Nasty Healer Tricks.



Originally posted by old.Tohtori
It happened to be a hunter, it could have been any. No "rasism" from me towards classes thank you very much.

Now you are bullshitting, this was about you not wanting to heal the hunter, because you wanted to save mana for the "real" fighters.

"I decided that hunter is not as valuable as the warrior or the berserker and let him die"


Originally posted by ButaneBob

PS Chesnor does play DaOC - I know cos he gave me 100 gp last week which I blew it on black dye for my studded lether ROFL!

*cowers* 100 gp worth of dye on 1 gp worth of armour...



Originally posted by PJS
Even though Im a cloth wearer, if its them or me, I choose me. I never leave anyone behind and I take this to its extreme. Ie. a level 50 tank takes all aggro to save the rest of the group, I will stay and heal him til I die even though hes loses nothing but con and I lose exp.

Fuckin A man

Join me any day!


Originally posted by liste
my post was not directed at you, Tohtori. I dont know wether or not you really did the right thing or not. I just stated, that sometimes, healers WILL be faced with that decision.

My post was largely aimed at whatever happened after 4th post :)

And no offense taken. I just cleared a few things just to make sure :p I really don't care if people thought my actions were right or wrong anyway since i did it still, just fun to see what others think of it.

Posted by : Blood Prydwen.
Now you are bullshitting, this was about you not wanting to heal the hunter, because you wanted to save mana for the "real" fighters.

And as i said, it HAPPENED to be a hunter. Probably i should've said "so i didn't heal the runemaster when the hunter was attacked even if a gorilla was dancing with a banjo" just to make you happy. I don't want to flame anyone here but do read what i post before becoming "all-mighty you are wrong i am great Sigmund Freud analyzer". Thanks.

EDIT: And never spoke about hunters not being fighters. Nothing about saving mana for "real" fighters.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Fingoniel basicly asked the mainquestion here. And the one i was going for. I play like i play and i was asking what others might do. Perhpas the tanks didn't move, perhaps the hunter didn't stay on the mainmob like he should but in any case, it's all about what is your choice.

I didn't intend this to become "Hmm, now there's a fight, let's analyze!" and i noticed, now that i looked at the initial post that it might have looked like it. I jsut gave an example but in a poorly worded way.

Just to say in my defense that it was a close fight anyway since it was a rather new group to the whole game, a level 5 warrior with no protect, and such. Can't be reall judged but anyways, i saved the rest. :p

With the mention of a level 5 warrior we can presume the healer was not level 10 and had no rez ablility?

So healer is limited to buffs and heals - sounds to me he did his best - at low levels everyone is still learning their character limits, my hunter CAN pull aggro off a tank sometimes but knows (most times) better than to try.

A difficult choice to make and tbh I am surprised it wasnt the runie that went down or perhaps he was conscious of his paper armour?

Anyway I chose a hunter cos I fancied the shaping changing bit they put in the original spec :p and firing arrows sounded kinda funky - RvR was a world away then

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