Paris shootings


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
All said and done Islam is as popular as a turd in a swimming pool in the west at the moment and if there was a button to get rid of them all we would press it like yesterday.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think if you had a vote of tabloid readers you wouldn't be wrong - but that doesn't make it right and you do yourself no favours @Job by failing to occasionally mention that you, yourself, wouldn't m8...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I associate 9gag with either really bad memes or tasteless shite or both. I saw their watermark on that quite sombre quote. That's all.

the watermark is automatically posted to any picture uploaded to 9gag, it has nothing to do with who made the quote. the quote is actually from a bbc news article.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
But, whether Toht likes it or not, the reason why those guys shot 10 cartoonists is because they were moslem. That was their motive.

No, that's just the kind of blameshifting we don't need. The reason they shot people is because they were bad people. People should stop being so damn human and trying to make "reason" for everything. "Oh they did it cause they were muslim!" "He did it because he had an abusive father." "They did it because they had a pineapple in their arse!"

It doesn't make the deaths go away and it has zero effect on how you sleep tonight, it was stupid and pointless and less we make it about their message, the less they "win". They may have been muslim, but that was their excuse (or rather the excuse other people force on the issue) to go twinkydoodle, but it's still 100% their own fault for picking up guns and shooting people.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
No, that's just the kind of blameshifting we don't need. The reason they shot people is because they were bad people. People should stop being so damn human and trying to make "reason" for everything. "Oh they did it cause they were muslim!" "He did it because he had an abusive father." "They did it because they had a pineapple in their arse!"

It doesn't make the deaths go away and it has zero effect on how you sleep tonight, it was stupid and pointless and less we make it about their message, the less they "win". They may have been muslim, but that was their excuse (or rather the excuse other people force on the issue) to go twinkydoodle, but it's still 100% their own fault for picking up guns and shooting people.

You're talking out of your arse. None of the other stuff matters. The only thing that matters is why they did it, and they did it because Charlie Hebdo insulted their absurd interpretation of their already absurd religion. When Christian fundamentalists blow up abortion clinics, they do it because they're Christian fundamentalists, not because they just like blowing stuff up; if that was the case they'd just blow up the Wal-Mart. When Islamic fundamentalists shoot cartoonists they do it because they're Islamic fundamentalists. Its not "an excuse" because no-one is excusing them, and they sincerely believe what they're doing is right, so they don't see their religion as an excuse to commit mayhem, they see it as their duty. As far as they're concerned, they've been ordered by God to do this, so just saying "ah they're just bad men, their religion is irrelevant" is absolute bullshit. They may be the kind of weak-minded idiots who are susceptible to religious indoctrination, but so what? There are loads of those.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
And i'm saying that the "why" doensn't matter. Especially since the why in this case brings out things like "religious indoctination" and "they be muslim" which only advances hatred towards all muslims, which in turn does nothing but more harm. And even still;

If a muslim doesn't equal to terrorist in all cases, then the underlying reason can't be "they're muslim".
If a christian fundamentalist doesn't equal to bomber in all cases, then the underlying reason can't be "they're christian fundamentalists".

The underlying reason is that those are bad people that belong to a group of people that might/might not be bad.

If you want to sleep better tonight, call them bad muslims, but don't just make the reason "they muslim" because that's bullcrap.
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Thank you @Gwadien and @BloodOmen, I know how 9gag works and I know who said the quote and where it came from originally. I was saying that when I see 9gag on an image it loses some of its power. Forget I said anything. :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Try being in France. I mean, I like it, there are nice gestures of solidarity wherever you look but every single shop window has a badly photocopied "je suis charlie" sign in the window. Think of the toner if nothing else.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Try being in France. I mean, I like it, there are nice gestures of solidarity wherever you look but every single shop window has a badly photocopied "je suis charlie" sign in the window. Think of the toner if nothing else.

It's alright those that are actually nice gestures of solidarity, but alot of the ones in the UK are the ones who do it for the hipsterness, and they couldn't even point out France on a map.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Try being in France. I mean, I like it, there are nice gestures of solidarity wherever you look but every single shop window has a badly photocopied "je suis charlie" sign in the window. Think of the toner if nothing else.

yea but they feel that they need a united front for the whole nation to show the world they are together.. they could even call it a Front National


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Gah I've just seen Clooney saying it at the Globes last night. It looked like he was really in two minds but decided to go with it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If a muslim doesn't equal to terrorist in all cases, then the underlying reason can't be "they're muslim".
If a christian fundamentalist doesn't equal to bomber in all cases, then the underlying reason can't be "they're christian fundamentalists".

Runaway nuclear fission - that can lead to a nuclear explosion or useful nuclear reactions in a regulated power plant - occurs only when the conditions are right.

However, the underlying condition in all cases of runaway nuclear fission is the occurance of radioactive decay.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Now i feel sorry for the forum member, popcorn ready, waiting for me to reply to that.


Mar 11, 2004
Bit of a history thing for people if they are interested about the whole Icon and Islam thing.

I went to the Kykkos monastery in Cyprus last year as part of the hols. Inside of which is the Icon of the Virgin Mary, a fairly big deal in Russian Orthodox religion. Right now the image itself is covered by a silver relief depicting the image underneath it, people go up touch it pray etc move on.

It was not always like this however, but since 1669 the icon has been covered completely and is sealed inside the silver shell. Why?

Arab raids. I forget the date range but there was a period of time in which Arab raiders kept coming to Cyprus, raiding and then leaving again. During these raids they would destroy any religious icon, no matter the religion it pertained to, nor its history or significance. A large number of Cypriot icons were lost to this over the years, the Icon of the Virgin Mary survived due to it being hidden when the raids landed. But in the end one raid got wind of its location and went to destroy it. The monks got word from the local village and the icon was covered, at the time just with a curtain.

An agreement was made with the raiders to keep the icon covered at all times, and thus it would not be destroyed. Eventually this mutated into the silver case it lives in now.

In the monastery there are wall paintings depicting the life of the icon, showing it uncovered to start with, then later under the curtain, then finally in the case. Although the history of the icon is known, the legand surroudning why it is now covered has changed to that it would blind people if they saw it.

The last person to see it, Pope Gerasimos apparently went blind upon seeing it in 1669, since which time it has been in the case.

Sources: Little bit of wikipedia, bit of discussion with one of the monks in the monastery and more discussion with a guide.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Bit of a history thing for people if they are interested about the whole Icon and Islam thing.

I went to the Kykkos monastery in Cyprus last year as part of the hols. Inside of which is the Icon of the Virgin Mary, a fairly big deal in Russian Orthodox religion. Right now the image itself is covered by a silver relief depicting the image underneath it, people go up touch it pray etc move on.

It was not always like this however, but since 1669 the icon has been covered completely and is sealed inside the silver shell. Why?

Arab raids. I forget the date range but there was a period of time in which Arab raiders kept coming to Cyprus, raiding and then leaving again. During these raids they would destroy any religious icon, no matter the religion it pertained to, nor its history or significance. A large number of Cypriot icons were lost to this over the years, the Icon of the Virgin Mary survived due to it being hidden when the raids landed. But in the end one raid got wind of its location and went to destroy it. The monks got word from the local village and the icon was covered, at the time just with a curtain.

An agreement was made with the raiders to keep the icon covered at all times, and thus it would not be destroyed. Eventually this mutated into the silver case it lives in now.

In the monastery there are wall paintings depicting the life of the icon, showing it uncovered to start with, then later under the curtain, then finally in the case. Although the history of the icon is known, the legand surroudning why it is now covered has changed to that it would blind people if they saw it.

The last person to see it, Pope Gerasimos apparently went blind upon seeing it in 1669, since which time it has been in the case.

Sources: Little bit of wikipedia, bit of discussion with one of the monks in the monastery and more discussion with a guide.

So they're basically stopping people from going blind, thoughtful.


Mar 11, 2004
Well it was more about the oppression of other religions, and also as a sub text the way those religions mutate to explain the current situation.

But yeah they are stopping people going blind if that's what you take from the story :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Icon of virgin mary, makes you go blind. It's like the "she's got tits out wank wank" joke writes itself.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Icon of virgin mary, makes you go blind. It's like the "she's got tits out wank wank" joke writes itself.
I can see you read this a lot before posting in this thread toht:


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
What kind of a teacher would i be if i didn't read the material before handing it to you.

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