Origin of Your Online Nick?



brooky, as its my nickname irl, my cs name is Sonic the Hedgehog with tails, which obviously comes from the sonic series of games.

soorrrrnic hereeeeerooooooooooesssssssss etc


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
logic7 - Gave myself the name when I created a Quakeworld clan called the Logic Assassins. It was to be a 7 man team for team deathmatches and CTF. Each member was to take the name Logic x with x= a number 1-7. I never got enough recruits and I had played enough as logic7 that I just kept the name.

I've also been using it as my DJ name.

Subject28 - From the anime feature "Akira". Each of the blue children had a test subject number on the palm of their hand and on the back of one of their hands. Akira's number was 28.

This is also the name I've used to record music under. I've reserved it's use nowadays for my upcoming deep house releases.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Started off as Les Nesman, weatherman in WRKP in Cincinatti. Same initials as my rl name, then ended up as Lester.

My son, when he started to play CS was a little disappointed I didn't have a more "hard" nick, like Killer, Skullfuck, Nitro or Matrix etc, but I liked the anti-trendiness of it....


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 8, 2005
mine is a bit obvious really:D
comes from the lil miss spin off of the mr men series.
made me FH nick this as i had already used the name for me ranger in daoc.
used it on me ranger after a shopping trip for a bikini ended up with me buying a lilmiss naughty one cos i was told it was apt for me..so i kinda stuck with it:)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 28, 2003
Er started as Ice-UK
cause i was lame and young and it was inspired by topgun but I needed one that wasnt taken. (before then i just used my initials JPR)

then later i became one of the Ice` (insert as many `````s as needed cause of somemany with that nick), even later still I became SmirnoffIce in the attempt to find an ice nickname (which i had become known for) which wasnt in constant stealing attempts by t'europeans.

Then that got stolen too, my own fault for being unoriginal i suppose, thus i needed another random ice nickname and lo RandomIce (which i still use half the time on irc) was born. RandomBastard is just a mutation of randomice cause I am an absolute Bastard to people (not a bastard, the bastard and its Sir Bastard to you).
Thus RandomBastard I am.

The End


Dec 17, 2003
lilmissnaughty said:
used it on me ranger after a shopping trip for a bikini ended up with me buying a lilmiss naughty one cos i was told it was apt for me..so i kinda stuck with it:)
This statement is pointless without pics. :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Mine was given to me by my friend when she got me into LARP. We were vampire sisters, Amelia and Amanita Perne :p She got the name from Terry Pratchett's Lords and Ladies and it was lots later when I started using the name on Diablo II I discovered the whole mushroom thing.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Originally the-frizz, only because names like Curly et al were taken. I chose it because of my curly/wavey hair I have when it gets long.

Some time in my stay on these forums, there was a name changing exercise (I think, can't quite remember though), and I had just played through Final Fantasy VII again. I decided I no longer liked the "the-" prefix and had it changed to a more literate, and somewhat more elegant "Sir". Thus my transition into the ultimate being was complete, wherein I was now known as Sir Frizz. The man with the fittest bird in an avatar, ever.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Sir Frizz said:
Originally the-frizz, only because names like Curly et al were taken. I chose it because of my curly/wavey hair I have when it gets long.

Some time in my stay on these forums, there was a name changing exercise (I think, can't quite remember though), and I had just played through Final Fantasy VII again. I decided I no longer liked the "the-" prefix and had it changed to a more literate, and somewhat more elegant "Sir". Thus my transition into the ultimate being was complete, wherein I was now known as Sir Frizz. The man with the fittest bird in an avatar, ever.

I scrub up well don't I. I'd just had a big wank before that pic was taken, that's why I look a bit spaced.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Chilly said:
always room for tits on the internet love, get em out.
Yeah well, like they say, you do come across some big tits on the internet... ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Pretty much the same as throddy, i was using various shit names (and yes i realise misspelt) like Kaiser Soze back in the quake days. Then looked it up on theclq.com and found about 52895829358293539 people had used it before. I then proceeded to check every other half decent name i could think of to see if anyone had used it before, they all had as im clearly unoriginal. So i just bunged in the silly sound jawas made in starwars as that had just been on tv. Nobody had used it before (yes as its a stupid fuckin name), so i stuck with that, i have subsequently come across several Utini's, and thus the whole thing was a collossal waste of time.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Actually, it's c*ntini ... or cutini ... and I've yet to use martini ...


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Utini has soo many meanings.

Cuntini and Gaytini hardly come close to covering them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Years and years back when signing up for the the Microsoft Gaming Zone to play Jedi Knight on I wanted the name Crusader..... this was taken. I looked at my feet and saw socks. Socks was taken.... I then looked around some more but couldn't see any more stuff so settled on Sockstuff and it has stuck since.

I have never ever come accross another Sockstuff, but I think this is down to there being a gay sock fetish site named after me (.com). This hasn't put me off at all, infact I visit from time to time to see how they are :)

edit: The gay sock fetish site opened up two years after I got the name.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
lol Sockstuff :)

"Xtro" is a shit 80's sci-fi film. Its fkin awful.

I first started messing about in online gaming with C&C: Red Alert, very ropey Duke Nukem and...Quakeworld (FTW!) back in the mid 90s. I used various nicks in my QW and Q2 days, all of them shit (not that this is much better) until I started playing Tribes in about '98. I started to play Tribes SHITLOADS and thought id get clanned up and all that crap so needed a permanent nick.

Someone once said that any nick beginning with X or Z is more memorable, and the first thing that popped into my head was Xtro, as I vaguely remembered the shite film. Since then Ive used it in UT, and other FPS and a lot of MMO's but stopped using it last year sometime. Apart from here and a WoW forum I go by another nick :$.

I havent been here much for the past year or so - lo btw :)


Mar 11, 2004
originally i was called Ganymedex, first nick i used on IRC for Haloplayers back in the day. Yes i got it from the moon Ganymede.

Short time later it got shorted to just Gany and then EvilGany from a episode in haloplayers.

Picked up DAoC and "Gany" didn't fit the theme so i hit the random name generator. Came back with Galewyr which is my pally, shortened to Gale for IRC and Freddyshouse.

Short time later i made a character called Poag [again random name] which i use in alll new games and for Xbox Live

The random name generator strikes again!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 14, 2005
I was signing up for a BW dial-up account and had to think of something quick!

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