Movie: 8v8 (BF-FC) vs VGN



Waiting for RA's sounds like the most boring thing to do ever, its bad enough waiting for ld's, ppl who miss ports, or replacements because of ppl who suddenly have to log, fuck waiting around for 25 mins for a few measly RA's to charge i want ACTION!

Secondly the only RA's that are really useful vs a hib pbae group are MoC/RP on clerics.


Originally posted by K0nah
wtf is that supposed to mean?! ask farek ffs jeeez... :rolleyes:

Think he is trying to be funny or something... just fyi he (my brother) got the worst humor ever witnessed by man. So dont feel sad if you dont get the joke.


Keke, cant say it was a good fight tbh, it would be such a lie if i did. First fuckin thing you did was to SoS, talk about not being able to dare fighting a low rr grp, SoS 4tw.
Seriously, ive seen lotsa movies, its like albs record movies when they got all their RA's up or whatever, cus otherwise they would get mezzed and pwned. Cus lets face it, theres no good sorcs in ALB cept Aussie. None ever can win a fight in mezzing cept him. One thing i noticed aswell, was that the grp you fought, didnt have their RA's up, knudden got at least interupted whole fight which means, no moc or whatever. Prolly had GP up as they used it at start?¿
Couldnt see on screen wether they did or not. Anyways that "vgn" grp didnt even have a guild bard as it looked like, BO bard. Not to judge him, cus he played good n so on. But a guild bard > all. Also, a rr2 caster. :m00: .
Tbh mostly of em, cept knudden, was low rr. Dno what you guys RR's are, but im sure they aint low.
Either way, theres better movies out there, gl with next one. Hopefully you'll do some good in that.


uhhh they did moc - twice I think?
they did gp
<-- rr 2 reaver and was actually my first or second real rvr group with that char - you can tell ;)
low rr mincer
and we aren't a gg either was 3 different guilds and we don't play with each other (until this week) that often - in fact we almost never play with FC cause we aren't allied and we both run gg normally, esp FC.
I know it wasn't an uber looking fight, but it was a great fun fight to play cause it went on for what felt like ages with no adds (I think) and no weird screen dragging and none of the s word. It was just a fun fight, not beautiful :)

And it wasn't meant as a we own vng post cause they beat us about half the time that night. All the fights were fun. Unlike most nights when the 2fg+ albs running in a mob (whyyyy?) seems to ruin any chance of late night rvr.

Dunno why you're in love with aussie ^^ he is a great sorc, but there are other good sorcerers who get the first mez in all the time, tahn and rats for two.


Originally posted by Freppe^^
Cus lets face it, theres no good sorcs in ALB cept Aussie.

hmm aussie is very good and aggressive at the start of a fight but flaps and panics a bit further in, imo ;)

we rarely lose the first mezz, unless we get jumped/radar'd/insta'd ofc.


Originally posted by Freppe^^
Keke, cant say it was a good fight tbh, it would be such a lie if i did. First fuckin thing you did was to SoS, talk about not being able to dare fighting a low rr grp, SoS 4tw.
Seriously, ive seen lotsa movies, its like albs record movies when they got all their RA's up or whatever, cus otherwise they would get mezzed and pwned. Cus lets face it, theres no good sorcs in ALB cept Aussie. None ever can win a fight in mezzing cept him. One thing i noticed aswell, was that the grp you fought, didnt have their RA's up, knudden got at least interupted whole fight which means, no moc or whatever. Prolly had GP up as they used it at start?¿
Couldnt see on screen wether they did or not. Anyways that "vgn" grp didnt even have a guild bard as it looked like, BO bard. Not to judge him, cus he played good n so on. But a guild bard > all. Also, a rr2 caster. :m00: .
Tbh mostly of em, cept knudden, was low rr. Dno what you guys RR's are, but im sure they aint low.
Either way, theres better movies out there, gl with next one. Hopefully you'll do some good in that.
If you look carefully at the start you will see the druid insta root our minstrel, its a reflex reaction to use SoS after being rooted at the very start of a fight. SoS did very little to help us at the start anyway, its much better vs a melee group. I doubt we would have used it had the druid not insta rooted, but a druid actually has a decent 3rd spec line....

I would hardly call that hib group low rr, I see a Emerald Ridere, two luri thunderers, two silver hands, a couple of grove protectors, 1 cosantoir. Seems to me the 2 groups were fairly similar RR's.

The fact you didn't even see me casting my mezz right at the start is unbelievable, did you not see the purple animation around me? do you not see the Mindrat casts a spell? do you not see the Medicca is entranced message? and how can you say that albs rely on their RA's to win, if those hibs didnt GP then they would have had a very very very hard time to win the fight as we kill them all one by one. If you ask me its hib pbae groups that rely on RA's to win far more than albs.

Looks to me like at least 1 luri moc'd during that fight. when Asire died for the first time.

Like Asha said we had BF, FC and Karnat is from HB so our group was far from a guild group, just a group of good players. You just seem bitter because its a fight where you lost, I don't mind admitting that we lost a few fights that same night vs the exact same group, whats important to me is every fight we had vs this group was really fun and really close.


Originally posted by Freppe^^
Keke, cant say it was a good fight tbh, it would be such a lie if i did. First fuckin thing you did was to SoS, talk about not being able to dare fighting a low rr grp, SoS 4tw.
Seriously, ive seen lotsa movies, its like albs record movies when they got all their RA's up or whatever, cus otherwise they would get mezzed and pwned. Cus lets face it, theres no good sorcs in ALB cept Aussie. None ever can win a fight in mezzing cept him. One thing i noticed aswell, was that the grp you fought, didnt have their RA's up, knudden got at least interupted whole fight which means, no moc or whatever. Prolly had GP up as they used it at start?¿
Couldnt see on screen wether they did or not. Anyways that "vgn" grp didnt even have a guild bard as it looked like, BO bard. Not to judge him, cus he played good n so on. But a guild bard > all. Also, a rr2 caster. :m00: .
Tbh mostly of em, cept knudden, was low rr. Dno what you guys RR's are, but im sure they aint low.
Either way, theres better movies out there, gl with next one. Hopefully you'll do some good in that.

keke defensive mode?
id say o.w.n.e.d and move on.. clueless twat

:great: bf & fc keep ganking ;)


Originally posted by Stallion-
keke defensive mode?
id say o.w.n.e.d and move on.. clueless twat

:great: bf & fc keep ganking ;)

Why am i defensive mode? I posted out of my own perspectiv or whatever it spells. They got killed yes, they were VGN, im VGN, should that mean something? It dont, wether my team loose or not, ill still have my flag high, I dont really bother if they loose or not, if i loose or not. Ppl are here to comment the movie, on how it is, thats what i did. This more looks like a low attempt by you, to somehow flame me or whatever. But couldnt expect much else from you. Anyways, i might be clueless, since i wernt at that fight, neither were you. So that would make you, clueless "twat" aswell?¿
TBH, how you made your post made be realise, how childish it was, its like when a child got kicked out of something, they go against they former m8s/team etc, and start cheering their former "enemies", which theyve been pissed off at before. But its quite funny to see, someone like you behave like this. But as i said earlier, its low, and nor did i get suprised that it would come from someone else than you.
Dont bother posting anymore, cus i wont make this into a flamefest, this was to comment a film, which you hardly achieved on doing.


FC never has and never will rest or wait for RAs

if u see us sat at pk for ~30mins its cos we got a staff problem (missing sorc/mincer/pally, some1 missed port etc), not RAs down... we win some, we lose some. if we lose cos our RAs were down, we win the next fight with em up... ying-yang etc
Well said Konah



Originally posted by diabien_hib
FC never has and never will rest or wait for RAs

if u see us sat at pk for ~30mins its cos we got a staff problem (missing sorc/mincer/pally, some1 missed port etc), not RAs down... we win some, we lose some. if we lose cos our RAs were down, we win the next fight with em up... ying-yang etc
Well said Konah

well said diabien_hib


albs never wait for RAs... altho having RAs down makes it less bad to wait for people who missed port etc at apk.


IT is really silly of Freppe to whine about RA's to be honest. I got a druid on Prydwen and when we run a PB-group its ALWAYS pray you got Grouppurge up because 1 AE-mezz is fatal on it really (if you play against groups who know how to fight).

Besides that we keep a luri-count to see who has MOC up and who has not. Another RA which is needed on the PB'ers against enemies who know what they doing.

That means for that group to be successfull against good groups they gonna need:

* Grouppurge
* MOC on atleast 2 pb'ers
* Insta-heals/Raging Power / MOC on druids

All that, and possible more, is needed to win with a PB-group to a good enemy. Like Hotrats says: If you get a mezz on a PB-group its just picking off 1 at a time.

SOS is nice to use against a Hib-group if the Hib-group has a good slammer (who slams people in the box) but furthermore I really doubt there's many RA's 'needed' for the Alb-group to win, FH or IP perhaps

Its indeed really the Hibs who need the RA's here, not the Albs.

Grouppurge is really one of the only reasons why Hibs can run a PB-group and Albs cant. The added of utility of a bunch of pets is also GREAT.


Originally posted by K0nah
FC never has and never will rest or wait for RAs

if u see us sat at pk for ~30mins its cos we got a staff problem (missing sorc/mincer/pally, some1 missed port etc), not RAs down... we win some, we lose some. if we lose cos our RAs were down, we win the next fight with em up... ying-yang etc

rofl @ ppl waiting for RAs :m00:

denial is the first step to confessing!


Originally posted by diabien_hib
FC never has and never will rest or wait for RAs

if u see us sat at pk for ~30mins its cos we got a staff problem (missing sorc/mincer/pally, some1 missed port etc), not RAs down... we win some, we lose some. if we lose cos our RAs were down, we win the next fight with em up... ying-yang etc
Well said Konah

hehe, try the quote buttong next time ^^^^^^^^^^


Originally posted by hotrat
Well said Puppetmistress :clap:

you do know puppet said that the hibs grps relies 100% on ra's to be able to kill any half decent tank grp right? :p and ur 1 of those who wajn's when people talk about sos bof etc saying they are timered ra's etc? ^^


im watching a Cleric running around with Disease for 1 min and 30 sec and smiting 4 teh win.

btw. nice bof on those 3 mids oO


Puppet, eva tried playin a chanter without Moc when not gettin mezz etc in? I bet you havent, and i bet if you had, you would know, its not the easiest thing to do. All you can do really, as a chanter is to try interupt as much as possible. You'll so little dmg, allmost nothing. Only when your qc is up, which will not be enough dmg to take down a alb, or mid. Perhaps you'd notice if you could see the movie once again that the dmg they did either wernt enough, just cus casters suck in general, or that they didnt have moc up. Moc means alot in a fight like that, ppl mocing together, assisting pwning, is win. No moc in a fight like that, is insta death. Dno if they did have moc in that fight, at least, the rr2 one didnt. Didnt look like they had either way. THis is just from my personal experience as chanter. Im not here to whine or anything, just commenting from the movie looked like, from my point of view. And dont compare prydwen to this..., pryd is very different. I played with my pally there and pwned a hib rr7+ fg , pbae style, so easy, without dying one, doubt even the healers had to do something. They gp'ed etc.
All i could say is that, a good, well balanced alb fg, tank grp style. Would pwn any, hib fg, pbae style easy, if played well. The ONLY thing a hib fg, pbae style, as i said before, got against em is moc.. if moc aint up imo, and even if they get mezzed and they gp'ed. They got a slight chance of winning.

As a end of it, since i really need to get a hold of some chips.. :p
SoS must be the best RA ever. :D FUCKIN OVERPWRED xD


Is that the same smite cleric as in the nolby vid? -_-



Like Freppe said exc rvr and hib rvr are alot diff.
First face the fact hib got all power relics here 20% more spell dmg, 2nd face the fact the albs on prydwen are alot better then albs on excalibur. A good higher rr hib grp got 2 x gp and everyone got singel purge. Besides hib/pryd dont have any pbae grp even close to dem hibbies class..


Originally posted by Freppe^^
Puppet, eva tried playin a chanter without Moc when not gettin mezz etc in? I bet you havent, and i bet if you had, you would know, its not the easiest thing to do. All you can do really, as a chanter is to try interupt as much as possible. You'll so little dmg, allmost nothing. Only when your qc is up, which will not be enough dmg to take down a alb, or mid. Perhaps you'd notice if you could see the movie once again that the dmg they did either wernt enough, just cus casters suck in general, or that they didnt have moc up. Moc means alot in a fight like that, ppl mocing together, assisting pwning, is win. No moc in a fight like that, is insta death. Dno if they did have moc in that fight, at least, the rr2 one didnt. Didnt look like they had either way. THis is just from my personal experience as chanter. Im not here to whine or anything, just commenting from the movie looked like, from my point of view. And dont compare prydwen to this..., pryd is very different. I played with my pally there and pwned a hib rr7+ fg , pbae style, so easy, without dying one, doubt even the healers had to do something. They gp'ed etc.
All i could say is that, a good, well balanced alb fg, tank grp style. Would pwn any, hib fg, pbae style easy, if played well. The ONLY thing a hib fg, pbae style, as i said before, got against em is moc.. if moc aint up imo, and even if they get mezzed and they gp'ed. They got a slight chance of winning.

As a end of it, since i really need to get a hold of some chips.. :p
SoS must be the best RA ever. :D FUCKIN OVERPWRED xD

U are actually exactly saying what I was saying: Hibs need the RA's to win.

That makes it so odd you 'complain' about RA-use from Albion side.

Prydwen RvR is entirely different, yes. The majority of the groups out there in Emain actually know what they doing, there's not half as much easy RP for Hibs as on Excal.

Hib-PB groups from Excalibur aren't high RR because they are so much more skilled then Hib-PB groups from Prydwen, they're high RR due to:

a) Farming noob zergs of Albs/Mids
b) Playing the toon for a long time
c) Excalibur is most active RvR server so you're bound to get RP as a realm which is not overpopulated

Im pretty sure that if I made a PB-group on Excalibur we would gain enough easy RP with running in 2fg in a few weeks to get all the necessary RA's to win more fights. After that its just steady increase of RP for a fixed RR5+ group.

You cant farm zergs as easy on Prydwen then on Excalibur simply due to the way lower population. The ones out in Emain are for the majority very opted groups.

I dont know what paladin you playing on Prydwen, but there's only a bunch of high-RR (RR7 as you said) PB'ers around, probably a group of Eclipse. And I really doubt Eclipse got owned by a bunch of randoms in a straight fg vs fg fight.


Originally posted by Freppe^^
Puppet, eva tried playin a chanter without Moc when not gettin mezz etc in? I bet you havent, and i bet if you had, you would know, its not the easiest thing to do. All you can do really, as a chanter is to try interupt as much as possible. You'll so little dmg, allmost nothing. Only when your qc is up, which will not be enough dmg to take down a alb, or mid. Perhaps you'd notice if you could see the movie once again that the dmg they did either wernt enough, just cus casters suck in general, or that they didnt have moc up. Moc means alot in a fight like that, ppl mocing together, assisting pwning, is win. No moc in a fight like that, is insta death. Dno if they did have moc in that fight, at least, the rr2 one didnt. Didnt look like they had either way. THis is just from my personal experience as chanter. Im not here to whine or anything, just commenting from the movie looked like, from my point of view. And dont compare prydwen to this..., pryd is very different. I played with my pally there and pwned a hib rr7+ fg , pbae style, so easy, without dying one, doubt even the healers had to do something. They gp'ed etc.
All i could say is that, a good, well balanced alb fg, tank grp style. Would pwn any, hib fg, pbae style easy, if played well. The ONLY thing a hib fg, pbae style, as i said before, got against em is moc.. if moc aint up imo, and even if they get mezzed and they gp'ed. They got a slight chance of winning.

As a end of it, since i really need to get a hold of some chips.. :p
SoS must be the best RA ever. :D FUCKIN OVERPWRED xD

lol :clap: best ever... and I cant disagree more then 100% can I ? ;)


Originally posted by Stallion-
lol :clap: best ever... and I cant disagree more then 100% can I ? ;)

Its my opinion, but once again, i bet you havent read a single word. Just trying with your flame shit as usual, patethic fool. Try saying your opinion instead, and how you see it. Why bother doing lame stuff like that? Dont see why, since you saw in my last post pretty sure IF YOU READ, that i dont bother. Finito, end etc.

Anyways, puppetmaster, we surely did, i was rr2 with the pally yes, played with forgotten legends with xeanor as lead. Fink the grp was around rr5+ by then at least. We smashed em into pieces, havent had a easier fg fight like that one, as a hib.


Originally posted by Forau
rofl #4, this is a stlong way of getting ur postcount reset :p reply to me in some witty way to make postcount higher xD


Originally posted by ab_fluid
rofl #4, this is a stlong way of getting ur postcount reset :p reply to me in some witty way to make postcount higher xD

And youv replied to 3 of em, how is your spam any better than his ? Atleast in some twisted way his reply is actually topic related, as where yours isen't ...


Originally posted by ab_fluid
you do know puppet said that the hibs grps relies 100% on ra's to be able to kill any half decent tank grp right? :p and ur 1 of those who wajn's when people talk about sos bof etc saying they are timered ra's etc? ^^
Bof and sos are different to GP, GP is 100% needed for a hib pbae group to win vs a good enemy opponent. BoF and SoS are not 100% needed and you can still win vs a good tank group without them, because alb tank groups rely on a different RA to win, a passive one, called determination. If BoF or SoS are up it does make things a lot easier, especially if you get jumped.

The wajn you might be refering to is when people like Sorusi say you should always win a fight vs mid tank groups as either SoS or BoF will be up at any given time and you should only ever need to use one to win the fight. Then I say that alb tank groups shouldn't have to rely on timered RA's to win, that is kinda hard though when we have to face tanks capable of doing damage like this:
Originally posted by excs
im watching a Cleric running around with Disease for 1 min and 30 sec and smiting 4 teh win.

btw. nice bof on those 3 mids oO
If you think noretn played badly in that video you need to watch it a few more times imo, I have yet to meet a cleric who plays better than noretn. The BoF was probably because norry thought it was a fg of mids, not just 3, not like we need BoF vs vgn anyway and not many other enemies out at 4am in the morning
Originally posted by Freppe^^
Puppet, eva tried playin a chanter without Moc when not gettin mezz etc in? I bet you havent, and i bet if you had, you would know, its not the easiest thing to do. All you can do really, as a chanter is to try interupt as much as possible. You'll so little dmg, allmost nothing. Only when your qc is up, which will not be enough dmg to take down a alb, or mid. Perhaps you'd notice if you could see the movie once again that the dmg they did either wernt enough, just cus casters suck in general, or that they didnt have moc up. Moc means alot in a fight like that, ppl mocing together, assisting pwning, is win. No moc in a fight like that, is insta death. Dno if they did have moc in that fight, at least, the rr2 one didnt. Didnt look like they had either way. THis is just from my personal experience as chanter. Im not here to whine or anything, just commenting from the movie looked like, from my point of view. And dont compare prydwen to this..., pryd is very different. I played with my pally there and pwned a hib rr7+ fg , pbae style, so easy, without dying one, doubt even the healers had to do something. They gp'ed etc.
All i could say is that, a good, well balanced alb fg, tank grp style. Would pwn any, hib fg, pbae style easy, if played well. The ONLY thing a hib fg, pbae style, as i said before, got against em is moc.. if moc aint up imo, and even if they get mezzed and they gp'ed. They got a slight chance of winning.

As a end of it, since i really need to get a hold of some chips.. :p
SoS must be the best RA ever. :D FUCKIN OVERPWRED xD
Freppe you are unbeleiveable, so little damage you say, give a chanter 5 secs of uninterupted casting and he will drop almost any class cus of debuff boom boom. The damage the casters did in that video was almost enough, and definately was when one moc'd and killed Asire (about the same time noretn moc'd). It seems to me you think hib pbae groups can only kill when moc is up? try watching DH play they only ever use MoC in the hardest fights.
If you pwned a rr7 hib group so easy on pryd they must have played crap. Show me the video and let me see if they put pets on all your clerics + sorc, let me see if they try to debuff boom boom your sorc at every chance, let me see if they even manage to cast any pbae's.
The main thing hib pbae has against an alb tank group is GP, and pets! you mezz hibs perfectly, they GP, bard runs around and mezzes the albs clerics, sorc and minstrel (using insta mezz whatever) suddenly the fight is completely reversed in a matter of seconds. Next the druid lands his pet on a cleric, the chanters target the sorc, put their pets on him and start to debuff boom boom. Meanwhile the eld str/con debuffs and qc disease the alb tanks.
If I had to choose between a high rr alb tank group or a high rr hib pbae group with all ra's up I would put my money on the hibs winning for sure.
If they fixed pets, and the self heat debuff, and the dps debuff, then i would put my money on albs.
Originally posted by Wot-do
Like Freppe said exc rvr and hib rvr are alot diff.
First face the fact hib got all power relics here 20% more spell dmg, 2nd face the fact the albs on prydwen are alot better then albs on excalibur. A good higher rr hib grp got 2 x gp and everyone got singel purge. Besides hib/pryd dont have any pbae grp even close to dem hibbies class..
In general maybe the albs on pryd are better, but the decent alb guild rvr groups imo are better than pryd, I can only comment from video's I have seen of pryd rvr though. Seems to be like prywden have very few decent hib or mid guild groups.

Finally if exc albs are that bad how did we manage to beat NP in a alb caster group with a few low rr players, when they are in their top notch rr9+ group (sorry NP I couldnt resist :) ) :clap:


Hotrats I think freppe is trying to say that an alb group can do the same and you guys got the upperhand when it comes down to RAs, if you'd deciede to run in a mage group, BoF, SoS, Moc, it's deadly.

Anyways I'm not saying I know how to play alb or whatever better than anyone just think that you guys also have alot of benefits, sure a while ago hib had the upperhand but now things changed, alot :)

Btw Stajj what's your problem really? Try to read and see what people write instead of posting crap wich obviously shows you're trying to put people down for whatever reasons, alot of us remember how good you were playing the game a while ago.

Video was ok :)


Originally posted by Freppe^^

Anyways, puppetmaster, we surely did, i was rr2 with the pally yes, played with forgotten legends with xeanor as lead. Fink the grp was around rr5+ by then at least. We smashed em into pieces, havent had a easier fg fight like that one, as a hib.

When was that ? Besides Xeanor is one of the best, if not the best, sorcerer on Prydwen who's closing in on RR8.

Everyone was RR5+ in the Alb-tankgroup meaning the determination was already strong in your group and if you add for instance Sycho, another FL-member, I really dont consider that group as 'low RR'

It is all impossible to compare since you cant put out a Hib/Pryd group onto Excalibur and see what will happen, but in the end my guess is that a Hib/Pryd good PB-group would do fine on Excalibur and rack up alot of RP due to the power of PBAoE on Excalibur (zergs in epic).

The fights you loose against good opted tank-groups from Alb/Mid are the only things who can stop you in your tracks. If played well on high RR thats about the only thing what can stop a PB-group from Hib. Who cares about loosing a few fights when you're certain a few minutes of AMG-camping gives your group 10k ?

All Im saying is that perhaps a Hib-PB-group is abit lacking when fighting opted tank-groups but this is hugely compensated by the fact its almost stuffed with goodies to fight a zerg:

a) BAOD makes sure you dont loose people in a zerg by nuking casters.
b) Grouppurge gives you the opportunity to bypass any CC the zerg puts on you
c) Amer. Melodies can be a great assett to fight zergs using F8-for-teh-win and no assisting
d) TWF can stop zergs from casting and moving fast and allows for kiting

Access to those RA's is a perfect starting-point to beat a noob-zerg and that is where the regular Hib-PB-group gets it RP from. You are not very good without RA's against a good Alb-tankgroup , using RA's increases your odds alot, but the PB-group is, in my eyes, opted for fighting 'zergs' and noobs fast. Add in a 2nd PB-group and you are ready to whipe ALOT of zergs. I know, we did it in on Prydwen, 2fg PB'ers killed over 60 Albs in a matter of seconds (in Odins, relic-raid from Albs on Mids)

PB scales better then tank-groups (2fg PB > 2fg tanks)
PB kills fast

Yes in a RvR-envirionment like Excal where 2fg seems the norm at times, ofcourse PB makes you look good. But if you wanna beat fg vs fg there are better ways then relying on a group-setup more suited for fighting zergs.

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