prydwen news -Rogs


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004
They need to have a mechanism where you can pick what you want. For example, if they had it so that the generated ROG's sell for 990g (and you get a token for 1p), then you could keep trying. After a week, they reset them back to selling for the standard amount.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Werrin said:
Tried it, kind of PoC drop, wasted 1p for shit, sold for 5g after...
ppl lose stuff like 5+ dex cap 5+ power pool etc, very nice rogs, and get that shit after. Better to dont do this, make fool from all ppl who lost lots! Can buy better from CMs than this crap. That rog made me total upset, how the hell can they think thats worth anything... Every1 know its bullshit who realy thinks about it.

It shows perfectly how much GOA staff knows about the game, if they don't know a different a rog with 99% or 100% qual and good utility and toa stats that can reach you insane power pool modifers what fits in your template, and an 5g AC salvage rog, then I don't know what they do know.

Honestly? What I would expect after this: Mythic put effort to make different mobs work in different ways with water, some can follow you even if you go from an island to underwater, others can't some water based monsters can cross to the lands some can't. Probably put a lot of effort in creating this tactical element, many many workhours. GOA says, if you dive / surface to make you or your cleric unreachable to mobs that is bug abuse. A feature that was made with lots of effort is labeled as bug. Probably when Mythic determined mob levels, and drops they knew, crocs can go everywhere while fishes can't, etc. They make the rules we follow them.

If they have no way to automate restoring present state from logs (with everything) and a db backup, then something is very very wrong on their side as well.

Another older story: On an ML10 raid, we asked a GM for portal, he said he can't give out clues or tips, hibs were in the zone, so it was a real good decision, but when other GMs gave out such clues, and after the quest for ML10 compass were added, GM haven't told people who asking about ML10 to "look for a quest that can give you a clue." etc. but say can't give out clue, and when asking about the quest in specific still don't recognize it that is funny. Maybe someday people will get banned for finding the zone instantly, by using a quest item?

Not noticing a database problem when they have to restart the server, and not checking databases was another wise choice.

A lot of bugous item data remained in the database after all the checking, like scrolls equiped by people, midgard only items in albion.

After all this problems the compensation isn't much, and it is even worse for people who can't realy enjoy the benefits from in game bonuses due to lost items, late addition of free days. And a lot will suffer because they got like 100 gold worth of rogs for a good template, others got 75p + several good scrolls on thid scrolls for about 400g worth of lost value. Now we know the G in goa stands for Gimps...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
basically, this is the biggest fuck up goa have ever made in their history of running prydwen, and in an attempt to fix it they are just throwing fuel onto the fire


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Basically with their attemptied fixes it is one of the biggest fuckups in whole MMORPG industry.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ofc they can recreate rogs, they can create 1 off drops (the ones from the x-realm event in thid for example) so i really dont see how they can say they cant....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Raven said:
ofc they can recreate rogs, they can create 1 off drops (the ones from the x-realm event in thid for example) so i really dont see how they can say they cant....

mythic said they cant give more than 4 char slots :S


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dorin said:
mythic said they cant give more than 4 char slots :S
The later is a reasonable decisions: Hard disc sizes were limited, and this led to a limited database size, if they don't move to a new architecture, and with the player / account count active for servers it is a reasonable limit.

Not creating static drops with powers of old rogs: Not adding 30000 new item types to item database is another decision. Probably this is because of RAM limits.

BUT, if they copy the same item data to the database, it should result in an exact duplicate for an item. If they just run a script, that select all characters with empty inventory / vault, and then look up the same data in a backup database (can use database servers they would use with test servers for it) and copy all items to the new database... Then there should be no problem.

Before you would question this by saying: What if rogs are in a different database, and their bonuses depends on their position in database: You would have backups of that db as well, and if you drop the bugous data: You can put back the old rog data in position. If you readd only good items so that position would get filled up => Lots of bugous changed items would be the result.

Recreating ROGs with GM commands only isn't a viable option, since they probably don't know seeds, etc. used by a PRNG on item creation to create the rogs. If seed isn't stored it is lost for them, and no easy way to learn it.


Jan 22, 2005
Lmao, dooooooooom, dooooooooom!

Fucking hell peeps, give it a rest!! Biggest cock-up in MMORPG history? Come on, get a clue mates. Ok, they didn't give us the best of compensations but this won't kill the game, people will move on, change their templates, get other RoGs, perhaps better RoGs. The market will steadily go back to normal and the economy will settle again.

Life is part of moving on and we all need to learn that someday, GoA have done the best they can, live with it. Move on and just be thankful for what you've had restored, don't sit on your PC and whine.

Forget and forgive, look on the bright side, lets put this behind us.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i was bored so chucked a few plat at the merchants. Came out with some pretty average util items with 0 toa bonuses, a cple of high bonus but very low uv items .. only one *worthwhile* item and that was a 13%pp bracer. Not particularly stunning mind.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
It's not just the crappy rog's and the worthless moneycompensation. It is the total setback for 70% of the players, who now need to spent months to recreate their chars. The compensation should also include increased spawnrate on all artimobs, from wich many templates rely on sidedrops.


Jun 22, 2005
Yea thats all well and good but what about my MP armors??
I got 15p and at first thought it was ok till i noticed today the MP armor i`d made for my scout and paladin aswell as my MP cloth armor all sets are nowhere to be found
Everyones getting 50+ plat and i got a poxy 15plat

I`m now left with a few MP parts i had on my CM`s and the bill to make more (which i`ll never do from the 15plat compo i`ve gotten)
WTG GOA 2 more subs going to WoW

I was under the impression as i`d reported my stuff gone before the server went down i wouldn`t have lost nowt else
It`s taken me lots of scroll/gold farming and a hell of a lot of hours spent crafting liners to make armors and now i`m left with a bitter taste in my mouth and an outlook of selling up everything else i own and moving on...


One of Freddy's beloved
Sep 20, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
GoA have done the best they can, live with it.

That seems to be a matter of opinion.

If you lost nothing you are in clover, you get max time for the rp and xp bonus.

If you lost some gear and got a RN report in early, you are pretty well off as you have a stack of cash and a choice of what to do with it (although currently not much to spend it on). You also have a chance to get a fair chunk of the time available for the rp and xp bonus.

If you got a RN report in late (perhaps you were at work) you are still waiting for the items to be sorted. Therefore you may not be able to play. On that basis you do not get the same benefit from the rp and xp bonus time (already two days lost). Oh and now instead of cash they give you vouchers for a rog lottery which does not give you any guarantee of anything remotely useful to your toon(s).

GOA have not been fair. They have not thought this through. They have not realised that some people are now a lot better off than others.

To my mind they should have delayed the rp/xp bonus time until people's items were sorted (as far as they could be) thus giving us all the same time to farm rp's or xp as we desired. They also should not change the rules on item recovery part way through as it clearly impacts on those who still need sorting.

I would hate to think this is their best. I suspect it is more a panic reaction to a problem they did not appreciate the size of and have not thought through properly.

As for living with it, well we have little choice atm - either than or leave the game. But if people who have been shafted already and look like they are going to be shafted again want to vent their spleen then best let them be.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Esselinithia said:
The later is a reasonable decisions: Hard disc sizes were limited, and this led to a limited database size, if they don't move to a new architecture, and with the player / account count active for servers it is a reasonable limit.

Not creating static drops with powers of old rogs: Not adding 30000 new item types to item database is another decision. Probably this is because of RAM limits.

BUT, if they copy the same item data to the database, it should result in an exact duplicate for an item. If they just run a script, that select all characters with empty inventory / vault, and then look up the same data in a backup database (can use database servers they would use with test servers for it) and copy all items to the new database... Then there should be no problem.

Before you would question this by saying: What if rogs are in a different database, and their bonuses depends on their position in database: You would have backups of that db as well, and if you drop the bugous data: You can put back the old rog data in position. If you readd only good items so that position would get filled up => Lots of bugous changed items would be the result.

Recreating ROGs with GM commands only isn't a viable option, since they probably don't know seeds, etc. used by a PRNG on item creation to create the rogs. If seed isn't stored it is lost for them, and no easy way to learn it.

Erm, I was a storage consultant when this game was in development and I was putting in multi terabyte solutions, disk sizes were not the issue.

The ROG issue is realtivly simple, with named drops I suppose it a case of selecting item XYZ from a DB and placing it in ZYX's inventory, with ROGs your gonna have to ask what the specs were for each and every item with anything from 4-8 stats...that is simply not feasible.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
dorimor: In past 12 months, the english servers community shrunk by about 25%, a lot of people hoped clustering will have a positive effect on the community, and wondering if they should come back, with this 2 week of downtime, and who knows how long period of problems, I doubt if they are encouraged to come back and play again.

Worse, people who lose the motive to play now, will question if they should invest more money in game, and as you see, no matter how big the spanish speaking market is, GOA can't realy get enough new players to make the servers well populated. If you can add that several people won't have well equiped characters and don't like farming for templates, and leave, it is hard to compensate for the lost players, it is a long term effect. One of the long term problems we certainly face now.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
Lmao, dooooooooom, dooooooooom!

Fucking hell peeps, give it a rest!! Biggest cock-up in MMORPG history? Come on, get a clue mates. Ok, they didn't give us the best of compensations but this won't kill the game, people will move on, change their templates, get other RoGs, perhaps better RoGs. The market will steadily go back to normal and the economy will settle again.

Life is part of moving on and we all need to learn that someday, GoA have done the best they can, live with it. Move on and just be thankful for what you've had restored, don't sit on your PC and whine.

Forget and forgive, look on the bright side, lets put this behind us.

I dont want to change my templates, I dont want to look for differant stuff, mainly because somebody is going to give me vouchers that I dont have a choice of what I get...

You really should understand the arguments before ploughing in and saying we should be thankfull we got something back.

Clearly you got naff all to do with your your time as youre sitting at your PC telling people what to do with thier own cash....what does that make you?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
yurithegreat said:
I was under the impression as i`d reported my stuff gone before the server went down i wouldn`t have lost nowt else
It`s taken me lots of scroll/gold farming and a hell of a lot of hours spent crafting liners to make armors and now i`m left with a bitter taste in my mouth and an outlook of selling up everything else i own and moving on...

Try reporting the rest ? Lots more was lost after the server went down, it'll be understood.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tay said:
Erm, I was a storage consultant when this game was in development and I was putting in multi terabyte solutions, disk sizes were not the issue.

In EU or in US? And if you say, you were a storage consultant, can you tell me the size of a character with inventory, vault, quest data, looks, stats, speccs, rp, lwrp. Or the size of a log you can get from 1 day?

You say, you decided much more than they needed (significantly more) say more than two times the amount of storage space they needed for safe operations, logs, and they said: "ok we pay much more for having unused storage space we don't need"?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tay said:
I dont want to change my templates, I dont want to look for differant stuff, mainly because somebody is going to give me vouchers that I dont have a choice of what I get...

People who gained stuff on the expense of others are celebrating, it shows much about the community, and lack of support, and rude comments can drive even more players away :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Lmao, dooooooooom, dooooooooom!

Fucking hell peeps, give it a rest!! Biggest cock-up in MMORPG history? Come on, get a clue mates. Ok, they didn't give us the best of compensations but this won't kill the game, people will move on, change their templates, get other RoGs, perhaps better RoGs. The market will steadily go back to normal and the economy will settle again.

Life is part of moving on and we all need to learn that someday, GoA have done the best they can, live with it. Move on and just be thankful for what you've had restored, don't sit on your PC and whine.

Forget and forgive, look on the bright side, lets put this behind us.

Spot the guy who has lost nothing other than any sort of clue.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Elitestoner said:
basically, this is the biggest fuck up goa have ever made in their history of running prydwen, and in an attempt to fix it they are just throwing fuel onto the fire
Can't agree more now have tried to be be patient with this but with 4 chars fucked up thro no fault of my own I keep wondering if this is some sick joke


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dandare said:
Can't agree more now have tried to be be patient with this but with 4 chars fucked up thro no fault of my own I keep wondering if this is some sick joke
Or a subtle clue saying, you should move to other games / US servers etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Esselinithia said:
Or a subtle clue saying, you should move to other games / US servers etc.
Dunno,are you suggesting what I think you are?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Honestly, I think you can determine if GOA looks like a serious bussiness concerned about keeping its customers after a major problem on their side, or not. If they don't put effort in short term compensations where they can lose many customers quickly you can ask yourself, will they put effort to keep people on a long run? If you answer these questions, it is up to you to decide if you still want to be one of their customers :)


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Esselinithia said:
In EU or in US? And if you say, you were a storage consultant, can you tell me the size of a character with inventory, vault, quest data, looks, stats, speccs, rp, lwrp. Or the size of a log you can get from 1 day?

You say, you decided much more than they needed (significantly more) say more than two times the amount of storage space they needed for safe operations, logs, and they said: "ok we pay much more for having unused storage space we don't need"?

erm, what I said was when this game was in development I was a consultant in the storage arena, there were few databases bigger than 8TiB, and I'm pretty sure DAOC isnt quite that big.

Therefore, HD's was not the limiting factor when it came to DB design for DAOC, lack of vision perhaps or even cost, but not capacity.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Lmao, dooooooooom, dooooooooom!

Fucking hell peeps, give it a rest!! Biggest cock-up in MMORPG history? Come on, get a clue mates. Ok, they didn't give us the best of compensations but this won't kill the game, people will move on, change their templates, get other RoGs, perhaps better RoGs. The market will steadily go back to normal and the economy will settle again.

Life is part of moving on and we all need to learn that someday, GoA have done the best they can, live with it. Move on and just be thankful for what you've had restored, don't sit on your PC and whine.

Forget and forgive, look on the bright side, lets put this behind us.

let me guess, excal player ? (no offence to other excalians, just pointing out this isnt the talk of someone who was affected) imagine if u logged on your player tomorrow morning, and it was totally naked. u had a vault full of items. a house vault full of unused artifacts and scroll books, which u havnt checked in weeks and cant remember. how would u feel?

worse yet, your template contained a rog, it had 10 dex cap and 10 pie cap (for example) that rog is gone FOREVER, u can never build the template u once had. worse yet u now need to:

1. go through the effort of contacting goa, and trying to catagorise everything u owned, which could easily be 150 items.
2.u now have to find a tailor and get him to make you some MP cloth
3.u now have to find a spellcrafter to sc your equip.
4. and alch it
5. u have to totally remake your template. you might have got your artis and named items back, but that rog u used, is replaced with some shitty token that gives u a 30 util rog.

whats worse is that u cant enjoy the rp bonus, as you cant rvr until u get this lot sorted, which could easily be a week.

u honestly telling me u wouldnt be pissed off?

try looking at things from another persons perspective rather than your own


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Esselinithia said:
People who gained stuff on the expense of others are celebrating, it shows much about the community, and lack of support, and rude comments can drive even more players away :)

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about being given something I dont want for something that was deleted/erased/removed/ not of my doing.

I'm whining because they are essentially saying that I should lotto to get my deleted items back.

Now, wtf did you want again?


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Dandare said:
Dunno,are you suggesting what I think you are?

I'm struggling to figure anything out he/she is saying..could it have been a subtle "if you dont like it leave" ??


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Esselinithia said:
Honestly, I think you can determine if GOA looks like a serious bussiness concerned about keeping its customers after a major problem on their side, or not. If they don't put effort in short term compensations where they can lose many customers quickly you can ask yourself, will they put effort to keep people on a long run? If you answer these questions, it is up to you to decide if you still want to be one of their customers :)
Guess you lost nothing :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Tay said:
I'm struggling to figure anything out he/she is saying..could it have been a subtle "if you dont like it leave" ??
Ah right cheers for that.
Sounds those too :mad:

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