My first hate /tell ^^



Since Werner is deader than a snitch who pissed off the mob during late nights, I decided to trip onto Emerald as i usually do, to play the wubly VS and their array of cuddly weapons (My Lancer, Becky is such a darling).

After a While of being Spinky and blowing vehicles up, I decided to reroll Sminky onto the server and unleash her fury of death spam (hers of course, dying that is), being stuck for what to cert (Thresher, Thresher, Thresher, Thresher, Thresher, Thresher, Thresher, Thresher) I decided to go for the Liberator, a nicey little vehicle that has an even niceyer 35mm chaincannon attached to the front, and since none of my allocated random squad for the night would bomb, I became a mean motherf*ckin gunship.

So anyway, on the travels while piloting said liberator, I spot a Terran Galaxy hotdropping a bunch of Grunts into the fray. Ignoring the grunts I go for the big prize, the Galaxy, muaha, shooting away with the 35mm chaincannon, the pilot of this flying fortress flees like the British from their American allies during a gunfight with whoever happens to be the bitch this decade. Two reavers join in the massacre of this giant in the sky, but when it did go down, t'was me who got the killing blow. Job well done I think, and turn around to watch the battle below, when this arrives

Shortly after an anchored anti-air TR MAX blew me out of the sky as I chuckled at the sore losers desparate words to make his hurt ego feel better.

Nighto and tata


yanks crack me up :) You can spot a yank on werner by the

"f$£K off Noob" the player has you on ignore instant reply upon their death.


Sniped a guy a few weeks ago who then started a stream of /tell abuse, accusing me of cheating and all sorts.

Funny stuff :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

I usually reply with "yu0r m0m!!1"... shuts them all up for some reason. *shrug*



Was playing on one of the Yank servers a few weeks back, Vanu... Character is only BR 4 or something and has stelth certs....

I was on a contenent that was empty of TR or NC but was being hacked by Vanu....

Thought Id try a solo hack on an undefended base to see what the xp was like when you did that.....

As i was running into the main gate I saw another Guy who said ''This one is mine, leave it''.... anyway 2 secs later I ran over a mine and left him to it..... :rolleyes:

20 mins later, im at another base, only one there, waiting for a linked base to complete it hack so I can start the hack on the base im at and the same guy comes running in... He can obviously see im at the console waiting to start the hack and he starts jumping on the console and firing random shots at me.... and isnt going to let make do the hack...

So I back off.... give him 30 secs.... let him stand there with his hacking (cant rem name rek?) gun at the ready... wait for the other hack to go through so he can start.... and stab the bugger in the back.... :clap:

My first and last deliberate Grief Points and boy did I enjoy it.... :ROFLMAO:

I then logged out chuckling.....


Gawd, I haven't had that many, but one made me laugh a lot.

Enemy AMS (NC) parked somewhere, my squad found it, so me and Venom (both infil/adv hack amongst other things) decide to go try to jack it. I drop from a mosq at height, and luckily enough land in a tree right next to the AMS. I watch as Venom sneaks up, starts to jack when boom, someone called StealthRequiem switches on DL and kills him with his gauss.

Fair enough, thinks I, I'll wait til he leaves. But altho he was running around a lot, he seemed to be guarding the AMS, so I waited until he ran a little bit away, seemed to be scouting, then tried to drop onto the roof of the AMS. It didn't work, I slid off, but moved around and tried to jack it. Unfortunately, he came back, turned on DL again, and killed me.

I respawn, and try again, this time dropping into the AMS' stealth bubble. Again, I couldn't see him, but as soon as I start jacking it he kills me. (No, I'm not insinuating he was cheating, I have no reason to believe he was at all, just good at hunting stealthers down.)

So, as I quite often do, I sent him a tell saying "go away :)". Now normally this leads to an amusing exchange of tells, with me trying to bribe the enemy with cookies to let me hack/jack whatever without interruption. Both parties get a laugh out of it and it's all well and good. I added the smilie to make sure he knew I was joking.

But no! I get in return "no hablo ingles crap player" (I may not have gotten the spanish right, I don't remember it exactly and know very little spanish).

So I sent soemthing like "well DL hardly takes skill" to which I got "no hablo ingles piss off tosser". By this time I was getting more than a little annoyed (as I'm sure you can imagine), so I decided to respond in kind. I /tell him the only spanish phrase I know, which is extremely insulting to his mother.

At which point, to my surprise (well, not really, I'd figured he knew more than he was letting on), he responds in perfect English, saying that I'm a crap infiltrator and insulting me in every way he can think of. At which point, I /tell him something along the lines of "DL takes no skill, if you'd managed to kill me with any skill I'd be more impressed." and /ignore.

But it shocked me, it was the first time my friendly attempt at communication had been met with such hostility, and although I'm fully aware that I shouldn't have used my one phrase in Spanish, I was pretty much convinced that he knew more English than he was letting on at that point, and couldn't resist.

Anyone who knows me in game knows that on the whole I'm a nice person, I don't tend to flame people randomly or anything.

But that guy is now KOS to my outfit (or at least those who were online at the time) even if he is NC, I and those who know will go out of our ways to get him. At least, I will.

And then die horribly probably since I'm a bit crap at trying to kill people :)


I get a surprising number of rude tells when I go infil hunting with Audio Amp and Darklight. Even had people say they have reported me because I must of been using a cheat to run round a corner, flick DL on and shoot them :)


I've gotten infil-hunted in much the same manner many times, but altho I've been known to scream "cheaters" at the top of my voice irl, I've never been even inclined to appeal someone for it, because I know there are ways for them to do it, and I'm not too keen on mass appealing.

Only ever /appealed one guy for standing inside my AMS and laughing at me trying to kill him.


kill sicko for your own personal "damn you message" :D


Originally posted by Stonebits

Was playing on one of the Yank servers a few weeks back, Vanu... Character is only BR 4 or something and has stelth certs....

I was on a contenent that was empty of TR or NC but was being hacked by Vanu....

Thought Id try a solo hack on an undefended base to see what the xp was like when you did that.....

As i was running into the main gate I saw another Guy who said ''This one is mine, leave it''.... anyway 2 secs later I ran over a mine and left him to it..... :rolleyes:

20 mins later, im at another base, only one there, waiting for a linked base to complete it hack so I can start the hack on the base im at and the same guy comes running in... He can obviously see im at the console waiting to start the hack and he starts jumping on the console and firing random shots at me.... and isnt going to let make do the hack...

So I back off.... give him 30 secs.... let him stand there with his hacking (cant rem name rek?) gun at the ready... wait for the other hack to go through so he can start.... and stab the bugger in the back.... :clap:

My first and last deliberate Grief Points and boy did I enjoy it.... :ROFLMAO:

I then logged out chuckling.....

I could have sworn that who did the hack didn't matter, unless they changed it recently?


Originally posted by SilverHood
I could have sworn that who did the hack didn't matter, unless they changed it recently?

I dont have a clue.... but he annoyed me :clap:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by SilverHood
kill sicko for your own personal "damn you message" :D

Har har... too bad you decided not to play anymore.
I would have chain-killed you, you know?:p

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Har har... too bad you decided not to play anymore.
I would have chain-killed you, you know?:p

Ive not seen you online yet :eek:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Because other than you, I don't have 24/7 to play...


Who does the hack doesn't matter at all afaik.

Altho the LLU thing might have changed it but that only went live this morning.

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