News Paris Attack


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Back on topic.. did everyone see that it wasn't the woman who blew herself up but the bloke standing next to her? And they have jailed the cretinous landlord.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Why oh why are those teaching this subject at your daughters school applying 0AD logic in a 21st century world... I am quite horrified
I went to a catholic school too. Was browbeaten by the cunts. Had it rammed down our throats and any decent teachers who didn't give a shit ended up getting the sack.

Had a chemistry teacher who came in for one year and got the class buzzing. For chemistry. The whole class (apart from a couple of genetic retards) sailed through that year and were eager to learn. They got rid of him, of course. Not a stringently practicing god botherer.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
i taught for 6 or 7 years in a convent alongside the nuns. I'm C of E. The nuns thought I was wonderful. I taught 7 to 8 year old girls. Apart from going to mass on Fridays I taught R.E I literally did it as bible stories not as factual events.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
C of E is way more relaxed than catholicism.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Up until the 1930s @Scouse C of E was tougher.

I do not feel that I was indoctrinated....I did feel that my education between 10 and 16 contributed a lot to the positive aspects of both my life and my personality ;)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I do not feel that I was indoctrinated...

Really? Despite the fact you self-identify as Catholic (albeit not-very observant) and you believe in basically the God of Israel? Of course you were indoctrinated. You wouldn't have come up with that shit yourself. Its not just you, most of us were one way or another; there are very few atheists or even agnostics in the UK over say...30, who weren't given the whole God thing as fact in their early childhood. Most of us have rejected it, but that's the wrong way around, we shouldn't have been sold that shit in the first place.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
My sister and I went to Catholic School. She railed against the fact we were forced to do RE, and deliberately tried to fail the exam. This is back in 1990ish when it was possible to fail them, and bloody hard to get good grades. She got a B because her arguments against religion were so well expressed. It was the only B in 11 exams, the rest were A's. :(


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Really? Despite the fact you self-identify as Catholic (albeit not-very observant) and you believe in basically the God of Israel? Of course you were indoctrinated. You wouldn't have come up with that shit yourself. Its not just you, most of us were one way or another; there are very few atheists or even agnostics in the UK over say...30, who weren't given the whole God thing as fact in their early childhood. Most of us have rejected it, but that's the wrong way around, we shouldn't have been sold that shit in the first place.

I can't totally agree... I was brought up to question everything maybe we have a differing view of indoctrination I view this as accepting a view uncritically now naturally before I could really rationalise an idea this was the case but I questioned everything growing up and still do so yes my parents discussed their views and 'whilst we lived in their house we lived by their rules' that doesn't mean for a minute I agreed with them. ALSO if their rules were dreadful why did I live at home after the Convent until I was 20... It wasn't like I didn't pay them rent (from the moment I earned anything even from weekend part time work they took a contribution).

When I think about what my upbringing gave me... I can say that I learned very easily to formulate an argument, to ask 'pointed' questions ie a very early question of mine was asking my dad why only 4 gospels were used in the new testiment as I was aware (as I had heard my brothers friend talking) other accounts had been written yadda yadda yadda


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The funniest thing about my wife and family is they think that Catholics are higher up the social class than the protestants, I'm like, that's because Catholic schools still get away with filtering out rich people in a way ordinary schools couldn't, the private Catholic school my daughter went to was originally there for the poor, now it's a toff school with 10 grand a year rates, the irony of this is totally lost on them.
My wife was indoctrinated that all proddydogs were poor ruffians with no moral reality, the catholic kids were the frickin ragasses.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I went to sunday school for a few months when i were wee. My grandad was a methodist preacher. And then got involved with the sally army.

My dad and his family complete athiests. Even though they all had kind of c of e funnerals.

Me im dead im done whats lefts a husk. What was isnt any more and never will be.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I can't totally agree... I was brought up to question everything maybe we have a differing view of indoctrination I view this as accepting a view uncritically now naturally before I could really rationalise an idea this was the case but I questioned everything growing up and still do so yes my parents discussed their views and 'whilst we lived in their house we lived by their rules' that doesn't mean for a minute I agreed with them. ALSO if their rules were dreadful why did I live at home after the Convent until I was 20... It wasn't like I didn't pay them rent (from the moment I earned anything even from weekend part time work they took a contribution).

When I think about what my upbringing gave me... I can say that I learned very easily to formulate an argument, to ask 'pointed' questions ie a very early question of mine was asking my dad why only 4 gospels were used in the new testiment as I was aware (as I had heard my brothers friend talking) other accounts had been written yadda yadda yadda

You were indoctrinated long before you got to the point where you were questioning. What's the Jesuit motto? "Give me the boy until he's seven and I'll give you the man"? Minds are much more malleable when they're young. Thing about Catholicism, along with Islam, apostasy is a sin (punishable by death in Islam, and by bureaucracy in Catholicism). Almost no-one ever actually formally leaves the Catholic church even if they don't set foot inside a church for years on end, they do so enough to keep the numbers game up and the Catholic Church can continue to claim billions of people for their church. I look around at my daughter's school and it amazes me how many people think the "Catholic Ethos" the school holds is a good thing, even though they themselves are barely any more religious than I am.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
It is like a circus, we will be the 13th country to bomb the country if we join. the 12 before us have not managed to do the job so why will it be any different for us. If we are going to join then it has to be all or nothing. We need boots on the ground so there is less collateral damage and we need a political plan as well to stop this being an never ending battle where we bomb and kill some while making more recruits at the same time.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Utterly agree with you there @Job.

What I'm worried about is that the above argument is completely obvious to anyone with half a brain. Getting the tin foil hat out, you have to wonder whether a few hundred (or thousand) deaths through terrorism would be welcomed in Blighty as a mechanism for getting support for laws that will be used to oppress us.

In the big scheme of things a few thousand deaths from terrorism, whilst tragic in itself, would actually be trivial.

What's worse is that every time I've brought out the aluminium headware I've woefully underestimated rather than laughably overshot. :(
Last edited:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Everyone keeps telling me I am being oppressed but I am just not feeling it :(


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It'd be pretty stupid if the majority felt it.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
We need a UN mandate and then put boots on the grounds and expect to invest another 20 years into the area. Force Assad to have elections and just occupy Iraq until we've properly trained s whole generation


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well, if I was a muslim sat on a hill watching the west bomb my town to get a few possible terrorists while blowing up kids, I think I would have a rather negative view of the western powers...when I say negative, I mean watch them squirm in burning acid.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Lets wait for the first videos of Civilians dieing and then watch the But But it wasnt my fault type behaviour from all the MPs


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm just really struggling to understand what they think an extra 6-7 planes is going to achieve with the US/Russia/France/Turkey/Iran etc. already using air power.

we'd be so much better off concentrating on telling turkey to sort themselves out and stop fighting the kurds, getting Russia to sort out Assad and letting the moderate forces in the area concentrate on daesh themselves.

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