Nice graphics worth it?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
I stopped playing daoc just before ToA came out because, frankly, there wasn't much happening. Now, these catacombs graphics look absoloutly delicious but is it work comming back to the game just 'cos there's new places to see and general gorgeousness.

Horror stories I've heard are;
ToA is a massive time sink and unbalances RvR
The populations are very low and WoW is set to cripple them further
There are sill poorly balanced classes, fotm chars and buffbots running amok

Possible lovely things I've heard;
Cabalists actually have decent RA's now and can even sometimes get RvR groups :D
err... well thats about all.

So is it worth comming back as a lvl50 cabalist or will the grind of the ToA stuff and tedious rvr (or the lack of anyone still playing the game) ride me into an early grave?



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
loads are quitting and WoW isnt even out yet, graphics may have improved slightly in daoc but gameplay hasnt (with toa etc)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
PvE has become even more boring, after spending alot of time exping to level 50 you have to spend alot more of time getting the MLs done, witch is hard with a constant decreasing population.
The artifacts are very time consuming and its not fun at all to camp a artifact for 20 hours then when you think your going to get the artifact you get it stolen from you, altho they arent braking the CoC you didnt pull!11!1 :(
RvR is basicly keep defending and keep takeing, since most RvR guilds are gone.. unless your a stealther then its bridge camping OR running around for endless hours only to get zerged by the keep takeing force! :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
ello there stranger, nice to see your knocking about still.

Well the games changed alot since when you played.... ToA, frontiers, and soon catacombs. And yes ToAs pve is crappy and boring but it gets a nerf next patch (atrifacts get easyer to level... and alot of the master level trials get easyer). And unless your Master level 10 with full ToA gear youll get your ass handed to you in rvr.

But even still DAoC is still the best PvP mmorpg out there... and imo the best mmorpg out in europe atm. WoWs PvP is good but daocs is king, far more complex... but then again daocs wasnt to great when it started out.. only time will tell there :)

so if your willing to invest a few hours on hunts and xping (read 10-20 hours btw) or if you already have ToA (whats £8 to see if you like it) then come back, otherwise wait for WoW or summat :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I wouldn't bother coming back bud, all the points you made are very relevant and on top of that you have the fact that many of the veteran Prydwen players have either left or are inactive so the community ain't what it once was. Personally I consider ToA to have killed DAoC for me, New Frontiers was fun for a couple of weeks but the novelty soon wore off and when it did there was absolutley nothing worth staying around for. Suffice to say I closed my accounts and this time I won't be back, with so few friends playing these days the game doesn't really have any hold over me anymore.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I'll say as many others, that it's not worth coming back.

PvE is boring, to ToA your character and getting the Master levels can take almost as long as it takes to get 50 the old school way, or longer. Depends how many you know in the game or if you are a casual player etc.

RvR is quite fun, seems like it's all about sieging keeps now though.
I liked pre-toa alot, mostly because I was done with PvE and had had a great time running RvR with the guild. So if you can manage ToA you'll probably be fine :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I would say give it a try (1 month) and see for yourself if you like it.
Unlike many people say ToA is a much of a grind as you want it to be since you don't need to be ML10 and you don't need to have a fully capped ToA equiptment now with NF.

I still enjoy walking around with my Sorc who is not even SC'ed has Avalon City drops and basically no resists what so ever and I can kill loads still.
Sure the ToA artifacts and MLs are all nice and help but it wont prevent you from having fun when you don't have these items.
And I must agree with Sparda DAoC has the best PvP in all games I've played (WoW doesn't even come near 1 bit).

But then again like I said there is no better judge for this than yourself so I'd say try 1 month and see how you like it :)


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Andrilyn said:
And I must agree with Sparda DAoC has the best PvP in all games I've played (WoW doesn't even come near 1 bit).

But then again like I said there is no better judge for this than yourself so I'd say try 1 month and see how you like it :)
Well from what i've heard they have not released everything that will be released for pvp, honour system etc. And just to add, WoW pvp is not as unbalanced as in Daoc. And the casters dont drop you in 2 sec flat.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Fafnir said:
Well from what i've heard they have not released everything that will be released for pvp, honour system etc. And just to add, WoW pvp is not as unbalanced as in Daoc. And the casters dont drop you in 2 sec flat.

aye thats why i said only time will tell if WoW pvp is any good


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
i agree with Chodax xD
spot on imo, unless youre a masochist (sp)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 4, 2004
I've played DAOC for two years and never L'D before NF came out. It's not even when I'm in NF, it can be anywhere at any location either in Classic, SI, TOA or NF. It's not just me, it is everyone I am ever grouped with, from all over Europe, even solo'ing you do not escape the lag spikes every 3-5 minutes. Sort it out quickly GOA before WoW comes out or this will be another long term customer you will have lost!!!

I love the game but this is simply not playable and I'm not paying eight pounds a month to play on this laggy shite!!

I wouldn't bother comming back m8 tbh, unless they sort server issues!!

Jinxster - Warden (50) rr3 ml4
Jnx - Void Eld (44) rr2 ml1

Zlugugg Benvis

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 12, 2004
The cost to try DAoC 1 month is the same as 1 hour at the pub so what ya waiting on ... head down to the pub at once ... hehehe ... just kidding ... give DAoC a try ... you cant loose much =).


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Zlugugg Benvis said:
The cost to try DAoC 1 month is the same as 1 hour at the pub so what ya waiting on ... head down to the pub at once ... hehehe ... just kidding ... give DAoC a try ... you cant loose much =).

Tbh 4 beers a month >>>>> DAoC ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
cheers for all the replies folks :)

Sounds the game is pretty much as dead, if not more so, than it was 10months ago :|

However I'll probably pickup catacombs and dabble around for a month or so when it comes out in january (2007 by the time goa "translate" it). The lovely graphics and the new zones should entertain a couple of evenings at least :p

and cabs have bunker of faith now - wooooopie!

see some of you soon :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
To be honest, you'll find it varies. Some ML tracks are very valuable in RvR (such as Perfecter), so getting them makes you much more useful. Others (such as Warlord) are a bit rubbish, and won't make much difference. Tactics and Realm Ranks still make as much, if not more, difference than ML's, in my opinion.

Depends what you want, really. If you like keep takes/defences, the frontier is pretty good these days. If you like open field, less so.

Personally, I'd suggest just having a go, and not listening too hard to the whines. I know some people who have great fun with hardly any kit, and some with multiple artifacts and masterpiece armour who still complain of getting dead all the time.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Yeah the MM stuff doesn't seem to be a big issue, from what I can tell a cabalist can be a convoker or a stormbringer or whatever.

One includes spells like.. er.. summon wood. And the other is a hassle of storm-summoning and moving, which sounds as much of a pain as animist pets and that whole holding F5 target moving thing, blergh, not my style :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Asysh_pryd said:
Yeah the MM stuff doesn't seem to be a big issue, from what I can tell a cabalist can be a convoker or a stormbringer or whatever.
yeah sum1 told me to become a convoker so i did it and my first thing was summoning wood, i couldnt sell it or anything it sucked :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Asysh_pryd said:
Horror stories I've heard are;
ToA is a massive time sink and unbalances RvR
The populations are very low and WoW is set to cripple them further
There are sill poorly balanced classes, fotm chars and buffbots running amok
ToA is indeed a massive time sink and unbalances RvR in the sense that you absolutely need the ToA grind to be able to compete.

The populations are drastically dropping, that is also true. Yours truly is one of the "quitters" of late.

About the balance of the classes, well, they were never balanced.

My $0.02


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
the problem with ToA for the old timers is that we have made our chars so dam many templates and several for every addition to the game and ToA is by far the most time consuming as u gotta get the encounter, win the lotto and farm scrolls and then level it.
we are fed up with this shit a long time ago tbh.

for newer players the way from 1-50 is long and hard as most ppl that level alts does it the PL way and new players usually end up solo alot or depend on guild raids to get safe and fast xp and are pretty much fed up already at dinging 50.
then you have ML's wich become more and more a must if you wanna compete on a decent level, and ML's demand alot of time with LD's, waiting and dying etc etc.

NF destroyed FG vs. FG but is definetly RvR now tho.. zerg vs zerg more like it....
i still play but not having as fun as i used to :(

Ogrelin Blodig

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
I would come back if I were you.

I find NF really fun, and I'm not ML10 and I don't even have a template... I'v played since beta and my goal never was to be able to beat everyone else in the game.

I'm playing becouse I like the people around me(Norrsken Alliance rules) + I get to kill some albs and Hibs from time to tim ;)

If owning everyone else is not your main goal in a game you should come back, if owning everyone else in the game is your thing...then your need to put to much time into the game.... If you don't have it...don't bother :)

oh, one thing.... DAoC ROCKS! :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
:) thank you Ogrelin, thats the kind of reply I'd been hoping to hear.

I quite enjoy casual and seige RvR, the whole 8vs8 thing was never really my style (did I mention I'm a [pre-iconnu+fotm] cab :p)

Seems like, with a spot of tedious artifact nabbing and the odd-ML, the game is still entertaining enough to clear away some empty sunday afternoons :) (and nights.. and monday mornings..)

Ogrelin Blodig

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Summon wood is a pretty good ML-ability if you ask me, if you like to help out reparing some doors ect, if you only run around killing things whitout helping doing things like that ...then it's not very good :)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
TOA is only a grind for those who want the best templates, you can make a perfectly ok template in relatively little time.
for example all a caster really needs is traldors, ceremonial bracer and a couple of other items with +% to cast speed to get it to 10%. Few items with +dex (Such as the ml1 solo step easily doable at 50) to increase cap 25 dex, perhaps even some inteligence items and you pretty much have a template.
ml4 convoker has speedwarp, ml8 brittle guards thats all you really need from the convoker line.

Personally i am one of those who want tweaked templates so my mains suite costs around 350-500 plat (sm mid/excal) depending on prices at the time. But in comparison my shammy has 2 artifacs total rest drops from ml's and such and does fine.
Just my 2 cents


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Oh I`m naughty, I came back :)

Unfortunatilly alb/pryd is even more snobby and elitist than ever; majoriy of people hardly acknowledged my existance. Also it looks like a greek army rather than the army of albion with all the damn atlantis stuff.

And making new chars is out of the questions as there are rarely groups and most of the good spots are taken by PLing solo bot people.

Sad to see a good game turned so bad, probably still hang around for cats though :p - but not here.

(and before you say "ooh you just didn't meet good people", how is a proper "new" person gonna want to stay and bolster the server pop if even the mighty me gets the cold shoulder :rolleyes: )


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ahh, a narrow minded fool who labels the majority based on the actions of the minority...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
no nee naw you would be one of them :p

You people ruined traia :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

Asysh_pryd said:
no nee naw you would be one of them :p
- I havent just labeled all Alb/Pryd's elitist snobs so would be interesting how you came to that conclusion..

Asysh_pryd said:
]You people ruined traia
- The last time i checked i was just one person, and i ruined Traia? Please enlighten me..


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 2, 2004
Zlugugg Benvis said:
The cost to try DAoC 1 month is the same as 1 hour at the pub so what ya waiting on ... head down to the pub at once ... hehehe ... just kidding ... give DAoC a try ... you cant loose much =).

OMG you made some sense xD

Asysh_pryd said:
I stopped playing daoc just before ToA came out because, frankly, there wasn't much happening. Now, these catacombs graphics look absoloutly delicious but is it work comming back to the game just 'cos there's new places to see and general gorgeousness.

Horror stories I've heard are;
ToA is a massive time sink and unbalances RvR
The populations are very low and WoW is set to cripple them further
There are sill poorly balanced classes, fotm chars and buffbots running amok

Possible lovely things I've heard;
Cabalists actually have decent RA's now and can even sometimes get RvR groups :D
err... well thats about all.

So is it worth comming back as a lvl50 cabalist or will the grind of the ToA stuff and tedious rvr (or the lack of anyone still playing the game) ride me into an early grave?


And dont take all the advices to seriously, pay the shit for 1 month and judge for your self...its the best thing you can do :cheers: not rly a bigger deal...just count the sub-money as beer money on the pub lol :)

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