Organizing manifestation against the war on Excalibur Server

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here here don't bomb sadam NUKE THE BASTARD ffs this is a game about supremecy beating your opposition down you lame brained hippy go to iraq and become a human shield if you want to do anything about it

ps i'll tell my m8 who's serving in the gulf to aim for u as well

Repent Reloaded

oh my fucking lord, this is one of the most stupid ideas ever, YES LETS STOP THE REASON WHY WE PLAY DAOC, LETS STOP THE FUN!!. NO FUN, NO FUN, NO.... yes!!! the goverment read BW forums, your voice will be noticed in game!!!

You got my vote m8! *sigh*


Originally posted by Repent
oh my fucking lord, this is one of the most stupid ideas ever, YES LETS STOP THE REASON WHY WE PLAY DAOC, LETS STOP THE FUN!!. NO FUN, NO FUN, NO.... yes!!! the goverment read BW forums, your voice will be noticed in game!!!

You got my vote m8! *sigh*

do i detect an element of sarcasm in that statement?

Anyway, moving away from that. This isn't a 'do you support the war/do you support peace' post. This is a guy asking for opinions on an anti-war demonstration.

So less of the mis-informed bull-shit and give him some helpful advise.


Originally posted by scartooth
I dont think anyone will deny that Saddam is a dictator and runs Iraq by fear BUT who are we to invade them??

The good guys ?

"Has Saddam turned into Dr Evil ? 0_o"

Not recently no...But he been dr evil past 20 years or summit

"If you think this war is about anything other than a band wagon and oil then think again. Why havent we interceded in Mugabi or even back when Bosnia was crying out for help, why did we ignore them and then only send in blue berets?"

Good question really. Why didnt we ?
Cause UN said NO. And some peeps did the misstake to obey :(

Basically you saying we did wrong in the past so lets do wrong now....

"If my wife argues with me and wotn see it my way does it make it ok for me to beat her black and blue then?? "

You really want to compare your wife with Saddam ??
plz let her c this and you will get beaten silly....

And plz can you really say that Saddams killing of 100.000 civilians = arguing with wife ? Damn dont want to b near you 2 when you start arguing...

"Good on you if you think war ANY war is right and called for. :/"
hmm you know that 99% of UN saying war is ok ?? or did you miss that part ??

"Kill one and its murder.
Kill a thousand and its War.
Who made us Gods to decide when and where we can kill a leader /dictator and his people."

I totaly agree with you there m8. Saddam have killed 100.000 peeps during his regim. Basically you saying its ok to attack Saddam cause he already in war. Nice to c we have something in agreement.

"Logic for ya :/( and we are not hippys just folk that can see past our bloody fists and cave man breeding btw"

Your logic as i demonstrated seem to b very flawed imho.
But then again its you that still have bloody fists and your offspring is cavemen ?


Originally posted by scartooth
omg lol.
Now is Saddam and good guy? No not in nine hells is he but do we have right to be there ?

Wow your logic still fails me..

So basically you saying that if i c someone getting beaten to death in the street i should just walk away ?

I can understand the peeps saying "NO WAR SADDAM IS A GOOD GUY" cause then in there eyes the war is wrong as hell.

But peeps saying "yes saddam killed 100 k peeps, yes he is a devil, yes he should b removed" and in next sentence says the war is bad......

Think a great thinker once said
"all it takes for the devil to win, is that good men do nothing....."


Originally posted by findannain
these words are so true

and spudgie i think you are the one who needs a reality check. and for the spelling... are you an idiot?? iraq is the english way to write in my language it is irak, if i choose to write irak then so be it. Stick your head in the ground and grow a brain you might find it comes in handy

hmm yes in my language its also called irak. But then again im not discussing in swedish here....Do you ?

You should follow the language spoken on this boards as long as you can m8. If you misspell it then np. But using another name when you can the right is plain stupid ?


Originally posted by DD&BD
this war is a joke really, the USA have been chapping at the bit for a reason to go back in there and finish what bushs daddy started and 9/11 gave them that reason.

Nice to hear someone laughing at this war...

Damn didnt know that US made them plan crash into Towers cause they needed oil...

"This war has been sold sooooooo badly, saddam prolly shouldn’t be in power but nether should a lot of other dictators around the world, by saying that we are in Iraq to help the people there bush opened up a nasty can of worms"

hmm so you saying we should get rid of all dictators in the world ?
Nice idea really

"I also heard on the radio today that the US are already deciding what companies get to rebuild Iraq, can u guess what country is getting all the contracts"

WEll all in UN says british and US should pay for the rebuild of iraq... Cant they then contract there own companies to get back some money from this war ?


Originally posted by Archeon
Anyway, moving away from that. This isn't a 'do you support the war/do you support peace' post. This is a guy asking for opinions on an anti-war demonstration.

Well you wrong there.
He clearly states in his sign what he thinks this war is about. Then its ok to raise your opinions of this war imho.
If he been totaly neutral and asked about siggestions then i would just give him advice about that.
But when he clearly states a diff opinion from my view then i can voice my oponion.

But then again we live in a free country, Had it been iraq i should prolly get beaten and shoot in the street......


Originally posted by crespillo
Lo, im a player of Hib/Exc, ranger lvl 48 and im trying to organize a manifestation against the war in Exc Server, with guilds or people of Hib/Mid/Alb.

The manifestation will have place in Emain ( Hib Frontier ), in approximately 2-3 Weeks, the problem is that i need guildmasters that are interested to participe in manifestation, and e-mail or msg intern of forum to contact with they, after 1 week i will create one chanel in Mirc ( Quakenet ) to prepare better this event.

Well i wouldnt go to emain to do this. Maybe a Zone furthest away from main RvR area. Me personally wont come and destroy the event cause im against your idea.

I think your right to view your ideas and opinions is your right to do so m8.

But if you standing holding hands in emain when im running past to get some RP. I wont hesitate to cast that PBAOE.


We play to escape the reality of life and some moron tries to bring politics into the game.

If I see any event like this I will gather a force of like minded people (including Alb and Hib) and will farm the lot of ya.... don't spoil the game, if you want to protest feck off out into the rain and wind with ya placards don't bring it to my living room.

Please all those that object to politics being brought into DAoC use Right Now and object to the idea.


People have very polarised opinions about this Gulf War. Threads like this, though sincere in their intent, do not belong in a forum like this.

Therefore thread is closed.
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