SPAM random annoying things


Dec 26, 2003
And it's good that they put a stop to companies like that, but then instead of finding a good and propper supplier
they cave entirely to media/activist pressure and stop selling it all together...Bah!

I don't think its possible to get a decent supplier of foie gras - the real stuff depends on overfeeding the bird via tube feeds until the liver starts to break down by the process of fatty degeneration - this changes the taste.

By French law only force fed animals can legally use the term foie gras.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Working with grumpy people all day that then brings you down with them


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I don't think its possible to get a decent supplier of foie gras


As for the force feeding + see superimposing human attributes and human emotions part.
I'm not saying it's perfect. But I just think there is alot of douchbaggines-double-standard going on, when talk falls on Foie Gras.


Dec 26, 2003
As for the force feeding + see superimposing human attributes and human emotions part.

What has it got to do with superimposing human emotions? I am happy to eat duck and have eaten foie gras but it does involve a certain amount of cruelty to make.

In commercial suppliers the ducks have a permanent incision in the throat so that they can be rapidly fed by a machine that pumps the feed into them.

As I said to achieve the buttery more subtle taste you have to make the ducks chronically ill with liver disease - these are facts - take from them what you will.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
What has it got to do with superimposing human emotions?

Everything - example, look up a ducks throat anatomy for example.

I'd welcome you to actually read the links, and watch the video. Also not all commercial suppliers are heartless money maniacs (Part of the brain wash)
Nor do all suppliers use machine pumps or anything close to it. (another popular brainwash myth) You also have bad eggs in chicken farming, mink, horse, cattle..etc.

I also love when activists use words like rammed, crammed..liver explodes..bla bla etc...

you have to make the ducks chronically ill with liver disease

"He points out that, before migrating, ducks and geese naturally store energy by accumulating fat in their livers, which return to normal when feeding is stopped. Thus, he argues, no physiological damage is done."

"Under certain circumstances, wild ducks and geese will indeed gorge themselves far beyond their normal nutritional needs, to the point where they develop a fat layer comparable to that seen on a domestic duck, loads of fat around their gizzards and guts—and, most importantly, livers that develop into the lovely wobbly bit you see at left in the picture. Doctors call the condition steatosis, in which liver cells accumulate lipids. I call it yummy."

These Ducks & Geese on avarage live a faar better life than most farmed chicken or pig

Looks to me that animal rights activists have a point, eh? :(

and if you buy grossery store chickens, eggs or piggies your a friggin' hypocrit.
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FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
If you are open to being educated about agricultural processes, the Anthony Bourdai video does wonders. That openness unfortunately does not seem to be present among the anti foie gras militants, lemmings opposing something they don't understand or have bothered to take the time to understand


Dec 26, 2003
"He points out that, before migrating, ducks and geese naturally store energy by accumulating fat in their livers, which return to normal when feeding is stopped. Thus, he argues, no physiological damage is done."

"Under certain circumstances, wild ducks and geese will indeed gorge themselves far beyond their normal nutritional needs, to the point where they develop a fat layer comparable to that seen on a domestic duck, loads of fat around their gizzards and guts—and, most importantly, livers that develop into the lovely wobbly bit you see at left in the picture. Doctors call the condition steatosis, in which liver cells accumulate lipids. I call it yummy."

Yes ducks/geese (its generally ducks used these days in the real French stuff) will put on weight for the winter - this is more extreme.

I think we should clarify things here though - there are actually different types of foie gras - some does not include force feeding and exploits the migration fill up method - this stuff is fine.

What the real issue is about is the proper force fed French stuff - its not just a case of fattening its actually feeding them so much fat that the liver cannot safely store anymore and it starts to breakdown with larger nodules of fat forming within the liver. This is what makes the taste more subtle than the other stuff and its this that commands the premium prices.


Dec 26, 2003
If you are open to being educated about agricultural processes, the Anthony Bourdai video does wonders. That openness unfortunately does not seem to be present among the anti foie gras militants, lemmings opposing something they don't understand or have bothered to take the time to understand

I watched it and aside from being completely one sided piece for foie gras I'm still not sure what you are expecting - you have no idea how long these ducks have been on the force feeding routine and unless you have xray vision I doubt you could see the state of their esophagus or liver.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
there are actually different types of foie gras - some does not include force feeding and exploits the migration fill up method - this stuff is fine.

Thank you for clarifying my point, your learning this stuff as we go along arent you ? :D

you have no idea how long these ducks have been on the force feeding routine

Lastly, if you don't like French Foie gras, then don't eat it, find a better substitute, if your unhappy with the idea of force feeding avaoid it.
But, before you accuse the practice for being cruelty, educate your self and do the research into what it means, and on the anatomy of the animal in question.

I'm done with this discussion though, funny that it preaty much enforces my argument to begin with.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Slept maybe, at best,10 minutes at a time all night and now i'm pissed off.

Doesn't help that the forum seemed to have turned into a hippiewanky theme park o_O


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I don't think its possible to get a decent supplier of foie gras - the real stuff depends on overfeeding the bird via tube feeds until the liver starts to break down by the process of fatty degeneration - this changes the taste.

By French law only force fed animals can legally use the term foie gras.
It's not even that nice. I had the proper stuff once and it just tasted like pure fat. Disgusting stuff.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
It's not even that nice. I had the proper stuff once and it just tasted like pure fat. Disgusting stuff.

This. I'm clearly a peasant because I don't like Foie Gras, I don't like Caviar, I really don't like oysters, and I can just about tolerate truffles. I do like champagne though; best lager money can buy.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
I'm with you on the caviar and champagne is just "meh" but I have to admit that I really do like Foie Gras, and I'm someone who detests paté. Some of the nicest sushi I've ever eaten was Foie Gras with oysters, or a good steak with a slice of good Foie Gras on top, both heavenly. I also eat meat and we kill billions of animals a year for food and as long as there is no unnecessary cruelty involved I'd be pretty hypocritical to not want to eat it on ethical grounds.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I'm with you on the caviar and champagne is just "meh" but I have to admit that I really do like Foie Gras, and I'm someone who detests paté. Some of the nicest sushi I've ever eaten was Foie Gras with oysters, or a good steak with a slice of good Foie Gras on top, both heavenly. I also eat meat and we kill billions of animals a year for food and as long as there is no unnecessary cruelty involved I'd be pretty hypocritical to not want to eat it on ethical grounds.

Foie Gras sushi? What manner of evil is this?


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Decent Foie Gras should not taste like fat. It more of a very like smooth light pate. If it is greasy or fatty its not good stuff. I quite like it but at 20 GBP for a small tin the frogs can keep it. Oysters - yummy, quite often have them at Friday brunches. Truffles I've never liked. Champagne, decent stuff is great Boli or Cristal. Also like Mum but really dislike Lanson.

Have a case of Boli all ready for New Year and a case of St Estephe Bordeaux for Christmas.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It tastes rancid. I was in France a few years back visiting French relatives who did a buffet with all that awful French food. I pretended to like it to be polite but it was like someone had been sick in my mouth.

The French should stick to making wine and leave food to those that know what they are doing.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Foie Gras sushi? What manner of evil is this?

A very tasty but very expensive one, I ended up ordering two portions since it wasn't me paying :)

Decent Foie Gras should not taste like fat. It more of a very like smooth light pate. If it is greasy or fatty its not good stuff.

This has been my experience but then when I have eaten it it's only been in some good restaurants, I've never encountered any that was fatty or greasy.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Decent Foie Gras should not taste like fat. It more of a very like smooth light pate. If it is greasy or fatty its not good stuff. I quite like it but at 20 GBP for a small tin the frogs can keep it. Oysters - yummy, quite often have them at Friday brunches. Truffles I've never liked. Champagne, decent stuff is great Boli or Cristal. Also like Mum but really dislike Lanson.

Have a case of Boli all ready for New Year and a case of St Estephe Bordeaux for Christmas.

I think its psychological; I've had the good stuff a loads of times (back in the good old days of supplier-Christmas-gifts-that-you-didn't-have-to-declare I'd be awash with Fortnums or Harrods hampers) and I actually used to like it, but now I just find it faintly nauseating. Whereas truffles I couldn't touch a few years ago, but now I kind of see the point (in moderation). Oysters just make me gag, but 20 years ago I didn't eat any sea food and now I like all kinds of stuff, so who knows? I might like snot-in-a-shell by the time I retire...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Trying to figure out what to play, again.Thought i'd play simcity for a while, justto think of what to play, updating...updating...updating...i don't wnat to play simcity anymore. Poop.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
This. I'm clearly a peasant because I don't like Foie Gras, I don't like Caviar, I really don't like oysters, and I can just about tolerate truffles. I do like champagne though; best lager money can buy.
I've never even tasted anything on that list beside champagne, and that was probably a cheap bottle.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
People fucking things up and then hiding the fact until its too late to do anything about it.

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