Petition against IRVR

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Jjuraa said:
you spoke about the no adding thing with us too, then instantly added on us the next time you saw us heh, so im not supprised Brites group adds on you

get back to your hole boy.

Crimthain set to lvl 1. gogo hibs now its your turn.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Jjuraa said:
you spoke about the no adding thing with us too, then instantly added on us the next time you saw us heh, so im not supprised Brites group adds on you

thats a lie but dont bother to find out the truth noob :)


Apr 5, 2004
Uberlama said:
thats a lie but dont bother to find out the truth noob :)

ok well il leave it up to you to fake up a story about how we added on you X years ago and you were paying us back for that, personally i dont find you worth arguing with on FH, il let fraps do the talking when we release vid :)


Dec 23, 2003
Steveh said:
Maybe If the other hib / mid groups can go to agramon.I rather go there instaed to go around in emain find a fulll group start fight with them and wait for Brite/ Func groups adding.
One of the hardest group on the server but their leader dosent deserve any gratz becouse the all the time adding. we speaked about the not adding thing on each other but looks like they forget it.

back to the topic. if the hibs and mids can go to agramon i can set Crim to lvl 1 for the easy keep take and finish this bullshit zerg in emain.

say if we got a deal

i personally see aod most times we get zerged, quite a lot of the whine about whatever gets directed at me, i dont call the shots im the only english guy amongst 7 swedes and although i like to think so i cant pimp them all and boss them about :p But what happens is that we dont add if we see a fair fg vs fg vs mids, we may add if we see hib vs alb, we see more than fg, we probabaly gonna add no matter what, this isnt maelstrom rules and if it was id doubt we make much rps as things are different, zerg warfare and no respectable enemies out really


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Haha, AoD against IRVR and zerging, HILARIOUS.

And how are Synerdy gonna get RPs then ? :<

You really are a prick.

In other news, it wasn't that long ago that the IRvR was in Alb. Didn't see any Albs complaining.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Wtf is the point. Cant do shit with rvr as it is. You spot a grp engage them then 2fg or more of albs add on you. YAY such fun to be out skilled by the zerg :worthy: . No point in going to agromon b4 you say that as its empty at the moment.


Dec 23, 2003
instant epeen enlarger!



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Jjuraa said:
ok well il leave it up to you to fake up a story about how we added on you X years ago and you were paying us back for that, personally i dont find you worth arguing with on FH, il let fraps do the talking when we release vid :)

feel free, but don't be surprised if u wont record anything tbh :)


Dec 23, 2003
Uberlama said:
feel free, but don't be surprised if u wont record anything tbh :)

btw id like to see you actually say we zerg or added on you rather than just hahahahaha spamming,because i only saw 3 other mid groups out tonight, i know coo coo added on one out our fights close to crim (but they did have some random noob reps from talons reach and such in there defense) i think HoS was out and some excal randoms, only time we helped those guys out is when there was the alb zerg and i saw a lot of you in that zerg may i add, and also that guy who dinged rr11 recently in synergy, yes zephina does have a right to talk because we met those guys a few times and had good fights but whenever we saw aod or any albs group the majority of the time it was a zerg, so really id like to see a comment from you about us adding or zerging so i can laugh at you, otherwise just shut up, thanks


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
the albs have invaded hibernia for a reason... they aint gonna just surrender all the keeps and withdraw so peeps can get cleaner RVR.... Anything other than a stalement keep situation has to be good...

This is the game basically... Either get stuck in or quit or go play camlan.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'd like to go to Agramon again and crim is put to level 1 now.

And Jjuraa, sure, me and Gamah made a deal, but alaron nuked gamah once out of mistake since he didn't see the fg of albs or mids you fought.

After that Gamah said your guild had decided to add on us whenever/wherever.

So the truce was off.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Brite said:
btw id like to see you actually say we zerg or added on you rather than just hahahahaha spamming,because i only saw 3 other mid groups out tonight, i know coo coo added on one out our fights close to crim (but they did have some random noob reps from talons reach and such in there defense) i think HoS was out and some excal randoms, only time we helped those guys out is when there was the alb zerg and i saw a lot of you in that zerg may i add, and also that guy who dinged rr11 recently in synergy, yes zephina does have a right to talk because we met those guys a few times and had good fights but whenever we saw aod or any albs group the majority of the time it was a zerg, so really id like to see a comment from you about us adding or zerging so i can laugh at you, otherwise just shut up, thanks

You want me to comment ? right. When i wrote this hahaha spam was after u steamrolled us 4th time today, when we didnt add on you today. You started it right there at crim our very first fight.

And one thing you can think about. Emain between dc1-dc2 + graveyard area. you got that how small is it? now i dont know how many mid and hib there are but 120++ albs. whole night. most of them adding on our fights as well.

Please tell me how the hell should we just evade 120 alb in a so small place?

Anyway, we werent adding for a while made deals which broke on the first occasion they could come up, then we started to add cause we had enough. From tomorrow we will go back to agramon, and we shall see who add on us. We will add only on those who adding on us. Will see how it works. Again.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
censi said:
the albs have invaded hibernia for a reason... they aint gonna just surrender all the keeps and withdraw so peeps can get cleaner RVR.... Anything other than a stalement keep situation has to be good...

This is the game basically... Either get stuck in or quit or go play camlan.

check crim tomorrow. it set to lvl 1 now, though its going down in the same time as its goin up


Dec 23, 2003
Uberlama said:
You want me to comment ? right. When i wrote this hahaha spam was after u steamrolled us 4th time today, when we didnt add on you today. You started it right there at crim our very first fight.

like i said in my post it was definatly not us doing the adding, the fight hard started i saw coo coo come in from behind you guys, i said on vent, mids, coo coo, they not adding, they didnt look like they where adding they looked as if they where backing off, so continued to push into you guys and coo coo added, i didnt expect it of them but they did, you know you engaged us first so why try and accuse us of adding?

agramon will always be a better place anyway, goes without saying, what was it made for


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
sooo brite is back with some more mids which we never saw back before classic servers? =P


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Stallion said:
sooo brite is back with some more mids which we never saw back before classic servers? =P

how's classic? :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Brite said:
btw id like to see you actually say we zerg or added on you rather than just hahahahaha spamming,because i only saw 3 other mid groups out tonight, i know coo coo added on one out our fights close to crim (but they did have some random noob reps from talons reach and such in there defense) ..........

120+ albs in emain on this night. what you think all standing at one place and waiting to get farmed by diff gank groups? no they zerg and they will zerg till the irvr zone is up in emain.thats why i set crim to lvl 1
got traped 4 time at the graveyard one time your group added from water other group from oher side and we got a nice big mac. but we dotn care we try to live with it. other time we got added from side where you nicely see we are fighting with some mid group and so on. this is only two example.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
so what you think about go to agramon and having fun with fg vs fg?
If more then 1 mid/ hib group is up for it we can organize it and we can leave this stupid irvr ,emain.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005

shit night of gaming.

Will come back on Friday for the fixed group until then see you all. CBA with this atm there are other games out there less boring.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Just remember to bring back iRvR when I get rps for healing. 45k on DC bridge in 20 minutes or so..

Yeah yeah, I was practising.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Brite said:
btw id like to see you actually say we zerg or added on you rather than just hahahahaha spamming,because i only saw 3 other mid groups out tonight, i know coo coo added on one out our fights close to crim (but they did have some random noob reps from talons reach and such in there defense) i think HoS was out and some excal randoms, only time we helped those guys out is when there was the alb zerg and i saw a lot of you in that zerg may i add, and also that guy who dinged rr11 recently in synergy, yes zephina does have a right to talk because we met those guys a few times and had good fights but whenever we saw aod or any albs group the majority of the time it was a zerg, so really id like to see a comment from you about us adding or zerging so i can laugh at you, otherwise just shut up, thanks

there isn't a coo coo grp at the moment but yes, we did add there. from my view i only saw albs on the top of the hill (we came from behind) close to a keep so i figured it wasn't a fg fight and we engaged. felt abit bad for it afterwards but the whole no adding thing really doesn't work in emain at the moment (of course it depends on where you are at) but simply to many ppl running around, and if you heistate to engage the next second you can be nicely mezzed and going down to multiple grps. can't really say that i would blame anyone for adding (except for the no zerging areas) in hib as it stands now. it's not really agramon where mostly fg's go, it's just tons of ppl at the popular places.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Brite said:
we met those guys a few times and had good fights but whenever we saw aod or any albs group the majority of the time it was a zerg, so really id like to see a comment from you about us adding or zerging so i can laugh at you, otherwise just shut up, thanks

Yeh, we had some really good fights today.

Firstly a Hib attack on Crim which we defended nicely netting 30k or so - scarily close to a Hib victory though!

Full group action was great, met lots of groups including Brite's (damn you like water...hard-nuking group), a high 10/11 RR hib group (bloody tough, wish we had a BG!) and loads of others. It was quite hard at times to find FG fights without adds, but that's what you get from iRVR of course. Won a lot of fg v fg fights and lost a lot too...but all-round great fun!

Also, some brilliant 3-way fights, especially near the graveyard.

Funny moments would be Lookdaddy fucking up TWF several times in the middle of nowhere :p

Thanks everyone for a really enjoyable day of RVR :cheers:



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
For some groups I guess it wasn't too bad. From a solo perspective I ended up looking around bold in pennines to be ganked by a duo. /quit.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
You should all do like me tbh. I've yet to be added on since I reactivated.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
I actually dont mind the way rvr is atm, been finding alot of solo fights.. and some fun 4v4 etc


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
eggy said:
Yeh, we had some really good fights today.

Firstly a Hib attack on Crim which we defended nicely netting 30k or so - scarily close to a Hib victory though!

Full group action was great, met lots of groups including Brite's (damn you like water...hard-nuking group), a high 10/11 RR hib group (bloody tough, wish we had a BG!) and loads of others. It was quite hard at times to find FG fights without adds, but that's what you get from iRVR of course. Won a lot of fg v fg fights and lost a lot too...but all-round great fun!

Also, some brilliant 3-way fights, especially near the graveyard.

Funny moments would be Lookdaddy fucking up TWF several times in the middle of nowhere :p

Thanks everyone for a really enjoyable day of RVR :cheers:


ok thats sick screenshot :|


Dec 23, 2003
eggy said:
Yeh, we had some really good fights today.

Firstly a Hib attack on Crim which we defended nicely netting 30k or so - scarily close to a Hib victory though!

Full group action was great, met lots of groups including Brite's (damn you like water...hard-nuking group), a high 10/11 RR hib group (bloody tough, wish we had a BG!) and loads of others. It was quite hard at times to find FG fights without adds, but that's what you get from iRVR of course. Won a lot of fg v fg fights and lost a lot too...but all-round great fun!

Also, some brilliant 3-way fights, especially near the graveyard.

Funny moments would be Lookdaddy fucking up TWF several times in the middle of nowhere :p

Thanks everyone for a really enjoyable day of RVR :cheers:


whats your atcual play time on that because your werent exactly successful in fg fights, and the high rr hib group seemed to be mostly golden age
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