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- #121
The reason it stings so much Fingoniel, is that minstrel having only 1.5x spec points, has to sacrifice a lot for stealth. I'm not going to argue that ghetto stealth is better than no stealth at all, but I still don't see why my 35 stealth spec (base; then consider the resist/stat sacrifices i have to make to get +11stealth from items for it to be effective) should be negated by a level5 with R1L8. As Dannyn and I have said repeatedly, we don't mind a level 50 assassin having a better chance to see us, but NOT a level 5 with 8 RP pts. that's my beef with S.H, that and only that. A scout/minstrel with 50stealth didn't suffer any kind of detection penalty against an assassin who had the detect hidden ability and 50stealth, and that was probably a bad balancing situation. But a cheap, non-playerLevel-affected realm ability was NOT the right solution.