Its where cosplay girls stick their memory sticks
Its where cosplay girls stick their memory sticks
American corporate assholes who are the modern day equivalent of a 1980s When Harry Had a Bad Haircut Who Should Have Punched Sally for Screaming in that Restaurant who are paid to stick the letter "i" before everything then selling it to Apple who go "Wow, thats so us!" who work for "cool" companies where there's no dress code, and where you're free to express your inner artistic and individualistic self by riding round the office on a childs bicycle and drink insane amount of coffee so you can go to your boss and say "why don't we call the internet the i-Cloud".
Ed is the new Trem!
It wasn't a pretty sight, and its throbbing like a bitch right now
Fell over carrying a pile of glass, nice 4" gash in arm and 8 stitches to boot
not a good start to the day
You know just as well as anyone, pics or it didn't happen.Wanna see the pics???
Yes I took photos of it, I asked the nurse if it was ok, and she said 'well, everybody does it, so be my guest'
Ha ha, brilliant
holy hell that could have gone very wrong indeed. Glad you're still with us mate 0o
Chocolate & alcohol. Will make you feel a new man
Christ B,Hmmm, don't do either i'm afraid, although the amount of local they injected in me made me feel very woosie indeed (and sick) still got a headache now
Might push the boat out and get a pizza, as i've not eaten all day (might explain the headache)