Agree with that. Still so much they could do. They could do a German side, starting in Belgium then the air drop into Greece and Cyprus and the Afika Korps, before finishing up in the Italian campaign. If they can kill a guy in MW why can't they have your guy go down fighting or surrender to the Allies. Maybe do a Russian fighting the Germans or Finish in Lennigrad then onto fighting the Japanese in Manchuria.I wish they would go back to the ww2 settings i much prefered that .. new weapons bore me personally .. i like the garrands and mp44 and stuff with iron sights![]()
Agree with that. Still so much they could do. They could do a German side, starting in Belgium then the air drop into Greece and Cyprus and the Afika Korps, before finishing up in the Italian campaign. If they can kill a guy in MW why can't they have your guy go down fighting or surrender to the Allies. Maybe do a Russian fighting the Germans or Finish in Lennigrad then onto fighting the Japanese in Manchuria.
Yeh as truly haven't had enough WW2 games yet....
Anyone remember Vietcong?
Found the CD on the weekend, such a quality game and was fun online. Wish the Vietnam setting could be used more.. found Soldier of Fortune also.. now that was a game!Yeah I liked that game![]()
actually quite enjoying MW3, you die very easily in it unlike black ops where you could stand shooting someone for half a year and they'd just turn around and shoot you in the faceyou die almost instantly in this, even when its not on hardcore.