Have one. This is at a friends apartment in another city. Apparently there are a lot of immigrants that seem to have their own washing-rules. Fixed that for them. And in a sudden flash of self-revelation, that would be the first thing Hooch in Scrubs would've done.

We used to wash at the "washhouse?" Kept getting shit stolen, or our dryer time stolen. So we bought our own washer and dryer..but it's freaking anoying since the washhouse is about 30m from our appartment.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Perhaps something sweet and smoky in flavor, also with a lot of character.

Depending on pricerange - no garantees!!

1. Elijah Craig 12 yo. ( 300'ish kr.)
2. Ridgemont Reserve 1792 (350'ish kr.)
3. Eagle Rare Single Barrel 45% (600'ish kr.)
4. Pappy van Winkle's Family Reserve 15 yo. (800 + kr.)

You might also concider trying:

100% Rye.
1. Sazerac Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 6 yo. 45% (4-500' kr.)
2. Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye 13 yo. (6-700 kr.)
3. Rittenhouse Rye 25 yo. (2200 + kr.)

Oh and, infact.

1. Jack Daniels - Silver Select (450-500 kr.) - Yes it's Tennessee, who cares?
2. Four Roses Single Barrel 2013 62,7% (600'ish kr.)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I do find the higher class JD's to be quite nice. The base stuff is mixing / sink cleaning only though :(


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
School. I am SO DONE with this shit. Just gimmie the fucking paper and fuck off already :-(


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
mind you they probably think the same about me. aaaaanyway....


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
BluRay rips 1080p / 1920x1040 on a full HD display still looks shit and fuzzy.

Torrent = 2 GB
BR = normally what? 5GB

W hat should I be looking for? High bit rates as a priority?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
BluRay rips 1080p / 1920x1040 on a full HD display still looks shit and fuzzy.

Torrent = 2 GB
BR = normally what? 5GB

W hat should I be looking for? High bit rates as a priority?

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