Poll: When all is said and done...

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NO! and i more or less left for warcraft 3.

Seeing as my main class(mentalist, at one point one of the most broken classes there were, not anymore tho) gets improved each patch and the other forums i read everyone is talking about stuff i dont get to use....

Again, NO!


I clickd the wrong fricken button.

Overall, yes I am reasonably happy. Most of the problems lie elsewhere than goa.


Damn GOA ... they made me go to work and spend time with my family ... I wondered what they looked like ;)


If they sort out problems with Server, lag lose of service then yes as I like the game itself as is as was, and like the way things are heading even if Hunter is getting nerfed somewhat.

If no improvement in service before my account runs out then stick it up your arse GOA,

Lag, LD has cost me very very highly today with all my chars so not the best time to take this forum poll

Svendoc - Healer
Svenbow - Hunter
Svensong - Skald

All right royally pissed off :(


My answer is no, but i'll keep playing.
Here are my reasons

1 - servers are too laggy and unstable

2 - No in-game support

3 - Too far behind on patches

Sort them out and the answer will turn to a yes.



and to the person that started mentioning UO's patches - don't even go there it's a complete feckin mess !!!


Originally posted by sickofit...

Heya, Vengeance! I got something for you... seems like you are in need of one. Badly.

If you want to troll around... do it in a funny, intelligent way.

yes sir boss man thats me told eh? sorry wasnt aware that you HAD to be intelligent or witty to post here..never stopped you before probably.

Ingame support or lack of sucks still nah nah nanannan ;)


I left for US, biggest surprise was the way of playing. More skilled players and organisation. Its always a cg up and groups are sticking together more wisely.

But, i have to admit that GOA seems to have speed up the pace in patching. Thats what i left for, lets just hope GOA will keep their patch-dates ;)


Tilde - imagine that's coz they've had however much longer to practice keep raids :)

(and their experienced RvRers don't up and run off across the pond very often ;))


Originally posted by old.Wicoa

Wanadoo No

Mythic Yes

And here I was thinking GOA was wanadoo.

Dont feel strongely either way btw


Well, now we had 255 votes total. Some conclusions.

- 10% left DAoC Europe because of GOA's crappy service. And that's even people that still read this forum after they left, so inreality prolly a whole lot more.
- 40% is not happy with GOAs service but continue playing. IMO that is a huge group. These are prolly the people that leave as soon as another game they are looking forward too arrives.
- 30% is happy about GOAs service. I wish you all could play on the US servers for a trial period and sniff the difference. :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

*bites Breydel's head off*
Hope that helps, Mr. Knows it all.


*bites Breydel's head off*
Hope that helps, Mr. Knows it all.

Well I played both versions. I'm sure I know a lot more about the differences between DAoC US and DAoC Europe than you do, Mr. Bigmouth.

Uncle Sick(tm)

This poll stopped being representative three or four days ago, when two dozen cry babies falsified 2 weeks of polling... but I guess you know that...

You've played both versions...
That's good for you Breydel... but your persistent "IT'S BETTA" spamming is getting on me nerves. Seeing your name on the forums is like a red flag. Whiner par excellance- that's what you are.

If people want to switch- they switch. If people want to know what patch does what... they read the patch descriptions.
You are pimping the US version since months... give it a rest now.


LOL now I am being accused of falsifying this poll? Do you honestly think I would even bother starting other accounts here to vote? ROFL! Look at my account name, I'm even too freakin lazy to remove the old. from me!

I have not been posting over and over here. If you got that impression then you must have read close to all my posts here. Never knew you were such a big fan of me!

Uncle Sick(tm)

Uhm... so you want to deny that you constantly filled the old "official" boards with your rants and raves about the promised land?
I wasn't just referring to the BW forums - comprehend what you read before you post a reply.

And I didn't say that you falsified the poll. I was talking about the 25+ cry babies who did a couple of days ago.

Heck, post all day long for all I care...


only thing thats stoping me from going to play on US servers is the friends i have here.


when two dozen cry babies falsified 2 weeks of polling... but I guess you know that...
LOL, if that isn't a direct accuse then I don't know what would be.

Uhm... so you want to deny that you constantly filled the old "official" boards with your rants and raves about the promised land? I wasn't just referring to the BW forums - comprehend what you read before you post a reply.
LOL, that's completely wrong. Don't you realize you NEEDED a DAoC Euro account to post on the Euro forums? Well my account expired after the free 6 weeks and I had no forum access so what you say is a complete lie.
But yes I complained a lot when I was still playing on the Euro servers though (who wouldn't with such a crappy service) but I don't see why that would not be allowed. And I wasn't talking about your 'promised land', I was talking about GOA and their crappy service. As soon as I bought DAoC US I moved to other boards to use as my main forum and I barely read the GOA boards anymore.

Heck, post all day long for all I care...
LOL, then why do you keep on nagging about it? Get over it man, if you don't like someones post, don't read them. Easy as that.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Well my account expired after the free 6 weeks and I had no forum access so what you say is a complete lie.
But yes I complained a lot when I was still playing on the Euro servers though.

You love contradicting yourself, don't you? That's what I was talking about...

Like I said... go on. Keep on whining.
I just wonder why you are doing it. Never seen anyone post "Oh, Breydel showed me the righteous past etc. crapcetera."

Bedroc the Hero

Yes I am,

Im even quite happy that the patches dont come all at once, I have something to look forward to. I enjoy the game very much. The game is VERY often available. Sure I go ld once in a while and a few times I could not log in at all, but overall its VERY impressive that you can game for 8-10 hours without getting interupted by communication errors or game bugs. Tell me another program that has that availability. ( The other programs I use that communicate over Internet are nowhere near this availability. )

Some things can be improved. Many of them will be in patches to come. Im looking forward to getting more and more satisfied. :)

Im very excited about the upcoming events, 1.49 patch with epic armor, Darkness falls, Respec patch, beeing able to buy char enhanchements for your bp's

Keep it coming Mythic and Goa!! NEVER shut the game servers.. just keep em running and running and add new areas and so on.

Id love it if you added new levels.. i.e the ability to lvl up to 60 or so someday.. ( but please dont slow down exping any more... at 45 its slow enough thank you :) )


With all respect Breydel, you are not qualified in any way to talk about the differences between EU and US. You have no idea what GOA's service is like, you have no idea what changes have gone on in the past, what? Four months?

Your views are so clouded by what was a less-than-brilliant start that you refuse to acknowledge that GOA <gasp> might have actually improved!

For your information, patching is going well, we are catching up nicely with the US version, not too fast so that we can experience the changes in each patch fully.

We have events - something that the US has never had, nor expected to ever have. I can honestly say that these are the most fun I've had in-game for a while, they are absolutely wicked. Full marks to GOA's event team.

Customer support has improved greatly. Yes, I was stuck on a tentpole in Jordheim for a week, just after the game went live. No-one is pretending that is acceptable. But GOA have recognised this, and have improved! Spell it with me I-M-P-R-O-V-E-D! There, not so difficult, was it.

Sickofit was not accusing you of falsifying the poll - for weeks, the 'yes' answer outweighed the others, but one night of bad connections (due to a wanadoo link failure - note, not GOA's fault!) saw the votes rocket. That is what he was referring to.

Oh my God I'm agreeing with Sickofit, please someone hit me over the head. Actually I've been agreeing with him quite a lot for the past two weeks. Eeep. :p

Anyway, the point is, that playing EU for the first 6 weeks is by no means a fair comparison to make. Were you playing the US version for the first few weeks? I suggest you go find some old threads about it - believe me, it wasn't all smooth riding there either.

But Mythic improved - AND SO HAVE GOA. Please stop spouting out-of-date rubbish, it really isn't becoming. Thank you.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Vell
Oh my God I'm agreeing with Sickofit, please someone hit me over the head. Actually I've been agreeing with him quite a lot for the past two weeks. Eeep. :p

funny how sick of it starting to be the annoying mensa troll spewing ugly shit around and is now our loveable ANIMUL who gives me a good laugh with his comments

Uncle Sick(tm)

*Gives Vell a good whack on the head- then bites his nose off*


Don't think I am all nicey nicey now...

old.Gombur Glodson


After paying 5$ to a papparazzi I got this.
you really dont look that intimidating

Uncle Sick(tm)

*proud smile, lotsa teeth*
*bites Gombur's hand off*

old.Gombur Glodson

how I would love to see the missus... well on seconds thought I rather wouldnt.

Good luck with finding a babysitter for him
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