Mythic FAQ on the transfer


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The single player groups? (aka "box" groups such as Team Wizzie) or those players using G15's to macro?

I gotta tell you, if they try and ban the G15 users, it's goona get messy, G15 is pretty common kit nowadays on EU and US.

Its the multi boxers, they are generally refereed to as macro groups though. They use scripts through a program called Hot Key Net. A fair few use it as allows you to run more than 2 instances of DAOC on 1 machine but it also allows you to control several accounts at the same time.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
Meh... Choose between loss or a server that will be back down to 1k in 2-3 months..

Q_Q Givf German/French cluster biatches! :(

Will bring me a hour of fun lagging around on US with my old chars tho! ;)


Part of the furniture
Jun 24, 2004
Problems are: Ywain is located in US so for European players this creates lag problems and common linkdead scenarios. The is also payment problems, a lot of european players may not have credit cards (me being one), I know a lot of British people use cards like Switch and Solo which the american accounts don't support (Hoping Mythic will address this). The is also the over population problem, IT IS... already over crowded so adding more accounts to the mix will just make it worse.

Server weekday evenings --> 1500 people
Server Weekend evening --> 2000 people

Ywain hits 4000 on a weekend.


I lag less on US servers then on eu servers.. havent had a problem with lag in the 3 years ive played US


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
am playing US atm from england and its fine had no lag at all im really glad we are getting the chance to move our chars to Ywain


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Hah, time to make new druid template :D

I am really looking forward to this!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
does it say anything about accounts that had characters on both uk and german servers*? i have a bard, druid and warden on avalon that i would very much like to move to a playable server.

Your german-cluster chars will have the ingame option of transferring to the new german server. And your english-cluster-chars will have the ingame option of transferring to the german, the french or ywain.

They will handle "copies" of the old servers like the archive-servers in US right now.



Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Your german-cluster chars will have the ingame option of transferring to the new german server. And your english-cluster-chars will have the ingame option of transferring to the german, the french or ywain.

They will handle "copies" of the old servers like the archive-servers in US right now.


bah, i had a itch to play on hib.. i guess my wftpwn mid chars will have to do.

thx for the info wholdar! :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004

Im not sure what kind of latency lag you are talking about.
Im running out of sweden and Im not having any lag what so ever, actually think I have less lag than I had on the EU servers. (english atleast)


Yea it would have been really fun if you could transfer unique chars into a designated account. That way consilidating all your best chars on 1 or two accounts on Ywain. But unfortunatly thats not gonna be possible. I dont think Mythic are able to do that in a good way at the moment.

Anyway this is the next best thing!:)



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Im not sure what kind of latency lag you are talking about.
Im running out of sweden and Im not having any lag what so ever, actually think I have less lag than I had on the EU servers. (english atleast)

Remember that the new German/French servers will be mythic built, that is, we can expect the same kind of quality in regards to server-based-lag that we have on ywain.

Deduct from that the extra latency that comes with our traffic having to cross the atlantic (back and forth) when you compare with playing on Ywain = of course there will be less delay if you play on the new French/German-servers compared to ywain.

That said, Ywain is of course playable, I've been playing there for about two years and enjoyed myself immensly, but saying that the extra 70-100 ms in latency that comes with playing on a server thats located on the other side of the atlantic ocean isnt noticable is just not true. =)

Will be interesting to test the actual experience of playing on Mythic-serviced servers in EU with that on playing on Ywain.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2009
I have less lag on Ywain, compared to European servers.

When I checked the routing way to Goa, it was like:
South Sweden > Stockholm >Amsterdam >London >Cross the Atlantic to USA (where it took some roundabout) >Cross Atlantic >Paris >Goa.

Rather frustrating and a massive lag.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2010
everybody is talking about transfering chars. i only got 1 eu account, chars on excalibur. will i have to create a new account on ywain and the transfer all chars to this account? or will my whole account transfer? and also if anyone know, will it cost me anything?



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
everybody is talking about transfering chars. i only got 1 eu account, chars on excalibur. will i have to create a new account on ywain and the transfer all chars to this account? or will my whole account transfer? and also if anyone know, will it cost me anything?


Your whole account will be transferred to Mythic from GOA.

The transfer will not cost you anything, keeping the account open will though.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
I have less lag on Ywain, compared to European servers.

Yes, but you will not be comparing Ywain with the CURRENT european servers. That is my point. :p

Mythic is setting up NEW servers in europe on a DIFFERENT location that GOA, so, it would be logical to conclude that the servers will be comparable in server-capacitity to Ywain, so the only difference will be where they are physically located.

Servers located in Europe (the new servers) will have a much lower latency (for European users) than servers located in the US (ywain).

.. this of course if Mythic have chosen a proper ISP to host the new servers, that doesnt have the same latency problems as France Telecom has.



Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Yes, but you will not be comparing Ywain with the CURRENT european servers. That is my point. :p

Mythic is setting up NEW servers in europe on a DIFFERENT location that GOA, so, it would be logical to conclude that the servers will be comparable in server-capacitity to Ywain, so the only difference will be where they are physically located.

Servers located in Europe (the new servers) will have a much lower latency (for European users) than servers located in the US (ywain).

.. this of course if Mythic have chosen a proper ISP to host the new servers, that doesnt have the same latency problems as France Telecom has.


If it's the same Server Farm hosting War (which is hinted) then i have my fair share of doubts :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 20, 2004
Yes, but you will not be comparing Ywain with the CURRENT european servers. That is my point. :p

Mythic is setting up NEW servers in europe on a DIFFERENT location that GOA, so, it would be logical to conclude that the servers will be comparable in server-capacitity to Ywain, so the only difference will be where they are physically located.

Servers located in Europe (the new servers) will have a much lower latency (for European users) than servers located in the US (ywain).

.. this of course if Mythic have chosen a proper ISP to host the new servers, that doesnt have the same latency problems as France Telecom has.


I'm pretty sure I read that the servers will be based in Germany which has nice providers. I ping roughly 35-40 to germany and 90-100 to eastern US.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Remember that the new German/French servers will be mythic built, that is, we can expect the same kind of quality in regards to server-based-lag that we have on ywain.

That said, Ywain is of course playable, I've been playing there for about two years and enjoyed myself immensly, but saying that the extra 70-100 ms in latency that comes with playing on a server thats located on the other side of the atlantic ocean isnt noticable is just not true. =)


which is excellent. this way i can disguise my lack of skill and blame it on server<-->client latency.


Feb 11, 2010
This is fantastic news, I cannot wait to play my old characters again and to see some of my old friends.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004

I miss my zerker. Liked that limpy gimp a little more than my BM on Ywain.
Miss my skald too. I hear skalds have had quite a bit of love since i last played mine. :)

Zerubiel Propane

Loyal Freddie
Oct 22, 2007
I feel like quoting all the idiots who said it would never happen.
But i cba..

Good news in any case..

However i really hope they will allow for players to transfer characters between accounts at some point. They are ripping off people who already rolled on US after EU died.

Poor fools


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Poor fools

You just wait and see what is waiting for you across the pond.. You'll be lucky if you see the same person twice in one day! Unlike the past 2 years you've spent on a deserted server

Hope you had fun waisting your money while the rest of us were having fun

Zerubiel Propane

Loyal Freddie
Oct 22, 2007
You just wait and see what is waiting for you across the pond.. You'll be lucky if you see the same person twice in one day! Unlike the past 2 years you've spent on a deserted server

Hope you had fun waisting your money while the rest of us were having fun
Fun is what you make of it, my son.

And i had fun :lol:

Wut you playing now anyway, i wanna know where i can find you :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Most excellent news on the transferring of chars to Ywain. I for one am returning. :)

(not that I'm really a known person, except perhaps my SB Liowyn who was quite the solo gimp)

all I have to do now is retemplate everything .. for some reason they wont let SBs use phoebus harp anymore :(


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Fun is what you make of it, my son.

And i had fun :lol:

Wut you playing now anyway, i wanna know where i can find you :p

You make yourself sound as old as I am. You'll get there one day and be able to legitimately say that phrase when you are old :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
I agree wholdar

I agree, with a German ISP and (If I get this right its one who is already hosting their Warhammer servers somewhere in germany), mythics real server setup it will probably be faster to play on the EU servers than the US.

Still for me I dont think it will matter much. I would prefere playing on a US server with a slight (for my untrained eye unnoticable) lag, rather than play on an english EU server with to low population.

Only thing Im missing again from this is the single chartransfer to a designated account. Would be nice to be able to gather all your favorite chars on two accounts, on all realms. But its pretty close to that for me if I just get to transfer my german chars to Ywain also!:)



Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
which is excellent. this way i can disguise my lack of skill and blame it on server<-->client latency.

Still with your lack of skill you still have more skill than most players will achive in a lifetime!;)

Anyway, where will you be playing around then?:)
On mid only? Didnt you have any chars on excal also?

Would be fun to get up old norrsken alliance again!:)


ps. We are on mid atm, but when the transfer goes through Ill have hib to play around on too, and hopefully get 1 or 2 chars up on alb!:) ds.

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