Missing Classes



Originally posted by Vell
Of course, for a warrior to get into a 1-1 duel in the first place would more than likely need to involve the duels being set up beforehand. This is against the Code of Conduct and could get you a warning on your account.
Scouts, of course, are much more likely to be able to get into a situation where you can have a 1-1 duel legally.

edit: Its not against CoC as far as i know. Its just being frawned upon as RP farming.

Slow hard hitting weapons are better in any RvR situation, because the first hit has no delay. The quicker weapons are just playing catchup, all the time. The only advantage of a quicker weapon is that you can get reactionary styles off - but in RvR a warrior will very rarely block or parry (see above notes), and therefore reactionary styles are never/very seldom used.

edit: Slam style tell anything to you. Open with slam and that first hit will come oh sooo later on. Besides one block from the warrior and the spear/pole wielder can say bubuye --> they dont have defensive capabilities <parry aint working>

The hammer-plate advantage is actually nerfed in the coming patches, so that's kinda irrelevant. Of course, not all warriors use hammers anyway. And thrust weapons get advantage over our chain, so that comment really is null and void.

edit: Most warriors and melee types get their thrust resistance
very high
. So thats kinda relevant dont you think. Re Hammer vs Plate: i said i hope it will improve, i know it gets cut down to 0 in coming patches.

I retract my highlander comment - I thought, for some reason, that they had 80str/80con as starting stats, but I was wrong. But Ivan, if you think the starting stats are irrelevant, why do you think you don't see many kobold warriors running around?

edit: Actually those that do run around are deadly buggers with high Shield and Parry spec. Best defensive tank imo.



edit: Hopefully hammers get vs Plate bonus in coming patch.
already there

edit: generally speaking the starting stats dont matter much, its how you distribute the 30 points extra that matters imho.

if 70 strength to 100 strength is no difference
then 70 to 80 is going to be even less ;)

The differences in stats is quite small at high levels...
(for the ones that go up with level anyway...)
as the difference between 250 and 260 is nothing like the difference between 50 and 60 (diminishing returns)


Arranged duels are looked down on and quite likely to be invaded by guards and other players ;)

Block/parry get improved...

instead of it being a 40% chance to parry being divided between the 4 tanks (and hence their entire groups... so divided by 32.. little bit more than 1/100 chance there)

it'll be 40% divided by 4 - so 10% chance of parrying each attack by them. Big improvement.


Thats exactly my point only i didnt explain it well ehem... note to self : learn debating will pay off.


Bear in mind minstrel AE mez will be next to useless. I uses huge power, is short duration and has a 5 (yes, count em, 5!) second cast time. It's really more of a token "here have that instead of stealth" thing than an actual usable spell.


Some random thoughts.

First a note about the healers uber range 1500 instant ae mez/stun. I will not deny that we healers are good at mezzing, hey its the only thing we're good at :). But both the instant cc spells are on a 20 minutes timer so its not like we can we can spam them all over the place or hardly even use it once every second skirmish. They come in very handy every 20 minutes or so yes, but they have their disadvantage, playin a healer you will try not to use them without a good reason.
Hmmm, I just checked on the classes of camelot website and they say that the timer is at 255. wtf?!? I could not find anything about this in any patchnotes so does anybody know if its going to get changed or if classes of camelot is mistaken?

Now to some other stuff relevant to this thread.

In the class comparisions done earlier in this thread (the "where is the <insert your realm> <insert your abilities>?"-repeated-on-X-rows posts) you did tend to forget that the classes dont get everything in all of their spec lines, most classes have 2 or more ways to go, alright there are ways to go to get most or all of the abilities in most cases but they wont be very good at all of them.

Now after looking abit at the classes one quickly realizes that not every class has another class that matches them in the other realms (or even some of the other realms). BUT all major abilities exists in some class in every realm and thus it gets pretty much evened out if you only you are in a good team. All classes have some task that is usefull, but they cant be good at everything, and they dont need to be matched by another class in another realm.

I think if mythic would have it their way there would not be much soloing in RvR at all. Just look at what-ever-patch-it-is where they give a realmpoints multiplyer based on the number of ppl in your group, I think they even double the rps for a group of 8!

One of the things they didnt think about is that if someone has the oportunity to go out on their own and get a few kills solo ofcourse they will not sit arond waiting for a full group with all the different types of abilities. If everyone was online from 20:00 to 22:00 every day everyone would probably find a bunch of friends that you group with more or less all the time, just the way it works in real wars, but that is not the case.
And thus we get a lot of soloing/smaller groups running around. And thus we get alot of whining from people that met this-and-that other class and got owned.
Now ofcourse everyone wants to go and have abit of fun on their own sometimes, but we have to remember that the game was not meant to be quake!
But afterall it mostly comes down to who had the most numbers anyways doesnt it?

Now i wont deny that some classes are gimped and should probably get some bonuses, for example it cant be fun to play a zerker, who gets studded armor and dont hit very much harder than most others fighterclasses and then realizing that teddybear mode is worthless cause it takes away all defence.

The biggest screwup from mythic of all times is that they are using a totally worthless graphics engine so that the game cannot handle the bigger battles. And so the parts of the game that would have been most fun of all gets totally ruined because of their incompetence. Thats the one biggest thing that i really hate them for.


Re: Some random thoughts.

Originally posted by Freia
I think if mythic would have it their way there would not be much soloing in RvR at all. Just look at what-ever-patch-it-is where they give a realmpoints multiplyer based on the number of ppl in your group, I think they even double the rps for a group of 8!
1.49, so we have that now :m00:

As for the zerker being a gimped class, I think that's a bit strong, when compaired to the other light tanks, merc and BM, zerker seems pretty damn hard. Having been on the receiving end of their attacks I can tell you a zerker hits quite a lot harder than a other tanks. With the upcoming DF nerf this might change of course.


mercs get chain armor (which makes quite some difference armorwise) , dirty tricks (which does , imho , not weigh up against useless carebear form) and ability to use both thrusting/crushing or slashing weapons in both hands.

I admit, dw styles are totally worthless but after df gets nerfed laxe doesnt have too much good styles either ( frosty gaze is quite impossible to get off in rvr , maybe dodger makes it a bit more viable) and it has been mathematically proven that specced dw does more unstyled damage over time then laxe (this being only a minor issue)

Blademasters are the ubergimp (no offence :p ), so you're right there.


Originally posted by Dannyn
Bear in mind minstrel AE mez will be next to useless. I uses huge power, is short duration and has a 5 (yes, count em, 5!) second cast time. It's really more of a token "here have that instead of stealth" thing than an actual usable spell.

isn't it fun having everyone consider us uber?


Originally posted by Galatea
<huggles fingoniel>

Almost feel better now

all I need now is that "Insta cast kill all in 1500 radius atomic nuke" But somehow i don't think that will happen :p


that would be our amazing realm skill then eh, a lvl 44 AoE nuke with no cast time! OMG!! for 14rp how can that be considered a good deal?

as for insta stun, in DF tonight we found some mids by a portal and got insta stunned then mezzed and then all died 1 by 1 till kladen pushed the healer into 2 nightmares who gave all the mids xp deaths :) oh that made me chuckle.


It's a load of bs really

_real_ assasins get to see a class that shouldnt be able to stealth anyhow

how can you move unseen/unheard if your wearing a heavy chain suit and tons of weapons and instruments around making quite a racket

you will remain unseen to all but 3 classes and get an extra mezz

(nobody forces you to use it but it is an extra and it might save your life if played correctly)

Call it as you want,

calling minstrel "balanced" would make the rest of us "unbalanced" and still inferiour ,implicitly making minstrel "uber"
isn't it fun having everyone consider us uber?


What I want to know is why shadowblade and nightshade only get 2.2x spec points per level and infiltrator gets 2.5x, when both have exactly the same trainable lines. What I would also like to know is why the shadowblade gets to choose from axe(slash) and sword(slash) whereas both the nightshade and infiltrator get the option of thrust. I know u can say that all classes shouldn't be exactly the same but, well, these 3 are, check the spec lines and you'll see.

These factors would seem to make infiltrator most powerful because of more spec points and choice of damage type with nightshade coming in second (they still get to choose damage type) leaving the poor old shadowblade last.

On the topic of healers, they are the most utterly bloody boring class to play. RvR will just put u to sleep, it consists of mezzing, then hiding behind a tree so u can rez. You can maybe solo a blue con if you have all your instas available. There is absolutely no offense at all, which also makes them the poorest solo class in the game, I mean it takes me at least 2 minutes to kill a blue con mob (compare that to any other class with offence ((ie all of them)) and you'll find they kill blues in 20-30 seconds depending on what class they are) Thats when i have my insta spells available (which i'll need to stay alive) It takes so long because the damage output of an untrained hammer is pathetic..30-50 damage with a 2hander on blue mobs, with at least a full 5 seconds between swings, healer really does suck to play.

Also I would like to know, getting back to basics..WHY DO ALBS GET PLATE MAIL AND WE DONT?? their armsmen do higher damage than our warriors and can soak up more with the higher absorb, although I only have the opinion of warriors I've spoken to on that.

Any takers? The first paragraph I would particularly like a response to.


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
What I want to know is why shadowblade and nightshade only get 2.2x spec points per level and infiltrator gets 2.5x, when both have exactly the same trainable lines. What I would also like to know is why the shadowblade gets to choose from axe(slash) and sword(slash) whereas both the nightshade and infiltrator get the option of thrust. I know u can say that all classes shouldn't be exactly the same but, well, these 3 are, check the spec lines and you'll see.

edit: ok, i can try to answer that... why Albion and Hibbieland get piercing weapons. Midgard as a whole realm is limited to slash and hammer <prolly a historical thing added on here> , as a realm driven by strength <as in Midgard - Strength, Hibbie - Magic etc> it would be silly to give SB another bonus ---> dont forget Critblades hit damn hard as it is. Nightshades are gimpoids of Stalking ... but thats just my biased opinion. Besides as everyone would agree: why on Earth would Mythic make classes same... it would be like playing AoE with your friend and just to make it fair you choose same empires to play as.

These factors would seem to make infiltrator most powerful because of more spec points and choice of damage type with nightshade coming in second (they still get to choose damage type) leaving the poor old shadowblade last.

edit: Dont forget about the damage output <Infils need a lot more in weapon skill to do some damage>, Infils/Shades dont get twohanded weapons. I recon the only reason you consider infils is because they can kill tanks <due toi thrust> , well most of your melee types get their thrust resistance maxed out so there you go

On the topic of healers, they are the most utterly bloody boring , with at least a full 5 seconds between swings, healer really does suck to play.

edit: Subject to personal preference. Additionally would like to say... why is everyone looking at how well healers do solo.... Hence the phrase Support class

Also I would like to know, getting back to basics..WHY DO ALBS GET PLATE MAIL AND WE DONT?? their armsmen do higher damage than our warriors and can soak up more with the higher absorb, although I only have the opinion of warriors I've spoken to on that.

edit: As someone mentioned that if you take melee class as general in three realms they are quite balanced as a whole. But as a countrerargument would like to say that Thanes get magic.... Skalds get Chants <no matter what you say it is a melee type... a Viking offspring :) > Warriors get huge lump of HP extra. On the Alb side however we have : Paladin --> only good in groups, defensive chants are semidecent, Armsman --> gets a pole and a tincan with highest absorb but not so many HP as the warrior class, Merc ---> Mercs get squat.... apart from their dirty trick.. i wont speculate any more... but the damage output is daaammm good <if slash> PS: i as an inf was struggling to outaggro a slash merc.

Any takers? The first paragraph I would particularly like a response to.

My two pence...

- Pathfinder -

A properly specced infiltrator is probably the most powerful assasin, at least when neshotting goes; nightshades are not #2 though, they are the geenral gimps of assasins. SBs still have the option of using 2handed weapons (OK, so NS and Infils can use Staff, but really :rolleyes: ). Critblades as of now cap PA alot higher than do infiltrators, but this will probably be a more unpopular template soon enough.

As Midgard is the principal chain realm, lack of thrust doesn't hurt them as much as it would the others (alot still go for slash mind you).


As critblade I'm totally useless against enemy assassins, hence I take whatever chance I can to /laugh at them whenever I find them :) hello guys.

2H is the way to go for sure, and I look forward to the respec with slavering jowels. Something in 1.49 has nerfed my PA, I don't know about anybody else (but very few have said they experience the same). So bring on the respec tomorrow.

Anyway.. here's some response..

What I want to know is why shadowblade and nightshade only get 2.2x spec points per level and infiltrator gets 2.5x, when both have exactly the same trainable lines. What I would also like to know is why the shadowblade gets to choose from axe(slash) and sword(slash) whereas both the nightshade and infiltrator get the option of thrust. I know u can say that all classes shouldn't be exactly the same but, well, these 3 are, check the spec lines and you'll see.

edit: ok, i can try to answer that... why Albion and Hibbieland get piercing weapons. Midgard as a whole realm is limited to slash and hammer <prolly a historical thing added on here> , as a realm driven by strength <as in Midgard - Strength, Hibbie - Magic etc> it would be silly to give SB another bonus ---> dont forget Critblades hit damn hard as it is. Nightshades are gimpoids of Stalking ... but thats just my biased opinion. Besides as everyone would agree: why on Earth would Mythic make classes same... it would be like playing AoE with your friend and just to make it fair you choose same empires to play as.

Not good enough reasons IMHO, since critblade is totally gimped anyway.. ok they can HURT someone a lot, but the odds are against them in most Prydwen fights due to the low number of solo hibs/albs. The crit will not finish 90% of yellowcons, so it's a total suicide mission to try. Personally, I'm all for the kamekaze attack, then hope that the DOT kills them before the gank kills me :). A nice robed caster like Walker can net 933rp. :) And that's about 5x as much as most tanks. Sadly, being critblade makes me target for alb assassins (not enough hib assassins about yet to give them credit :)). Aparently mythic think that having to choose between slash and thrust specs is a DISadvantage. IMHO 2.5 is too much advantage.

I know nothing about Infs being able to kill tanks, although i've heard that niar can do so... and he uses axes.. they're slashing aren't they? or does alb have thrust axes? Also.. it would make sense that alb's infs can kill middie tanks (who wear crap armour) whereas Midgard assassins can't do enough damage to alb's tincans due to absorb (which makes a PA look like an unstyled attack).

Which brings me to..
Platemail.. ok so it's unrealistic to have vikings in platemail. And the midgard realm as a whole does seem to do much more melee damage. But do midgard get more powerful weapons to compensate for albion's better armour?

On the Alb side however we have : Paladin --> only good in groups, defensive chants are semidecent

You have a tank who can res. This is such an advantage it's ridiculous. The rarity of healers in midgard is frightening.. you should value these guys :). Most ppl who make 50 with a healer then go straight back to square one and make an alt to play RvR with.


Originally posted by svartalf

Not good enough reasons IMHO, since critblade is totally gimped anyway.. ok they can HURT someone a lot, but the odds are against them in most Prydwen fights due to the low number of solo hibs/albs. The crit will not finish 90% of yellowcons, so it's a total suicide mission to try. Personally, I'm all for the kamekaze attack, then hope that the DOT kills them before the gank kills me :). A nice robed caster like Walker can net 933rp. :) And that's about 5x as much as most tanks. Sadly, being critblade makes me target for alb assassins (not enough hib assassins about yet to give them credit :)). Aparently mythic think that having to choose between slash and thrust specs is a DISadvantage. IMHO 2.5 is too much advantage.

edit: Prolly not the best reasons but some of the ones i could come up with. Assasins cannot kill more than one target unless they are both caster types, so its kind of pointless to argue that crits have problems finding solo targets... all assasins have that problem tbh.

I know nothing about Infs being able to kill tanks, although i've heard that niar can do so... and he uses axes.. they're slashing aren't they? or does alb have thrust axes? Also.. it would make sense that alb's infs can kill middie tanks (who wear crap armour) whereas Midgard assassins can't do enough damage to alb's tincans due to absorb (which makes a PA look like an unstyled attack).

edit: Yup but if Assasins could solo any class everyone would be playing them. Plate is very efficient vs Slash so there you go. I did about 200 damage at level 34 <SB critblade> to a Tincan pali. And no Axes are Slash as far as i know, but from what i hear they are way better than swords

Which brings me to..
Platemail.. ok so it's unrealistic to have vikings in platemail. And the midgard realm as a whole does seem to do much more melee damage. But do midgard get more powerful weapons to compensate for albion's better armour?

edit: i dont follow a logical path here .. sorry.. why should Midgard get more powerfull weapons ?



Originally posted by klavrynd

I admit, dw styles are totally worthless but after df gets nerfed laxe doesnt have too much good styles either ( frosty gaze is quite impossible to get off in rvr , maybe dodger makes it a bit more viable) and it has been mathematically proven that specced dw does more unstyled damage over time then laxe (this being only a minor issue)

Blademasters are the ubergimp (no offence :p ), so you're right there.

Actually left axe styles still outclass Dual Wield styles by a large amount even after the Doublefrost change...
Go on.. try dying to my lvl 15 anytime style!
(slash mercs ain't so badly affected as slash styles ain't bad at all...)

And it's been mathematically proven countless times that specced dual wield does _the same_ damage over time as specced left axe ;) (just shadowzerkers will always land both poisons)

Blademasters can kill mercenaries in duels.. it's fairly close. (if the merc uses dirty tricks they win, if the blademaster uses triple wield they win... not sure what happens if both use it :))


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
What I want to know is why shadowblade and nightshade only get 2.2x spec points per level and infiltrator gets 2.5x, when both have exactly the same trainable lines. What I would also like to know is why the shadowblade gets to choose from axe(slash) and sword(slash) whereas both the nightshade and infiltrator get the option of thrust. I know u can say that all classes shouldn't be exactly the same but, well, these 3 are, check the spec lines and you'll see.

NIghtshades get freebie nukes as they level.

Shadowblades get left axe (better than dual wield)... but if we ignore that ...

Shadowblades can critical strike with two handed weapons with silly delays...
When you're going for a single shot big hit (and you only get the one) a 2.2 speed dagger ain't gonna cut it ... you want the slowest weapon you can find so you can punch the biggest hole.

A delay 5.6 two handed sword will be far better for an initial strike than a delay 3.5 bastard sword :)


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting

On the topic of healers, they are the most utterly bloody boring class to play. RvR will just put u to sleep, it consists of mezzing, then hiding behind a tree so u can rez.

Playing my sorceror in the battleground I'd have to agree..

It's all very nice to be able to stop the enemy in its tracks and then laugh as they get butchered one by one... but it seems so wrong...

I much prefer my earth wizard or merc :) (outflanking people with my merc and charging from the back was fun in the BGs :) less fun with my sorc, although he's far more deadly at lvl 20 than Fing ever was)

- Pathfinder -

For those of you who are convinced minstrels are uber, take a look at this.

The rest of us will find it amusing :)


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
On the topic of healers, they are the most utterly bloody boring class to play. RvR will just put u to sleep, it consists of mezzing, then hiding behind a tree so u can rez. You can maybe solo a blue con if you have all your instas available.

Heh. You picked the wrong class, healers were never meant to deal damage, stop whining and roll a new char. I very much enjoy playing my healer in rvr and pve.
Oh and I solo yellows mobs without instas. As for rvr I hardly ever get time to go into melee let alone soloing ppl. I only get backstabbed by red infils all the time and they always fail to kill me :) .. When there are not 2 of them ofcourse. grr :(.


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
For those of you who are convinced minstrels are uber, take a look at this.

The rest of us will find it amusing :)

How long is a charm pulse? That's that minstrel's life expectancy :) hehe


I did roll another character ;) and why dont u try soloing a yellow con when u get to level 48...

Healers are boring in rvr, and if you don't realise it, I suggest you try another class and find out :)


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
I did roll another character ;) and why dont u try soloing a yellow con when u get to level 48...

Healers are boring in rvr, and if you don't realise it, I suggest you try another class and find out :)

You want boring in RvR?

Roll a tank of some description, preferably in albion so you can experience insta-stun first hand :)

Watch that red flash, then go make yourself a cup of coffee before coming back to /release.


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
I did roll another character ;) and why dont u try soloing a yellow con when u get to level 48...

Healers are boring in rvr, and if you don't realise it, I suggest you try another class and find out :)

Not boring, not to me. Maybe you tried to go solo with your healer or maybe we have different taste. :)
Anyway, dont say that healers are boring as if it was a fact. Its only your personal opinion right? And we need healers so dont discourage people to play them :)

The nice sides are that your skills can mean winning or loosing a whole battle. For tanks all they do is pick a target and whack away. Healing the right ones at the right times and mezzing and stunning at the rigth places can mean victory or wipeout. You get a better overview of it all and you can affect the outcome in many ways. To me that is much more fun than getting a few kills, this is not quake.

Another nice thing is that you are immune to infils. Kinda. I have yet to see a solo infil (yes even 50 ones) manage to kill me before im instahealed and sprinting far out of reach. (hi Niar :) )


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Heh have you tried DF? :p

The times you have no mezzer it's basically an AE everything scenario. And as gimpy as your thane AE is considered by you, take a look at the Cleric one :p A class with a good AE and melee capability :)

Are you stupid? Hmm I know I 'll use AE i could do with a few Orange and Red Mez breakers :clap:

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.Enigma

Are you stupid? Hmm I know I 'll use AE i could do with a few Orange and Red Mez breakers :clap:

Your post doesn't make much sense :m00:


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Darkness runies have better DD's, but not in the same line as their bolts. Let's keep comparisons valid please... ;)

To the original poster:

Hmm. You ask where HIBERNIA's healer/fighter is?
Have you ever played this game?

Alright, let's turn this round a bit....
Where's albion's insta ranged AE CC class? (Druids and bards both are such in 1.51, and healers are right now)
Where's albion's combined boltcaster, PBT and nearsight class?
Where's albion's tank with speed and damage adder?

No, i don't take any of the above shit seriously, but the original poster evidently does.
"steallhing mezzer" - rofl.
Ok, if i'm a stealthing mezzer then a thane is a chain-wearing tank with caster-calibre nukes. A warden is a scale-wearing tank with PBT and self-damage add. A runemaster is a leather-wearing boltcaster with speed, PBT, nearsight, root and GTAE.

Repeat: comparisons of this type are BOLLOCKS.

LOL I bet you wouldnt be a thane. Its very simple if your crap at games go play a minstrel or an infiltrator. If you die soloing go put your stabilisers back on your bike. And you need to fix your handlebars as you couldnt turn a key.


Originally posted by klavrynd
It's a load of bs really

_real_ assasins get to see a class that shouldnt be able to stealth anyhow

how can you move unseen/unheard if your wearing a heavy chain suit and tons of weapons and instruments around making quite a racket

you will remain unseen to all but 3 classes and get an extra mezz

(nobody forces you to use it but it is an extra and it might save your life if played correctly)

Call it as you want,

calling minstrel "balanced" would make the rest of us "unbalanced" and still inferiour ,implicitly making minstrel "uber"

Real assassins see us anyway, the issue with see hidden is you can take a level 25 assassin with see hidden and spot a level 50 minstrel/scout at clip range, that's why it needs a nerf. It needs to be more level dependent primarily, and also have a bit more of a range restriction. I wouldn't have an issue if it gave say a 100% chance to spot in normal detect range, diminishing by say 25% per additional detect radius. It basically means stealth is a useless spec and that we've all wasted a lot of spec points. Given there's no respec till 1.52 I'm a little annoyed. Also how can you move unseen with a huge two-handed axe on your back? Let alone get a sneak attack on someone with it. Not exactly discrete.

I wouldn't mind trading chain armour for studded and evade 4, if mythic changed some of the studded drops to have minstrel bonuses.

Calling a minstrel balanced does not make other classes unbalanced, it is not the best class in the game by any means, just because a minstrel can kill caster/stealther classes 1 on 1 doesn't make it uber.
A properly specced tank 1 vs 1 will kill a minstrel (except maybe BM but they are gimped), a primary healer class will often beat a minstrel due to instas as we have stupidly low damage output.

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