Nice one Sko.

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Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
sko said:
You're talking about "get to know" me. Well I don't know you, and you don't know me. You're assuming all kinds of shit and all I can tell you is that you're wrong.

I dont believe you, sorry,equaly anyone else at SoM last night wouldnt believe your posts here.

sko said:
Reason I called you greedy is cause you went head over heel for an item, the encounter was started by me, and sure I messed up a bit while completing it as I've said before, my friend got delayed. You not accepting this and going on about what a thief I am can only mean you're just pissed cause you didn't get it for yourself hence greedy.

Ok, you obviously missed my other 3 posts saying exactly the same so here it is again.

I was not expecting to get the artifact, credit for the encounter would have been more than enough, i have no problems buying the artifact off the CM's and the scrolls i need, please check my previous posts and if you still dont believe me talk to the other people that were there last night. In addition the two of us left at SoM when it was reset decided to hold a FFA raid and invite anyone in the area or aliance chat and let them roll - this is NOT being "head over heals for the item" I even grouped my cleric and actively played two characters but only rolled once... this is not Greedy I sugest you ask Santa for a dictionary for xmass.

The encounter was started by you - then you just stood around and waited for over 1 hour for someone to complete the encounter for you - thats lazy and pathetic, too damn right it got reset.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Tears said:
Ok, you obviously missed my other 3 posts saying exactly the same so here it is again.

The encounter was started by you - then you just stood around and waited for over 1 hour for someone to complete the encounter for you - thats lazy and pathetic, too damn right it got reset.

Your stupidty is really getting annoying, I've explained this more than 3 times aswell. Give it a rest now and admit you were wrong, admit you automatically fell into a flamingfest based on prior events and my reputation and I'll forgive you.

Revz: I do not ask for people's forgiveness, I refused to post an "apology" to the Malice issue because I believe you are all wrong and I'm right. I'm not TRYING to make enemies, you are all just very different from me. You are not accepting my explanations, tho, you just ... don't believe them, well actually not my problem any more.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
sko said:
Your stupidty is really getting annoying, I've explained this more than 3 times aswell. Give it a rest now and admit you were wrong, admit you automatically fell into a flamingfest based on prior events and my reputation and I'll forgive you.

Ohh right yeah.... ill nick the artifact with my sojo mins then log my scout on and wait for someone to kill it - using the excuse of "my friend is late" <cough>

you really should read my posts before you comment, this whole stupidity thing is really backfiring on you... here... have ANOTHER shovel.


Sep 4, 2004
Tears said:
Already has, hasnt he - Flesh was and still is a good leader, Only had two small problems ever with Flesh, and would rather raid with him any day than Sko
The BEST leader thank you very much.
And to be fair if I wanted to, I could out-**** Sko anyday. :(


Sep 4, 2004
Straef said:
Never seen Flesh scam, and afaik he hasn't done so. Also his nasty remarks are funneh :( Sko on the other hand... ;(
That's not true, I use to kill alot of monsters and steal their wallets after. :(


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Then do it. I'm getting too much attention these days.


Sep 4, 2004
Btw just to throw in my point of view as well as some spam.
I don't really think Sko did anything wrong.. he was clever enough to exploit a design flaw, as previously mentioned ...alot of people have done so.. whether it be necro's with pets in walls, chanters nuking through walls etc.
You're only abusing Sko because of who he is, and his reputation.
What he did was not that dissimilar from Yussef and his mixed fg of PE/TLW trying to farm the worm for seals when it was bugged.. not that I blame him, since I tried to do it as well...but he was never abused in a 10 page long thread for it simply because he doesn't have Sko's reputation.

I don't personally see a problem with whining/abusing Sko or Morimdin, or Yussef for that matter, as I think they're all wankers but if you're going to do it, at least be honest about why you're doing it, and not use the "cloak stealing " as Tears worded it as an excuse.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
<sko> this is so fun
<sko> soon 10 pages on SOM-whine on FH
<sko> in the meantime i just picked up another claok tbh :p
<sko> and the best part is
<sko> im getting lotsa pms of peep who wanna buy
<sko> xDDD



Sep 4, 2004
Must've been low then, considering most Essex boi's have their trousers round their ankles. :<


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Jeeves said:
Btw just to throw in my point of view as well as some spam.
I don't really think Sko did anything wrong.. he was clever enough to exploit a design flaw, as previously mentioned ...alot of people have done so.. whether it be necro's with pets in walls, chanters nuking through walls etc.
You're only abusing Sko because of who he is, and his reputation.
What he did was not that dissimilar from Yussef and his mixed fg of PE/TLW trying to farm the worm for seals when it was bugged.. not that I blame him, since I tried to do it as well...but he was never abused in a 10 page long thread for it simply because he doesn't have Sko's reputation.

;o Necropets in walls are a designflaw wich is not allowed to abuse whereas both som stealing and chater pbaing through walls (cant every pbae do that?)

and what yussef did is different in the way that no one was camping the worm to kill it legally, sko's reputation just helps on it ;o

(not that i really think its so bad what he did, but sko's an idiot nonetheless, wuch wannabe flesh haha ;<)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Jeeves said:
Must've been low then, considering most Essex boi's have their trousers round their ankles. :<

Girls not boys :(. Cos the boys have their trousers in their socks remember? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Jeeves said:
Btw just to throw in my point of view as well as some spam.
I don't really think Sko did anything wrong.. he was clever enough to exploit a design flaw, as previously mentioned ...alot of people have done so.. whether it be necro's with pets in walls, chanters nuking through walls etc.
You're only abusing Sko because of who he is, and his reputation.
What he did was not that dissimilar from Yussef and his mixed fg of PE/TLW trying to farm the worm for seals when it was bugged.. not that I blame him, since I tried to do it as well...but he was never abused in a 10 page long thread for it simply because he doesn't have Sko's reputation.

I don't personally see a problem with whining/abusing Sko or Morimdin, or Yussef for that matter, as I think they're all wankers but if you're going to do it, at least be honest about why you're doing it, and not use the "cloak stealing " as Tears worded it as an excuse.

If this was the xase i would agree with you - if someone ported out with the cloak then dragged the mobs to town, i REALLY dont have a problem. But what does piss me off is the fact he started the encounter.... then did fuck all... just waited, the encounter looks up and some other people would have come - complete it - and thought "wheres the cloak?" while sko drooled over how many plat he can get for it.

Doing an encounter a different way (which does not break the CoC) is fine
Starting an encounter and making others complete it and you recieveing credit is wrong.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Sko said:
<sko> this is so fun
<sko> soon 10 pages on SOM-whine on FH
<sko> in the meantime i just picked up another claok tbh :p
<sko> and the best part is
<sko> im getting lotsa pms of peep who wanna buy
<sko> xDDD

And you wonder why people flame you ?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
LoL you're like a toy rabbit on duracells.. keeps on going and going and going and going and going.

And the reason my friend was so delayed was cause he didn't want anything to do with it and he thought he'd get reputation as scammer/thief, I told him he wouldn't etc, but that was his choise. Not gonna say who it was tho.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
<hands Sko a shovel>. Oh, nice to know that you're borking SoM again today from what i've been told.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Whats it with you guys and shovels? Are you really that bad at metaphors? Get a grip, teehhh..


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
sko said:
LoL you're like a toy rabbit on duracells.. keeps on going and going and going and going and going.

29 posts by you on this thread
21 by me

Yes im very bored.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
And you're not the one getting acused/flamed etc so I'd say you're pretty lame too :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Why do you all flame sko? Its pretty obvious that hes has a mental issue.. so be nice to the handicaped ppl!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
Araudry said:
ofc only clueless ppl could understand how u act .. retard.

Araudry, you haven't said a single thing in this thread that has helped it in any way, you just try to fuel the flames, but you manage to miss the fire, by miles :|

I think you're an ok guy, but please, just keep out of this, your stooping lower and lower by continuing. :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
You're the delusional one, I've said the truth and if you don't believe me you can contact GOA and ask them what really happened. Oh, and IRL threats wow thats really mature, I'm sure I'd be real scared of y'all. Get a grip you retard.

Your 'truths' have more holes in them than the Sko voodoo dolls 90% of Albion keep sticking pins into you silly little twit, and if you honestly think anyone takes your claims of 'innocence' seriously then all I can say is I hope you are thinking of going to night school or something... a good education (dare I say 'any' education) would benefit you I think...

Oh, and for your own benefit, the definition of a 'retard' is as follows...

to slow down, to delay, to make slow or late

So, how much luck are you finding getting into raids now Sko? Finding progress a bit slow? People going out of their way to block you?

Feeling a bit 'retarded'?

<hands over another shovel>

Get digging, pillock, there's still one or two out there who need convinced just how much of an idiot you are.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Well I got all my items and I'm ML 10 really, but keep the flames coming I find them somewhat entertaining Lamont. Might I offer you a lemon fruit for some bitterness? Wanker. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Revz said:
Chrystina made a perfectly valid point. There was no need (Escape and Araudry) to get upset about the fact that he wasn't directly attacking sko with blind fury and instead had chosen to look at things from a different angle.

I have no problem with Chrystina not attacking Sko, my replies to him were on a completely different subject. Besides, you two are not innocent when it comes to joining flaming bandwagon!

This thread wouldn't be as long if the trickster was someone other than Sko.
It's not that people hate him, more about Sko congratulating himself on a theft well done, which offends readers more than the act itself.

sko said:
All in all though I must admit Nerner is my hero.

Dids you know Nerner was beaten up whilst wearing a Batman costume? :p

What you need to understand is, if you act like a fool you'll be treated like one. You'd do better by not posting anything at all! Keep up your immaturity and you'll stay in a position of needing to solo encounters, because your only friend is unwilling to help you.

Anyway I can't post in these threads anymore, or Flink will punish me :(
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