Our Realm



Who cares if a player or two is poached...if thats all you got on LoE you better come back some other time because your wasting peoples time.

Asking players to join if the guild believes they could be an asset to the guild is perfectly valid. Most likely would happen if a player over a period of time regulary playes in LOE groups it's bound to happen (and has happened before this way). If he joins then great (there must have been something wrong with his old guild after all), if not, fine - after all how would you know if you didnt ask.

Keeping up the dynamics in a guild with fresh faces can only be a good thing. Probably the difference between us and some odd guild 4 months down the road with 11 members left. If the player is good you'd be a fool not to approach on the matter. These are guilds not marriages, I think a couple of people might have confused the two in this thread.

And to answer the question on recruits, no it's done thru a private section on the loe web site.

Buh bye....


Originally posted by Jupitus
Krillin - I am interested to hear your comments to my post - YES people in LoE ARE poaching from other guilds.

Tell me - are people supposed to post on your public boards if they wish to join? If so i have a long list of names I would like to see posts from to that effect.... even without that I know 2 level 50 members of my guild remain with us but have been asked to join LoE.... comments on that sir?

Come on Krillin - I want your justification for people poaching if you are going to slag Generic off for saying it happens... tell me - Jupitus ingame too, in case you need to reach me.....

Am I pissed off? Yes I am. Will I post a hollow 'sorry I was angry and pissed' apology tomorrow? No I will not.

Yours expectantly,


They apply via the link that says Join Us at the top of our website - so no you won't see the join applications. As regards your accusations accuse what you will i can't be doing with your stupid rants anymore. You want to slag me off fine - i don't care anymore what you think of me. You can be the Lord of whatever in your own guild Jupitus but do not start laying into me as if you are my lord. Will i be giving an apology tomorrow - doubt it - i am not going to let you sit here and flame me with such rubbish - why don't you ask the guildies who approached them and i can tell you they will not say my name - go on ask them because i'd be interested to see them name me and more intgerested to see the names of people who i've meant to have poached. Numpty.


Originally posted by Coren
Should be retarded weightlifter in your sig. :m00:

Oh yes, we do relic raids because it's such great rp farming!


There has been some seriously good farming on LoE/SoTL arranged relic raids that I've been on - as your guilds blockade the border keeps and farm the RP's.

Maybe it wasn't done on purpose, but that is the way it looked at the time.

As I no longer intend to play DAOC I'm quite free to say what I think now without having to worry about politics. And what I will say is that realm points, for the most part, should be renamed selfish farming points - as most of the people with high realm ranks don't actually care about their realm as a whole, just being highly placed on some chart with the other RP whores.

All those lovely skills they have garnered for their characters are hardly ever put into play to benefit their realm during a defence or a relic raid - just to keep farming the RPs in pointless skirmishing.

To be fair, though, a lot of that is Mythic's fault for making the end game such a piss poor boringly dull affair. Since I've hung up my weightlifting belt I've had much more fun playing other games - but these forum's are still good for a laugh :)


Originally posted by Krillin.

i suggest you stop making more stupid comments and be quiet - tired of your flames.

I suggest you read other forums if you don't like flames :)

Though I'm struggling to see any flames in this thread - just an expression of a dislike of the way certain people play the game, which is as valid as their counterarguments.

If that is 'flaming' then maybe we can find the Andy Pandy forum for you? :p

old.Gombur Glodson

Relics suck anyways, to much trouble, and why get a relic? To get rvr bonus, eveyr thing in this game comes down to rvr when you think about it.
Feel free to flame us for doing rvr just cause thats our fun.


Originally posted by Turamber

There has been some seriously good farming on LoE/SoTL arranged relic raids that I've been on - as your guilds blockade the border keeps and farm the RP's.

Almost forgot I was talking to someone without any RvR experience. :) For you 4-5k during a 1-2h relic raid might be "some seriously good farming", but if I'd get that same amount in 1-2h of normal RvR I'd log out of boredom.

All those lovely skills they have garnered for their characters are hardly ever put into play to benefit their realm during a defence or a relic raid - just to keep farming the RPs in pointless skirmishing.

And why defend your realm? To keep the relics? Why do you want relics? To have a bonus in RvR?

Same with RAs. Why do you get them? To have a bonus in RvR...

The Fifth Man

Originally posted by old.Chavez
Who cares if a player or two is poached...if thats all you got on LoE you better come back some other time because your wasting peoples time.

As someone who has the greatest respect for Jupitus, this "poaching" issue is misleading. While it is inevitably frustrating for GMs of guilds who see a dozen or so of the level 50 characters their guild supported to 50 now zerging Emain with LoE, the bottom line is that they can't be forced to join the Borg - they have to choose to do so. So strictly speaking, whether LoE approaches players to join them is not the point. Bad manners, certainly, but the disapproval should be directed not at LoE, but at the individuals who swap guilds for such selfish reasons.

There's plenty of reasons for leaving guilds. Personal disputes, wanting to join up with your mates in real life or just the old guild collapsing. All guilds pick up new members for these reasons from time to time. But where LoE is a bit different is that as well as these people, they pick up a specific type of person in large numbers. Not many people get to 50 without a lot of support from their guilds along the way. Gear, gold and drops. Plus the support network to get groups in PvE and the ability to take a break from the XP treadmill with organised RvR or epic mob attempts. It amazes me that people can spend up to 6 months with a guild, being helped by that guild, and then when they hit 50, and are in a position to contribute something back through RPs, earning cash, helping lower levels XP etc, they up and leave for the Borg just because it's 5 minutes easier for them to get the uber groups in Emain. Have they made no friends along the way ? Do they feel no loyalty ? Jeez, after 6 months in a guild, how can anyone have failed to find enough friends to make them want to stay ? They get what they want out of their original guild, and then they jump ship as soon as someone else offers more instant gratification.

The problem LoE's officers might have in the future is they now have dozens and dozens of these people, who don't understand the term "loyalty" to either guild or realm. That's fine as long as the bandwagon is rolling forward. But when it starts to roll back, these people will be the first rats jumping ship again.

If he joins then great (there must have been something wrong with his old guild after all),

No, if he's willing to jack in his old guild in just for the sake of easy RPs in Emain, there must be something wrong with him, not his old guild.


No, if he's willing to jack in his old guild in just for the sake of easy RPs in Emain, there must be something wrong with him, not his old guild.

If easy RP ( or fun RvR ) is what he's after, then his old guild werent for him.


Honestly, why the hell do we need 5 threads to talk about the same subject and everyone is like 3 pages :puke:


Originally posted by Coren
Prove me wrong, zergling. :)


Read the siggie...

EDIT: for what its worth I got all my RP's in a 6 week period after hitting 50 then got utterly bored of RvR. Whether it be skirmishing, keep taking or defending ... it is -so- repetitive. PvE is even more boring, have had much more fun playing other games since hanging up the weightlifting belt.


Ah, you needed 6 weeks for RR4. That explains why you think we organise relic raids because it's "some seriously good farming" when we get 4-5k rp during a 1-2h raid. :)

Trust me, it isn't. You seem like a reasonable person, so just let those brains work and try to imagine people actually think it might be fun (Shock! Horror! RP-whores not after RPs!) to do some quick relic raid (what? A relic raid without 2 weeks preperation!?) when there's like 50+ Albs in Emain.

So think before you post or make yourself look as stupid as I did by calling you a zergling (made you ROFL there, didn't I? :p).


Originally posted by Krillin.

They apply via the link that says Join Us at the top of our website - so no you won't see the join applications. As regards your accusations accuse what you will i can't be doing with your stupid rants anymore. You want to slag me off fine - i don't care anymore what you think of me. You can be the Lord of whatever in your own guild Jupitus but do not start laying into me as if you are my lord. Will i be giving an apology tomorrow - doubt it - i am not going to let you sit here and flame me with such rubbish - why don't you ask the guildies who approached them and i can tell you they will not say my name - go on ask them because i'd be interested to see them name me and more intgerested to see the names of people who i've meant to have poached. Numpty.

My stupid rants and slagging you off?

Lets see what I put before.....

Originally posted by Jupitus

Krillin, I don't doubt your own ethics, but I strongly suggest you ask some of your other officers whether they can stand up straight and say the same thing.... I have an officer in our own ranks who has been approached on several occasions, and someone in your guild knows who it is.... go figure...


Originally posted by Jupitus
Krillin - I am interested to hear your comments to my post - YES people in LoE ARE poaching from other guilds.

Tell me - are people supposed to post on your public boards if they wish to join? If so i have a long list of names I would like to see posts from to that effect.... even without that I know 2 level 50 members of my guild remain with us but have been asked to join LoE.... comments on that sir?

Come on Krillin - I want your justification for people poaching if you are going to slag Generic off for saying it happens... tell me - Jupitus ingame too, in case you need to reach me.....

Am I pissed off? Yes I am. Will I post a hollow 'sorry I was angry and pissed' apology tomorrow? No I will not.

Yours expectantly,


Nowhere in there am I making any comment about you personally, Krillin, moreover I go out of my way to make it clear that I don't doubt your own ethics. My complaint is with some other members of your guild who are poaching from other guilds.

That in itself I can (and do) live with. No problem. As Fifth Man quite rightly says, the players themselves make the decision to leave and at the end of the day we can stamp our feet and throw tantrums about it but it won't make any difference. My issue isn't with that.

My issue is with claims like this:

Originally posted by Krillin.
First all of i don't like posting here and trawling throuhg flame fests but the comment about guild poaching is uncalled for.

and your subsequent flaming of Generic Poster for having the balls to tell you you are wrong.

So, Krillin, it isn't anything personal against you, but please loook inwards at your guild and ask yourself 'if I am not approaching players from other guilds, who is?'. Alternatively, of course, feel free to edit your statements or public policy on poaching because currently there are inconsistencies.

Oh, and the 'Lord' thing? It's a roleplay thing... just to clarify as you seem to be confused by it, 'Numpty' :p

Generic Poster

Originally posted by SilverHood
LoE was there

us mids were at surs (3 or 4 managed to get in) when a 40+ zerg arrived, and ganked the lot of us

Ironic that you saw a zerg and instinctively assumed it was LoE :D

I was at Surs when it was retaken and the main force was a mixture of Unity and Immortals-alliances, + others.

Whether or not there were some LoE chaps among them, I cannot say but from what Gombur says, I suspect they were working alone. If only Gombur could remember which keep retakes he was at, or how many of them, it would clear this issue entirely.

Originally posted by Krillin.
The comment about guild poaching is uncalled for. I am the recruitment officer and have never ever poached someone from a guild. Everyone who joins applies on the website and i deal with it that way

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

As regards your accusations accuse what you will i can't be doing with your stupid rants anymore. You want to slag me off fine - i don't care anymore what you think of me.

- why don't you ask the guildies who approached them

Krillin, these are not accusations. They are clear and proven facts. I don't see why you're making such an issue out of it. Tell me, who is slaging you off and flaming you?

You stated with pride that you are the Recruitment Officer and implied that LoE never poaches. Once confronted with the facts, you want us to find the poachers among your guild?

As the appointed RO, surely it is your duty, to find who among your ranks is illegally recruiting without your consent.

I'm dissapointed to see your reaction which is like a child saying:
Na na na na... I'm not listening... I can't hearrrrr you... na na na

Be the man worthy of your office, accept these allegations and return with a resonable response.

Originally posted by old.Chavez
Who cares if a player or two is poached...

if thats all you got on LoE you better come back some other time because your wasting peoples time.

You must see the irony in:
A GM who calls for a united Albion
An Officer with the intellectual ability of a goat
An Officer who has no knowledge of others doing his work, in darker ways
An officer who see's nothing wrong with destroying other guilds

Chavez, this is not about one or two players. I expect many have been asked to join LoE and most of those probably accepted. For those who did accept, you are not special, you were simply a lv50.

At least 3 from my guild have been approached and you want to know something funny? ... I was one of them and yes, I did laugh.

Chavez, let me show you the bigger-picture™
Think of your average guild which has ~10, level 50 players.
These guys go for RvR occasionally but mostly wait on the guild's mid-level players to catch up. But, some of the level 50's are poached by a bigger guild and this leaves generic-average guild in a mess. But, they stick together, wait for others to level and come closer to regular RvR sessions, when more players are poached, and so they fall down a few steps and the cycle repeats.

This is common among many guilds and LoE are the main aggressors. How you can spout bullshit about wanting a stronger Albion, when all you care about is having the most lv50's is beyond me.

You guys can do what you like, but understand that you are weakening Albion. And so I suddenly find myself losing respect for anyone with the LoE tag. Players I once liked and joked with, now showing their true colours.

You will ask how LoE weakens Albion. Of course you will, I know these things.

Sure, you earn us alot of RPs by sending masses of lv50's into the fight. But, you take little interest in the safety of the realm. Maybe 2% of your guild will join on keep retakes, but that number is insignificant.

You have the numbers to retake relics alone, as a guild. But this has never been done. I see no reason as to how LoE benefits the realm, perhaps you can enlighten me?

All I can see, is a guild of poached players... .... ... and... ... and that's about it.

P.S. Please ask Scar to post here more often, I can make good use of him ;)

old.Gombur Glodson

I know loe and sotl at least boldiam and hurbury back.
But that isnt really the point, its doesnt really matter what keeps we took, and we dont need to prove anything to a person we dont even know who is, just because he think we never do anything in our own frontier.

There has been countless times when I've run to HW just to check if Mids where coming to relic raid.

For all I care they should just remove the damn things, the bonus they give isnt worth the trouble when people constantly have to moan at us for not retaking keeps or anything.


You have the numbers to retake relics alone, as a guild. But this has never been done. I see no reason as to how LoE benefits the realm, perhaps you can enlighten me?

Do we really have to repeat the 'different players, different interests' thing again? :rolleyes:

And think of it some more. Ask yourself why all those people join LoE. Is LoE to blame or are their old guilds to blame? A guild can be oh so nice and help you to 50 etc, but if they can't offer anything of what those players want in their endgame... If those old guilds would have ways to make the endgame for their members more interesting, then I'm quite sure they'd keep their members.

So who weakens Albion? The guild that has many members and keeps it's members by offering an interesting endgame or the guild that loses members every week because of boredom?

Generic Poster

The issue is mainly with patience, loyalty and individual players. If people were willing to sacrifice a little time to streghten their guilds, LoE would have less then half the numbers it has now.

But people are easily tempted and if someone is there to offer them candy, they're more likely to betray someone.

So the fault lies with both, the one making the offer and those who accept.

Another factor is the GM of a guild, they are more important then most people would think, and the GM can make or break a guild. Although I don't have the hots for sotl, I recognise Gideon as someone alot of GMs can learn something from.

I've never heard of sotl poaching players either, which is an important difference between the two guilds. One asks people to join, the other has people asking them to join.

So you see why I think of one as being, cheap.



Your tantrum of bitterness really doesnt interest me. What does interest me is having a guild where 90% of joining players have asked themself..and why did they ask ?

Because LoE can provide, like no other guild on the server, a RvR experience where you can actually do things on your own - and on short notice. Including slaying every mob on the server except the dragon. As it happens, lots of people actually see this as being interesting and wants to participate and so they ask.

Coren wrote
Do we really have to repeat the 'different players, different interests' thing again?

I think we need to stuff it down their throat for them to get it.

An officer who see's nothing wrong with destroying other guilds

I spose' that would be me your talking about. Yes it does sadden me when guilds go under. But what i absolutely positively will not accept is you blaming it on a guild who is bigger and might have scooped up a player or two from them (on their own free will of course).

Most guilds destroy themself at one point or another. Mostly because they offer no end game experience to their members...or do it on a wildly irregular basis. Perhaps that's where you should be looking for reasons why guilds collapse.

I don't know the current state of affairs in LoE but when i played guild poaching wasn't an issue and i suspect it still isn't. Just melodramatic acts from certain people who can't stand the guild for one reason or the other.

LoE's endgame requires a sizeable amount of players in the guild in order to do the stuff they do. If anyone has a problem with that, tough.


As a Scotsman, I would never dream of joining a guild named Lords of England (winks)


Originally posted by old.Chavez
Because LoE can provide, like no other guild on the server, a RvR experience where you can actually do things on your own - and on short notice. Including slaying every mob on the server except the dragon. As it happens, lots of people actually see this as being interesting and wants to participate and so they ask.

Spot on Chavez. Those are the exact reasons why I applied to join LoE, and so far it has been everything I wished for. We have great leaders/officers who arrange hunts almost every day, both PvE and PvP. We have good, focused players who can get together on short notice and who work very well as a team.


As a Scotsman, I would never dream of joining a guild named Lords of England (winks)
I did try to get the name changed to 'Lords And Ladies Of England And Various Other Countries Around The World' but for some reason it didnt really catch on.


Originally posted by Kaitlyn
'Lords And Ladies Of England And Various Other Countries Around The World'

far too camp



Originally posted by Jupitus

My stupid rants and slagging you off?

Lets see what I put before.....


Nowhere in there am I making any comment about you personally, Krillin, moreover I go out of my way to make it clear that I don't doubt your own ethics. My complaint is with some other members of your guild who are poaching from other guilds.

That in itself I can (and do) live with. No problem. As Fifth Man quite rightly says, the players themselves make the decision to leave and at the end of the day we can stamp our feet and throw tantrums about it but it won't make any difference. My issue isn't with that.

My issue is with claims like this:

and your subsequent flaming of Generic Poster for having the balls to tell you you are wrong.

So, Krillin, it isn't anything personal against you, but please loook inwards at your guild and ask yourself 'if I am not approaching players from other guilds, who is?'. Alternatively, of course, feel free to edit your statements or public policy on poaching because currently there are inconsistencies.

Oh, and the 'Lord' thing? It's a roleplay thing... just to clarify as you seem to be confused by it, 'Numpty' :p

Name the people i have tried to poach and get them to come on here and post their names and when i approached them or shut up.

To generic poster you my friend are class. You see yourself as a cut above the rest - the man that see's and understand everything. For that i bow my head and won't finish the rest of my sentence as it is obvious to someone of your intelligence what i was going to say anyway.

but i will leave you with a quote i borrowed and altered from somone on here;

"You have the intellect to make some valuable contributions to threads as a poster. But this has never been done. I see no reason as to how generic poster benefits the board, perhaps you can enlighten me?"

Generic Poster

Originally posted by old.Chavez
What does interest me is having a guild where 90% of joining players have asked themself..and why did they ask ?

I don't know the current state of affairs in LoE but when i played
guild poaching wasn't an issue and i suspect it still isn't.

At least you're giving some statistice on poached players, a little more then your previous claim of '1 or 2'... maybe if I spent more time, I'd get a more realistic figure.

You're either contradicting yourself, or have been a little vague with the second part quoted. Do you mean it's not an issue, in that it doesn't happen. Or it's not an issue because LoE see nothing wrong with poaching?

In any case, I'm sure Krillin will be interested to read this. As the Recruitment Officer who believed LoE never poaches anyone, this must be rather shocking for the poor lad.

You have my sympathies.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Krillin.
- Name the people i have tried to poach and get them to come on here and post their names and when i approached them or shut up.

- "I see no reason as to how generic poster benefits the board, perhaps you can enlighten me?"

No one said you are the poacher, but there are those in your guild who do so. If you feel so strongely about it, perhaps you should find the guilty yourself. It is your responsibility, no?

How do I benefit this board?
It is rather dull at the best of times and as I read it often, I add a little colour to amuse myself. You are here to entertain me, so be a good chap and put on a good show.


Originally posted by Krillin.
Name the people i have tried to poach and get them to come on here and post their names and when i approached them or shut up.


Krillin, please go back to what you quoted from me and read it again.

Now read it again.

And again please.

Has it registered yet? I am not saying that you have poached anyone. I said so. Twice, no, three times now. I am saying that you need to look inwards at your guild to find the people who do approach players from other guilds and have words with them to try to prevent it happening in future, if collectively you wish to drop this image you currently have of being poachers (again, collectively, not you as an individual).

Is that clearer?



It comes down to this generic,

do I care if some players are poached ?


The 90% figure is just that, a figure. I have no real basis for it. If it make you feel better i could have said "practically everyone who joins LoE does so on their own initiative, not ours".

Such was it in my time and i'm positive it still is.

Don't automatically assume some LoE asking a (friend perhaps) player to join that he does so on behalf of LoE. Especially if that person isn't the recruitment officer.

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