"You are now registered with Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning!
An e-mail has been sent to you at the following address:
you must click on the link in the e-mail to activate your account"
wow i feel like i may be getting somewhere, waiting on that e-mail now hehe!
"Your code activation request has been registered"
... what does this mean? Do i have to wait for an e-mail or should i be able to login now, just tried an it didn't let me, do I wait a bit or just keep trying every now and again?
Hello GOA?????????????????,
I've been trying to get my keys registered since sunday evening.
I had a account since a year and made also a new one on sunday with different email, login etc. (guess why?)
I've been trying on both to get my beta keys validated, only thing i get back
is an e-mail reply with ' your code hasn't been registered, click here blablabla'.
When i click the link, i get directed to war-europe website and an 'authentication failed, check login and password' pop-up appears.
Been trying this many times and I am 100% positive my login/pass is correct.
How about you fix the registration in a decent manner and provide support for a failing system to people who paid for their pre-order to get in open beta.
Words cannot explain how committed and keen GOA are to bring WAR to Europe. This is why we will let actions speak for us. Very interesting announcements will be available at war-europe today.
am I the only one that still wonder about this?
where are these very interesting announcements?
am I the only one that still wonder about this?
where are these very interesting announcements?