Post your SKYRIM mods here


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Kind of annoyed that I've opted for the 1.5 beta patch which means I can't play about with the ENB. It does look ridiculously good in some settings, bad in others but I'm confident I could make it better with some tweaking. The main issue is that it makes underwater scenes a completely solid light blue so destroys any immersion. Will put it back on for some screenshots later but don't think I can keep it there long term until its fixed.

Plus point though, underwater scenes are vastly improved with 1.5 so once this ENB bug is sorted... even though vanilla still looks pretty good on its own, this is becoming epic :D


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I updated my ATI graphics drivers last week which ruined Skyrim, blocks all over the place, shit looking water and particle effects. Rolled them back and it looks smashing now.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Back into this now. 35 rogue-type. Loving the mods; Wars in Skyrim (will be tempted by Black Rainbow version soon, but its fucking hard apparently). Got cloaks, hi-res textures (dosen't affect FPS at all, just loading times), water mod (which looks spectacular imo) and Crimson Tide blood mod (thinking about getting rid of that though tbh; next to the vanilla blood it looks very bright and just doesn't 'match' well.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Think I've finally gotten it how I like it; just want 64-bit so I can get more RAM and get more HD texture packs. Was surprised I still have the same framerate with 3 monitors compared to one... I really don't get it.





Hoping these images work...not entirely sure how to upload them anymore :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Been off skyrim too long, so decided to delete all and restart. Bit cleaner modding this time :p


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
very pretty kirennia :)

Toh, are you using the stream thing to do your mods or still hand-jobbing?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well this came out rather nice, was a nice morning for some magical photography. Oh and one of a dragon f*cking up the empire(go dragon :D)

Only shopping needed was to remove the UI from alduin pic :p


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  • S2faldnir.jpg
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FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Armor mod + silver elven retexture makes for what?

A very yummy elven armor :D


  • skimpyelvenretex.jpg
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FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I've been playing around with mod-merging, which is quite fun.

For example;

Take any armor mod.
Take any graphical change mod to same armor.
Both downloaded regularly, not with manager.

Unzip the armor mod to a folder.
Replace the textures in the armor folder with the texture mods textures.
Rezip to "My bastard mod".
Go to mod manager.
Add from file.
Lovely new armor model with your choice of coloring.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Got a whole host of mods running through both steam workshop and the nexus...I'm guaranteed to miss some of the nexus ones but figured I'd give a bit of a run down of some mods if anyonelse if thinking of adding them. Generally the better mods are listed nearer the top.

Good mods:
Deadly dragons - GET THIS NOW - But dont enable events, they're broken in towns and kill essential NPCs...
Occupy Skyrim - Occasionally come across large fights...and I do mean large :) Happens about once every four travelled-to quests so not too often.
Skyrim Monster mod - Very very good, not imbalanced, doesnt replace standards, dont see them out of place or too often. Highly recommended.
Werewolves of Skyrim - Occasionally come across werewolves who are tough...integrates well.
Enhanced high level gameplay - Things scale to higher levels...
Sounds of skyrim - dungeons/wilds - VERY nicely done, makes you more jumpy, highly recommended.
Enhanced soundtrack - More songs which fit nicely into the game - recommended.
Personalised music - allows you to add your own songs...difficult to find things that fit and they can only be .wavs. Still, a good mod if you've got a keen ear :)
New bard songs - Why not eh?
Sharpshooters extreme ENB series - a little too bright at times but for the most part, a massive improvement.
Beautiful Whiterun - Very nice looking, highly recommended if your computer can handle it. Vanilla is so bad to go back to now...
Beautiful Riften - As above.
Improved interior lighting - Big improvement for me...
Matso immersive sun - Nice looking, not completely realistic but livens up landscapes a lot.
HD plants and herbs - Really adds a lot to the overall look of Skyrim close up. Recommended even with a couple of minor 'potato plant' bugs.
Better dynamic snow - Very nicely done.
More rain heavy and darker version - VERY nice for added weather effects.
More snow windy and 150% less view version - VERY nice for added weather effects.
Lush trees AND Lush Grass - Add a lot to the scenery.
More grass - Added grass, works well.
Lanterns of skyrim (cities/bridges) - Very nice if you have any mods which make it darker.
Enhanced distant terrain - Think it makes quite a difference, worth installing.
Terrain bump - Very nice added textures.
That's ice - Better looking ice.
Vibrant auroras - Too vibrant with ENB, nice without.
Kerplunk watery rocks - Works nicely.
Remove ambient interior fog - Dungeons are clearer - only install with ENB...
Crimson blood - Added blood. A bit unsure of this but vanilla doesnt have enough of it.
Midas magic - Nice spell additions, not entirely balanced but more fun then vanilla imo.
Longer candlelight - Very nice if you have any mods which make it darker.
Warmer magic lights - Nice too.
Torches for realistic lighting - As on tin etc.
Birds and flocks - Nice gfx addon, looks good.
Reduced distance NPC greetings - Install it now :D
Remove lydias trade dialog - Install it now :D
Somas archery overhaul - takes a while to get used to but nice after that.
No auto-aim - Bows are harder + nicer.
Ultimate Follower Overhaul - Works very well, makes questing with companions a lot more fun but really, you need a higher difficulty setting if you're going to balance this out and actually use them.
Essential followers - Not sure if this is having an effect with the above mod...
Killmove + - Adds more killmoves with bethesda had implemented but then removed. I like them anyways.
Horse armours - Works well I guess...
Faster horses - Yes...makes them worthwhile.
Bellas better females (less makeup) - a bit too shiny but improveement on original if you have correct lighting mods.
Calientes body mod (curvy) - Introduces a minor neck seam problem but works with correct lighting.
Gender and race heights - why everyone was the same height in vanilla I have no idea.
Craftable crowns - Works with apachii hair, look nice, same stats as full face equivalents.
Mastercraft - Not bad, adds a bunch of new crafting items; a lot of it is just misc things like pots and candlesticks et al but quite a few armours are added too.
Dragon bone weapon pack (1 & 2) - Dragon bones actually have a use!
Arrowsmith - Fletching, such a releif, especially with more difficult enemies that you chew through arrows killing...
Lightweight potions/poisons - 0.1 instead of 0.5. Added it because of the extra gear I'm carrying due to other mods :)
Vicious weapons pack - Nice looking weapons, not overpowered.
Elvenwood - A lot more laggy then any vanilla place in Skyrim including Markarth but it is nice to come across occasionally.
Camping - 26 weight value but if you're caught in heavy snow/rain at night time, it is useful to get your sleeping bonuses.
Whistle - Handy to always have a horse nearby ala Red Dead Redemption
Racial bonus in description - During character pick, one time use, not needed but still nice.
5k dragon scales/bones - Added it because of the extra gear I'm carrying due to other mods.
Dwemer autoblade - silly...
The reserve - Alright I guess, nice place too.
Senna look-a-like as follower - Very useful at beginning of the game as a pack mule.
Realistic ragdolls and force - People dont randomly fly in the air when killed by an arrow.
Dragonmead brewery - Nice place with nice view...not ideal inside but good none the less.
Thalmor armour - You can make it...
Detailed mine map markers - Useful.
House map markers - Useful.
Legible road signs - Useful on horseback.

Dodgy mods:
ApachiiHair - Buggy but adds more hair (most of which is shit) and it clips through armour, plus compeltely disappears when wearing a helm.
Deacons craftable weapon pack - Weapons look a bit silly... and there are only three of them.
Throwing weapons - Buggy... really buggy but a nice idea.
Dragon falls manor - Very nice looking place, got everything you need from a house but it bugs outside for me, quite regularly :(
Nocturnal robe and hat - Didnt really like this...
Shadow striping fix - Did not fix shadow striping.
Bound tools - Woodcutters axe doesn't work, pickaxe has dodgy animation.

Installed but not yet used/found mods:
The one ring - Havent found it yet.
Legendary creatures - apparently adds about 6 high lvl named creatures but I havent come across them yet/.
Spell tome apocalypse - VERY silly looking...need to find it. :)
Daedric Mask and psychosteves dragonpriest masks - Improves the masks in both stats as well as appearance; a bit overpowering perhaps but the vanilla ones are crap anyway.
Quest: And the realms of daedra - Not gotten onto the quest yet but from what I've seen it's quite a nice addition :)
Divine Intervention - Added but not yet used.
Conjure rideable ethereal horse - Not gotten yet as I restarted my char and can't spare the money.
Silversmithing - Silver items smithed, not used yet tbh.
Warmage armour - Havent come across it yet.
Mass Lightning - Not yet found.
Ysolda re-vamped - Not gotten her as a follower yet in this save.
Rings of effects - Expensive, not gotten yet.
Assassins creed armour - Not used yet.
Lord armour - Not used yet.
Angels in skyrim - Not used yet.
Evening star - Not used yet but in crafting it looks nice :)
Exorcizamus - Not used yet.
Heavy mithril armor/weapons - Not used yet.
Weapons of Third era - Not used yet.
Quest No mercy - Not used yet.
Quest the bigger they are - Not used yet/.
Grim reaper hoods - Not used yet.
Sabre gear backpack - Not used yet.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
got really dark dungeons now...holy crap that shit is DARK yo! can't find deadly dragons that a nexus only mod? also, I want to try the monster mod overhaul.

I've got birds of Skyrim running atm as well. nice to walk through the fields and hear the occasional crow, or field bird :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
cheers bro! I'll give it a try tonight! :D


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
here's an odd thing: I can't get Lydia to follow me out of Breezehome! she says she will, but when I go outside, the entire population of Whiterun vanishes and I can't open any doors...except for the city gate. If I open that one, I get warped back in to the city and everything's back to normal...


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
TdC said:
here's an odd thing: I can't get Lydia to follow me out of Breezehome! she says she will, but when I go outside, the entire population of Whiterun vanishes and I can't open any doors...except for the city gate. If I open that one, I get warped back in to the city and everything's back to normal...
Can't blame her tbh I wouldn't follow you around either ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Is it a new issue after installing any mods? If yes, try remove...beware, some of the larger mods you may have to follow an uninstall (I think Ultimate Follower Overhaul is one of them).

Buggy ol' Skyrim...


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
yeah I', reinstalling it just to be sure.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
ok, a reinstall didn't help much so I started to disable mods in order of my suspicions starting with "open cities", then "Whiterun enhanced". that helped, so we'll see how things go.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Try Beautiful Whiterun instead; worthy of note, open cities is pretty darn buggy, especially if used with other city mods as well.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Try Beautiful Whiterun instead; worthy of note, open cities is pretty darn buggy, especially if used with other city mods as well.
yeah so I noticed. I'll give it a go when I have some more time (4 more weeks of uni heh)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Lucky bleeder...still 3/4 months to go here; starting to worry loads about it :( 60,000 words and circa 50,000 lines of code, I'm shitting myself, heh.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
well, 4 weeks till summer hols that is. and then two more years :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
ok, disabled open cities and enabled deadly dragons. fast-traveled to a random location and had the luck to run right in to a named dragon and proceeded to paste it in to the ground. Ok, a nearby giant helped, which was nice since I have the dragons on hard-core now :D

Took a bunch of screenshots. I'll see about posting them later. Homework now!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Not going to bother with the dlc, basically i'd only want crossbows, but not worth the hassle with the mods and such. Waiting for a patch and then maybe.

Also, my xmas card for this year is taken :p

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Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
I envy all of your graphics.. I have to run on lowest or shit goes haywire, and still I am shading problems :(

Can run FIFA12 on highest settings no problem

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