Our Realm



Originally posted by Laird MacGregor

We don't ask you to be saints but we've certainly got women in high places in this realm, many of them old enough to be your mother. We don't stick up for them, but they make our ears bleed if we don't kick balls were needed. Want them removed?? Think not.

I'll not play with anything but gentlemanly conduct in the team, if we can ever reach that vaulted plane. If we can't treat a lady with common sense and good manners, what hope does a multi cultural online society of men and women from VAST scoical backgounds have??

Thanks for noticing Laird :)

Even though Laird is a big flirt, he is right. Many of us women in the realm are ignored as leadership which is a shame. It is only those of us with big mouths that get noticed. (Yes, I admit I have a big mouth and I'm not afraid to stand up for myself and guild). In fact, many of the small guilds are ignored too which is also a shame.

I said it in the Vayasen thread, but I'll say it here too. If loe/sotl wants cooperation from the other guilds, and I mean REALLY wants us to work together than THEY will have to make the first move. I have yet to see them try to get a meeting together for all GM's of the realm to discuss ANYTHING. Unity and EC (when we were still an alliance) have tried to organize these sort of meetings. At the Unity one, sotl/loe left the alliance and at the EC no one from either guild even bothered to show up. I believe the response was basically you aren't important enough for us to waste time on. Is it any wonder that when they want help that we don't drop what we are doing?

Anyway I am all for cooperation, but only when we are seen as equals. We are ALL important and necessary to make our realm great. Only when you realize this and stop comparing rp will you see a change.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

Aye, or just hop guilds until you find one to suit you.

LoE are guild poachers. They get no respect from me, I want no part of them and I'm sad to say, I've seen some good people lost among their ranks.

Not at all surprised to see an b0rg-request, from one of their officers.

First all of i don't like posting here and trawling throuhg flame fests but the comment about guild poaching is uncalled for. I am the recruitment officer and have never ever poached someone from a guild. Everyone who joins applies on the website and i deal with it that way. We are a good guild and we do not lose people amongst the ranks. So don't insult where insults are not wanted.

As regards keep takes this is funny as well. I swear i was one of the people, although maybe not the first or only one, who sent out messages to other guilds to come reclaim keeps when hibs relic raidied. Indeed i think most alliances were out defending there. LoE do help reclaim keeps as well so yet again your flames and mis informed insults do wonders for your reputation. Hiding behind a handle is extremely brave and easy.

As concerns the one alliance me and scar have contacted people before about making one and were told that no one wanted anything to do with us and Sotl even when we explained that neither would be leader and that the alliance would be councilled by all the gm's regardless of size. Again we were still told no. LoE and Sotl are not nasty guilds and yet again we're slammed for lots of mis informed grudges that are spread amongst guild ranks about us. IF you actually got to know us or RvR with us or even speak to us you would see we're not the monsters you assume. I will go back to the game now and just concentrate again on trying to play my character again. If you wish to discuss the matter then send Krillin / Oobie a message and i will glady discuss why you think it is we are so horrible.

Krillin - Councillor and Recruitment officer and Organiser of events for LoE

Laird MacGregor


You want back into the Unity? <grins>

It's always been an option, Unity is the longest running alliance in Albion don't cha know, it's survived major bust ups before and has maintined a 1/3 rd majority since closed beta.

You need to disband your alliance and get invited back in, just like a PvE group but for alliances. We've got 10, you've got 2 that's the way it happens.

As Matt pointed out we do have a /as usage policy in Unity, this is to stop free spam being forced on over 150 members regardless of position on the server or filter set at the time. Only way into the Unity from now on is to accept the Alliance Channel Usage doctrine upfront, this is realistic game dynamics. Send and listen privilages are still soverign to each member guild, although again practicality is enforced by restricting this to ranks 0-2 normally.

Guild channel is the "spam zone", alliance channel covering one third of a realm is a "spam free zone", at least as far as we can maintain.

As coren points out LoE/SoTL seem to have no desire to follow 'silly' (practical) alliance channel usage doctrines. Please correct me here if I have mis quoted. Therefore a single alliance is almost a mute point before we even get off the ground.

150+ people don't want to read... "W00t!!! I is Uber I just killed <Insert Name Here>" forced upon them. We took a vote on it, that's the way the chips have fallen (that's democracy for ya eh? ;))


Originally posted by scarlin
swallow ur pride and accept that ur guild is not the power it was(also ask yourself why)

lets all join up and make one solid force against our attackers.

and stop petty egos gettin in the way of our dominence.

my opinion only nothin to do with LoE,

Like Meatballs has been trying to tell you: Unity was the number one RP holder in Albion, then SoTL/LoE left. Having the largest share of RP whores, not to mention people who can RvR 24 hours a day 7 days a week apparently (or so it looks!) they continue to earn the most realm points.

But do you really think having the most realm points means that it is a superior alliance? I would beg to differ.

And although I am not playing at the moment I would very much dislike the idea of having to share an alliance with someone as vainglorious as yourself Scar. You criticise other's ego's and yet your own posts are full of posturing.


appologys from me for any personal insults thrown,

was upset over the nights events and 2 bottles of red win didnt help



Originally posted by Laird MacGregor

As coren points out LoE/SoTL seem to have no desire to follow 'silly' (practical) alliance channel usage doctrines. Please correct me here if I have mis quoted. Therefore a single alliance is almost a mute point before we even get off the ground.

150+ people don't want to read... "W00t!!! I is Uber I just killed <Insert Name Here>" forced upon them. We took a vote on it, that's the way the chips have fallen (that's democracy for ya eh? ;))

I don't want to read that either, but I don't want that bureacratic stuff either, so I'm quite happy we have an /as that balances between those 2 extremes. ;)

old.Gombur Glodson

Re: Re: Our Realm

Originally posted by Turamber

Like Meatballs has been trying to tell you: Unity was the number one RP holder in Albion, then SoTL/LoE left. Having the largest share of RP whores, not to mention people who can RvR 24 hours a day 7 days a week apparently (or so it looks!) they continue to earn the most realm points.

Would you please stop with the rp whore/ people who rvr 24/7 bs, its getting boring now. We play the game we want to! You don't see us slagging off roleplaying guild calling them sad roleplaying losers, so why the hell do you feel a need to call us rp whores just cause we enjoy rvr?

Laird MacGregor

Originally posted by Coren

I don't want to read that either, but I don't want that bureacratic stuff either, so I'm quite happy we have an /as that balances between those 2 extremes. ;)

<Whispers to Coren... that's what we got ;)>

Mayhaps you'll get to see the /as Doctrine some day, sure it's red tape but as you can't please everyone all of the time, we'll just stick to pleasing a majority whenever possible.


Re: Re: Re: Our Realm

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
You don't see us slagging off roleplaying guild calling them sad roleplaying losers

But we do call em "warm n fuzzy" sometimes ;)


Originally posted by Laird MacGregor

<Whispers to Coren... that's what we got ;)>

Not at the time we left. Maybe you do now, but since I'm quite content with the current situation, I don't feel the need to check. :p


Re: Re: Re: Our Realm

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson

Would you please stop with the rp whore/ people who rvr 24/7 bs, its getting boring now. We play the game we want to! You don't see us slagging off roleplaying guild calling them sad roleplaying losers, so why the hell do you feel a need to call us rp whores just cause we enjoy rvr?

I don't recall using the expression before. But, funnily enough, the people who spend their time reclaiming keeps don't actually enjoy that ... but part of this game is having a community spirit and putting the effort in to look after the interests of the realm.

However from a lot of posts here people's idea of community spirit is doing what the hell they want when they feel like it.

old.Gombur Glodson

I don't enjoy taking keeps/relic raiding/relic defending.
I dont see why other people should tell me what to do or what not to do with my spare time.

And you dont recall using the expression?

Having the largest share of RP whores, not to mention people who can RvR 24 hours a day 7 days a week apparently (or so it looks!) they continue to earn the most realm points.

Laird MacGregor

Originally posted by Coren

Not at the time we left. Maybe you do now, but since I'm quite content with the current situation, I don't feel the need to check. :p

That's true, old Unity /as policy was never set in stone so to speak and it limited usage to rvr only. Now, bless us for our diligence we do have it written as 'law', and we even allow complete newcomers to ask questions like...

"Where can I get the gryg cloak quest from, pm me please" Everyone was a newbie once - remember before we had emblems in the patches everyone had that red cloak ;)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Our Realm

Originally posted by Turamber
but part of this game is having a community spirit and putting the effort in to look after the interests of the realm.

Just checked the manual, and it said nowhere that that's more part of the game than RvRing all day long.

Advantage of MMORPG's is that you actually can choose how you want your endgame to be. Some people want to work on that community spirit, others want to RvR all day.

Laird MacGregor

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
I don't enjoy taking keeps/relic raiding/relic defending.
I dont see why other people should tell me what to do or what not to do with my spare time.

Yeah it's a dirty job kinsmen, but someones gotta do it. Just be thankfull there are still nutters who not only try but actively work on defence first and foremost... otherwise, we can kiss ever owning a relic ever again goodbye.


Originally posted by Laird MacGregor

That's true, old Unity /as policy was never set in stone so to speak and it limited usage to rvr only. Now, bless us for our diligence we do have it written as 'law', and we even allow complete newcomers to ask questions like...

"Where can I get the gryg cloak quest from, pm me please" Everyone was a newbie once - remember before we had emblems in the patches everyone had that red cloak ;)

Good to hear it changed then, I'm sure most people find the new use much more enjoyable. :)

Laird MacGregor

Originally posted by Coren

Just checked the manual, and it said nowhere that that's more part of the game than RvRing all day long.

Advantage of MMORPG's is that you actually can choose how you want your endgame to be. Some people want to work on that community spirit, others want to RvR all day.

Picture this...

At the start of the MMORPG saga which is DAoC, we had every character in 1 pile of different persona all mixed together.

As the sorting begins, we get distinct piles of characters in groups, guilds, alliances whatever, all seeking to enjoy the game their way and fitting in with similar minded players.

So quite quickly we get RP whores, Loot whores, Power Mongers, Roleplayers, Jokers, Lamers, Leaders and all of the above in different combinations - all quite satisfied to be surrounded by their peers, but thoroughly pidgeon holed.

The key from a Warlords perspective is to scuplt a team by not trying to change Roleplayers into RP whores or vice versa but to appeal to them each on their own level and direct them as a weapon against our enemy realms rather than each other.

We done it before, so unless there is something really broke that needs fixing here, we'll just let the natural selection continue.



Lots of people here has posted why it doesnt work...

and with these posts we cat make something constructive ...

ill drop my two cent as a suggestion on how to improve the communication in the realm of albion since in general this is what we lag, quite often atleast!

as we all know some guilds are RvR-minded, and some are not ... that DOESNT mean the guilds who aint RvR-minded doesnt do RvR at all... Take the Former Merlin's Kin as an examble.

anyway my suggestion is that someone who wants to spend the time and who is online alot makes a list of all the Guildmasters in all the guilds in albion ... cant be that hard...

now when Albion wants to do some RvR-thingy like KeepRetake, Relic-raid or whatever, the guy with the list invites all the GMs to a CG and tells them whats going on, then the GMs can ask in /gu for members, and then report back ( in the CG ) telling how many members etc. who will be joining the 'event'

will take some time for the guy with the list, but when the list is made, it cant be that hard to gather alot of willing crusaders for the events....

just a suggestion ... might need some love to work, but I think my point is clear.

And yes old.Gombur Glodson :D Roleplayers often gets picked on, even by LoE/SotL ....
The last comment I remember was when leveling my Sorcerer in Keltoi some LoE guy wanted to join my group (we were roleplaying in /g and so we told the joining LoE-member)
after a few mins he leaves again and says something like

"Oh they are just sad people, whoms life didnt turn out like expected and they now try to 'play' a lost life ... how sad!"


just wanted to let you know ... seems like it might have slipped your mind that we do get picked on .. you RP-whore :D

( j/k ... <hugs> )


Originally posted by Krillin.
I am the recruitment officer and have never ever poached someone from a guild. Everyone who joins applies on the website and i deal with it that way.

Krillin, I don't doubt your own ethics, but I strongly suggest you ask some of your other officers whether they can stand up straight and say the same thing.... I have an officer in our own ranks who has been approached on several occasions, and someone in your guild knows who it is.... go figure...


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
I don't enjoy taking keeps/relic raiding/relic defending.
I dont see why other people should tell me what to do or what not to do with my spare time.

And you dont recall using the expression?

And people don't enjoy being slagged off because they didn't drop everything to come help your alliance farm the RP's.

Yes I do recall using that expression - that one time, but you asked me to not repeatedly post it... which means you think I posted it more than once ?


Should be retarded weightlifter in your sig. :m00:

Oh yes, we do relic raids because it's such great rp farming!

old.Gombur Glodson

I was talking about all the other "you rp whores" post we've been seeing.

Laird MacGregor

Well I'm the pimp and you whores are all my bitches!!! And you is all bitches!!!

Now get out there and make yur 5$ or I'll whoop yur ass.


Originally posted by Turamber

And people don't enjoy being slagged off because they didn't drop everything to come help your alliance farm the RP's.

Yes I do recall using that expression - that one time, but you asked me to not repeatedly post it... which means you think I posted it more than once ?

i suggest you stop making more stupid comments and be quiet - tired of your flames.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Krillin.
- the comment about guild poaching is uncalled for. I am the recruitment officer and have never ever poached someone from a guild.

As regards keep takes this is funny as well. I swear i was one of the people, although maybe not the first or only one, who sent out messages to other guilds to come reclaim keeps when hibs relic raidied. Indeed i think most alliances were out defending there. LoE do help reclaim keeps as well so yet again your flames and mis informed insults do wonders for your reputation. Hiding behind a handle is extremely brave and easy.

As concerns the one alliance me and scar have contacted people before about making one and were told that no one wanted anything to do with us and Sotl even when we explained that neither would be leader and that the alliance would be councilled by all the gm's regardless of size. Again we were still told no.

- You have failed in your task. Apparently, you're not the only Recruitment Officer. People have been and are being asked to join LoE, yes, these are guilded player and so I call you 'guild poachers. The facts are there, so why argue?

It's why I'm cold towards your guild and it's members. You exploit other guilds and weaken them, while you grow stronger. Ultimately, this ruins the game for several players and yet, you deny using such underhand tactics. At least be honest about it.

- This does amuse me. Gombur and yourself both claim to have been there, retaking keeps. Yet I never saw you and neither did anyone else. The main defence was a mix of Unity and Immortal alliance members.

In other posts made by your guild-fellows, they reveal that you were in Emain, while keep takes were in progress! So why claim to have been in Albion, when you clearly were not... lying out of guilt, like you did above?

- Have you read Scar's posts in this thread?
Be serious krillin, aside from your fibs, you seem reasonable enough so be honest for just one minute: Would you take Scar seriously if he asked for an alliance?

Ironic that you ask for a alliance, which you already had, but left previously. Why return to being 'chickenshits'?

Afterall, that is how your guild labeled the alliance, no?

Now tell me, why should we want to ally ourselves with liers and poachers?

Originally posted by scarlin
as i said who are u ?
who cares who u are ?


Keep posting Scar, u teh funneh!1


Oh look, a voice of reason in this ocean of nonsense :

Advantage of MMORPG's is that you actually can choose how you want your endgame to be. Some people want to work on that community spirit, others want to RvR all day.

So if people cant see why there will probably never be a grand alliance - in the sense of true cooperation, atleast that should get them thinking.

old.Gombur Glodson

We did retake keeps after our legion raid friday night, who gives shit about if you saw us there or not, we didnt do it for your blue eyes.


LoE was there

us mids were at surs (3 or 4 managed to get in) when a 40+ zerg arrived, and ganked the lot of us


discount everything i say i am obivously a liar generic poster

can't be bothered trying to open a door that is shut


Krillin - I am interested to hear your comments to my post - YES people in LoE ARE poaching from other guilds.

Tell me - are people supposed to post on your public boards if they wish to join? If so i have a long list of names I would like to see posts from to that effect.... even without that I know 2 level 50 members of my guild remain with us but have been asked to join LoE.... comments on that sir?

Come on Krillin - I want your justification for people poaching if you are going to slag Generic off for saying it happens... tell me - Jupitus ingame too, in case you need to reach me.....

Am I pissed off? Yes I am. Will I post a hollow 'sorry I was angry and pissed' apology tomorrow? No I will not.

Yours expectantly,


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