Regarding activities though, this is the thing. He's actually very active for his age, mum even concerns herself thinking he does far too much in terms of activities.
Before Scouse jumps me for a possible human rights violation... medication as in something to help him cope with every day life. Not medication as in turning him into a zombie.
better left to the system
Counselling will only help if he agrees to it and wants to do it
might it be worth dangling his feet over the abyss
He can't do too many activities. They'll keep his mind in a good place. The reason I suggested D of E is that the activities require him to take responsibilities and it has requirements in terms of light project work etc.
Yanks always jump at the medication route. Yank children are the most medicated kids on the planet. I'd leave that decision and recommendation to a healthcare professional but, personally, I'd err on the side of remembering that he's still developing physically so if medication (of any type) can be avoided then so much the better.
Councelling will help with or without. It gives a stable frame of reference for a child and an external contact they feel they can trust.
As for the kids mother - the further away from her he can be, the better. Same goes for his other grandparents - lets face it - they're shit - they brought up that bitch so their parenting skill are obviously wanting.
Bad parenting runs in families.
If he has issues from how he was brought up, but is thrown an olive branch from a loving family, and throws that in your face...why bother.