most women wear necklaces of some sort...people who are not from The Wire wear gold chains?
On the search results, click the "search tools" button at the top, and you get an extra bar of options below, the first of which is for image sizeNot being able to image search for a specific sized image on Google any more. Or if it is possible, they've made it a fucking ballache to find.
then you know the sound system is wank. didnt have that problem at glastoWhen the crowd at a gig chants the song louder than the singer; you can't hear sh*t, only screming and the bas guitar.
On the search results, click the "search tools" button at the top, and you get an extra bar of options below, the first of which is for image size
Thankyou. It was only a slim one that's why it snapped so easily.most women wear necklaces of some sort...
rosé tastes like piss.
why you playing mmos?people who wont stop messaging you in mmo's.
why you playing mmos?
BT call centres in arsebucktoo.
I would have thought they would have binned that shit and moved them back to the UK by now.
it's not phesable
Aoami said:Apparently any companies have moved there call centres back to the UK over the last few years, they say because people want to talk to other Brits. The real reason is that the Indians started asking for more money and benefits though!