Petition against IRVR

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Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
dopi said:
We had 30 k in 2 hours so wasn't that bad. But there was alot of adding going on. :p

damn u buggers are good. Very hard tanks, superb assisting, execellent defence.. W/o bg there wasnt much we could do, not fun nukeing tanks with aom and 50% resists.

PS Sorry for the add, twas me nuking the crap out of one of your BM's before i realised u were fighting albs, still fair enough as u came and raped our asses after u dispatched the albs u were fighting.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Aye, we had a bit of a cry when we saw your realm titles :p

Bloody tough group.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
aye dopi & co are very hard bunch to beat but are always good fun to fight sooner im back out there the better!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
eggy said:
Aye, we had a bit of a cry when we saw your realm titles :p

Bloody tough group.

Hm i would agree with brite in this, GA is nice grp now , but they aren't that hard. Tho without bg .. :p We only loose against them if we fuck up the start or their eld manage to move to a very good place which isnt happening that often (yday we moved with 3 cleric for a while, was a scary setup, our fights took a lot longer, even lost a few due to lacking dmg dealer xD ). Their tanks are good in assisting but they usually make the same mistake and they can be lured away from support quite easily and then assist nuke them down. Tho their droods are fine, and nerf moccing drood for shearing tbh. At least we used to have nice fights mostly.

The grps we really hate are the mid caster grps, they were fuckin hard when they got relix, now its easier but if they make the jump its still a lost fight most of times. (high rr ones only tho)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Oh trust me, GA are very hard for a non opted pug with no friar resists and no bg. With the exception of the mincer and wizz i think most in the grp were medium rr's.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Uberlama said:
Hm i would agree with brite in this, GA is nice grp now , but they aren't that hard. Tho without bg .. :p We only loose against them if we fuck up the start or their eld manage to move to a very good place which isnt happening that often (yday we moved with 3 cleric for a while, was a scary setup, our fights took a lot longer, even lost a few due to lacking dmg dealer xD ). Their tanks are good in assisting but they usually make the same mistake and they can be lured away from support quite easily and then assist nuke them down. Tho their droods are fine, and nerf moccing drood for shearing tbh. At least we used to have nice fights mostly.

The grps we really hate are the mid caster grps, they were fuckin hard when they got relix, now its easier but if they make the jump its still a lost fight most of times. (high rr ones only tho)

Aye, we had no BG and therefore no friar resists. No theurgist either :(

Not making excuses by the way, got outplayed for sure!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
GA are a great fight, probably nigh-on impossible to win with no bg :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
Puppiluppan said:
well cloudz isent so smart imo . not the reputation of it anyways

you cant even spell "isn't" and you say I'm not smart...

+ If you think Brite doesnt make a big difference to winning or losing a FG fight, then your clueless.If he doesn't die at the start of the fight, then most of the time your group wont win the fight.

I hate Bonedancers, but Brite plays it really well imo, and who even are you? never heard of you


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Cloudz said:
you cant even spell "isn't" and you say I'm not smart...

+ If you think Brite doesnt make a big difference to winning or losing a FG fight, then your clueless.If he doesn't die at the start of the fight, then most of the time your group wont win the fight.

I hate Bonedancers, but Brite plays it really well imo, and who even are you? never heard of you

There is a difference between not being smart and not having english as main language.

And most ppl cba to check spelling on forums, even native english.

And if u belive that 1 person makes a group win/lose then you are so wrong.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 1, 2004
Cloudz said:
you cant even spell "isn't" and you say I'm not smart...

+ If you think Brite doesnt make a big difference to winning or losing a FG fight, then your clueless.If he doesn't die at the start of the fight, then most of the time your group wont win the fight.

I hate Bonedancers, but Brite plays it really well imo, and who even are you? never heard of you

Well he could spend some time figuring out why Brite makes such a difference, but he will obviously be too busy learning how to type and how to properly form sentences that are grammaticaly correct


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
seems to me that Synergy is getting stronger everyday. :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 1, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
There is a difference between not being smart and not having english as main language.

And most ppl cba to check spelling on forums, even native english.

And if u belive that 1 person makes a group win/lose then you are so wrong.

So ,uhm, game matter discussion is related to being smart or not, but making elementary punctuation mistakes isn't ?

If people cba checking their own spelling, they shouldn't make comments on others being smart or not.

Last but not least, it's not just a person, but a person and a character (which also happens to be rr1000), making much more of a difference that others at a similar lvl.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004
Stallion said:
sooo brite is back with some more mids which we never saw back before classic servers? =P

well might be coz we did the group for some cristmas fun .... we dident leave . you did :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Adari said:
i had decent 1v1's the entire day really, dont mind if it stays like this for a while

now i got FZ i stand some more chance against you :x


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
There is a difference between not being smart and not having english as main language.

And most ppl cba to check spelling on forums, even native english.

And if u belive that 1 person makes a group win/lose then you are so wrong.
If that one person makes it impossible for pretty much every caster in the other group to do as much as cast a spell without using moc, he's doing a damn big part tho.
dopi said:
We had 30 k in 2 hours so wasn't that bad. But there was alot of adding going on. :p
Leaving your group alone and getting raped while about to rebuff didn't help :p
Martok said:
well tbh Pry had iRVR in HW for along time because we couldnt get rid of it! and im glad the tables have finaly turned.

albs got forced into pve with all the mid + hib zergs in hw back then!
Couldn't or wouldn't? It seemed more that people couldn't be arsed to do anything about it, and apart from the ocasional whine just didn't really care, at first anyway.
Uberlama said:
if it would be only the bridge .. ^^
Graveyard are was just fine ;p


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Straef said:
If that one person makes it impossible for pretty much every caster in the other group to do as much as cast a spell without using moc, he's doing a damn big part tho.

having 2 healing pets, pd5, insta LT & 2 rr10 mend healers makes it especially hard.

It took a full mana bar, 1 pot and JS to drop him yesterday after 30% body debuff on my Cabby.

insane healing...... tbh only reason i got him in the end was because i dropped his commander and ns'ed one of the healers....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
eggy said:

LoL i feel there grp isn't that good tbh, lookdaddy's grp that is. We was in emain just after killing some albs and got set up to carry on roaming so people were just resticking when lookdaddy's grp rams us up from behind, ofc they get first mezz in, and i think they managed to kill one caster in that hole fight. Before coo coo mixed grp killed them all. :worthy:

Just made me laugh that they only managed to kill one caster in the hole fight when first, we were not prepared facing the other way and all standing still. And a plus they get aoe mezz in.

Guess it's hard moving from camping bridges to roaming rvr.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Ging said:
having 2 healing pets, pd5, insta LT & 2 rr10 mend healers makes it especially hard.

It took a full mana bar, 1 pot and JS to drop him yesterday after 30% body debuff on my Cabby.

insane healing...... tbh only reason i got him in the end was because i dropped his commander and ns'ed one of the healers....

Think the healers played a big part in keeping him alive aswell tbh


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Ging said:
having 2 healing pets, pd5, insta LT & 2 rr10 mend healers makes it especially hard.

It took a full mana bar, 1 pot and JS to drop him yesterday after 30% body debuff on my Cabby.

insane healing...... tbh only reason i got him in the end was because i dropped his commander and ns'ed one of the healers....
Fun thing is, I can't do a single fucking thing against their group x<
Hitting Brite won't get me anywhere, and neither will slamming/grappling, and I can't slam the other casters without going through 3-4 brittles first. And if I'd even bother going for the healers, I might aswell just suicide :<
Good setup, I suppose, tho hardly fun to fight like some other setups.
brad said:
And a plus they get aoe mezz in.
Beats getting single-target mez in, doesn't it ;o


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
brad said:
LoL i feel there grp isn't that good tbh, lookdaddy's grp that is. We was in emain just after killing some albs and got set up to carry on roaming so people were just resticking when lookdaddy's grp rams us up from behind, ofc they get first mezz in, and i think they managed to kill one caster in that hole fight. Before coo coo mixed grp killed them all. :worthy:

Just made me laugh that they only managed to kill one caster in the hole fight when first, we were not prepared facing the other way and all standing still. And a plus they get aoe mezz in.

Guess it's hard moving from camping bridges to roaming rvr.

If you mean the fight when a mid group was resting near Crim on the hill? We have no idea how we lost that, was bloody funny - we were all pissing ourselves laughing on TS at how we could lose given our huge advantage at the time!

Beat that same group easily several more times during the day though which made up for our error!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
eggy said:
If you mean the fight when a mid group was resting near Crim on the hill? We have no idea how we lost that, was bloody funny - we were all pissing ourselves laughing on TS at how we could lose given our huge advantage at the time!

Beat that same group easily several more times during the day though which made up for our error!

Yeh that was the group. Im like how how can you kill one caster and that be it?

But i left shortly after as i had to go to work, so only played with them for about an hour. Guess thats why you killed them afterwards. They were missing me.:) Nah but there a good mid grp tbh, got some decent players in my guild. Mega, nata, nagl, ireland, aci etc. Always play there classes to the full potential.

Would be nice if i could be in fg more often but they don't play very much my guild and already got a set grp with nagl as bg'er :(


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
brad said:
LoL i feel there grp isn't that good tbh, lookdaddy's grp that is. We was in emain just after killing some albs and got set up to carry on roaming so people were just resticking when lookdaddy's grp rams us up from behind, ofc they get first mezz in, and i think they managed to kill one caster in that hole fight. Before coo coo mixed grp killed them all. :worthy:

Just made me laugh that they only managed to kill one caster in the hole fight when first, we were not prepared facing the other way and all standing still. And a plus they get aoe mezz in.

Guess it's hard moving from camping bridges to roaming rvr.

no were not that good, in fact we didnt get nearly 200k in 12 hours, we didnt kill the 2+fgm who were inc to hurbery w/o a single loss, we didnt roam all night long, we in fact sat on DC bridge the whole night and let the hibs run to us and die on our ALB SHROOMS whilst we coned them through walls using ALB COAE.

We didnt enjoy attacking brites group to have a fgh attack us from behind, we didnt pull off and kill the adding group. We didnt fight 2fgm near grave yard and kill most of them before a fgh hit us from behind (Golden Age). We didnt have yet another fight against hibs in graveyard to have mids add on us and we certainly didnt come out victors. We didnt bomb DC and most certainly didnt make shit loads of rps from your ass most of the night.

No m8 your right, we zerged. Now u know how easy it is to get 200k in a day dont u? yes you get sooooo many rps form zerging, at least 200rps form each kill that you have zerged with the other 40 albs.

We were running a non opted grp that had at most 4 members of synergy in it. We had a mincer and a wizzard. Neither fits into the current opted alb setup. We had no theurgist, no friar resists and no BG, yet we still spanked your ass on multiple occasions.

Tbh i would feel rather ashamed at being beaten by us rather than glorying in your 1 victory.

Feel free to say well done m8, or are you so bitter and twisted?


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Yeah was great fun yesterday... made loads of RPs and had a great laugh, especially over my slightly misplaced TWF's!! anyone else haveing Ground target bugs btw? Loads of really good fg v fg fights...

As brad said dont really know how we only killed one of their casters when he had such a big advantage ( i couldnt stop laughing about it on TS tbh) But at the end of the day as long as im haveing fun with friends (and makeing RPs ofc) im happy :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
still this thread going on coz we made some decent rps? rofl lol ffs :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Lookdaddy said:
Yeah was great fun yesterday... made loads of RPs and had a great laugh, especially over my slightly misplaced TWF's!! anyone else haveing Ground target bugs btw? Loads of really good fg v fg fights...

As brad said dont really know how we only killed one of their casters when he had such a big advantage ( i couldnt stop laughing about it on TS tbh) But at the end of the day as long as im haveing fun with friends (and makeing RPs ofc) im happy :)

Hear alot of ppl complaining about LoS bugs when trying to cast TWF.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Btw we were not running the usual set grp, and plus i only fought you once and you got owned from my point of view. As i had to log i never had a fight with you afterthat so can't comment.

And getting 200k for 12 hours work aint tbh all that good.

About 2 weeks ago when running with Bull grp i made like 140k in 2 hours so... making 200k with like 12 hours play time aint that good.:)


Dec 23, 2003
Ging said:
having 2 healing pets, pd5, insta LT & 2 rr10 mend healers makes it especially hard.

It took a full mana bar, 1 pot and JS to drop him yesterday after 30% body debuff on my Cabby.

insane healing...... tbh only reason i got him in the end was because i dropped his commander and ns'ed one of the healers....

1 healing pet, pd4 fyi and i dont remember you killing me (though i do die a lot and im kinda suicidal but always forget to record the funny bits ;p), neither you beating us in fg vs fg, but look forward to action tonight.... and i do doubt all that power was spent on me alone because if somthings nuking me, it stops nuking unless im stunned or your moced ;)

And whoever said GA cant be beat without BG, i hope GA are running tonight so that can be proved wrong, and givf more groups back to fight ^^


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
brad said:
Btw we were not running the usual set grp, and plus i only fought you once and you got owned from my point of view. As i had to log i never had a fight with you afterthat so can't comment.

And getting 200k for 12 hours work aint tbh all that good.

About 2 weeks ago when running with Bull grp i made like 140k in 2 hours so... making 200k with like 12 hours play time aint that good.:)

youve never played albion have you brad?

we have less players to make our rps from, we were no opted, against for the most part balanced fg's.

And for your claim to have earnt 70k per hour please alow the pic below to show my true thoughts.


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