Nasty Healer Tricks.



Ok, so imagine you got a warrior, a berserker , one hunter and a runie in your group. (or the other realm similar..things..)

You pull a mob and the fight goes along nicely.

Then suddenly, when you're at, say 25% power another mob decides to play as well and jumps the group, starting with the weeee hunter with low hp.

What do you do? Well. I decided that hunter is not as valuable as the warrior or the berserker and let him die because i could keep those tanks alive better with the low power i got.

Now this is somewhat unethical tactic and oh boy did i get a few FFS, heal you son of get the idea. But what is your opinion on this? Is a single life better then the whole groups safety?

Another one was when i saw our good friend Fressen charge towards one of the gorup memebers. Without a second thought, since we were a low group and Fressen could have beaten us all, i kicked the bugger out of our group.

Feel free to flame, comments, whatnot.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Another one was when i saw our good friend Fressen charge towards one of the gorup memebers. Without a second thought, since we were a low group and Fressen could have beaten us all, i kicked the bugger out of our group.
Pointless, once a mob is aggroed disbanding makes no difference at all, it will still try to kill you all regardless of staying grouped or not - it's the same code as when you help someone without being grouped with them, the game will consider you grouped for the purposes of aggro.

As for the hunter thing... MEZ FFS!


Try mezz on a purp con sometime. IT's one helluva effort to get it on, especially when some gungho people keep attacking them.

As for the Fressen thing, it didn't aggro. Call it luck or whatever but it worked that time.


I have mezzed purple cons, many, many times... :p


Don't agree with not healing and defo not with kicking people out the group. I could't do it personally and would be very pissed off if it happened to me.


You CAN mez them but always they don't stick. Ever seen:

The whaddayadda resists the effect.

And with low power do you really want to take that chance or save it to keep those who you can alive?:p


Originally posted by CliffyG
Don't agree with not healing and defo not with kicking people out the group. I could't do it personally and would be very pissed off if it happened to me.

So rather then letting the hunter die, you'd let the whole group go?


A healer has so many crowd control options at there disposal, that letting one of your group die without even attempting to save them sucks. Mezzing does work on Purple cons, not all the time but it is worth a try.

Now what would you say if that mob had agro'd you and not him, and the hunter had said, sod this I'll just speed out of here ,rather than try and save you?


Missing the point on the low power. If i had healed the hunter while the rest of the group were finishing the initial mob, i would have had little if any power left for the tanks. I've been in that situation before and if i try to save everyone in a desperate situation the whole group will get slaughtered. Also, after the hunter it went for the rest of the group and not me, one single heal from me and the groups healer would be toast.


Re: Re: Nasty Healer Tricks.

Originally posted by Danyan

Pointless, once a mob is aggroed disbanding makes no difference at all, it will still try to kill you all regardless of staying grouped or not - it's the same code as when you help someone without being grouped with them, the game will consider you grouped for the purposes of aggro.

As for the hunter thing... MEZ FFS!

they dont aggro all group before a member damaged it!


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
You CAN mez them but always they don't stick. Ever seen:

The whaddayadda resists the effect.

And with low power do you really want to take that chance or save it to keep those who you can alive?:p
Yes, but if it's not attacking you you should be able to get at least 2 tries on it before it reaches you...
Well I always took the chance, but then I don't like to stand by and let people die. :p


Your tanks should peel- then you can try and mez it.

If you don't have a peeler- you should think about assigning one. :)

old.Ayam Ganbatte

I've used the disbanding tactic before back when I was on 'the treadmill' and it always worked. They may have added some new code in later patches, haven't tried it recently.

As for your dilemma Tohtori, I'm always happy to let a stealther die. But that's beside the point, the hunter should have 'taken one for the team'; trust a stealther to act spoilt and uppity when he/she dies (but that's half the fun!).


If you play a healer, you can't have a fixed policy. You've got to do whatever you think is best in the circumstance.

About the hunter thing. I have been in this position loads of times. If hunters get aggro (they shouldn't, hunters with aggro means pisspoor hunter or pisspor tanks) then you got to look at the situation carefully. If you can save him, do it. If you are likely to get aggroed yourself because of the heals, and you getting aggroed means you will die/the group will die, then sacrifice the hunter. Whats the problem?

I used to play my healer pretty gung-ho. Tried desperately to heal everyone, until the bitter end. Soon realised that sacrificing the dumbass caster/rogue who got aggroed and running away to safety when all is lost (so I can come back to res) is better for the group.

As for disbanding. If some idiot in your group is aggroing purple+++++++ because he is a dumbass, then disband him anyway ;)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

So rather then letting the hunter die, you'd let the whole group go?


How do you know the whole grp would die? You sure he wouldn't use detaunt, and the tanks use taunt? And that perhaps 1-2 heals for him would have kept him alive and actually increased the grp's dmg output. Did you try Amnesia?

I don't know all the facts here, but from what I read I would say that you suck BIG time and have much room for improvment.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

So rather then letting the hunter die, you'd let the whole group go?

The more hits the hunter takes the less dmg the other group members take, heal the hunter, MCL when you have to and let the tanks / casters plug away. I'm sure some of them have taunt so if the hunter stops attacking you may even get agro off. If and when the hunter dies you still have the rest of the group with full health. Letting someone die seems a bit low in my opinion.


Originally posted by CliffyG

The more hits the hunter takes the less dmg the other group members take, heal the hunter, MCL when you have to and let the tanks / casters plug away. I'm sure some of them have taunt so if the hunter stops attacking you may even get agro off. If and when the hunter dies you still have the rest of the group with full health. Letting someone die seems a bit low in my opinion.

I doubt that MCL is an option, since they were fighting Fressen, which is like a lvl 15 mob ;)


Originally posted by old.chesnor

I used to play my healer pretty gungo-ho. Tried desperately to heal everyone, until the bitter end. Soon realised that sacrificing the dumbass caster/rogue who got aggroed and running away to safety when all is lost (so I can come back to res) is better for the group.

He said the mob jumped the grp, as in he would not take aggro rigth away. And I assume that they know the difference between taunt and detaunt, and 25% left isn't actually critical.

That said any grp member is expendable, but not the way he did it. IMO...again from what i understand this sucked...


Originally posted by old.Eynar_Vega

I doubt that MCL is an option, since they were fighting Fressen, which is like a lvl 15 mob ;)

Ahh didnt know about mob lvl, in which case you should heal, sit down, heal, sit down etc. Worked for me a few times.


I follow this simple mantra

"The Healer must live at all costs"


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Missing the point on the low power. If i had healed the hunter while the rest of the group were finishing the initial mob, i would have had little if any power left for the tanks.

And if the hunter hadnt tried to save the group by attacking the second mob, if he had just kept hitting the first mob, then you would have pulled aggro with the first heal on "the tanks", and you would have died.

I also really like the comment about the hunter just saying "fuck this" and speed shouting away, leaving the group to fight both mobs.

Tohtori, you are looking for us to excuse your sacrificing a "less valuable" member of the team to save your own butt. Hunters absolutely suck in groups, but that is no reason to let them let them tank purple mobs without heals and without helping them at all.. then you shouldnt invite hunters in the first place.

The real question here is why didnt "the real tanks" go over and pull aggro from the hunter?


I agree with Chesnor.

sometimes you can't save em all, and a Hunter/SB can be a MAJOR mana drain. if you risk losing the group, don't be afraid to let 1 member die to save the rest.


I always find that as a healer if i get aggro.. i don my fancy dress and jump up and down.. now as i go commando this then scares the mob off :p

Me personally i go all out to save anyone and everyone from diening and would not disband someone just to save myself..

Stupid?? maybe but that's the way i do thing's :cool:


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen

Tohtori, you are looking for us to excuse your sacrificing a "less valuable" member of the team to save your own butt.

I'm not asking for an excuse for anything. I'm asking for opinions on the fact if "let one die save the rest" is ok or do you like the "no man gets left behind" tactic.

And for one thing, the hunter shouldn't have attacked the adding mob in the first place. Kinda hard to mez something when someone brakes it all the time.

And do remember that this was a low level incident, people don't have protects, hunters don't have de-taunts and so on.

Edit: And on low level, yes, 25% is critical with a fresh purp con mob adding.


Originally posted by old.Ayam Ganbatte
I've used the disbanding tactic before back when I was on 'the treadmill' and it always worked. They may have added some new code in later patches, haven't tried it recently.

As for your dilemma Tohtori, I'm always happy to let a stealther die. But that's beside the point, the hunter should have 'taken one for the team'; trust a stealther to act spoilt and uppity when he/she dies (but that's half the fun!).

You sir, are a twat!


well, as my shammy i usually try to save everyone who needs saving. usually a friggs might do (if the tanks manage to get aggro off the hunter) to get the hunter back to full hp.

i have even tried getting aggro off the lower hp members by just melee (considering that a troll shammy has quite a lot of hp + chain + the ability to block shots). though it is usable in these situations when the first mob is low on hp (so that only a few more hits will finish it off), it still might save someone.

basically, when i am the main healer (although a cave shammy), and as usual the grp leader (even if i came last i tend to take over leading) i follow these rules:

healer must live at all costs
noone gets left behind (which means unless they want to, i wont tell anyone to 'go and sacrifice yourself for our good!')

even with my warrior i follow these rules. maybe i am such a lowbie cuz i dont care if do i die or not, i just wanna save everyone.


Originally posted by Runolaz


How do you know the whole grp would die? You sure he wouldn't use detaunt, and the tanks use taunt? And that perhaps 1-2 heals for him would have kept him alive and actually increased the grp's dmg output. Did you try Amnesia?

I don't know all the facts here, but from what I read I would say that you suck BIG time and have much room for improvment.

And as i said to this earlier. I've been in this situation before and i can assure that 80-90% of the time when you get into this the whole freaking group goes down if you try to save everyone.

Guess you have to be there to know what i mean.

And me sucking big time, still have lost only one with the new healer when the fighting has been considered "normal".

Again one edit: And one thing is missing from this. The hunter gets about 60% of his HP knocked out with every punch from the purpcon. Keep that alive on a good day, not with low power.


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
The real question here is why didnt "the real tanks" go over and pull aggro from the hunter?
Good point. I think the situation is a combination of poor tanking/peeling and lack of mez. If one of the tanks had hit the mob once to agg it then it would have been ok to try and mez it (you're not going to pull agg with mez after they have hit it). Then you could concentrate on keeping the tanks alive while they killed the first mob.


heh it's not "what should have happened" or "how do you save a hunter?"

The question is:

"Lose one, save the herd."


"We all die together!"

What do you choose?

Being a crazy mercenary I usually try and taunt as many mobs as possible whilst yelling 'run' :) but usually everyone tries to help/heal and we all go down anyway ;)

Not sure I'd think to do the first one as my cleric - not quite got the knack yet to avoid just whacking whichever hp bar drops...

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