Opera cancelled in anticipation of islam reactions


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Tis becoming ridicolous and annoying.
I don't give a shit about religions mind ya, but there are Catholics Priests and Sisters assassinated in Islamic Countries and we shall bother if they got offended by a fucking opera?
Fuck off imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
But MY tolerance ends exactly at the point where OTHER people are trying to cut down MY way of life. And I don´t think that that´s something I need to apologize for?!

You don't need to, and most people wont expect you to, most people i know feel the same way. This whole PC thing is getting beyond a joke and i suspect there will be a major backlash against it in the near future.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
im going to move to an islamic country
and start complaining about everything i see
then , when someone complains about me, i shall blow up the school their children attend.

see how they fucking like it, bunch of overzealous blinded-by-religion, need-a-reason-for-their-shitty-existence, narrow-minded, hypochritical motherfuckers.

problem is, we are too squeamish and politically correct. bring back the Boer War plan. round up civilians, put em in concentration camps, leave em there, let em all die, bet those fuckers would come down out of the hills a damn site quicker. or just bomb em back to the stoneage. who gives a fuck if there are civilian casualties? they go around burning western flags screaming ALLAH IS GREAT. yeah thats nice, talk to my napalm.

/rant over :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Mabs said:
im going to move to an islamic country
and start complaining about everything i see
then , when someone complains about me, i shall blow up the school their children attend.

see how they fucking like it, bunch of overzealous blinded-by-religion, need-a-reason-for-their-shitty-existence, narrow-minded, hypochritical motherfuckers.

problem is, we are too squeamish and politically correct. bring back the Boer War plan. round up civilians, put em in concentration camps, leave em there, let em all die, bet those fuckers would come down out of the hills a damn site quicker. or just bomb em back to the stoneage. who gives a fuck if there are civilian casualties? they go around burning western flags screaming ALLAH IS GREAT. yeah thats nice, talk to my napalm.

/rant over :(

:worthy: :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Cozak said:
Couldnt agree more.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Lamp again.



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Lamp again.

So you get my rep instead :p


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
But MY tolerance ends exactly at the point where OTHER people are trying to cut down MY way of life. And I don´t think that that´s something I need to apologize for?!
I wasnt actually aiming my post at you mate, you have a perfectly valid point and one of the VERY few people who tend to acutally think before they post rather than spout some crap they read in x paper

Mabs said:
im going to move to an islamic country
and start complaining about everything i see
then , when someone complains about me, i shall blow up the school their children attend.

see how they fucking like it, bunch of overzealous blinded-by-religion, need-a-reason-for-their-shitty-existence, narrow-minded, hypochritical motherfuckers.
If you want to draw a direct parallel,
you go there and blow yourself up, said Islamic country declares "war on terror" and invades a western country or 2, takes a shit on the geneva convention before shipping your friends off to guantanamo 2, maybe shoot a innocent civilian or two to get the media going about how everyone of x complection is a terrorist.
Perhaps send Lebannon arms to flatten Israel in the "war on terror"

I could go on, but you get the idea

I think you described your opinion best yourself
Mabs said:
narrow-minded, hypochritical motherfuckers.
The problem isn't the PC crowd, the problem is you and people who are thinking like you trying your very hardest to erode what little rights we have left.
People who died for the various liberties we take for granted would be turning in their graves...


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Sharma said:
I see the irony of my statement went completely over your head eh? :p
sorry, my bad :)
it's a little difficult to tell with the general level of maturity in this thread ;-)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Chronictank said:
But hey, thats what double standards are for right? i mean extermists want to turn western states into islamic ones, and western powers that be want to turn islamic ones into western states
after all 2 wrongs evidently make a right in your opinion

but if its coming down to a matter of time of who turns which countries first, then what new law would you rather have introduced to your country, remember you only get one choice! -

  • All women who are raped shall be stoned to death for commiting adultery
  • Free education for everyone upto the age of 16


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
tris- said:
but if its coming down to a matter of time of who turns which countries first, then what new law would you rather have introduced to your country, remember you only get one choice! -

  • All women who are raped shall be stoned to death for commiting adultery
  • Free education for everyone upto the age of 16
i could equally turn this around and say
which would you choose
  • A convicted murderer is put to death
  • A convicted murderer servers half his sentence and is released with the only obligation being community service
But more to the point, why should you have to choose, parts of both could be taken to create a much better (imo) system such as one where western law is practiced, but Islamic law is used to dish out punishments (i.e. the victim chooses the punishment if the person is found guilty not a judge)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
and you think the people enforcing islamic law on a western country will bow down to our demands off "come on guys, lets pic n mix the laws". ofcourse not. otherwise they wouldnt be wanting to convert countries in the first place.

maybe its just me, but i dont find your comparison on the same level as the one i did :)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
tris- said:
and you think the people enforcing islamic law on a western country will bow down to our demands off "come on guys, lets pic n mix the laws". ofcourse not. otherwise they wouldnt be wanting to convert countries in the first place.

maybe its just me, but i dont find your comparison on the same level as the one i did :)
I dont support either camp, i don't think either should be forced on any country as it will develop at its own rate to whatever end.
But the fact of the matter is, extermists are thankfully in the minority. The US is forcing its own laws on other countries via military force, which is a whole country meaning the whole country is responsible as its army is a representative of it

Also the law that the extremists are pushing isnt actually Islamic law per se, its a variation based on Islamic law where they have picked and chosen points to support their cause


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
yeh, maybe if their religion wasnt so frantic it would devlop to what ever. but now if they want to terrorise everyone to convert to their ways, its only a matter of time. so if its only a matter of time would you rather your western laws were in play or islamic law?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2006
Iceforge said:

Im pretty used to all the "don't offend anyone" news all the time, so what I found interesting here was:

What kind of play is it, if the decapitated (decapucated??) heads of 4 religious figures was absolutly VITAL for the play???

agree...dunno why people or theatre performances must insult other peoples believe and religion?
on the other hand: it is ridiculous that germany, a state built on the christian believe, has to be afraid of muslims and their religion...
if they don´t like it, they are more then free to leave germany and europe and celebrate their religion in a muslim country. many muslims simply don´t want to adapt and that is in my opinion the reason for the western/muslim culture clash.

my (very short) 2 cents


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
tris- said:
yeh, maybe if their religion wasnt so frantic it would devlop to what ever. but now if they want to terrorise everyone to convert to their ways, its only a matter of time. so if its only a matter of time would you rather your western laws were in play or islamic law?
Their religion has nothing to do with anything, it is a vessel to get their supporters to rally together. Just like christianity in the crusades and "democracy" (even tho it doesnt look like much of it is actually being practiced) was when the yanks got the UK on side.

But if it came down to it i can't really say as i havent looked in depth into Islamic law and the reprocussions of it, i have only ever been exposed to a hybrid of the 2 ( personally dont like reading into the propaganda spewed out by various organisation, if you want to know something look yourself)

Collateral said:
. many muslims simply don´t want to adapt and that is in my opinion the reason for the western/muslim culture clash.

my (very short) 2 cents
You will find that most muslim's have and are happy to integrate into western culture, its the small vocal minority (as always) combined with the PC lobbyists (sp?) along with the media that have created the atmosphere we live in today.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Collateral said:
agree...dunno why people or theatre performances must insult other peoples believe and religion?

i guess thats because of the little thing most people like to call "artistic expression". i was thinking yesterday what if we were no longer allowed such things and how shit the world would become.

from rappers talking about how they smoke dope to people making cartoons of someones god.

would you rather we couldnt do any of it?


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
tris- said:
i guess thats because of the little thing most people like to call "artistic expression". i was thinking yesterday what if we were no longer allowed such things and how shit the world would become.

from rappers talking about how they smoke dope to people making cartoons of someones god.

would you rather we couldnt do any of it?
cant remember who said it but the quote
"with great power comes great responsibility"
comes to mind

I personally think its quite sad what the world has become, we live in a society where people piss off a community set (be it religion, sex, sexual orientaton, race etc.. ) just so they can make a quick buck


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I really think its sad that you have to be affraid of muslims if you say or do something bad to their religion.. this just shows they are 200 years mental behind everybody else..


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Eeben said:
I really think its sad that you have to be affraid of muslims if you say or do something bad to their religion.. this just shows they are 200 years mental behind everybody else..

so true :worthy:


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Eeben said:
i doubt its only because we the western world has exploitet them..

You cant compare something that happent with religion..
dont you think its hypocritical to appeal against one and not the other?
Just because it offends you more, doesnt make it any more or less right to go against it
How can you possibly expect a fair debate when you have illustrated yourself with the above post that you arent willing to accept one thing but are willing to accept another despite the fact both offend large groups of people

tris- said:
i remember this was posted before. and i still stand by my oppinion that there is nothing wrong with the restaurant being named that.
I remember, and i respect you for that :) but i thought it was pretty relevant to the thread to illustrate the double standards going on :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2006
no, religion is the basis for many people´s life. in my opinion there is a fine line between art, trying desperatly to get attention and simply insult people in one way or another. i got a problem when people make jokes about my christian believe cause that is what i believe in. if people don´t believe...fine for them, but they should not start to insult other people´s opinion and attitude.

you can´t simply sell it as art...4 chopped off heads of religious figures - c´mon dude, this is weird and very insulting.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The small Jewish community said they were insulted over the choice of name.

I stand by my doctrine that if they don't like it, then either avoid it or don't fucking eat there.

People piss and moan for the sake of doing it these days.

It's a bloody name, the fact that people moan about it shows that some people can't seem to get over the bloody war. Hitler is DEAD ffs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chronictank said:
dont you think its hypocritical to appeal against one and not the other?
Just because it offends you more, doesnt make it any more or less right to go against it

hitler doesnt offend me tbh... But the are famillies who has lost familli members because of hitler an i really do understand why they would complain about this thing?

Nobody died because of the cartoons or this opera? there is also a differnt appealing an starting to burn down buldings an blowing up stuff? dont you think?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2006
the whole hitler restaurant thing....pure PR. everybody talks about it, mission accomplished.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
you can´t simply sell it as art...4 chopped off heads of religious figures - c´mon dude, this is weird and very insulting.

Yes, you can. That´s a fundamental (no pun intended) part of our society. I can express my opinion that - for example - I think GW Bush is an idiot. Or that Jesus was a whiny muppet. Or that Linux is better than Windows.
It´s everybodys right to do that. You may not like it, but nobody is forcing you to listen to it. Just like nobody is forcing me to listen to the "you all go to hell if you don´t do this or that" crap they´re trying to tell me in the church.
I agree, that there is a point somewhere, where stating an opinion slowly morphs into just dissing the other side and the sole purpose of the argument is to insult. But please... for ..um.. may I say Gods? better now.. so for fooks sake, four chopped off heads in a theater.. what the heck? If you´re THAT easily offended, then you´re not an inch better than the muppets who started burning flags because some artist made a cartoon of their religious leader. Ridiculous.

P.S. Since you´ve got the chucknorrisfacts.com link in your sig.. did you ever think about that all this ridiculing of Chuck Norris might be insulting for Chuck Norris? Or hurting his feelings? No? hm....


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Eeben said:
hitler doesnt offend me tbh... But the are famillies who has lost familli members because of hitler an i really do understand why they would complain about this thing?

Nobody died because of the cartoons or this opera? there is also a differnt appealing an starting to burn down buldings an blowing up stuff? dont you think?
why, who or what is competely irrelevant
What is relevant is you are censoring one thing because it offends one set of people, but not censoring the other because even tho it offends another set.
The content were talking about has no relevance to the argument, how can it be fair if double standards are being implemented,, the answer is it quite simply cant.
You either want free speech, where anyone can say anything
Or you cant and people should respect others beliefs, which is the society we live in now

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