Nice one Sko.

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Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
Lamont, what if he is actually telling the truth ? :p

If he is, I'll be one of the first to eat humble pie and apologise to him unreservedly for going out of my way to flame him.

However, if you look at the contradictions in his own story alongside the overwhelming evidence supporting his status of 'realm idiot' then I have to insist that I personally have no doubt at all in my mind.

Oh and then there's his own admissions of guilt that have been documented throughout much of the threads dedicated to our little friend.

And Sko, there are very many Albs who ALSO have ML10, their templates sorted with all the items they need, AND the goodwill of the rest of the community because they achieved it without shitting on everyone else. I like to think I'm one of them.

So I don't have time to be a 'wanker' I'm afraid mate, I'll be too busy helping others out on ML raids, dragon raids, etc etc etc.. you know, the ones you've been excluded from so much?

Hmmmm, sounds like you may have a lot of 'spare time' on your hands though, or should I say 'spare parts'?

<hands Sko a box of tissues and a copy of 'Barbie Comic Weekly'>

Have fun.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Lamont said:
If he is, I'll be one of the first to eat humble pie and apologise to him unreservedly for going out of my way to flame him.

Apology accepted.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
God, if it stops him logging on then I don't mind him doing ANYTHING. :D

Anyway, gonna leave this thread now... I'm sure you'll see me contributing to the inevitable next one documenting Sko's newest act of pre-pubescent attention-seeking mischief.

Why get involved? Because I also believe as mentioned earlier in this thread that the CoC and the way it is asserted gives gits like Sko the opportunity to 'act big and tough' through screwing over others... it's a classic scenario for delinquents trying to lift themselves further up their concept of a 'food chain', while convincing themselves they are safe from consequence.

And so if the CoC doesn't condemn it, Sko thinks he's safe.... kind of like the big businessman with the expensive lawyer screwing over the rest of the world so he can make a bigger buck, knowing that the 'law' can't touch him.

Well, unfortunately Sko, most of us don't think it's OK, and you'll keep on paying the consequences. Not on these boards obviously, as it seems the observations being made here are going completely over your head; but in-game remember this..... every minute you are logged on you are having less fun than you could have been having if you just didn't act like a spoilt kid with a 'It's me against the world' attitude. Because just as the CoC can't perhaps touch you for your actions, it can't touch most of us for excluding you from everything we organise.... and correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem that the members of Pryd/Alb who are most active in organising raids all seem to hate your attitude with a passion. Bit self-destructive that really...

Ahhh, maybe you're a masochist? That'd fit..

Anyway, looking forward to trading pleasantries with you next time. Try to raise your game a bit though Sko, all the good points seem to have been made by others.

Oh, and you'll never be another Flesh. He at least had a little bit of class when he tried to piss people off.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
** quote removed **

Do you get em out of a book of 1000 insults?

<insert target> can go and <insert vulgar verb> my <insert bodypart>

Now let me see, if you can think up 5 people you hate, 10 vulgar verbs and another 5 suitable bodyparts, that should keep you going for another 250 posts Sko!! <sorry, sorry, I mean to say lots and lots... got it? good.>

Now now, don't mention it, just thought I'd help you out a bit seeing as there is no pre-requisite for 'originality' in your responses.

Oh, and as for the I AM innocent bit..... :rolleyes:

deluded.. has to be deluded...


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Lamont I see your point but you're trying act oh so mature then how about stop ignoring everything I say and listen for a sec.

Reason I want to go on raids is cause I needed some cash. I don't want to be friends with you. I think you are idiots. You are clueless newbies who run in packs wherever you go. You arange raids of 110 people who FAIL to do things like Eriny's Charm where other people succeed with 8 people. Albs are stupid, albs are crappy, I DON'T WANT YOU TO LIKE ME, I just need some money.

I got Malice, excluded all the fuckers from lotto cause of above statement aswell as the fact the key people in the group had screwed me over before, which I can't prove (but then again you can't prove or stick anything to me, so we're just as far), then all the alb went OMG sko the thief, sure I can see why you're pissed but you're really some sad carebears tbh. Move on.

Next I find out SoM can be soloed very easily and thats good for money, I ported one time without taking the sphinx, and the second time I was gonna take em back to town but my friend got cold feet or something - which you guys don't believe.

Point is, I'm not trying to justify, I'm explaining what happened. Not pleeding for mercy. Know this, I do not care if you want me or not, but this is retaliation from your own actions. You flamed me like fucking hell and outcast me, do you expect me to run around be a humble loser and say I'm sorry for something I didn't do? Of course not, fuck that, I can make money my own way - even if it pisses some people off, they deserve it.

I may be sneak and use alternative methods, but I have never lied. Now you can bring on the insults, but honestly, don't say im immature and thief and stuff I've heard it so much, and you're nothing better yourself really. You're a bitter twat who thinks he knows shit cause he read some books. Fuck off.


Sep 4, 2004
How Tears, Lamont and Sko escape being banned for allowing this utter bollocks to drag on for 11 pages astounds me.

Who gives a fuck... no really.. who?
Even I'm getting bored of this now.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Jeeves said:
How Tears, Lamont and Sko escape being banned for allowing this utter bollocks to drag on for 11 pages astounds me.

Who gives a fuck... no really.. who?
Even I'm getting bored of this now.
Guess you got a point there ;/


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
I've allready called for a lock, and so has tears tbh. It's just that I HAVE to reply to everything :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
Lock it up boys... all the points have been made, and conclusions drawn.

Have to say though, if I get bored with something, I normally go do something else..... unless it pays well of course...


Dec 22, 2003
Okay locking this thread cause i'm sick of having to read all this shit in here cause of the language used. It's not really hard to stop using bad language now is it?
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