My best friend is a boy, discuss...


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
He is my bestfriend.
We talk most days, and hang out once a week, and go out to see places/people/ do things with the kids, with or without Mr Russell. We enjoy each others company, get on well and talk about our lives and things that bother us etc.. I talk to him exactly as I would to my female friends, nothing is sacred and I like to have a good rant!

I have 3 other close girlfriends (who are my circle of trust)

I have my husband who has to live with me and is grateful for the peace when I go round my mates house!

Vas -who would you go to rant to if you had a bad day?

See here lies the problem for me, my female friends are all like that. And if I wasn't married I would be quite happy to be in a relationship with them, simply because we share the same interests and enjoy each others company, that is the reason I got with my wife after all.

The more time you spend with someone yuo get on with there is always a chance of the inevitable happening!

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
I have to say this thread confuses me a bit. I honestly don't see the difference between a female friend and a male friend. Although having igen it some thought, i have to concede that it could be because I find people in general very confusing, men and women equally, so it makes very little difference to me what gender my friends are, they are all bizarre as far as I am concerned..


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
aaargh it's not inevitable!!!! just because we have the bits that make it possible does not mean we're going to suddenly look at out best mate and all of a sudden be overcome by desire for them...admittedly sometimes people do, you hear of folk who say oh we were best friends for years then bam! but it doesn't mean it's always going to happen, boy girl best friendships are actually like guy guy or gal gal best friendships there just is not the feeling there, it does not exist! you wouldn't turn around to your best mate while out watching footie in the pub and all of a sudden think 'omg dave where have you been all my life!!' start snogging him and want to run away and raise chiuhuhas on a small farm in totness would you? You could have sex with your best mate dave, but just because you physically can does not mean you ever will or ever will want to.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
aaargh it's not inevitable!!!! just because we have the bits that make it possible does not mean we're going to suddenly look at out best mate and all of a sudden be overcome by desire for them...admittedly sometimes people do, you hear of folk who say oh we were best friends for years then bam! but it doesn't mean it's always going to happen, boy girl best friendships are actually like guy guy or gal gal best friendships ther just is not the feeling there, it does not exist! you wouldn't turn around to your best mate while out watching footie in the pub and all of a sudden think 'omg dave where have you been all my life!!' start snogging him and want to run away and raise chiuhuhas on a small farm in totness would you? You could have sex with your best mate dave, but just because you physically can does not mean you ever will or ever will want to.

Totally agree, ive been best mates with my female mate for over 10 years and not once, not even after a pissed night out have we ever had that kind of feeling for each other, we'll be happy to share a bed etc if im staying over hers and theres no incline to do anything


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Vas -who would you go to rant to if you had a bad day?

When i have a bad day i guess i just suck it up with the help of some "green devil".

But when i feel like talking to sum1, I use to call my cousin Alex (hes like a brother to me, hes the same age as me and we were raised together by our grandma), or one of my friends from what i call the "inner circle" (3-4 very close friends I know since I was a child, all males btw)

However, when its something very deep, more related with the mess I have in my head, I find it easier to talk with, lets say, someone more stranger (like an aquaintance ¿sp? or just a plain stranger), than with my friends, and it could be male or female, the gender doesnt matter.

Wierdo isnt it? :)


FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
I have to say this thread confuses me a bit. I honestly don't see the difference between a female friend and a male friend. Although having igen it some thought, i have to concede that it could be because I find people in general very confusing, men and women equally, so it makes very little difference to me what gender my friends are, they are all bizarre as far as I am concerned..



FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
aaargh it's not inevitable!!!! just because we have the bits that make it possible does not mean we're going to suddenly look at out best mate and all of a sudden be overcome by desire for them...admittedly sometimes people do, you hear of folk who say oh we were best friends for years then bam! but it doesn't mean it's always going to happen, boy girl best friendships are actually like guy guy or gal gal best friendships there just is not the feeling there, it does not exist! you wouldn't turn around to your best mate while out watching footie in the pub and all of a sudden think 'omg dave where have you been all my life!!' start snogging him and want to run away and raise chiuhuhas on a small farm in totness would you? You could have sex with your best mate dave, but just because you physically can does not mean you ever will or ever will want to.

arghh... gotta spread the rep.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Of course men and women can just be friends.

Until you add enough alcohol.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Totally agree, ive been best mates with my female mate for over 10 years and not once, not even after a pissed night out have we ever had that kind of feeling for each other, we'll be happy to share a bed etc if im staying over hers and theres no incline to do anything

Gayer ;)

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
Oh come on guys. I have 2 friends who are female. They're both "Gorgeous" though I don't see them as anything other than friends. We've shared a bed on numerous occasions and nothing has happened. I love them both to bits but it's entirely platonic.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I'm too possessive to handle that stuff tbh.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
If I get into bed with another female who isn't completely off her tits on drink, the least I'd expect would be some dry humping!


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
lol what he said, B2 is my best mate, we go off for coffee or lunch whatever, go hiking or shopping, watch a movie it's great, he has a gf and I had a couple of bfs in the past year since we broke up and there is absolutely no 'ooh i'm just being friendly to get back together' it's over and done with and what remains is just a really ncie friendship...

I also have several male freinds, wouldn't call them 'best freinds' who I hang out with a lot and with one it's a bit awkward because his friend said he fancies me so I try not to see him as much as I used to because I don;t want to lead anyone on, but that's like a one off.

The thing with the children is quite funny because I remember as a nipper most of my BFFs were girls but the ones I hung about with and really had fun with were boys and lots of the girls were freinds with boys, it got a bit iffy around the age of 12-15 because everyones hormones were kicking in and we all got confused about everything but grew out of that mostly Oo

There's always a chance you will end up with your hips together. It is familiar, you've both been there before, it's easier to get "there" than with new people. Just you wait, the first night both of you will be tipsy and not in close proximity to your current partners.

You'll see.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
i can be attracted to my female friends, but it doesnt really bother me coz its not really on my mind.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Loving this thread, its so funny to read all of the opinions


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I would also like to add that women like to have men around as friends because it pumps up their ego.



Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Its weird how some of us can distinguish between someone who is good company as a mate regardless of gender and someone we want to poke

The two dont always go hand in hand when it comes to the opposite sex, believe me ive shagged alot of female friends since discovering what my penis was for but i have very close female friends that just the thought of sexing would be like sexing a family member (and not a cousin kind of family member but a sister)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I couldn't have a best friend as a girl because if I did I'd wanna fuck her.

Like your male best friend wants to fuck you :)

I rarely agree with Scouse, but on this occasion I bet he's right :)


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
I don't think we can counter a few thousand years worth of instincts with an advanced social structure.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2008
My best (male) friends have nearly always been ex-boyfriends, sexual attraction is usually transient but friendship lasts much longer.
After I married I still had some male best friends and I had a major crisis earlier this year when my husband was air-ambulanced to hospital for serious emergency treatment some way away from where we live.
I got in touch with them and they guided me through the "what to do" stuff; make sure you have enough petrol, get phone numbers to contact, eat something to keep your energy levels up etc..
One was in Germany and phoned me to make sure I was coping and the other was rather poorly himself or would have driven me up to the hospital. They both kept in touch and generally kept me sane in a very difficult and trying situation.

I don't fancy either of them ( both are married) and doubt they do me but they are both guys I owe a big hug to and also to their long suffering wives who I have also met - internet gaming friends ftw. :wub:


FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
I would also like to add that women like to have men around as friends because it pumps up their ego.


Works both ways dude;)

After reading all your wierd and wonderful posts I am left thinking that perhaps it really does just depend on chemistry. If it is there, maybe you cannot sustain a platonic friendship for years, where opportunties arise.

But if there is no chemistry -bingo -it is simple.

I still believe it is quite possible to have long, close friendships with people of the opposite sex with no sexing and thats a good thing. We take what we need from the people around us and regardless of gender, good friends get you through the crap.

I went out last night to celebrate my 10 year anniversary and Mr Russell and I got hammered, as we talked about how difficult the last 10 years have been for us (when you factor in children, the twin thing, boring finances and actually living with someone 24/7) and I firmly believe that without my boy best friend in question, we may not have made it. I appreciate all of my friends, but he is the one who does the most for me and my family. I also provide a lot of support for him.

Guess people have strong opinions on this, be you 9 or 39.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
oh man. had sex with one of my best friend girl mates last night, was fucking weird. Hope it doesnt make things awkward :p


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
yeah, completely out of nothing, she's a lesbian for god's sake, the thought had never crossed my mind. was just chilling in my bed after getting wankered at the pub, smoking a few doobies and she just said "want to fuck?" and we did :eek:

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