QQ Mereg AoD

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Simba said:
Muhaha :D
Kreig you looser !!! :)

Could you plz post your alts name too?
It will be usefull when anyone see you lfg anywhere,
We will known whom to not invite in any circumstances :D

Tbh that's the most Moronic post i've seen today, and i've seen quite a few. He's done nothing wrong, infact it was your guildy or ex-guildy that was in the wrong. ahh well.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
holy shit!
damn shame to play in this realm which has sooo much idiots in it :(
ohh, and even my cup of coffee, my phone and my bottle of beer became a 3rd party program? i should start fear them, maybe they'll turn against me :(
istenem ennyi f@szt...


Apr 5, 2004
Kreig the hero :< keeping our servers clean by repeatedly going to 4fins exp killing the alts :<

or not.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
NeonBlue said:
aslong as its not malicious its ok to cheat in ur book?.

Depend's on what i would call a "cheat". If it does not and will not affect my or anyone elses enjoyment of the game.

No doupt you have got crafted armour at some point from someone who has used a crafting device ie cheating. Did you make a point of asking them how the items were crafted? If you turn'd a blind eye to the fact they might have cheated to make your items does this make you as bad as them?

NeonBlue said:
Also what myself and others are trying to get across here is...that if the rules apply to 1 person...then they gotta apply to them all.

Yes by stateing the method though this kind of post will causes more people to know about it and therefore do it..

Like saying " XXXXX uses radar from this site www.multiplayercheats.net "


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
lame to c people defending cheating tbh. It wasent some afk crafter that was detected right ? so stop talking about it it was a lamer that was afk xping so tbh report him whit screenis etc.All cheats are a No No how silly it might feel/look if ppl are ok whit that then they are not fare away to be ok whit radar etc. :<
Strong to make this post of thread starter tbh


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
I haven't read the whole thread... but why is afk xp'ing(the way Mereg did it) illegal? It's not like he used external programs or modified any daoc files. All he did was set his pet on aggresive and went away for a while. OK! he used the dubious cup to weigh down an arrow key, but technically that's the same as pressing a key every few mins, while watching TV.

If the fuss is about getting XP, while not being at your PC. Then almost everyone has broken this rule at some point, while going afk in XP groups. Like all the minstrels and Theus out there, who you don't hear from for 30mins, and then they come back, run about to look active and go afk again!

The same with alts being PL'd. Deliberatly afk, while the owner is playing on another account.

imo, if a cabalist is in a quiet area where no one else wants to XP and he takes advantage of the tools given to his class, he shouldn't be banned for it.

Even if it is abuse, it shouldn't be classed as "cheating".
Real cheating is something far more sinister... oO


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Escape said:
I haven't read the whole thread... but why is afk xp'ing(the way Mereg did it) illegal? It's not like he used external programs or modified any daoc files. All he did was set his pet on aggresive and went away for a while. OK! he used the dubious cup to weigh down an arrow key, but technically that's the same as pressing a key every few mins, while watching TV.

If the fuss is about getting XP, while not being at your PC. Then almost everyone has broken this rule at some point, while going afk in XP groups. Like all the minstrels and Theus out there, who you don't hear from for 30mins, and then they come back, run about to look active and go afk again!

The same with alts being PL'd. Deliberatly afk, while the owner is playing on another account.

imo, if a cabalist is in a quiet area where no one else wants to XP and he takes advantage of the tools given to his class, he shouldn't be banned for it.
Common weiw in albion it seems xD
and i take back i said Cheat in my post can agree its not a 3rd proggy ore summit but still agains the rules so not right, and if he is in some calm area xping etc and goes afk he doesnt know if someone else is coming to xp there wich mens youre argument dont hold Roleplayer since pet can attack mobs that are under attack already which means he will piss of poeple by stealing there/hes mobs = breaking the CoC osv.


Apr 5, 2004
i honestly do not get the attitudes of people who see this as a big deal.. especially people like Platina/Krieg..

the guy is afk exping.. so what? why should you care in the slightest? we all know how damn boring exping is.. it doesnt improve you as a person? if youve got one character to 50, youve learnt everything there is to know. this guy has nothing to do with you, so why are you so upset over him exping? unless it comes down to you being so VERY petty, that youre jealous over him being able to do somthing you cant.. i really dont see where your problem lies. its against the CoC.. so what? the kind of people who say "all cheats are cheats blah blah" are the same kind of people who say that (and i quote) "drifting over the speed limit is like drifting a knife into someone" .. you cant see the difference?

why is this such a big problem for you, i myself honestly do not care who the hell is "afk" exping.. in fact i hope a lot of you mids and hibs are, because that will increase the population of 50s, and ultimately lead to more rps and more fun for all. we've all seen you whine, now tell us why youre whining


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Jjuraa said:
i honestly do not get the attitudes of people who see this as a big deal..
so you also think macro crafting is OK because crafting is boring and it doesn't hurt anyone if a guy is standing somewhere (not even pulling any mobs like afk xp'ers do!) ... and it's good for the realm as well as it increases the number of crafters, hence pushing down prices so everyone can afford nicely crafted armor sooner or later! :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Jjuraa said:
we've all seen you whine, now tell us why youre whining

they are not whining, they are telling us the facts and the rules are set by them!! as a _warrior_ must know everything that's goin on in albion (and ofc he does!!)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Jjuraa said:
i honestly do not get the attitudes of people who see this as a big deal.. especially people like Platina/Krieg..
Whos got an attitude problem m8 ?and no its not a big deal for me but for you it seems.

the guy is afk exping.. so what? why should you care in the slightest? we all know how damn boring exping is.. it doesnt improve you as a person? if youve got one character to 50, youve learnt everything there is to know.[/QUOTE]NO you havent all classes arent the same you know.
this guy has nothing to do with you, so why are you so upset over him exping? unless it comes down to you being so VERY petty, that youre jealous[/QUOTE]No im not jealous i got friends i can group whit xD "moderna" :p
over him being able to do somthing you cant.. i really dont see where your problem lies. its against the CoC.. so what? the kind of people who say "all cheats are cheats blah blah" are the same kind of people who say that (and i quote) "drifting over the speed limit is like drifting a knife into someone" .. you cant see the difference?

why is this such a big problem for you, i myself honestly do not care who the hell is "afk" exping.. in fact i hope a lot of you mids and hibs are, because that will increase the population of 50s, and ultimately lead to more rps and more fun for all. we've all seen you whine, now tell us why youre whining[/QUOTE]
Its not a problem but i c lots of albs getting pissed over krieg for being honest and i dont think he ha anything wrong i cba tbh wtf you albs are doing just wanted to show kreig hes not alone etc. im a kind person irl tbh

Oo my this posts looks like shit lol


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Platina said:
Common weiw in albion it seems xD
and i take back i said Cheat in my post can agree its not a 3rd proggy ore summit but still agains the rules so not right, and if he is in some calm area xping etc and goes afk he doesnt know if someone else is coming to xp there wich mens youre argument dont hold Roleplayer since pet can attack mobs that are under attack already which means he will piss of poeple by stealing there/hes mobs = breaking the CoC osv.

You got GOV the easy way? ie waiting by the night camp and pulling Danos back so he comes with out adds .. ie a bug abuse (a mistake in the programing)?

Bug abuse = cheating ...... therefore by you standards the next step is Radar ?? ^^

Like saying smokeing Weed leads to smokeing Crack ... ie in 1/10000 people might but the vast majority DONT.

tbh i think 90% of people who play have abused some bug/cheat etc either knowing it or not. So are we all Radar abuseing cheats ?


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Is the Power Levelling of afk alts ok in the cheat whiners book ? Imo its far far woarse than supposedly being afk XPing solo. XP solo : minimal xp off Blues, PL off a necro ? Slightly more me thinks

So the holier than thou peeps can go patroling Wights room in the barrows, and if they see some lowbie there gaining levels, they can report them :wub: the char is quite possibly afk after all.

So long as accounts are not sold on ebay, I dont really see any problem. Alb needs more cabbies/sorc tbh :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
I've recieved this link (thanks ;) ) which shows the official response. The only problem then, was using a 'cup' to hold down the key. I still think there're bigger fish to fry! but whatever turns people on...

Platina said:
wich mens youre argument dont hold Roleplayer since pet can attack mobs that are under attack already which means he will piss of poeple by stealing there/hes mobs = breaking the CoC osv.

Are you using the term "Roleplayer" as an insult?
I'll have you know, Albion is the roleplay realm of Prydwen. The only reason you read these forums is because you're a closet roleplayer and ashamed to admit it. There's nothing wrong with roleplaying, rejoice at your creativity and start cyboring oO

NeonBlue said:
i ve no problem with AOD or anyone else

except the fact they behave like children...

Obviously you don't have a problem with them.

AoD have some of the most mature players in Albion, which you'd know if you'd gotten to know them ingame, instead of basing the entire's guild image on a couple of members who post on forums. But you couldn't stay in Albion could you? Labelling it the noob realm of the server, you quickly ran to Midgard where everything is soo much better, you... quit the game!


Apr 5, 2004
Chrystina:- likewise macro crafting doesnt bother me, if mythic wants to redesign the system to make it more interesting/skill based, then they can go ahead, but seeing as its just one-button pressing from 0-1150 or whatever, it seems faily minor. the only cheats i have a problem with, are the kind of cheats that A) effect others directly i.e using radar to track people down B) a cheat that takes over a SKILLED job from a player (i cant think of an example in daoc.. but an aimbot in counter-strike would be an example of this)

just for the record, i dont use any illegal macros, i dont craft, i dont afk-exp, my point is that i dont give a damn if other people do do them. and i dislike the attitudes of boyscouts who go out of their way just to tattle on someone not doing any harm to anyone

Platina:- way to make a point dude


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Escape said:
Obviously you don't have a problem with them.

AoD have some of the most mature players in Albion, which you'd know if you'd gotten to know them ingame, instead of basing the entire's guild image on a couple of members who post on forums. But you couldn't stay in Albion could you? Labelling it the noob realm of the server, you quickly ran to Midgard where everything is soo much better, you... quit the game!

"AoD have some of the most mature players?"....maybe thats ur view point...but u can only base view points on things uve seen...experienced etc....and what ive seen experienced and especially after today and the PMs ive recieved...my view point is totally opposite of that!

Yes basing the entire guilds image on not a couple of memeber...but more like 4/5 members..who just happen to be officers/gm of the guild...their actions / words reflect on the rest of the guild...so therefore if they wanna be an arse and act like kids...then fine go for it...but it all reflects back on the guild

labelling it the noob realm of the server?....dont recall saying that..not denying it, i just cant remember...not important to me...obviously is to you?

quickly ran to mIdgard?....nah didnt do that either....i had been wanting for ages to make a kobbie warrior...and after thinking about it for weeks..i decided to do just that. Thats a problem to you?

But for the record Mids attitude towards players...was way way better than Albions and much more friendlier (sp?)

And again ill repeat for those with thick skulls...i dont have problems with any person or guild...but i treat ppl as i find them....so act like a kid...ull get treat like a kid...act like an adult...ull get treat as an adult...

simple as !


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
If they want to do it let them imo .. at the end of the day its not your responsiblty if it goes tits up on you then you face the crap that comes with it eg-Flamed - Kicked from game . To start thread instead of report with unsufficiant screenshots holds nothing to no one and tbh is unfair to the person who this thread is all about .Im not saying i dont believe wat the guy seen in DM but innocent until proven guilty i do believe in ..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Smellysox said:
If they want to do it let them imo .. at the end of the day its not your responsiblty if it goes tits up on you then you face the crap that comes with it eg-Flamed - Kicked from game . To start thread instead of report with unsufficiant screenshots holds nothing to no one and tbh is unfair to the person who this thread is all about .Im not saying i dont believe wat the guy seen in DM but innocent until proven guilty i do believe in ..

and i agree with that...Kreig might of been wrong to post what he did...especially without reporting it too...but he may of done it to "enlighten" others as to what goes on

But its been done...ppl have discussed it and flamed over it...just let it die now and let GOA take any action if any...if they feel it warrants any

Overall yes i would agree he went round it the wrong way, but hindsight (sp?) is all well and good after the event :mad:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
NeonBlue said:
labelling it the noob realm of the server?....dont recall saying that..not denying it, i just cant remember...not important to me...obviously is to you?

Nope, just pointing out that you're no stranger to making blanket statements.

You're right, that you'll judge a guild/person based on personal experience. There's more to experience from AoD, than the handfull of members who use the forums to vent anger - imo anyway.

+ I'd agree that PL'ers (necro, ice-wiz etc) do more to damage the community and levelling experience, than an afk cabalist in a forgotten zone! But 'The Cup' is soo evil, it needs to be punished! So the old zones can stay forgotten and PL'ers go about corrupting XP groups throughout Albion.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Tbh i think most ppl just dont really care, this was never meant as a OMG go and ban that person now because if that were the case i would have reported it to RightNow with evidence.

The main problem i feel is that the community at large is too relaxed about cheating and cheaters becuase it is such comman place now in one respect or another, Macroing, Afking xping, radar, speed hacks etc And as such most ppl couldnt care less.

Why would you when GoA have showed us time and time again, there bans or closures are very wimsical (sp?). Plenty of accounts that have been band for serious cheating have been reinstated. What good is that if no-one has any fear of commiting an in-game "crime".

Apart from the fact that ppl who do cheat and are allowed to continue corupt the mentality of the server slowly because people believe it to be the norm and/or acceptable.

You only have to look to America, with the release of NF and the NEW anti-Radar code. Absolutly loads of players were complaining becuase they felt/feel they cant compete otherwise. And so the spread continues with acceptance of everyday players.

This has never been aimed at AoD so i dont know why some ppl have decided to take the moral high ground when Requiel has even said it is cheating... You only have to look back through and there is a CLEAR definition from him.

Most of it I couldnt careless about what other ppl do or do not do:
A) because there is nothing a person(s) or by-enlarge a community can realistically do (Authority must come from higher up).
B) You dont come across it in everyday's gaming session on a regular basis.

But for instance hardcore RvRs who play day in day out against the same grps etc, now i can imagine getting beat by them time and time again because they had some unfair illegal advantage would slightly anoy me.

The same as if i went to XP at a spot and found some person abusing for a long period of time unlawfully. I have nps if someone is genuinally Xping because they are putting in teh time and effort we all should have to do.

Why SHOULD I be penalised by someone elses actions? I shouldnt so i have informed the community and hopefully the person involved to which end I hope that person doesnt repeat said actions. This way might dmg reputations of more than one person (mine included). But what it does do is side step GoA and also give another chance to the person(s).

But honestly who cares what a load of small minded people think. I dont.

Platina said:
Its not a problem but i c lots of albs getting pissed over krieg for being honest and i dont think he ha anything wrong i cba tbh wtf you albs are doing just wanted to show kreig hes not alone etc. im a kind person irl tbh

Oo my this posts looks like shit lol

There are more ppl i respect from other realms these days then my own, as the morale qualities vanish and leave only a crust of powergamers who are more concerned about pwning than doing the right thing over other ppl.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Escape said:
+ I'd agree that PL'ers (necro, ice-wiz etc) do more to damage the community and levelling experience, than an afk cabalist in a forgotten zone! But 'The Cup' is soo evil, it needs to be punished! So the old zones can stay forgotten and PL'ers go about corrupting XP groups throughout Albion.

Its the attitudes that need to change, if ppl pay more attention to this than Radar users etc it still brings light to the whole subject hopefully leading to better awareness and less tollerance for cheating in general.

All the radar whines have pretty much died out, because either GoA lack the evidence to act on players/ppl or will not act apon them for fear of backlash from the community or simply dont care, and are just bideing there time for 1.70 which will hopefully rid some of these things.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Smellysox said:
If they want to do it let them imo .. at the end of the day its not your responsiblty if it goes tits up on you then you face the crap that comes with it eg-Flamed - Kicked from game . To start thread instead of report with unsufficiant screenshots holds nothing to no one and tbh is unfair to the person who this thread is all about .Im not saying i dont believe wat the guy seen in DM but innocent until proven guilty i do believe in ..

That much is true, but ppl dont rant off normally when its crystal clear, it doesnt mater what you believe or do not believe. Awareness was the main issue, official action is about as useful as a wet fart imo. Even with solid no questions asked evidence there is always excuses flying out of teh woodwork.

You only need to look at the Macroer who got banned jju, he was claiming his kids and his gf made him turn to using macro progs thats just lol. The CoC and Eula arent enforced enough and arent clear enough regarding all circumstances, they might as well be a guide line.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Omg 10 pages of fucking whine.. :eek:

Its not that bigger deal for fucks sake. Yeah its lame and <Insent Random Newb> gets exp he/she hasnt worked for, but it isnt the end of the world so quit the QQ and file a report if it bothers you that much.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
AngeLujo said:
this is it! u found the key dood, now use it!

yes thats right i did.

I informed the community and the person involved that there actions were less than appropriate. Requiel has cleared up that it was/is abuses. Im not going o be sending any ss's or vids in, but im sure GoA have all the logs they require if they want to purse it.
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