Nerdy Awesome shit you bought!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
What games would even come close to using it?

Just played through Cyberpunk at 4k on a 1080ti and an i7 8700k. OK, so no ray tracing and lower FPS, but it was well playable.

AAA titles tend to be cross-console too, so they're holding back the proper glitter. I can't find owt that I want to upgrade for :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
No game will use all the cores but the IPC gains do provide benefits to games but I do encode quite a few blu-rays etc so it eats those quite well, plus now I'm pretty much on the best CPU I can for my mobo so this setup will be around for some time.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I've always preferred to have my own media for quite a lot of my films.
I collected videos since 1987, then dvd's and then one day I just wondered why I was doing that at all.

I had a really fantastic collection of only high-quality films. All in media formats that were getting old and compared to the new stuff just not worth it. And I was buying things more than once.

I don't collect anything now. Other than animals I can eat. ;)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not sure I'd put this in the "awesome" category - more "fucking hell I'm having to pay money to a knobber" but I ordered this last week (because of a £99 offer for rural areas):

I'm still not sure I'll be able to set it up right because I'm surrounded by large trees - I guess I'll find out! But for that price I had to give it a stab.

It's £75/month though, which is hella expensive IMO.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not sure I'd put this in the "awesome" category - more "fucking hell I'm having to pay money to a knobber" but I ordered this last week (because of a £99 offer for rural areas):

I'm still not sure I'll be able to set it up right because I'm surrounded by large trees - I guess I'll find out! But for that price I had to give it a stab.

It's £75/month though, which is hella expensive IMO.

Pretty sure I've read that Starlink view all of the UK as being "rural", so this may be more widely available than thought.

I had to buy something nerdy and awesome as I'm getting far too old and my ribs too dodgy to be pushing a trolley round the course myself, so bought an electric one.

Turned it on and it asked for WiFi and then a Software Update - for a golf trolley! - welcome to 2023 I guess. It's got a nice little screen that tells you how far away from the hole you are - distances to hazards etc. It's made a massive difference already - morning after golf I can actually still walk, which is nice.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It's made a massive difference already - morning after golf I can actually still walk, which is nice.
I bet it is.

Not meaning to be nasty tho - sounds like you're on the slippery slope of sarcopenia m8 - and if you want to enjoy your old age, rather than suffer through it, then you're going to have to start lifting.

I'm bad. My legs are good, my aerobic fitness is good, but upper body strength is rubbish. Kayaking is OK but not enough to compensate for my sedentary job and if I'm going to continue to move properly into my old age, I'm going to have to work on it. :(


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I bet it is.

Not meaning to be nasty tho - sounds like you're on the slippery slope of sarcopenia m8 - and if you want to enjoy your old age, rather than suffer through it, then you're going to have to start lifting.

I'm bad. My legs are good, my aerobic fitness is good, but upper body strength is rubbish. Kayaking is OK but not enough to compensate for my sedentary job and if I'm going to continue to move properly into my old age, I'm going to have to work on it. :(

In fairness most of my issues the day after golf are all old injuries/complaints, a combination of:

- Costochondritis, a rib complaint afterI broke 5 ribs playing football 15 years ago. Turns out jumping around on old fashioned astroturf (the concrete/sand version) really isn't good for long term rib health. Best thing for this is actually to play golf, as it stretches everything out properly, worst is sitting at a desk.
- Dodgy ankle - went over on it during Glastonbury 2005 many times, and was so off my pickle it didn't register until I got home and sobered up. Think I did the ligaments, but after too much golf it does hurt quite a bit, rest and Naproxen makes it all better.
- Dodgy knees - this is an old complaint I had where my kneecap wouldn't glide across my knee properly. It's generally OK now, but if it flares up Naproxen sorts that as well.

I'll need to do something as I plan on playing golf as long as possible - my nan hung up her clubs at 92, so that sort of thing assuming I'm still around then. Not sure I can cope with going to the gym again, but have found plenty of stretches etc I can do at home.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I'm not sure I'd put this in the "awesome" category - more "fucking hell I'm having to pay money to a knobber" but I ordered this last week (because of a £99 offer for rural areas):

I'm still not sure I'll be able to set it up right because I'm surrounded by large trees - I guess I'll find out! But for that price I had to give it a stab.

It's £75/month though, which is hella expensive IMO.

Stumbled across this just a day or so ago:



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not sure I'd put this in the "awesome" category - more "fucking hell I'm having to pay money to a knobber" but I ordered this last week (because of a £99 offer for rural areas):

I'm still not sure I'll be able to set it up right because I'm surrounded by large trees - I guess I'll find out! But for that price I had to give it a stab.

It's £75/month though, which is hella expensive IMO.

I can understand why some people people might need it due to rural locations, however Elon is a complete nob and I can't help but feel that all these mini satellites are just creating more and more space junk.

We are moving from Vodafone to Jurassic Fibre in a few weeks, admittedly it means a hole through the wall but the price was good at £27.50 per month (3 Months free) for 450/100 and no shitty 3.9% = CPI every year either.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'd love a hardwired connection @Embattle - but 1.5mbps down and 0.7mbps up was my average (despite it being advertised as "ultra fast").

EE are my mobile provider, they've been great, stable at 75mbps until 24th March when they made a change and my speeds have dropped - £30/month. I *think* it's still workable tho - got a new work laptop yesterday and I think that might have resolved a few of the zoom call issues I was having, but my speeds are still half what they were.

I got starlink despite being strongly opposed to it - I agree, the sattelites are space junk and they fuck our view of the night sky (it's awful) - and when it comes to space science (and amateur astronomy) they're a disaster. I particularly see it here - it's a dark sky reserve here, on clear nights with a new moon I can see the milky way very clearly. It's a view that has been the heritage of mankind since before we were humans, but now it's criss-crossed by big fucking regular trains - Elon's fucking sattelites.

So I was loath to spend the cash on him / it in any way. But at £99 for the kit and with the connection problems I've been having I have to at least try it out. I don't fancy the £75/month though. We'll see if I can manage with EE - but in the meantime if I can get starlink working (I'm in a "hole" on the top of a mountain, surrounded by pine trees on all sides - so it's not a given it'll work) then if the worst happens - ie trees come down in a storm and take out the tower / surrounding power network for a few weeks (or if the tower - months) then at least I'll have a backup that I can turn on at a moments notice, rather than lose my job.

So :) for backup (if it works) and :eek: because: cunt of a solution when we should have proper ground-based infrastructure in this day and age.



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So I setup Starlink yesterday, just outside the house in a not-quite-optimal location. It was garbage yesterday as it "learned" obstructions (apparently).

Got this today:

So, deffo faster than my 4G at the mo. It's not the full picture though. Ping is generally a little better than mobile, but I'm still getting quite a lot of failed to respond (which I do get with the mobile too). Not tried it in anger in a work setting yet. Might do so in a bit.

It's not convincing me as a replacement yet - especially at £75/month - but the fact that if my mobile tower goes down I can turn it on when I need to and only pay then I think I've found a solid backup. Just need to see if zoom is stable on it. 1TB a month apparently tho, which is bugger all - so if I do lose my tower I'll have to stop sailing the high seas quite so much ;)

It could be that it's just good right now because there are available sattelites however, so it might be gash this afternoon...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

I'll frig about with location and setup (it really needs to be higher up), to see if that makes a difference. But right now this puts it firmly in the "for use as backup only" category...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It is far too expensive for a backup, even then it would be problematic if it continues doing that.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It is far too expensive for a backup, even then it would be problematic if it continues doing that.
There's no contract - so if my mobile tower goes down I can turn it on, pay £75 and then wait for my mobile tower to get fixed. I'd get money back from the mobile provider too, so ultimate cost in my pocket would be less.

Just need to sort out those gaps. Need to try it higher up :)


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
The Shield TV Pro worked perfectly, DTS, DD ATMOS and Dolby Vision all coming through perfectly.

An interesting app I downloaded was the IQAir app, it shows you multiple stats regarding air quality where you live and elsewhere but you can also buy hardware to monitor it inside your house or around it and thus contribute more data to the platform.
Fuck me, next you will say you stopped everyone from farting in your house as the air quality is shit.....


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
My husbands christmas present arrived today (ordered October 2022). It is Grogg from VM (LoVM) not Kratos GoW.


  • Image (002)-Edit-Enhanced-SR.jpg
    Image (002)-Edit-Enhanced-SR.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 11


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
My husbands christmas present arrived today (ordered October 2022). It is Grogg from VM (LoVM) not Kratos GoW.
I like that, the other day I made up the Raggy WoW collector edition figure.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
My husbands christmas present arrived today (ordered October 2022). It is Grogg from VM (LoVM) not Kratos GoW.
That's awesome.

Though you could swap the figure with just a small version of Travis W and be as impressed.

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