Phoenix: Beyond the Stellar Empire


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Phoenix Nexus

Right, this is probably going to get me laughed at, but thought I'd suggest it as an option for anyone looking for something fairly hardcore sci-fi roleplayer-esque to look at.

Very brief precis is that it is an open ended science fiction roleplaying/wargame, vaguely harking to the Elite style - you can pretty much dictate your own path in the game, how you interact with others and how you play in the framework of the game.

It is also a game with an incredibly rich history, having been run in one form or another in the UK since 1981. One player in particular that I can think of is 68 years old and has been playing pretty much since the start.

Does not use a graphical game interface as such - it's pretty much entirely website/email based, only real graphics being maps of planets, star systems and groups of star systems (otherwise known as 'peripheries').

As a hand-moderated game, you are able to submit 'Special Actions' for the GM to respond to. These can be related to exploration of new planets, clever ways to assassinate other player's main characters, interaction with planetary populations and so on. I'm sure you get the general gist.

I will say that they're not actively recruiting new players yet, waiting for the implementation of 'missions' which are essentially pre-coded quests ala DAOC, WOW etc (which can of course be modified using the above special actions).

It's not a newbie-friendly game by a long stretch of the imagination, learning curve is more of a brick wall. Pricing structure is also a little painful - ships are free to play, and there are many who do so.

Running a political 'character' which essentially ties the ships together is £2/week, and running 'starbases' (cities) on planets is another £2.25/week per base. To get the most out of the game you will need at least one starbase, and maybe one special action a week (although I go for weeks on end without running any at all) - so roughly speaking, you're looking at £20/month.

If you want something to fill your time though, it certainly manages to fill the hours in. I've been playing it pretty much solidly since TOA was released, with a bit of experience with it in the pre-internet version (yes, they used to actually print your turn results out and post them to you).

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