Modern Warfare 3


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Psht, ACR is easily the best. Shoots fast as hell, does reasonable damage and has next to no recoil what so ever.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Whats up with silencer and range attachment? Similar to MW2 ump? :)


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Finished the campaign about 10 minutes ago, was all right. Worth the play through I guess. 51% completion on it as I'm not going through it on veteran, cba doing it again.

Online? Currently playing with the T95 (Javelin as secondary, Helicopters piss me off) with 2x Attachments (RDS and Silencer) with Assassin Pro, the other one and the other one. Certain maps I get obliterated, some maps I obliterate. Had real trouble getting into the MP though, few big things that bother me.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
I gotta use weaps for some particular close quarters would be a quick fire rate sub machine gun.. long range would be ACR/m4a1.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
I wanna level a sniper class now, anyone got any recommendation for best sniper rifle?


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
down to personal preference really, I want for Barret first as it was first sniper and had highest dmg. but I hardly use snipers unless im messing about so I pretty lvl'd to 70 before I got one above lvl10. MSR the last unlock is a bolt action rifle is the main one I use now and I like it., with better stats than the l896 rifle or what ever it is called. The As50 etc had a bad scope for me it didnt't really zoom in far enough as I like, and didnt want to lvl it up high just to get variable zoom.

So at a low lvl I'd go Barrett, and then use MSR if you unlock it; I tend have days when I can use one but not the other for some reason :p


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
I've been playing it again reently as I prestiged, was at 80 since release then since I had few challenges left I was kinda stuck heh. Levelled up to 57 so far using just the l818 ? sniper rifle will move back to AR's and play better now though with perks unlocked.

If you play solo or want to party up add me at steam (I'm in FH group): _maverick_88
I've got 1-2 ppl on friends list I sometimes play with, and a pal I mostly duo with in any game, I got tired of playing with randoms so started adding ppl heh.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
The lag compensation can really piss you off at times :p Do you still get punished for having good connection?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
There was dedicated servers but none of them were ranked and the host always got to pick what guns/perks you could use meaning it was utter bollocks.

What Craptivision failed to understand is the system in which ranked servers was hosted is flawed because it works off the assumption every person in the world has a good internet connection, which obviously they dont so you end up getting someone on a 1mb line or a 512k line hosting the game and it all goes tits up.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There bloody ARE dedi servers you nutters :eek: However they arnt ranked, as BloodOmen says, but does that really matter? Really? Only real issue is you have to use your set up for a private match, so you cant have 4 or 5 different classes, just one specific and use the other defaults, so BloodOmen is talking bollocks there.

You can fix lag compensation - seta cl_packetdup "0" , but remember to set your config to read only or it will get wiped.

Am I still playing? Clearly yeah :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
There bloody ARE dedi servers you nutters :eek: However they arnt ranked, as BloodOmen says, but does that really matter? Really? Only real issue is you have to use your set up for a private match, so you cant have 4 or 5 different classes, just one specific and use the other defaults, so BloodOmen is talking bollocks there.

You can fix lag compensation - seta cl_packetdup "0" , but remember to set your config to read only or it will get wiped.

Am I still playing? Clearly yeah :)

Ranked servers matter yes, not all of us like having fuck all to show for hours upon hours invested into a game, those times are in the past (long long long in the past) so in hind sight the dedicated servers available arent fit to be called dedicated servers, Black Ops had dedicated servers right - Modern Borefare 3 does not, simples.

As for the LAG if someone has a shit internet connection or is downloading mountains of tree elf porn its going to fuck with hosting, no amount of config tweaks are going to fix that.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Ranked servers matter yes, not all of us like having fuck all to show for hours upon hours invested into a game, those times are in the past (long long long in the past) so in hind sight the dedicated servers available arent fit to be called dedicated servers, Black Ops had dedicated servers right - Modern Borefare 3 does not, simples.

As for the LAG if someone has a shit internet connection or is downloading mountains of tree elf porn its going to fuck with hosting, no amount of config tweaks are going to fix that.

You want a little badge to show how well you've done ? :p So if you get to rank 80 what difference does it make? You want to get to rank 80 only in red??

I actually agree, I think I liked Blops better, for the reasons you have said, funnily enough, but to say oh there aint any dedi servers cos I dont get a badge, thats just stupid. You k/d ratio etc is still recorded, and you can set up ONE class how you like it, not ideal I know but a lot better than you are painting it. Also, if there's a cheat on the server they get kicked, not like in gay IWnet where you just have to leave or get laughed at by the hacker.

You whole post is pretty negative if you look at it. As far as the those times are in the past comment mate, did you actually play them times? Old school CS on Barrysworld servers was as good as fps ever got I'd say, and there wernt no little red badges back then, just a good game people wanted to play!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Aye. and CS lasted a fuck load longer than new FPS games. Console kids with their limited attention spans ruined it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It's still going now :) In fact when GO comes out, I think I'm gunna return to it :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'll return to it sooner than I think.

I was playing MW3 tonight when it suddenly occured to me that casual cheating - that appears to have no punishment - is so rife people barely even bother about it any more. And because people simply dont play on the servers, there are no admins to kick the cheats.

MW3 is finished for me for the time being at least.

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