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Release date has been brought forward by a week!
Legend of Vox Machina
Legend of Vox Machina
They've also kept the cast relatively unknown which suggests it may be around for a while anyway, sure some of the acting is shit but I'm sure they'll grow into their roles like Game of Thrones.
I also suspect their acting expense that is Rosamund Pike will be killed off at the end of this season.
I'll be surprised if it manages it past 2 seasons as the writing is horrendous.
It's already been renewed for seasons 2 and 3.
Lots of people like X-Factor thoIt's the #1 streaming show in the us market atm, and median imdb rating is 9+ ( higher if you excluse the review bombers ).
It's the #1 streaming show in the us market atm, and median imdb rating is 9+ ( higher if you excluse the review bombers ).
When compared to Arcane, The Witcher and The Expanse there is no proper back story being shown, a haphazard dialogue, poor character development and a rushed main storyline.
They seem to have fleshed out irrelevant nonsense and rushed important back story.
But hey ho if people like it then I guess it's all good. Just saying it could be a lot better.
To be fair there really isn't much else to watch at the moment.
I've just accepted that it's not an adaptation of the Wheel of Time. It's just a mediocre show with some characters and story elements only very loosely based on the source material. It has some potential, the 'snow blood' cold opening in ep7 was how it *should* be - possibly the only scene they've shot that is failful to the books - but for the majority it's hampered by bad writing, directing, lighting and editing.
I've not read the books so that EP7 opening had no real meaning or context to me. After seeing a few youtube videos some of the blanks have been filled in.
They could have added a few more episodes to flesh the story out a bit so that scene has some significance to people that have not read the books. Otherwise it's just a random fight in the snow.
Since the meaning became obvious by the end of the same episode it was hardly a contextual challenge. How spoon fed do you want to be ffs?
As a whole, I enjoyed Hawkeye more than I enjoyed No Way Home.Last ep of Hawkeye left me be a bit flat; no idea why because overall I've really enjoyed the show, it was just...a bit too easy?
Superb S2 looking forward to S3 & bloodlinesThe Witcher S2 hit today.....
Other than actually having to watch them, ofcNothing can be worse than the spoiling that most of the new films got.
I've been keeping an eye out for it, there's still no release date so it must still be months away.
On the Wheel of Time, I wish they had fleshed out the lore of the world more. To name a few ways they could inject it seamlessly:
- Tom Merrilin and his stories
- Reading or quoting the book The Travels of Jain Farstrider
- Storytelling by the fire with the tinkers
There's just so many missed opportunities to spend a few minutes enriching the world in every episode. In the books, someone (a Koplin?) in Emond's field apparently mentions the dark one by name, and the Wisdom thumps him good. I think maybe Matt maybe mentions him too. Which leads everyone to say the phrase at once: " The Dark One and all of the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul, beyond the Great Blight, bound by the Creator at the moment of Creation, bound until the end of time. The hand of the Creator shelters the world, and the Light shines on us all".
Now we've introduced the dark one (By name, no less!), the Forsaken, Shayol Ghul, the blight, the creator, all in one go, without Rosamund Pike yapping. It's so frustrating when there's off screen monologues that could be told in person as part of the story. That to me is the biggest fault of the show. I enjoyed it, but the whole thing could have done with an additional episode or two just setting up the world and lore. We see the Forsaken stone statues briefly, but only 8 (or 9?), not 13, so maybe in this age, there's a few missing, but two were definitely mentioned: Lanfear and Ishmael. Lanfear is used to scare little children into behaving, or she will stalk their dreams and give them nightmares. I can see Matt telling his sisters about her. Ishmael is mentioned as the great deceiver. I'm sure there's a way they could have introduced him too.
I don't think the show has shown us a map, so we don't really have any context of where things are. I think in the books, the Inn has a big map that all the boys studied (daydreamed over).
The Aiel war.... why were they fighting near Dragonmount? Easy enough to explain using the scenes available... Tom Merrilin again, with the dead Aiel in the cage. A few sentences explaining why they crossed the Spine of the World 20 some years ago, and perhaps musing why they were doing so again.
The Horn of Valere... I don't know where to start. They should have explained what it was, and why it was important. They could easily do that with having a few hunters of the horn in the same inn that Rand and Matt meet Tom Merrilin. That could then be used to explain who Arthur Hawking was, why he was important, and sets up critical plot elements for the next season.
The show could be so much more, if they had just spent a few minutes to tell people about the world, without spoon feeding it.
Watched 3 and a bit episodes of WoT and I think it's absolutely crap. So disappointed, as I'm loving the books. Does it get better?