Our Realm


j000 d000d

Originally posted by Eliz

Spot on Chavez. Those are the exact reasons why I applied to join LoE, and so far it has been everything I wished for. We have great leaders/officers who arrange hunts almost every day, both PvE and PvP. We have good, focused players who can get together on short notice and who work very well as a team.

Did you know that what a guild does depends on how much you help to doing it?

Your old guild (if you had one) might not be able to do stuff like Legion when you leave? Or you don't care about it?

(just a thought i came up with, no offence or anything)


Originally posted by old.Teador

Did you know that what a guild does depends on how much you help to doing it?

Your old guild (if you had one) might not be able to do stuff like Legion when you leave?
Me leaving had no affect on this.

Or you don't care about it?
See above.

(just a thought i came up with, no offence or anything)
None taken. Me switching from one guild to another isn't the issue here. I was just pointing out why LoE is a good guild that suits me well.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

Now tell me, why should we want to ally ourselves with liers and poachers?

Sorry Just noticed this comment and would like to say Thankyou very much :(

When have i lied to you?
Ok I may just be nitpicking here But that kind of Generalization is so damn annoying :twak:

I play this game for fun I play this game to help others I play this game just so cute little luri champions can get me on the ground ummm no wait i did'nt mean mavolencia :D

By all means Flame posts just stop branding everyone with the same brush because you have a disagreement with one or two people

Taroc Eagle Knight to the Realm
Breathing Helps Proud Warden of Lords of England


Jupitus messaged me a few weeks ago asking me why LoE were poaching his players. I went on to tell him this was not the case and they themselves had requested to join LoE. You see the things is if jupitus makes himself believe that we are poaching his men and women it makes him feel less bad about the fact that many ex PL members couldn't stand the atmosphere in the guild. Lords of england is probably the oldest guild on the server more than 6 years old afaik, and it has a strong core of officers who are all good friends and each know their roles. Guildchat is always friendly and events are organised on a regular basis. We like to encourage our members to organise their own events and this adds to the sence of fun in the guild. In the end we are a successful RvR guild who can tackle any PvE situation apart from the dragon. We are in a very stable successful alliance with SotL and alliance chat which was such an issue in unity is respected yet casual in terms of rule... yes we do have spam on /as and no our "warlords" don't scream abuse at us because it's not being used in exactly the right way. On the issue of poaching... something that has been blown out of all proportion by some people even if we did ask people to join us on a regular basis so what. If they are happy in their current guild they stay if not they don't, many people have left their old guilds because they have been told what a friendly guild we are , and not only that but a guild that allows our members a lot of freedom. We have some truely fanastic officers particularly in Vayasen, Krillin and camp who give 100% of their time to make sure that everyone is happy. As well as getting many players we have also lost a few along the way to other guild and all these partings have been amicable as far as i'm aware. Some people would love to paint a picture of LoE being a huge faceless monster with so many members we don't know each other. That could not be further from the truth it just means that our large number of officers have to work very hard to ensure we function well. As much as I'd love a single alliance i have been told in no uncertain terms than phoenix legion would have to be the alliance leaders and i for one have no itention of returning to my previous position of Grunt within the alliance. As has been already pointed out in this thread somewhere there is no need for a single alliance just cooperation. For example after we left unity we had several weeks of bad blood between LoE and the 30 I am happy to say that now guild relations are much better and me and desdecado have even been known to have a quick gamble on a game we like to call who can kill maedros first Gimp scout or pink gimp armsman.... I wouldn't want the 30 to join an alliance with sotl/loe because from what i have been told they are very happy in their own. However in the near future there will certainly be an increase in comunication between our alliances. well thats my longest ever post on BW and i'm sure i've repeated myself several times and my grammar and spalling is awful. but i wanted to give you an oportunity to have plenty of quoting material to prove what a flawed genius i am
Yours Pinky


Originally posted by hrodelbert
Jupitus messaged me a few weeks ago asking me why LoE were poaching his players. I went on to tell him this was not the case and they themselves had requested to join LoE. You see the things is if jupitus makes himself believe that we are poaching his men and women it makes him feel less bad about the fact that many ex PL members couldn't stand the atmosphere in the guild. Lords of england is probably the oldest guild on the server more than 6 years old afaik, and it has a strong core of officers who are all good friends and each know their roles. Guildchat is always friendly and events are organised on a regular basis. We like to encourage our members to organise their own events and this adds to the sence of fun in the guild. In the end we are a successful RvR guild who can tackle any PvE situation apart from the dragon. We are in a very stable successful alliance with SotL and alliance chat which was such an issue in unity is respected yet casual in terms of rule... yes we do have spam on /as and no our "warlords" don't scream abuse at us because it's not being used in exactly the right way. On the issue of poaching... something that has been blown out of all proportion by some people even if we did ask people to join us on a regular basis so what. If they are happy in their current guild they stay if not they don't, many people have left their old guilds because they have been told what a friendly guild we are , and not only that but a guild that allows our members a lot of freedom. We have some truely fanastic officers particularly in Vayasen, Krillin and camp who give 100% of their time to make sure that everyone is happy. As well as getting many players we have also lost a few along the way to other guild and all these partings have been amicable as far as i'm aware. Some people would love to paint a picture of LoE being a huge faceless monster with so many members we don't know each other. That could not be further from the truth it just means that our large number of officers have to work very hard to ensure we function well. As much as I'd love a single alliance i have been told in no uncertain terms than phoenix legion would have to be the alliance leaders and i for one have no itention of returning to my previous position of Grunt within the alliance. As has been already pointed out in this thread somewhere there is no need for a single alliance just cooperation. For example after we left unity we had several weeks of bad blood between LoE and the 30 I am happy to say that now guild relations are much better and me and desdecado have even been known to have a quick gamble on a game we like to call who can kill maedros first Gimp scout or pink gimp armsman.... I wouldn't want the 30 to join an alliance with sotl/loe because from what i have been told they are very happy in their own. However in the near future there will certainly be an increase in comunication between our alliances. well thats my longest ever post on BW and i'm sure i've repeated myself several times and my grammar and spalling is awful. but i wanted to give you an oportunity to have plenty of quoting material to prove what a flawed genius i am
Yours Pinky

Nerf quotes :p


I am sorry for asking this, it is probably just me being daft, but what has a single guids recruitments policy have to do with all of Albion's guilds ability to work together as a realm?

Are we boykoting LoE now? Have they really been so terrible that it is fair towards them to search every corner of their history as a guild to find mud to throw at them?

Posting flames here was wrong from the beginning. It only makes things worse. I beg of you all to trust your GM's, I know they have started talking and are trying to find a sensible sollution. Posting flames here only hinders the work of your GM's and give them less time to spend on the guild.

It doesn't matter at all who said what, when and where! What matters is that we find the sollution - and it is NOT to be found in a flame thread.

I will give you an additional empty threat this time, free of charge, because I really think some of you need it.

If you keep this up, I will bring Sarum and Danyan here! :whip:


anyway forget the icecream crazyness this is a very important issue so bumpage is needed

It's Pinky and the Shane
It's Pinky and the Shane
one's an RP whore,
the other is lame

what are we going to do tonight Shane?
Same thing we do every night Pinky, try and take over Emain,
<evil laughter>

It's Pinky , It's Pinky and the Shane.


Originally posted by hrodelbert
Jupitus messaged me a few weeks ago asking me why LoE were poaching his players. I went on to tell him this was not the case and they themselves had requested to join LoE. You see the things is if jupitus makes himself believe that we are poaching his men and women it makes him feel less bad about the fact that many ex PL members couldn't stand the atmosphere in the guild.

It is true that LoE members have approached PL members asking them to join. I don't take issue with this, as I have tried to explain above. I take issue with subsequent denials that this happens, when I know that it does. I have said it publicly before on many occasions that players are free to come and go as they choose. It is a game for people to enjoy and i would not suppose at any time to try to interfere with that.

Lords of england is probably the oldest guild on the server more than 6 years old afaik, and it has a strong core of officers who are all good friends and each know their roles. Guildchat is always friendly and events are organised on a regular basis. We like to encourage our members to organise their own events and this adds to the sence of fun in the guild. In the end we are a successful RvR guild who can tackle any PvE situation apart from the dragon.

Phoenix Legion is the oldest DAoC guild in Europe, and has a solid track record also. I do, on occasions, look at some of the other guilds around and see capabilities way beyond our own, but then I know our foundations were built on an ethic which we all believe in, one of freedom to choose and enjoyment too. I certainly applaud LoE in their structure and size, and ability to present a serious force to be reckoned with on almost any occasion. I have never said otherwise.

We are in a very stable successful alliance with SotL and alliance chat which was such an issue in unity is respected yet casual in terms of rule... yes we do have spam on /as and no our "warlords" don't scream abuse at us because it's not being used in exactly the right way.

It's good that you have like-minded guilds allied with you, and can all get along well. For reference, noone 'screams' at anyone in our alliance channel either. that's why we have our alliance, and you have yours.

On the issue of poaching... something that has been blown out of all proportion by some people even if we did ask people to join us on a regular basis so what.

No problem, so long as you are honest about doing so. As I said, i was merely pointing out to Krillin that it does happen, nothing more.

As much as I'd love a single alliance i have been told in no uncertain terms than phoenix legion would have to be the alliance leaders and i for one have no itention of returning to my previous position of Grunt within the alliance.

I think this is a reference to my previous rejection of a plan put to me late one night for a new alliance across all guilds with a separate guild formed to act as the admin for it. To say that I insisted PL be the 'leaders' is a gross distortion. We rejected the idea based on a) previous rejections of the single alliance idea and b) a lack of support for smaller guild (max of 20 in an alliance, how should we pick the 20 chosen ones, was our question). I assume that our rejection of the 'single admin guild' has been construed as a desire for PL to be the leaders. Untrue.

I don't have anything against LoE. They are a strong guild and when we cooperate together we present a formidable front. I am more than willing to see better cooperation between all guilds in albion, big or small. I don't wish to appear negative by posting on these boards, but I do feel a need to defend either my guild, my actions or those of the alliance I am a part of when comments or assertions are made, which is all I am trying to do. Hopefully, in the next few days or weeks, all will see a willingness to cooperate now that it is in the spotlight.


The biggest battle with a guild is getting yourself into a position where players seek you out rather than the other way around. You do that by becoming the epitomy of whatever sort of player you want to attract. For a successful guild in the long term that generally means being the one people look up to, envy, fear or whatever. Of course that never means you don't have recruitment problems, it just means you can be a lot more selective and construct something strong in the image you have chosen rather than having to make do with what you get. There is probably more skill in holding together guilds where you do have recruitment problems (which is why getting players poached hurts so much) but you tend to spend most of your time fixing problems that crop up rather than forging ahead so players get bored with no progression and leave. It is a vicious circle and I'm sure we've all been there at one time or another.

It would be impossible to poach players if they were happy with their current situation (not that I think this happens even 1% as much as people make out here). The fact that it works at all just shows that whatever guilds people come from didn't represent how they wanted to spend their time online. They were just killing time until something better came along. You can't blame someone for offering that opportunity if both sides think it will be mutually beneficial. It happens in business all of the time, it's called head hunting and some people make a living out of it ;) The way you stop it happening is making your employees (or guild members in this case) content where they are.

They are content from either not seeing anywhere better to go (isn't ideal but works if you are number one, people tend to retire rather than move guilds then) or from being so happy that they won't want to move. Most people are easy to please and just want active guilds that do things well so they can feel some of the reflected achievement whilst pursuing whatever goals they have in game (roleplaying, best equipment, max tradeskills, highest RP or whatever). There are certain players who hop around wherever they think the grass is greener, but is someone like that really a loss for you?

I don't know why people assume that members will be loyal to a guild just because they have the tag above their head. Loyalty is something your officers/leaders have to earn by their actions (be it organising raids for items, providing a good atmosphere for roleplaying or creating the emain RP farm teams) rather than something assumed because each member accepted a /gc invite. In the same way all the recent crap on the Albion forums about leadership of the realm bugs me, GMs that don't do enough to help their own guilds bug me. Plenty of you want the trappings of leadership (being well known, having a cool rank, getting to shout on raids and joining elite chat groups) but not a lot want to put the work in.

If people leave your guild then it is really annoying and upsetting. Should you look at it logically though all the complaining in the world won't fix it (unless you manage to guilt trip someone back but that is worse than having them leave in the first place). You need to either recruit people in line with what your guild does or fix the problem with a lot of hard work. If someone is able to poach a player from you then work harder.

I didn't used to like the way LoE recruited people because it wasn't the way I thought you should run things. At the end of the day I saw it worked for them and I would rather players found somewhere to be happy than lots of them quit from boredom or something. It used to go :

1. Get application to join SotL.
2. Consider for a few days.
3. Send rejection email.
4. Find player tagged by LoE shortly thereafter.

Nearly everyone who applied was already in a guild but that was because you can't really get up to an application level without one (although some rare people like Gombur did which just showed how commited they were). You can say that people should really take on new characters and train them up but that is a huge strain on guild resources and I'm sure you'll all have seen that for every 10 new players you might be lucky to get 1 who fits into your guild. If you asked most guilds to do that you'd have people leaving within the month because the focus would have shifted from catering to your current members to all the focus being on scratching something worth having out of the hundreds of new people who might not even stay on to justify that effort. There are of course a lot of people who have no idea of this game when they get into it either (eg. Coren), their ambitions spread as they see things happen in game and so whilst one guild might be great when they start off eventually they will want to move on. You can't stop it, it's human nature :) Just have a plan from the start and stick to it is all you can hope to do.

Well it's 4am and I broke my toe last night and it's hurting from the cold :mad: I hope someone reads that to make it worthwhile writing it :)


ok i didn't say DaoC guild please read jupitus i said guild and as far as i know LoE have been together for over six years.

On the matter involving PL leading the alliance it had nothing to do with anything you said.

LoE does not poach members and i stick by that. Being a large guild friends of our members are situated in every guild in albion. This leads to certain individuals asking these people if they would like to join. the ridiculous poaching idea is not sanctioned by LoE and in my opinion should be. A lot of people ask to join us everyday and it is only fair that someone who is in a guild that they dislike should known that they are welcome to join another.


Originally posted by old.Revz
I didn't used to like the way LoE recruited people because it wasn't the way I thought you should run things. At the end of the day I saw it worked for them and I would rather players found somewhere to be happy than lots of them quit from boredom or something. It used to go :

1. Get application to join SotL.
2. Consider for a few days.
3. Send rejection email.
4. Find player tagged by LoE shortly thereafter.

Maybe it happened to alot, but consider that SotL is the #1 RP guild on Prydwen, being what ppl call the "über"guild, of course most will apply for you first then, "either you get in, or you dont" is the mentality of most, I'd guess ...

Then consider that just because they might not fit into your guild, they could fit into LoE, having a friend in LoE etc. - Like Hrod says, LoE is a big guild, having friends among all other guilds.

I know you wrote that this is "how it used to be" - but I still think your wrong. Although I havent always been with LoE, but still for quite a very long while now, I dont ever recall LoE as such a guild :)

Happy new years eve!


Well as I said, I was wrong in my estimation of LoE's recruitment strategy because it worked, they are still going strong and are probably the only guild I've ever heard of to kill Legion on their own. What bugged me at the time was the way it came down to a competition between the two of us for highest RP total in Albion (might not be a big feature but I'm competitive :p) amongst other things and I was always getting pressed to accept someone I wasn't 100% sure about "because LoE will get them otherwise". When you consider there are some very high quality players around then taking someone who fits in 99% or seeing them go to your rivals is always a nasty choice.

If you want an example of me making a mistake (I don't do that!) then I probably should have recruited Hrodelbert when he applied to us. I'd spent a lot of time levelling up with him when he was GM of his own guild but he went on holiday for a long period during which that guild effectively collapsed. When he applied I was hesitant because of that fact and during the waiting/indecision period he joined LoE instead. As it turns out he is a great asset but life goes on :)


thankyou for the complement gideon it means a lot to me coming from you. These things happen for a reason and things have turned out well for me in LoE. The one thing with our alliance as it is it feels like you are in both guilds most the time anyway. Thats why i am hesitant in supporting a single alliance... as i'm sure many of the alliances feel the same way about their inter alliance relationships.
On th LoJ front (my guild for those who don't know) it was possibly the most volatile and mad thing i have been involved with in DAoC and was fun while it lasted. I think you'll find most of my old members enjoyed their time there a lot but it was for the best in the end that the guild split up. you even have an ex member in your ranks :)


After I lead those first joint Legion raids and Vayasen was gracious enough to trust me entirely with the loot distribution (that might not seem like a big thing but it meant a hell of a lot to me because I was basically sat there with 1000 diamond seals and 8 unique Legion drops that first night) I realised that the two guilds had a lot more in common than they did apart. It was then that I stopped feeling like we were in competition because we both had different but compatible agendas. Althought I wasn't playing when it happend I assume the alliance has carried over this spirit from what I see and hear of people which is great to know.

Sort of funny to think of that happening after all the grief we had competing for tangler spawns and racing to hit 50 :) Aevar was the only person I ever had on /ignore for the entire time I played because of an incident in Keltoi at about level 20 (there was some bad blood from beta there I think because wasn't he Smidsy originally and ended up calling Jenna a bitch on the old forums which was a no no because Pyro came from Midgard in beta too ... or something rather complex anyway). When we were both grinding to 50 at the trees I ended up having to kick him from a group I was in because he went AFK without saying for what seemed like forever which as a cleric was causing fatal healing problems. After he came back I thought he'd taken it rather well because he didn't say anything. It was only later on I realised I could read his group chat but nothing else since he was on ignore :D God knows what he said at the time.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by spyte
When have i lied to you?
Ok I may just be nitpicking here But that kind of Generalization is so damn annoying :twak:

By all means Flame posts just stop branding everyone with the same brush because you have a disagreement with one or two people

Taroc Eagle Knight to the Realm
Breathing Helps Proud Warden of Lords of England

It is always a pleasure to group with Taroc and this is nothing personal against you. You come under the unfortunate label of, colateral damage.

It's how things are done here, you don't flame individuals, but guilds. Why so?

The officers of a guild represent the whole group, and anything they say is said for all. If they step out of line, contradict themselves etc... this reflects poorly on the guild and so shall they pay.

Read what Vay has written, follow with Scarlin, Krillin, Chavez and Hrod. Take special note of the later three.

Commenting on their collective opinion, they cannot decide if LoE poach, or not. The cannot state if LoE approve, or not.

All of those have been accepted, denied, accepted, denied... etc.

And now the answer comes to this: It is not officers who poach, but average LoE members asking their friends to join. Even this is followed with the final comment of Hrod:
"LoE does not poach members and i stick by that"

With this silly game we're playing, of confessions and denials, you can assume LoE see's poaching as a bad thing, which they do not want to be a part of.

The bad news is, they already are a part of it and will continue to do so. I know for a fact it's not friends who ask others to join, but decorated officers who pick random RR4's and invite them to LoE.

So Taroc, those are the actions of your guild and from their collective responses you have the proof you need to see their guilt.

I agree, if someone leaves their guild then something was wrong to begin with. But, as explained above some guilds are in a minor stasis whilst other members level up to 50. If the current lv50's are tempted by someone to leave, this encouragement can make all the difference. Often, when someone leaves, they do not walk alone. One member is poached and perhaps two or three will follow.

I see no honour in poaching and withold my right to tarnish an entire guild for doing so.

Now can someone from LoE give us a clear answer if you have ever poached anyone, and your views on the matter. Your officers are incapable of giving an acceptable response.

P.S. What ever happend to Virtute et Art(sp?), they seemed to have potential at one point :(

Ziera, much can be solved through flames. How else can you beat iron into shape? ;)

Laird MacGregor

Originally posted by hrodelbert
..."warlords" don't scream abuse at us because it's not being used in exactly the right way...

Motion to strike from record. Only characters I've ever screamed at since last November are Midgardians and Hibernians. Application of quotes around title also implies unworthiness.

Motion for slander. :D

<Irrelevant - but funny> ;)

Anyway kinsmen...

What I see represented by this thread is something, which has been a long-standing question in Albion now for months, which I know is something, which has been asked again, and again by all parties concerned.

Why do Albion not like the Borg?

It appears to be nothing more than disgruntlement at what is in effect an overdue addressing of public relations mistake. One which can be easily corrected.

Everyone here, presented with the resentments at the least, if not the underlying entire facts, can approach this now with some additional reality. No use burying heads in sands anymore when the explanations have been asked for and given by all parties. Maybe, just maybe there can be some much-needed reconciliation from positive action from both sides of the argument to alleviate tensions. I offer to you now, take this oppurtunity as it has been presented.

I will state now for the record.

Unity do not hold official discord to SoTL/LoE who have been active members of the alliance on all counts. And will continue to be 'members', if not serving, then at least as silent partners.

PL do not place themselves in any position of SoTL/LoE disdain, for we act in accordance with our prime principal to work with everyone in Albion for the greater good of the game, and realm. And you can quote that as official standing.

I, as Unity Warlord, will continue to drive towards a united front, not always under the banner of a Unity officer, but as a single character with a voice (and where needs be - a loud one).

For my battle brothers and sisters, we've got leaf eating beardy wife loving basta's to slaughter, and the Gregor war fires are burning low!!!

MON THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by old.Ziera

If you keep this up, I will bring Sarum and Danyan here! :whip:

Ohh... am I scary enough to be used as a threat? It's all Danyan's doing really... I used to be a nice guy until I got involved with that Minstrel...

Ph33r teh Sarum 'n' Danyan Spam Show!!


Hah! Turns out it wasn't just an empty threat \o/

Muahahaha, this is for your own good people!

My best suggestion to what can be done right here and now is to give everyone a clean record, try again and all that. But remember not to throw all the old dirt back on that record the second someone messes up, people are allowed to make mistakes and people are allowed not to like eachother. Those people who do not in any way and never ever will be able to like eachother should start disliking eachother in a manner that does not hurt other people.

Again: BW Flames does nothing good!

Oh and if you want to see just how big a threat Sarum and Danyan are, look here


Actually we have been saying the same thing repeatedly,

you just don't get it (or perhaps more accurately won't get it).

I've said that it's comparatively very few players that has gotten poached thus it is not an issue.

Krillin said he knows of no poached players, as the recruitment officer. Hrod says the same altho he acknowledges in an earlier post that there may have been some players poached. What that boils down to is so few cases that again, it's a non issue.

You know, it's actually possible that an officer, yes even an officer, might tell a player he considered an asset that loe would welcome them should he wish to join, without consulting the GM or RO. LoE isn't a police state.

For a guild that has a mere 2 players more than the second largest alb guild and 18 more than the 3rd, we sure have poached, stolen and gutted other guilds from players in unprecedented numbers.


Add to that the large organic growth LoE had some months back (crusader merging, PL refugees and lots and lots of join apps) theres simply no basis for the kinda picture you paint of LoE.

I believe this is the point where someone, preferably you generic, starts delivering (lots of) names and times of where all of this grand scale poaching have taken place. If you can't do that then this discussion is over.



I have been away for some time due to real life and crap internet. But from what i have read of this post its very upseting.

The post seemed to be aimed at cooperation and all are arguing over recruitment etc.

This seems to be the problem with the realm no one can seem to discuss stuff without getting arsie or personal.

I personally dont think a single alliance would work u only need to read this thread to see that. people/guilds have different play styles too so a single alliance would never work.

This thread is very destructive for the realm too it seems instead of bridging problems its creating further discontent. If someone disagrees no need to slate them.

Albion can work with more cooperation and as for people doing their share ive seem many small alliances do alot defending their own realm. Each guild/alliance helps in its own way. People also want different things out of the game.

Its time people were seen on equals terms its true people are not all in the same league id never claim to be pro gamer or anything like that.

Im quite will on behalf of the DOA/AOV alliance to help out in anyway we can or discuss stuff but i wont particiapte in all this bickering.

Our guilds choose to be independent others choose to too doesnt mean u cant all work together.

If anyone wants to chat then pm me in game or email me personally.

I hope you guys can sort it all out. From personal experience i've had fun helping both unity and loe in the past.

Hope to see you all in game soon,

Generic Poster

Originally posted by old.Chavez
Actually we have been saying the same thing repeatedly:

I've said that it's comparatively very few players that has gotten poached thus it is not an issue.

Krillin said he knows of no poached players, as the recruitment officer. Hrod says the same altho he acknowledges in an earlier post that there may have been some players poached. What that boils down to is so few cases that again, it's a non issue.

You will see Hrod's final statement on the poaching issue is this:
LoE does not poach members and i stick by that

Yet according to you he accepts some may have been poached?

Do you see what I was talking about now, your posts are full of contradictions, if not of your own words, then of each others.

Numbers are irrelevant. If you steal one apple, you are a thief, if you steal a thousand, you are still a thief.

At least you are honest and confirm some poaching has been done. Perhaps you can convince your fellow officers to do the same, it's pointless to lie when the evidence is against you.

Much as I would like to hear LoE's official thoughts on poaching, I believe this has gone far enough. I have what I want and I doubt this thread reveal anything of further interest.

Krillin/Hrod, unless you wish to make a public confession, your views are no longer needed.

old.Gombur Glodson



I see everything is "on par" in this thread.

Generic i'll deal with your comments tomorrow right now I got far more fun stuff to attend to.

Happy new year to all of you.....


Originally posted by old.Chavez

For a guild that has a mere 2 players more than the second largest alb guild and 18 more than the 3rd, we sure have poached, stolen and gutted other guilds from players in unprecedented numbers.

Add to that the large organic growth LoE had some months back (crusader merging, PL refugees and lots and lots of join apps) theres simply no basis for the kinda picture you paint of LoE.

I remember LoE having ~20 members( around july time?), then merging with crusaders which doubled that number.
I think some other guild merged with you then, cannae remember, but ever since then LoE has continually grown into the largest guild (and still increasing in number)

The fact that it still manages to grow, with little or no unguilded players around, is one reason poaching is assumed.

A few months ago, most people thought that on hitting level 40, you got an invite from LoE (whether you were guilded or not)

Just remember, resistance is futile :)

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