New Movie ready :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Cyclodia said:
Not my fault de noob sat down and now fuck of retard troll.

its ur fault u put it in the video as something you were proud of and wanted to show others tho,
retard keen :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
lol, should he let him live then, a solo buffed caster sitting on a maingate lol, hes so retarded to go and sit there not cyc, soo,.,.,.,.,.,.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Prisma/Sniper said:
lol, should he let him live then, a solo buffed caster sitting on a maingate lol, hes so retarded to go and sit there not cyc, soo,.,.,.,.,.,.


you realy dont get the point do you? There is a diffrence between ganking helpless enemies like sitting casters and clerics and making a movie about ganking sitting casters and clerics.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Simmern said:
Just don't watch it?
Oooh, Mr Touchy, eh? Well, do your homework and check the other Cyclodia movies, it's the same sequence in them as well. This was friendly advice, why would he post this movie to a forum if he didn't want that?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I enjoyed the movie.

Some nice kills and some funny bits.

keep them coming.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Ok so there was only 1 caster, you killed him while he was sitting, nearly all inside stun. OMFG THE SKILL :puke:

Putting stuff like that in a movie... well lets just say your buffing was more interesting. Also why did you cut away? The bits where you died were this "movies" best bits.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
ive tried downloading this move 3 times now, and each time i get cut off at 80~ mb

really annyoing :<


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Try getright or something, although whether it's worth wasting your time and bandwidth in this case is questionable.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Rulke said:
Try getright or something, although whether it's worth wasting your time and bandwidth in this case is questionable.

have to agree, was zzz as most stealther vids :(

long live fg vids :worthy:


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I liked it. Was fun to watch (from somebody that doesn't have an assassin) - still not tempted to roll one tho! :p


Jan 25, 2004
Duze said:
I liked it. Was fun to watch (from somebody that doesn't have an assassin) - still not tempted to roll one tho! :p

:p plz dont roll 1 we got enough in emain already :sex:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
zRRR said:
wow, didnt know sbs had 50% less resist to slash, get me a stone quick.

difference from 3.6 to 4.1 speed weapon

20% damage bonus


cyclo's usual exaggerating (sp?) ofc :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
difference from 3.6 to 4.1 speed weapon

20% damage bonus


cyclo's usual exaggerating (sp?) ofc :p
Just wait for ToA and all blades will be obah gimps.

Btw. whats max slash offhand speed?
Exinferis said:
ive tried downloading this move 3 times now, and each time i get cut off at 80~ mb

really annyoing :<
Please dont tell me you actually use IE downloader. Why would you hate yourself so much to cause so much self suffering into your life?
Belomar said:
I think someone's a bit too big for their own clothes in this thread. He didn't comment, he reported facts. See the difference?
He said he didn't know anything about it, thats why I commented it. Also hence the :touch: witch indicates >this aint the most serious post in thie thread<.
Puppet said:
2.5x specpoints, abit more hp or overpowered styles dont matter much when your opponent takes 40% less damage.
2.5x specpoints does by far imo. Anyway, we're gonna get same RA's in frontiers so infils will pwn us all then xD.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
ok well - each pierce and bladeshades have their advantages, in the end it comes down to playstyle and what you really like.

Blades is generally better vs sbs / infils - even after debuff ur hitting for more than a pierce shade.

with decent Ra's and buffs you can get around 1450 WS with a bladeshade ( which is pretty good - considering str restrictions)

as for doing 250 on hunters and sbs - well that only applies to ones who have crap resists tbh. Never really do more than 200 avg ~ hunters and 150 avg on infils ( with the occasional anomaly , hitting for 250 ~ 300 )

debuff also affects that damage severly - so debuffed prolly hiting at 2/3rds your capacity.

overall you do mose damage over time - no stun

Pa's vary alot as well - depending on target and CS spec... I often Pa infils for 350 ~ 450 ( af spec buffed ) and some SBS for ~ 600

Bladeshades also use ALOT more endurance during combat. Since the bladespec line doesnt really offer and decent styles you tend to use CS styles more - which are more end intensive.

Garotte + Achil Heel doesn more damage than fire / spectrum blade - same effect + has a snare off Garotte.

Rear 2 part chain does alot of damage for the amount of end it uses - but then again you have to get behin the guy. not as easy( and has no effects to it .ie bleeds / snares and crap )

Your Ra's will also look alot different as a bladeshade - you will definately go AUG str II / III ( each aug str adds arounbd 23 weaponskill )
AP 3

spec wise you would wanna spec for good melee - with a avg CS spec.
50 blade / 39 CS is pretty effective - altho some have specced CD specced which they seemed to like.

well thats it really - it all comes down to what you really like to kill in RVR.

cyclo - show us some fights vs > RR7 ppl next time tbh. :) nice vid still


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Cyclodia said:
Ehm nope i would not won most of the fights with pierce. Becaue with pierce i do 120 damage to sbs/hunters with blade im doing 250+ ;)
Btw. You say you'r blade perfomance vs hunters is so great, well you have a fight where you jump two hunters, and get killed. Yesterday I got jumped by two hunters, and both of them fiered two shots each at me and I still won. Simply because I got DB on both of them (and AP3 ofc). DB is great to stop them from IPing as well :).

Anyway, when ToA brings the elemetal weaps you will prolly respec I guess. :)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Korax said:
Btw. You say you'r blade perfomance vs hunters is so great, well you have a fight where you jump two hunters, and get killed. Yesterday I got jumped by two hunters, and both of them fiered two shots each at me and I still won. Simply because I got DB on both of them (and AP3 ofc). DB is great to stop them from IPing as well :).

Anyway, when ToA brings the elemetal weaps you will prolly respec I guess. :)

were they AFK ? honestly - if you don't land Pa / CD - chances of beating 2 vs 1 are pretty rare.

some hunters on Excal beat me 1 vs 1 with AP3 , but theyre RR8 + tho ( Purge / AP3 / IP ) even with PA making it a damn hard fight

hitting a hunter for 130 ~ 150 ( ap3 up ) as bladeshade is gonna be hell for a pierceshade - even with db (which you can use how many times in 1 fight ? : ) )


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Slytale said:
as for doing 250 on hunters and sbs - well that only applies to ones who have crap resists tbh. Never really do more than 200 avg ~ hunters and 150 avg on infils ( with the occasional anomaly , hitting for 250 ~ 300 )

debuff also affects that damage severly - so debuffed prolly hiting at 2/3rds your capacity.
Yeah, but I have to say that what dmg you do is irrelevant. It depends on WAY to many factors. Speed of weap, buffed or unbuffed, af on target, RR, resists on target styles etc. It dont tell me shit if cycl do 250 dmg. What matters is ws and armor resits, and facts are that you do 20% more dmg on hunters, and have more ws. You dont have 5s stun (thats a long time in asassin fights) and you do get sooo screwed vs debuff, and dont even try to argue that.
And to tell you the truth, the asassins worst enemy is enother asassin. And you meet alot of them, and ALL of them has str\con debuff.
Do you still belive slash is better then pierce?

oh oh, one more thing you were having a hard time with that friar. Ofc, we all do, but let me tell you what pierce can do. I jumed a friar, missed PA and got him down to 50% health pretty quick. Then he does two owchy owchy obah hits on me (puts me down at 50% as well :p) and I pop AP. When both ahs about 30% health I hit DB, and at the same time I get jumped by an unbuffed infil. I finish of the friar fast, and turn to hte infil. My only chance (being at 20% health) was to hit a DB. I hit DB, and killed him. Something a blade shade could never do. I died to the poison after I killed him, but I still won :).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Slytale said:
were they AFK ? honestly - if you don't land Pa / CD - chances of beating 2 vs 1 are pretty rare.

some hunters on Excal beat me 1 vs 1 with AP3 , but theyre RR8 + tho ( Purge / AP3 / IP ) even with PA making it a damn hard fight

hitting a hunter for 130 ~ 150 ( ap3 up ) as bladeshade is gonna be hell for a pierceshade - even with db (which you can use how many times in 1 fight ? : ) )
One of them was unbuffed though, and both was low RR. they get stun immunity after one DB, but then I switch to hamstring+leaper xD

However my record is one sb and two hunters and a gray con (landed PA on one of the hunters and all unbuffed). I mean, what are they supposed to do? One dies instantly, I hit DB in 99,7% of fights vs unbuffed, and they dont do dmg to me.
I had a hard time killing the 4th one as he was stlong gray xD

(its simple math tbh)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Btw. I just remembered that I actually never ever tried Dragonspider, the DB followup after I respecced 44 pierce. Can anyone tell me if its any good?


Jan 25, 2004
Korax said:
Btw. You say you'r blade perfomance vs hunters is so great, well you have a fight where you jump two hunters, and get killed. Yesterday I got jumped by two hunters, and both of them fiered two shots each at me and I still won. Simply because I got DB on both of them (and AP3 ofc). DB is great to stop them from IPing as well :).

Anyway, when ToA brings the elemetal weaps you will prolly respec I guess. :)

Names of the hunters? Buffed ? I know how pierce was lol ive been it 8 ranks so dont tell me how pierce works lol.

With pierce its always purge> db well there goes your extra chance of damage.

I remember when i was pierce and fighting powerslave he hit ap and i was hitting him for 90 damage styled and got wacked for 450 with his spear :p

Just wait for ToA and all blades will be obah gimps.

Btw. whats max slash offhand speed?

Oo ever heard of battler sword and malice axe both 4.2 speed and can be used in offhand and battler has a proc that increases damage by 50% (nerfed to 10% in 1.68 but malice axe gets a proc then that debuff 25% off all buffed stat) :clap:


Dec 24, 2003
i got to dance with cyclodia yesterday ^^

Bad gentleman though :/

I danced a tad, a bard came and mezzed me, cyclodia killed me :eek7:

And i was so hoping of some lurinorseman offspring coming out of that meeting.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Cyclodia said:
Names of the hunters? Buffed ? I know how pierce was lol ive been it 8 ranks so dont tell me how pierce works lol.

With pierce its always purge> db well there goes your extra chance of damage.

I remember when i was pierce and fighting powerslave he hit ap and i was hitting him for 90 damage styled and got wacked for 450 with his spear :p

Just wait for ToA and all blades will be obah gimps.

Btw. whats max slash offhand speed?

Oo ever heard of battler sword and malice axe both 4.2 speed and can be used in offhand and battler has a proc that increases damage by 50% (nerfed to 10% in 1.68 but malice axe gets a proc then that debuff 25% off all buffed stat) :clap:
Im a screenshot addict, so might have screenshot of their names. I'm at work now though, so I'll check later. Tbh, they were nothing but gimped low RR hunters. Didn't even use their pets. But thats not my point, my point is that I am uber. I mean that pierce > blades.

Btw. noone answered me why I should have envenom on serperate armor parts.

Prisma/Sniper said:
Korax said:
Just wait for ToA and all blades will be obah gimps.

like he will stay blades lol

things like respecstones exist..
Yes, but if they respec they wont be blade shades! o_O
No matter who respecs, bladeshades wont get less gimped.


Jan 25, 2004
Herjulf said:
i got to dance with cyclodia yesterday ^^

Bad gentleman though :/

I danced a tad, a bard came and mezzed me, cyclodia killed me :eek7:

And i was so hoping of some lurinorseman offspring coming out of that meeting.


I would keep dancing if those others did not came but they wanted to kill ya so i decided i take the full rp :p

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