Nice one Sko.

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UndyingAngel said:
In all Fairness Tears is a credit to the Realm, Tears has run countless ML Raids etc.. etc.. and from what I know a very nice person. on the other hand we have YOU a known lier and a thef and well known for beening so on many ocasions.. it just makes me laugh how you can keep comming up with so much bull shit and then bleave it to be true.. I think you are the one needing help.
In all fairness, atleast sko didnt get his account from ebay.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
Sko, are you really from this planet? :eek7:

Someone else has started the encounter and the cloak isn't there

Someone else? You mean 'you yourself' don't you?

So just XXXXing pull the mobs to town and close it.

And get you the XXXXing cloak thanks very much...

Ahhhh, pretending you are a true 'team player' who is pissed off at someone else screwing things up for the community.... nice touch.

I think everyone is under no illusions that you are a devious, delusioned dipstick of the first order. You crap on as many people as you can, get told to stoppit, then crap on them some more. As long as Sko gets what Sko wants, then it doesn't matter about the way you get it.

You know, it's probably just as well you play an MMORPG because if you were sitting face to face with the vast majority of the other gamers who have been exposed to your anti-social, selfish and self-righteous bullshit, I honestly think there'd be a queue formed to smack you one. Ahhh, but I forgot, that gives you attention and makes you feel 'special' doesn't it?

You begged the community to 'understand' your actions with Malice's axe, but only after you found that you were being excluded from so many of the raids that were getting organised.

You now try to justify this latest escapade with more lies. Guess what, no-one with half a brain is buying it any more.

I'm sure you'll try to convince people for the rest of your life that every action you take is justified in some way.

Maybe it's time for you to look a bit deeper. It must after all be pretty lonely out there.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Lamont said:
Bla bla bla.
You're the delusional one, I've said the truth and if you don't believe me you can contact GOA and ask them what really happened. Oh, and IRL threats wow thats really mature, I'm sure I'd be real scared of y'all. Get a grip you retard.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Aoln said:
In all fairness, atleast sko didnt get his account from ebay.


I know who i would rather group with tho. This was done an d dusted alont time ago.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 20, 2004
Morimdin said:
ok, so if i make some raids, buy a big ingame house and kiss ass, am i the law and everyone has to obey me cause i'm never wrong? get real tart

You do seem to cover a lot for naagauk/Sko ??? not sure why.

Really cant understand peeps who get pleasure from doing stuff like this ??


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
sko said:
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, when I can't get on raids and everyone are generally noob assholes, I gotta make it my own way. If you don't like it thats your problem, and probably your own fault aswell.

So you don't get on raids? All because of a little axe? And now everyone's kicking up a fuss over a silly cloak?

Anyway, let's say I roll another class that can fit SoM in their template. Then camp it for 14 hours (like I did last time) only to discover I can't get cloak due to you doing 'what a man's gotta do' .. man, if it was up to me you'll never get in my group, my bg, my raid, my guild, my zone, my realm - the list goes on. If you don't like it thats your problem, and definitely your own fault aswell.

Nice one, Sko. I think the only one QQing more than you atm is Flesh, who's about to lose his old title.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Graendel said:
Nice one, Sko. I think the only one QQing more than you atm is Flesh, who's about to lose his old title.

Already has, hasnt he - Flesh was and still is a good leader, Only had two small problems ever with Flesh, and would rather raid with him any day than Sko


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Aoln said:
In all fairness, atleast sko didnt get his account from ebay.
nah he told me in pm he stole it... its a lot cheaper and faster etc uc :<

i prefer someone thats honest from ebay than a fecking retarded thief/liar :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Araudry said:
nah he told me in pm he stole it... its a lot cheaper and faster etc uc :<

i prefer someone thats honest from ebay than a fecking retarded thief/liar :eek:

:clap: hehehe :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Tears said:
Already has, hasnt he - Flesh was and still is a good leader, Only had two small problems ever with Flesh, and would rather raid with him any day than Sko

Was thinking Most Infamous on Prydwen :p I remember even Humberton Council warning me about Flesh when I dinged lvl 3 on my armsman.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Najwa >>> Flesh

Sko isn't even in the same league


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
funny everyone jumps on Sko for everything he does, while everyone loves Tears for telling everyone "in public" (note the quotes) how to screw up stuff for others (for educational purposes only, don't try this at home style)?


May 14, 2004
Chrystina said:
funny everyone jumps on Sko for everything he does, while everyone loves Tears for telling everyone "in public" (note the quotes) how to screw up stuff for others (for educational purposes only, don't try this at home style)?
the first post that actually is not pathetic, lame, rude, insullting or wildcard whining about sko for nothing =)

:wub: :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Araudry said:
Najwa is Flesh fyi :eek:

I know... but Najwa was a better character :p

You can't compare them to Sko who is a lonely gutter rat, living on scraps.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Chrystina said:
funny everyone jumps on Sko for everything he does, while everyone loves Tears for telling everyone "in public" (note the quotes) how to screw up stuff for others (for educational purposes only, don't try this at home style)?
where u see any post saying someone loves what tears post ?
and why u think sko get all this junk?
get a clue...
go make another thread if u have some personal attack against tears


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Why don't you play on a french server instead, please, Araudry? :)


Dec 22, 2003
Escape said:
I know... but Najwa was a better character :p

You can't compare them to Sko who is a lonely gutter rat, living on scraps.
Please sko is an angel compared to that ****


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Araudry said:
where u see any post saying someone loves what tears post ?
and why u think sko get all this junk?
get a clue...
go make another thread if u have some personal attack against tears
where did I attack Tears? maybe time for _you_ to get a clue and learn some reading-comprehension? are you gonna jump on me now for not jumping on the "let's flame Sko" bandwagon? lol?
and no, I'm gonna lower myself to start new "omg QQ whine" threads for every piece of crap happening in this game ... I only ever did that once and funnily enuff it was about Naagauk (remember the Hulks?)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Chrystina said:
funny everyone jumps on Sko for everything he does, while everyone loves Tears for telling everyone "in public" (note the quotes) how to screw up stuff for others (for educational purposes only, don't try this at home style)?

Might not be a direct attack on Tears, but you do have a problem with what he did.

The encounter was being abused "before" these threads were made.
If burgulars are working in an area, you tell those people how to secure their windows/doors to protect their property. You don't keep quiet incase they realise how easy it is to break into houses and become burgulars themselves.

Likewise, people camping SoM need to know how to protect it and a forum thread is the best tool in this instance.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Me and Chrystina never were particulary good friends, but atleast he has the guts and wit to think for himself, and doesn't automatically assume this and that based on prior events that weren't even fully documented, concluded or comprehended. And by that he is 100x times the person you sheeps of Albion are. Remind me to buy you a beer!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Escape said:
The encounter was being abused "before" these threads were made.
If burgulars are working in an area, you tell those people how to secure their windows/doors to protect their property. You don't keep quiet incase they realise how easy it is to break into houses and become burgulars themselves.

Likewise, people camping SoM need to know how to protect it and a forum thread is the best tool in this instance.
hello? Earth to Escape? there is a BIG difference between telling someone how to protect your property and to tell them how to bypass other peoples security system ... I know it's far fetched and you can't really compare real-life stuff to a game, but have you ever wondered why (for example on TV) they (police, other "authorities") tell you how to make your home safe but don't give you a step-by-step instruction list (so to speak) of how to break in your neighbors home?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Escape is only taking the piss anyway, just random flame, obviously has no intention of arguing for or against the issue, just be lame, really.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
sko said:
Me and Chrystina never were particulary good friends, but atleast he has the guts and wit to think for himself, and doesn't automatically assume this and that based on prior events that weren't even fully documented, concluded or comprehended. And by that he is 100x times the person you sheeps of Albion are. Remind me to buy you a beer!
ofc only clueless ppl could understand how u act .. retard.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Chrystina said:
hello? Earth to Escape? there is a BIG difference between telling someone how to protect your property and to tell them how to bypass other peoples security system ... I know it's far fetched and you can't really compare real-life stuff to a game, but have you ever wondered why (for example on TV) they (police, other "authorities") tell you how to make your home safe but don't give you a step-by-step instruction list (so to speak) of how to break in your neighbors home?

Like i said in the other post - I simply asked people to stop porting out with the cloak, its pretty obvious from the last few days that Sko's been one of the major people doing this - if you believe my post was in breach of the DAOC CoC or EULA then please use that report to moderator icon its what its designed for, and if you dont think its in breach of the DAOC CoC/EULA then why post your comments above ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
sko said:
Why don't you play on a french server instead, please, Araudry? :)
i m not french, i m belgian and speak wallon so?
so why dont u go play tetris atleast u wont steal anyone pixel there...
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