prydwen news -Rogs


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Esselinithia said:
Shanaia: We don't know how much money, and we still don't have a chance to play with many characters and groups, and tbh. if you don't like unhappy people complaining, try to make people happy.

I've already given a lot of money away... I've already given a lot of my items away (just check my vendors they're mostly empty) and I've already started crafted for friends that lost armor... mostly for free or material cost. What's your point? I'm not giving you stuff? 1. I have no idea who/what realm you are 2. I doubt that we could be friends in game :(

I'm still looking at getting my infil restored myself actually... crafting 4 new bits for her template ... and I was mainly playing that character the last couple of weeks so I'm just as "hit" as you are ...

Yet I'm not whining ... am I? Because I realise... like most grownups I might add... that whining won't make the GOA GM's work more then they are already now. It won't make them change their point of view ... if anything it will make them stop caring for reading your posts at which point you're shooting yourself in the foot. Or it might make them stop caring about this forum at which point you're shooting all of us in the feet.

fyi I have the GM's on my msn because I used to be an E&E ... and because they log in pretty much as soon as they come in the office I can see how long their days are atm ... and they're making long days trust me. They take decisions they believe are in the best interest of the server and off the game. They don't earn a buck more or less regardless of their decisions but their overall goal is to make sure the quality of the game is guaranteed for as far as they can influence it. Which is further in some cases then in others.

Try being a bit more grown up in your posts ... try making suggestions ... try seeing it from their perspective ... try not being a twat that seems to enjoy stirring up shit by actually making up stuff ... seriously you have issues with that what the fuck is that about anyway? You give the word "assumption" a whole new meaning you actually mastered basing assumptions on completely flawed assumptions you made in earlier posts. You related to Thugs by any chance?

Wait a bit. Play another game. Go out into the sun. Heaven forbid go to a bar and meet new people! Play another character if you really can't live without DAOC

So many things to do ... and you chose to lurk and whine on a forum about how much you "lost" in a virtual world even before you know how much you get back... gg!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
glad to hear the rog things are in addition to cash, means things are getting better :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Corran said:
Well it shows how much you know me to be honest.I often go out my way to help people, stopping what I was doing if i am able to (wont leave group as sods them up but if solo will stop what up to)

Corran: Wrong, but lets see from this point, and imho this time we can agree: The most important thing in the game is fun. Several people said, if I give everything to friends and don't get the best gear, I will burn out, maybe, but I still enjoy raids and helping other people, and in game fun is more important than plats. With this downtime I lost a few things that are hard to replace:
  • Some friends, including guildies from a guild I spent 2 years in with most of my characters, and that kept me in game, lost stuff from all their chars. Can't play with them, it reduces the chance to have fun in game when I log in. Imagine you have friends, who were the reason for you to pay the subs when you was unable to log in for month, to be in guild, make sure the guild village stay, etc. and now it looks realy hurt by these events. Imagine people you tried to chat with, grp with all the time unable to play, or unable to grp with you.
  • If I log in and it is boring solo and can't do what I wanted, that is also dissapointing, and can reduce the motive to play. It hurts badly, but it is very easy to help with it.
  • To keep you going, you often set yourself goals, these goals give you important motivation in game, and if it vanishes, that hurts the game badly. Sadly this long downtime killed most of this motivation, killed a lots of goals. And till most friends are back up, and can play I can't do much about it.
  • Most of the motivation comes from stability and ability to plan and reach your goals, if a lot of stuff become unstable and don't know what will happen tomorrow, can't work to patch up the most important damage that is another loss.
  • 2 weeks of solo leveling a char / or duoing with a lower level one can reduce the fun factor in daoc, even more. When you log in and feel nothing to done, and when you think about why not leveling a new alt fed up with xping, because in last 2 weeks you had no chance to do anything else... That hurts
It can be continued. You say you tend to help people who ask for it, and I think it is something we have in common. The hardest time for me was when many people left to WoW, it was a loss, a loss where you lost some common interests with long term friends, and friends are part of real life. Lots of the people you say constantly whineing simply have nothing left to do in daoc, either for a few weeks, and lose motivation each day when they don't have fun in daoc, or for a much longer time.

I don't like soloing. I don't like most RVR. If there are no raids, no PVE groups going I can join, there is very little fun in game for me. And sadly, the only characters I could exp now are on same account, as my buffbot who lost everything. It all comes to "lack of fun" and when you see on FH for good news, when you check your emails for news from goa, you only get bad news, your posts will reflect that.

If I would see, hunts raids, etc. getting organized on FH, friends having fun and not leaving in game, some group to get the game going I would be much happier. Sad people who can't do much daoc related to post here make post refleciting their oppinion. It can be changed in one way: by changing their oppinions.

Unlike Shanaia, you are one of the visible helpers of community, but if you don't try to move things forward, goa and volunteers won't try to move things forward what will change our mood?

Honestly? I hoped I will enjoy the increased xp greatly, and would be very happy to play with my low level alts, and use this chance to level, and if some of the items I get back some will vanish, I will be very happy.

What is missing?
  • Some bits of info say once in a few hours, that tells you what number they are at in fixing rightnow requests. If I would have this info, I would be able to play on my low levels without feeling, I might lose my turn with my bot, and would enjoy the benefits of bonuses. 1 post every 3 hours or so can make a lot of people happier. Everyone can try a new alt and enjoy leveling with catacombs, etc. Sadly my main account is full with alts already :(
  • Accurate info for having some kind of security. Noone from GOA said what they will do if you don't remember most of stuff you had, and you lost much on several characters. Requiel just told about how these gems will work, and this also meant, people who tried to plan to get back on their feet with compensation changed a lot of plans before.
  • I lost some arti I haven't activated yet, they arties replaced will be level 10, If I get back an active arti, I have to get different gear than if I get it back not yet activated.
  • If I replace some items I lost either from vault, or from buying it, don't know how the compensation items will work. As long as I don't know what will be replaced I can't plan, and I feel I lose money with every day. CM prices rise, more stuff get bought from CMs.
Yes, as you see, 99% of it all is easy to solve with a few posts a day. If the first missing bit would be solved, more groups, more happy friends would be the result. Lots of small answers missing, and these stuff can be an important for people who want to recover.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Shanaia said:
So many things to do ... and you chose to lurk and whine on a forum about how much you "lost" in a virtual world even before you know how much you get back... gg!

Shanaia: You said see things from a perspective. I told several times where are the problem. I think the problem comes from several realy trivial stuff, and yes, if GOA says, they need help with solving any of it, I would be one of the first who would volunteer.
  • Lack of "back up plan", but people learn from their mistakes, and I think GOA will have a backup plan from now on, no reason to discuss it.
  • Missing key information for recovery. The money they give can buy less and less, you have less and less bonus days remaining. For this, I would suggest a Good FAQ, and a (moderated) subforum for helping each other. Again this suggestion was mentioned. It takes about 5 minutes to set up, and we can maintain it. And it means people can start buying stuff and can compensated by money / items later. Can plan and play earlier.
  • Information about when your rightnow report is getting reviewed. When they start reviewing a report, they can send a stock reply quickly, and this way we should know, we should be ready for replaced items in a few minutes, and can play the game till that with new alts on same account. For alternate options see my previous posts.
  • Help from volunteers with events.
And if you helped others in game, can you tell me your characters names? From what I see, we both tend to give out stuff to people, and I think it is the best way to help.

Think about our discussion.
I have problems.
You say I should be happy with them.
It not gonna happen. And I will simply disagree since there are several problems we face. So I will answer.
You flame.
You get a reply to these attacks.

You said, assumptions are bad, if it is the only thing we can use for planning the comming days, it is sad. You say, you post to correct this, your own decision, and it is a fine and noble cause. But without having most information, people who know how networked software doing real time communication runs will use their experience for guessing what can happen / what to prepare for. I would be much more happy, if we would have information and wouldn't have to trust personal experience. Imho in this aspect, both have a valid piece of truth in our words.

But now lets see how the whine can be stopped:

I say I have a problem
Instead of flaming, telling me to be happy, ask how do you think you solve it?
I say: If I would know when I will get replacement items I would exp, but have no info.
We figure out to make a web page / topic / etc. for people who got stuff back telling where GOA is at handling rightnow numbers. After contacting a mod about this sticky, I would be exping on my characters and smile.

If I say: I don't know what and when will I get back, so can't buy gear for my BB and it will be more expensive tomorrow, and want to play, then you can decide that you might use my BB while PLing an alt or farming or.., and I can get a temp suit from some rogs. Or can decide you know people who might buy the most important items later, so I can buy, and if I get the same items back... you can help selling

If you argue with people unhappy and they say they should be happy, that is pointless: They are unhappy, and if you argue they will keep telling you they are still unhappy, if you aren't try to argue try to fugure out something with them, they will be happy.

Same as what you say about talking with goa goes both ways. And if we would handle this discussion this way, GOA would see how problems got helped and would listen to both problems and solutions. Arguing and flaming people who might be very nice in game, maybe even friends isn't the most effective. Do we agree on this?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Am I the only one who's brain turns to cheese after reading more than one line of Esselinithia's posts?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Another idea is bring back those chests they had on Test server - then we could just spend hours grabbing stuff - and they already have the code for this :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 15, 2004
chretien said:
Am I the only one who's brain turns to cheese after reading more than one line of Esselinithia's posts?

Mine's a bit runny, yes :/

I was lucky enough to only have a 20-something character lose stuff.
I'll be happy if I can get the level 20 trainer vest invisible quest reset,
and perhaps the merchant-bought staff.


Dec 22, 2003
It seems Ess is one of those people that complains for the sake of complaining. Most of the time he whines without hard facts of reasoning, i.e goa said they give money as well as tickets and she whined about how the money compensation would be decresed..err? where does it say that?

Whatever GOA do there will be whiners, and people that say they are going to quit every post but don't actully do it don't hold any weight with me or quite a few others here.

Oh Ess don't bother replying I know what you will say 1. About my account not being affected negativly (Btw I lost 5 plat, but yeah thats nothing compared to everyone else so I am not even right nowing it) 2. Insulting me but trying to put it across in a long way 3. Just call me a few names, or finally 4. Try to convince me how hard done by you all are. However I have 3 more accounts on prydwen that I have not checked yet so I probably lost stuff, but my philosophy on life is "Shit happens" and I find it suits me well.

If I could help out the people affected I would, but I dont have anything on my CM that could help people..just scrolls/artifacts so I will not lower any prices. I can help out people with stuff if they need a minstrel with a pet and they contact me ingame but thats about all I can do.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
chretien said:
Am I the only one who's brain turns to cheese after reading more than one line of Esselinithia's posts?

my brain turned into milk just scrolling this thread :~


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
it doesnt matter how much extra time the GMs are working, it doesnt matter that mythic are doing a great job supporting them. This should never have happened in the first place, i just can not believe that GOA didnt have back ups of thier database. The GMs take a lot of abuse from people when its not directly thier fault, but they are the first contact for many people so this will ofc happen.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
You're posting too much, Esselinthia, people are skipping your posts and losing interest in the thread.

Oh, and Raven, GOA did have backups, but obviously the backups had the same DB corruption, so not much to do. :( (Of course, the corruption should never have happened in the first place, but that could just as well have been Mythic's fault due to some coding mistake.)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Belomar said:
You're posting too much, Esselinthia, people are skipping your posts and losing interest in the thread.

Oh, and Raven, GOA did have backups, but obviously the backups had the same DB corruption, so not much to do. :( (Of course, the corruption should never have happened in the first place, but that could just as well have been Mythic's fault due to some coding mistake.)

Yeah I am amongst of those ppl who just skip posts by this Esselinthia poster :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Belisar said:
To be fair this was far from clear in the intial post. I misunderstood as well and so did many others.

My question in the post above is relevant, do I now get less cash or are peeps who got cash only now losing out ?

I just want things to be fair and even - not a lot to ask.
I must admit I also misunderstood this.
I took it as because I was unable to report it due to work until the evening then I had got the short end of the stick.
Seems that is'nt the case now.
Still ain't been sorted tho guess I best get crafting :(


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
more than about 3 lines of Ess's posts and my brain is dribbling out through my nostrils. I'm not entirely sure why though - too many conjunctions or something.

It's true, but then you need to also consider that this is why they need to reverse the previous decision, imo, and that it's going to have impacts however that will really be antagonistic to the process and cause problems, further down the line but which will easily be fixed, by something that should have been changed earlier, however you must realise that it's something that could have been prevented, and that it's not just the tin foil hats, that are causing the problems, but people are doing their best and its not fair to blame that, but you should be complaining to the faceless people that run everything.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
chretien said:
Am I the only one who's brain turns to cheese after reading more than one line of Esselinithia's posts?

Mr.Brand said:
Mine's a bit runny, yes :/

Gamah said:
It seems Ess is one of those people that complains for the sake of complaining.

MaditioN said:
my brain turned into milk just scrolling this thread :~

Belomar said:
You're posting too much, Esselinthia, people are skipping your posts and losing interest in the thread.

Ixoth said:
Yeah I am amongst of those ppl who just skip posts by this Esselinthia poster :twak:

Umgrud said:

Flimgoblin said:
more than about 3 lines of Ess's posts and my brain is dribbling out through my nostrils. I'm not entirely sure why though - too many conjunctions or something.

I rest my case.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well, it is understandable why ppl complaint, this screwup will affect most ppl on this server for a long time - far beyond the compensation period that was given.
About the corupted database.....
A thing like this has never happened to Mythic, and the reason why is - I believe, that Mythic use multiple backup medias, saved for longer periods of time before being reused. If GoA use the same backupmedia on a weekly basis, the risk of having a corupted backup is greater. I would also believe that this will never happend again, now that they have learned of their mistake, and now will spend more time and money in backup procedure.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
A thing like this has never happened to Mythic, and the reason why is - I believe, that Mythic use multiple backup medias, saved for longer periods of time before being reused.

I`m almost 100% sure that GoA is using a similar system with multiple backups etc. and I`m sure that older versions of backups do exist. The thing is however, that they aim to minimize the impact for the players (=try to use the "newest" version) and simultaneously try to eliminate the risk of the same problem showing up again. Stuff like this can happen once. If it´s happening again, it would be a worst case scenario.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Esselinithia said:
Look at how Gamah, Dorimor, etc. celebrates that we lost stuff, I have at least 3 stripped characters don't know about other missing items, and I am very very pissed because of insensitive people saying me to be happy. But know what? I will be happy, on my US accounts.

Gamah has a big mouth, frankly I dont listen to him so not bothered by anything he says, I'm suprised that anybody else is bothered too.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Belisar said:
Seems the rog vouchers are an addition to the cash replacement to rogs.

Next question then is do peeps get less cash back for rogs as they are getting vouchers/gems as well ?

Lets hope that is the case, as far as I am concerned they can keep the vouchers, I'm rubbish at lottos if I got a 1000 rogs 1 would be good and then I'd accidently sell it :)


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Belomar said:
You're posting too much, Esselinthia, people are skipping your posts and losing interest in the thread.

Oh, and Raven, GOA did have backups, but obviously the backups had the same DB corruption, so not much to do. :( (Of course, the corruption should never have happened in the first place, but that could just as well have been Mythic's fault due to some coding mistake.)

Unfortunatly backups should be the answer, otherwise what is the point of taking them?.

There must have been something seriously wrong or something that was not considered when the irreversable changes to the DB took place, if I recall from Req's posts on the other forums some changes were made to the DB to do with clustering that prevented a full rollback.

I dont know what really happened, but I do know that if there is not a plan in place there had better be one know.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Tay said:
Unfortunatly backups should be the answer, otherwise what is the point of taking them?.

There must have been something seriously wrong or something that was not considered when the irreversable changes to the DB took place, if I recall from Req's posts on the other forums some changes were made to the DB to do with clustering that prevented a full rollback.

I dont know what really happened, but I do know that if there is not a plan in place there had better be one know.

would be interesting to see if excalibur and prydwen share the same DB when clustered



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
No, they will still be seperate servers after all. The only thing they'll share is locations of characters and what they are up to. Who is nuking who, etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Deepflame said:
No, they will still be seperate servers after all. The only thing they'll share is locations of characters and what they are up to. Who is nuking who, etc.

they must share some tuples or primary keys in the DB tables, as you wont be able to create a character with the same name, unless it is before cluster

so there must be some cross referencing at least



Jan 22, 2005
In my defense, I lost a RoG suit, some artefacts and plats on Prdywen, I did not gain anything from the community, I don't even have a house. My post was positive, or trying to be, then wankers like (Unamed), (Unamed) post negative, you are the ones who are killing the game, in which part did I say 'Well I don't care as I can take advantage of this' all I said was to try and move on and make the best of things, please get a life. If you are so upset stop playing, please do.

Edit: I'm not an excal player, I'm a prydwen player, Prydwen is my main server.

Esselenthia, at what point did I say I was happy that people last their items, fucking hell, get a grip people! I lost items aswell, but I'm making the best of things, perhaps you should too.

Elitestoner, same as above basically, I had chars stripped, who are you to post and assume that I don't care and have no items stripped, hell I'm pissed off I lost my items but I ain't whining 24/7 like your friend Esselenithia.


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
scorge said:
they must share some tuples or primary keys in the DB tables, as you wont be able to create a character with the same name, unless it is before cluster

so there must be some cross referencing at least


Hehe...something goes wrong and suddenly everyone's a DBadmin. Now, surely any checks for unique names would be done at the application level when you click the Next button. Look in excal.db...nope. Look in pryd.db...nope. Okay, you can have that name. Much easier than messing about trying to link databases together. In fact, I'd be very surprised if there was ANY joining of the server data at all, since they've stated that the process is reversible. If you're at an ME on Excal, you'll look at the Excal DB...on Prydwen, you'll look at the Pryd DB.

Just my opinion of course.

Oh yeah...this ROG idea seems pretty silly to me. That said, if you have 100p to burn, you'll have a good chance of getting some silly super-ROG. This is another thing that can potentially help the people who lost very little or nothing, but won't do much for those who lost everything.


Jan 22, 2005
Nerf edit timer

My post was positive, I did not at any point say I was pleased that people had their chars stripped, I am not happy that people lost their items, my best mate had 3 of his chars stripped, stop being so ignorant.

Heres my post again:

Dorimor1 said:
Lmao, dooooooooom, dooooooooom!

Fucking hell peeps, give it a rest!! Biggest cock-up in MMORPG history? Come on, get a clue mates. Ok, they didn't give us the best of compensations but this won't kill the game, people will move on, change their templates, get other RoGs, perhaps better RoGs. The market will steadily go back to normal and the economy will settle again.

Life is part of moving on and we all need to learn that someday, GoA have done the best they can, live with it. Move on and just be thankful for what you've had restored, don't sit on your PC and whine.

Forget and forgive, look on the bright side, lets put this behind us.

Here is a little task for you peeps, try and spot where I said I was pleased you lost your items, that I don't care.

I've never been attacked like this on the forums, thats why I'm so annoyed - especially when my post was meant to be a positive one.


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Deepflame said:
Keyword is chance.

Yeah...that's why it sucks hard for anyone who is trying to rebuild their characters template with their 75p compo. However, if I had 100p sitting on a farming bot and all my chars were fine, then I'd be up for some lottoing action.



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Killswitch said:
Yeah...that's why it sucks hard for anyone who is trying to rebuild their characters template with their 75p compo. However, if I had 100p sitting on a farming bot and all my chars were fine, then I'd be up for some lottoing action.

Fair enough, I'd probably do the same. The two chars I got wiped were kitted in rogs, though, I did spend a lot of time gathering them, especially for my buffbot. I'm most annoyed my buffbot got cleared because now I have no buffs. :)

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