Most regular people never see a difference, its not a passing comment its a fact. Thats why blu-ray hasnt taken off at all, not like the great VHS to DVD change over
whether most people can even see the difference between a high-definition DVD image and a standard definition one.
ABI’s principal analyst, Steve Wilson, says that the answer for many, is no.
Sparx's article said:With standard definition DVD players often including technology that can “upconvert” regular DVDs to near-HD quality
All this said, I still think downloadable content will be the future (only with the advent of regular 50+ Mbits services).
I think claiming upscalers are polishing a turd, and that most people couldn't tell the difference, are two extremes which are both wrong.
Samsung Bloke said:Citing online rental sites like LoveFilm's adoption of Blu-ray titles, the move to offer cheaper players and a now clear path to adoption following the Blu-ray HD DVD battle, Griffith says the format will be a winner, although not for long.
Instead Samsung is putting its faith in its OLED technology.
On a 19" you will barely notice any difference. I dont know anyone who has a TV larger that 36". And testing using my upscaler and HD DVD (used Firefly i have it in HD DVD and reg DVD) and no-one could tell any difference at all
He is right though, not EVERYONE has a nice big HD TV, even fewer have blue ray players.
Taking one wanky disposable film like the latest batman isn't a good idea, you should find total DVD sales vs total blueray sales.
DVD took a while to start replacing VHS remember.
Judging by my experience of Panasonic goods I'm guessing Panny ship them to Sony then Sony put them together properly. I don't have 1 bit of Panasonic equipment that still works as it should - hence me stopping buying them. I'll stick to Samsung and Sony thanks.
Anyway on topic I don't think PS3 has failed at all. It's got an excellent installed user base and it still has plenty of years life left in it. Let's judge PS3 when PS4 is out shall we?