Poll: When all is said and done...

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When ppl say what a greath job kermor does you shouldnt forget he get payed for it ! :)


NO! and you want to know why? because they can not hold their promises.

They said that we should patch same time as the us versions, but we are 3 months behind. If they would have said so from the start i would be ok with it, thier customer support is worthless too.

My 2 cents.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Elrohir_CBH
When ppl say what a greath job kermor does you shouldnt forget he get payed for it ! :)

Getting payed for a job does not necessarily mean putting effort into it... and Kemor is, as far as I know, working very hard on making things work smoothly.

And to all the RightNow moaners.. do you have personal experience using it?

Just think about having in-game GM's... they get spammed with appeals (that's my EQ experience after all.. and I doubt it's different on the US DAoC servers) and you might not even get your problem solved right away.

Heck, nothing is 100% perfect...

[/whine] I want a strictly RP server! [/whine]



And just cause one nice guy seems to be making an effort does not make GOA have sun shining out their asses.

Piss poor CS
Piss poor Rightnow
Piss poor translation (couldnt even be arsed to spell Prydwen right at first could they)
Piss poor patching
Piss poor CS ( yes again as that annoys me ,if a young person is harrassed say racially ,they have to log and email or use rightnow!!?? what BS LOL )
2 Eng servers sucks

If we were all so slow with our payments as they are with patches they wouldnt be so slow. Patch to US state then translate as you go along after in smaller parts,anything infact except this piss poor slow shit translation.

:puke: :puke: :puke:


actually i think rightnows quite good, id put money on people saying its crap are just refering to one story they heard back in 1903.

sure they are behind, but i dont remember mythic changing the language of their game 2 times either. live with it or switch, no ones maknig you stay. im happy.

and omg, the amount of people on about 2 english servers, jesus get over it, play the third in a french server, improve your language skills.

kemor is paid your right, but hes not payed enough to put up with the amount of BS some of these forum posters give him.


People just r so impatient over the patches release dates just like they r getting to lv50 why is everything a rush its better for something to not be rushed and be fine when completed.As for 1.49 i bet it will be here in first week of august.


there is nothing wrong with rightnow, ive used it alot of times and got replys before the day is out.


Well, Vengance told us we were all lamers and that he was leaving 2 days ago. Yet he's still hanging around telling everyone who will listen how 'shit' daoc is....



Exactly so ppl PLS BE PATIENT AND ENJOY DF COZ THIS WILL BE SO MUCH FUN I ASSURE U!!!! and lets not talk about 1.50 1 hour after playing 1.49 :twak: :twak: :twak:


who wants to bet that as soon as 1.49 is out people will be moaning again.


Originally posted by Matinex

They said that we should patch same time as the us versions

No they didn't. Get your facts straight. They actually said:
once we have caught up with the patching, it will only take approximately 3 days to translate a new patch
Now, they haven't actually caught up with the patching yet, so therefore the 3 days figure is irrelevant. They never said 'we will have caught up by the time Matinex quotes us as saying we will have caught up'.

thier customer support is worthless too.
If anyone has the right to slag off rightnow, it is me (ask your elders if you don't know why). And I actually think they have improved immensly since the incident-that-we-shall-not-mention. I'm happy with the way rightnow is operating these days.


Originally posted by old.Vengance

And just cause one nice guy seems to be making an effort does not make GOA have sun shining out their asses.

Piss poor CS
Piss poor Rightnow
Tell me, how often have you tried to use rightnow? Care to post the logs of the questions you asked. I'm certain that, unless it was an exceptional case, it would have been solved in short order
Piss poor translation (couldnt even be arsed to spell Prydwen right at first could they)
Huh? Now where has that idea sprung into your mind from. Prydwen was spelt correctly from the very first time they mentioned it.
Piss poor patching
We all know that GOA had some problems with the 1.45 patch. However, ever single online gaming company out there has had problems with patching, and GOA even gave us courtesy free days. That's better service than you'll get from 90% of online gaming companies.
Piss poor CS ( yes again as that annoys me ,if a young person is harrassed say racially ,they have to log and email or use rightnow!!?? what BS LOL )
Actually, according to EU laws, a written complaint must be made before action can be taken against someone breaking the law in a discrimanatory way. There is nothing, NOTHING! GOA can do about the law.
2 Eng servers sucks

If we were all so slow with our payments as they are with patches they wouldnt be so slow. Patch to US state then translate as you go along after in smaller parts,anything infact except this piss poor slow shit translation.
If you were slow at paying, then GOA would, quite rightfully, terminate your account. There are enough people who are quite happy to continue renewing their subscription for GOA to keep in business, without your complaining little ass.

You are the weakest link. And I am drunk. Goodbye.



But GOA obviously need to build their own Ultra-Fast, International, super highway just for us, as this internet thingy seems to be going very slowly for some reason, whilst also upgrading my PC every 3 months. :p

Oh and it should be free.

And they need to sort out that George Lucas fella cause that last film he made sucked.

And the Spanish Inquisition? PLEASE! Until they appolgise for that my yes is only conditional.


my RightNow history:

1st question asked. took them 2 days to answer, and i suspect this is because the question had not iminent importance.

2nd Question. Response after a few hours. i failed to update it, so it was closed unsolved.

3rd Question. response after <gasp> 26 minutes. Q2 re-submitted, sorted that out.

4th Question. response 3 days later (it was submittied friday night). solved another day later.

5th question. read 2 and 3, but with a bit longer response time.


Thats what i call bloody efficient.

Had that been an in-game supporter, he might have missed my question in the spam, he might have gotten it wrong, he might have forgotten the actual question if it was a long-term one, he might have taken action before properly researching things (imagine harrasment reports. That guy told me, that guy should be banned!)


if you dont wanna log to report it, it cant be that important


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Well, Vengance told us we were all lamers and that he was leaving 2 days ago. Yet he's still hanging around telling everyone who will listen how 'shit' daoc is....


I can still hand around here and post and piss people like you of muhahhahahhaha.


Originally posted by Vell
Tell me, how often have you tried to use rightnow? Care to post the logs of the questions you asked. I'm certain that, unless it was an exceptional case, it would have been solved in short order
Huh? Now where has that idea sprung into your mind from. Prydwen was spelt correctly from the very first time they mentioned it.
We all know that GOA had some problems with the 1.45 patch. However, ever single online gaming company out there has had problems with patching, and GOA even gave us courtesy free days. That's better service than you'll get from 90% of online gaming companies.

Actually, according to EU laws, a written complaint must be made before action can be taken against someone breaking the law in a discrimanatory way. There is nothing, NOTHING! GOA can do about the law.

If you were slow at paying, then GOA would, quite rightfully, terminate your account. There are enough people who are quite happy to continue renewing their subscription for GOA to keep in business, without your complaining little ass.

You are the weakest link. And I am drunk. Goodbye.

You stupid prick lol. Ever heard of ingame CS? /appeal /petition etc etc etc eh? no maybe not. Instead of that you have to log off and then email etc..what fuckin shite is that?? Ingame CS is provided elsewhere in other games and thisgame in US so why not here?


Originally posted by old.Vengance

You stupid prick lol. Ever heard of ingame CS? /appeal /petition etc etc etc eh? no maybe not. Instead of that you have to log off and then email etc..what fuckin shite is that?? Ingame CS is provided elsewhere in other games and thisgame in US so why not here?

Yes, I've heard of it. I've also heard that the ingame CS in every game that provides it get bogged down with literally thousands of messages each and every day, most of which are stupid people making stupid complaints because they feel like it.

Yes, you have to log out and submit a report, but really, is that such a bad thing? You then have written confirmation of you reporting a fault, wheras using an in-game system, you don't. Genuine problems get lost in the crap that gets sent for in-game systems.

Like I said, show us your evidence that the rightnow system doesn't work, and maybe I'll believe you. Unfortunately, you don't have any, do you.



Vell do you remember you own post here about RightNow support? You were stuck in Jordheim with your PW healer and they didn't unstuck you until a week later.

Here is my personal little experience with RightNow....

Email to Rightnow: Can you please change my sirname?
Rightnow reply: Nope, sorry.

Then after playing 2 months on the US server I noticed a friend of mine didn't have his sirname anymore.

Me to friend: Hey, didn't you have a sirname? Or am I that much mistaken.
Friend to me: Yes I had one, I just removed it.
Me to friend: Removed? How do you do that? By a command?
Friend to me: LOL, no. :) Simply ask a CSR.


Well yes until today when they F...'d up the payment on one of my accounts ( yes i have two and they are both midgaard based )


Originally posted by old.Vengance

I can still hand around here and post and piss people like you of muhahhahahhaha.

sure you can , but it must be a sad sad life , complaining about a game you dont even play...A bit like if I was complaining about how expensive goat dip'd in cheese is in Cuba ;)


Originally posted by old.Breydel

Vell do you remember you own post here about RightNow support? You were stuck in Jordheim with your PW healer and they didn't unstuck you until a week later.

Here is my personal little experience with RightNow....

Email to Rightnow: Can you please change my sirname?
Rightnow reply: Nope, sorry.

Then after playing 2 months on the US server I noticed a friend of mine didn't have his sirname anymore.

Me to friend: Hey, didn't you have a sirname? Or am I that much mistaken.
Friend to me: Yes I had one, I just removed it.
Me to friend: Removed? How do you do that? By a command?
Friend to me: LOL, no. :) Simply ask a CSR.

That'll be a policy difference :) RightNow don't do namechanges...

Some CSR's do...

I think they're putting that in a command at the name registrar, pay cash, get new surname.

(here's hoping there's a log so that people can't go around calling themselves something rude, changing it the moment someone complains... then changing it back 10m later..)


Wouldnt be quite so bad maybe if they had under newbie help (F1) that the commands /CSR /DEV /QT(or whatever it is) dont exist! Yet they are too bone lazy to even sort that out so that when new members ( are there any?) log on they will not spend time wondering "wtf wheres CSR gone?" or "where are the GMS that other MMO have?". Would be easy and take ten mins to do.Will they? no they cant be arsed.

Damon if you ate goat dipped cheese fr ages and the price went up so you stopped eating it ,then you would be entitled to complain about it.Besides..my accounts havent run their month out yet even tho cancelled so i might just play and look for people to annoy ..like you :D muhhahahahhaaa


Lazy ass CS

Originally posted by Vell

Yes, I've heard of it. I've also heard that the ingame CS in every game that provides it get bogged down with literally thousands of messages each and every day, most of which are stupid people making stupid complaints because they feel like it.

Yes, you have to log out and submit a report, but really, is that such a bad thing? You then have written confirmation of you reporting a fault, wheras using an in-game system, you don't. Genuine problems get lost in the crap that gets sent for in-game systems.

Like I said, show us your evidence that the rightnow system doesn't work, and maybe I'll believe you. Unfortunately, you don't have any, do you.

um yes that is a bad thing really.Its lazy on their part and it also punishes the innocent here. If you ARENT the culprit doing the abuse etc then YOU have to log off the game and spoend time emailing someone??? WTF. No the person that is wrong should be warnign INGAME then if persists they are kicked temp .Its easy .The other MMO's arent bogged down with ingame petitions. They get back to you in around 15 mins max usually .Written report (as written as an email) is alos avaiable in some form ie; /report <name> (copies ten lines of above text) .


No ingame support =lazyness.Period


Lemme think...

If you have a problem that's so unimportant it's not worth the 5m to log out, send a RightNow report and then log back in....

then is it really a problem? :)

I think not having /appeal probably reduces the signal to noise ratio, means only the major problems get reported, rather than
"My surname is poo, Can I have a new one please?"

(which is a valid complaint I'll admit, just not hugely important and if you're not upset enough about it to logout for 5m then it can't be bothering you that much, surely.... heck write it down and send a RightNow when you logout later)

Sure ingame support might be nice, but personally I'm not noticing the lack of it...

Uncle Sick(tm)


Heya, Vengeance! I got something for you... seems like you are in need of one. Badly.

If you want to troll around... do it in a funny, intelligent way.


I think they're putting that in a command at the name registrar, pay cash, get new surname.

Yes, we have this ability now, I believe it went live with 1.51. However, you can CHANGE your lastname with it, not delete. If you want it deleted we still need to ask a CSR.

Uncle Sick(tm)

I don't know... perhaps I have some twisted sense of fairness but just because you cannot connet now doesn't mean GOA's service is bullshit overall - this goes out to all the junkies that have checked the "no" button in the last hour.

I sometimes lose my faith in the human race... having one of those moments now.


I got frustrated at Lag cheats on my chess server - no longer play

I got frustrated at PK's in Hardcore Diablo - no longer play

GOA seems to care about avoiding cheats - will play for a long while yet

Lag, no connect anoying but DAoC is fun :clap:
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