News Obese man discovers perpetual energy :p

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
rynnor said:
You had a question rather than a load of liberal bleating?

I havent stigmatised anyone except in your head - I posed some questions about a specific case then you got on a high horse and made the arguement that because a small percentage might be fat largely due to a medical complaint that no-one should say obesity wasnt a desired state.

If you think you can tackle an obesity epidemic by telling everyone its not their fault, its a medical problem then I am shocked - or would be if it wasnt you making such a specious arguement.

I'll take that as a yes then. I hope nobody close to you ever has to deal with weight issues, especially with complex causes.

You are right though, I do see things in a very different way to you, and I am so very glad that is the case.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Oh right I see.along jokes about teenagers with STD's would be a deterrent and would save lives.

Maybe if STD's were stigmatised the way they used to be teenagers would be a bit more careful about avoiding getting them rather than fucking anything that moves, unprotected, like they do nowadays.

It seems to me that taking the emotional sting out of catching venereal diseases (as they used to be called) has directly contributed to the record rises in contagion that we're now seeing.

By all means spend money on making sure they get treated correctly - but make people feel shit about themselves for being dirty little fucks.

In the same way - offer fatties all the help under the sun to help them with their problem - but don't let them think that it's anyone's fault but their own. It's not OK to be fat. It shows a lack of self control - and if they can't control their own eating habits they more than likely can't control other aspects of their life they should get a fucking grip on.

Like me :)


Dec 26, 2003
I'll take that as a yes then. I hope nobody close to you ever has to deal with weight issues, especially with complex causes.

You are right though, I do see things in a very different way to you, and I am so very glad that is the case.

Your attitude turns them into 'victims' who are powerless to help themselves - I prefer to think that people can help themselves to overcome challenges be they physical/psychological or whatever.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Your attitude turns them into 'victims' who are powerless to help themselves - I prefer to think that people can help themselves to overcome challenges be they physical/psychological or whatever.

He's got some good points (stigmatising people does make them more depressed and less likely to help themselves in many cases) - but the point you make above is probably the more pursuasive one.

It works in the same way that religion works to absolve people of responsibility for the shit that happens around them - and Mr Prefect is of a religious bent so we can expect him to have an "awww be nice to these people who can't help it" attitude...

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
No, I don't see them as victims anymore than I see myself a victim for the obstacles I have to overcome every day. Your attitude is not one of helping people help themselves, it is one of putting more obstacles in their way, both social and emotional by making them objects of derision.

As I have said several times in this thread, it may well be that this chap is lying, and somehow feels that an invasive and unpleasant operation will overcome his lack of willpower. So what? To me that says that this chap has much deeper issues than his weight. The article states that he was a serving police officer, you have no idea of what this chaps experiences are or what his mental health is like, but rather than give any of that any thought, you simply pass a convenient judgement.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
Scouse said:
He's got some good points (stigmatising people does make them more depressed and less likely to help themselves in many cases) - but the point you make above is probably the more pursuasive one.

It works in the same way that religion works to absolve people of responsibility for the shit that happens around them - and Mr Prefect is of a religious bent so we can expect him to have an "awww be nice to these people who can't help it" attitude...

I am agnostic, in the truest sense of the word. My attitude is derived from my personal experience, working experience and I think it is fair to say a, a strong natural sense of justice which is a common trait in Aspies, none of which makes any of my points less cogent or true.


Dec 26, 2003
No, I don't see them as victims anymore than I see myself a victim for the obstacles I have to overcome every day. Your attitude is not one of helping people help themselves, it is one of putting more obstacles in their way, both social and emotional by making them objects of derision.

I think telling people they have a medical condition is far more damaging than telling them they need to eat less and exercise more.

When people have a medical condition they would take it to a doctor to fix it - thus if you tell obese people they are sick they will expect a doctor to cure them rather than taking responsibility.

Surgery should be the absolute last gasp exceptional treatment - your attitude risks making it routine.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
rynnor said:
I think telling people they have a medical condition is far more damaging than telling them they need to eat less and exercise more.

When people have a medical condition they would take it to a doctor to fix it - thus if you tell obese people they are sick they will expect a doctor to cure them rather than taking responsibility.

Surgery should be the absolute last gasp exceptional treatment - your attitude risks making it routine.

I agreed he shouldn't have surgery and pointed out that it is an invasive and dangerous operation with lasting health risks!

My attitude sways toward help and support. Have you actually read this thread?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There was an amusing Embarrassing Fat Bodies series recently, really brought to light how it's just laziness for the most part.

They got a family of fatties on and systematically ran them through every medical test that would reveal whether they had any medical conditions causing it. All of their excuses - genetics, metabolism, big bone structure - all of it was utter bullshit. The family all had average or lower than average genetic tendencies for being bigger, the looks on their faces was hiliarious as they all realised that it was their own doing and that none of the ready made fatty excuses could ever apply to them.


Dec 26, 2003
I agreed he shouldn't have surgery and pointed out that it is an invasive and dangerous operation with lasting health risks!

My attitude sways toward help and support. Have you actually read this thread?

You agreed for the wrong reasons then came up with all this 'but its not his fault - he could have X' nonsense.

That attitude has a far wider application than a single case and thats what this discussion has been about - the featured case was merely a springboard to a wider issue.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
rynnor said:
You agreed for the wrong reasons then came up with all this 'but its not his fault - he could have X' nonsense.

That attitude has a far wider application than a single case and thats what this discussion has been about - the featured case was merely a springboard to a wider issue.

I never once said that he didn't have any responsibility for his condition, I merely pointed out that were making fun of a man (which is childish and ignorant in any case) of whom you have no personal knowledge, and I further pointed out that there are possible medical reasons for this chaps weight, including his medication.

I touched on the wider implications, when I generalised, you went straight back to this chap.


Dec 26, 2003
I merely pointed out that were making fun of a man (which is childish and ignorant in any case) of whom you have no personal knowledge

I chose the case to make a wider point and if I presented it with an element of humour it was to encourage people to read it and think.

As I have previously stated your 'well intentioned' attitude will do far more harm than some very mild mockery.

You have repeatedly failed to grasp the damage that disempowering people can do.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Imo the STD thing is about lack of fear of pregnancy nowadays, It was getting pregnant that used to scare people more than the STDs themselfs, now everyone knows you can just pop a pill the next day and voila so the fear has lessened. Also the fact ppl are getting drunk at younger and younger ages.

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