Missing Classes



I can't find my classes...

It seems most classses have supposed 'equivalents' in other realms, but...

Where is the mezzing stealther for hibernia/midgard?
Where is the healing fighter for hibernia/midgard?

Shrouded Isles is the perfect opportunity to fix this. I betcha mythic don't tho..

On another point..

Have you noticed how SI is meant to give realms more of what they lack in races? Namely;

A non-human race for albion
Another human-ish for midgard
Another human race for hibernia



I spose you could class the Warden as the healing fighter of hibernia.



where is the bloting, dd'ing buffing, debuffing, wizard class of albion?

stop complaining, your stealthers get magic of all kinds and your wizards are singlehandedly more powerful than the albion one.


back to tailoring see ya in The Stone


Actually think it's great that the different realms have different classes.. would've been boring if they had the exact same classes with different names.. gives the game more variety and makes the players more careful when choosing the realm to play on..

and it also gives more meaning to the word know your enemy :)

- Pathfinder -

Interesting being posted by a member of the Realm having the most uber classes :m00:


Ahhh yes and I see you dont play one of the uber uber clerics...ohhh soooorrryyyy you do I see. Midgaard has a few good char types, of witch Albion has more or less excatly the same , but they just get like 4-5 abillities xtra :p

- Pathfinder -

The cleric is generally regarded as uber. So's the minstrel, basically :)

Now let's take a look at SBs, RMs, Skalds and bloody Thanes. Not to mention the instawin Healer, commonly referred to as instant mezzer.


Each and every realm has very powerful classes. Each and every realm also has very weak classes.

Albion has the cleric, the minstrel, and the scout, but also has the cabalist and mercenary.
Midgard has the runemaster, skald and healer, but also has the spiritmaster and shaman, and the worst primary tank: warrior.
Hibernia has the enchanter, bard, and hero, but also has the blademaster and warden.

SB's, as well as the other stealthers, will no longer remain hidden after killing. This removes them from the 'uberclass' list. I wouldn't have said a thane was particularly uber either.

Bards will also get insta mezzes with 1.51, which moves them up to the uberclass list.

However, this does not change the fact the Midgard has no fighter/healer. Albion has Friar and Hib has the Warden, granted these classes may not be the most played ever, but they still exist. Whether they are good or not is irrelevant, we still want the opportunity to play them.

Hence me moving to Alb Pryd to play a friar, and it the best fun I've had for ages! I just have one complaint from playing a friar - the bloody lvl 15 trainer quest!


Hoho, how you dare to put shamans and wardens into the same league? Compared to my shaman my warden is god-like ;)



Originally posted by Troryn

where is the bloting, dd'ing buffing, debuffing, wizard class of albion?

stop complaining, your stealthers get magic of all kinds and your wizards are singlehandedly more powerful than the albion one.


back to tailoring see ya in The Stone

What the f**k are you on? None of our stealthers get Magic.

I am a bit puzzled by the fact the Melee realm has the best Caster class in the game in the Runemaster and the Magic Realm has the best Melee class in the Hero as well as the Sophisticated realm having the best assasin in the Infiltrator, maybe Mythic should change the ideas of what each realm should be as their #1 class in each doesnt fit in with the realms Background :)

Path - Thanes are gimps, I know I play one, I would change to a skald in a jiffy if Class respec was implemented :)

BTW Vell, I think Friars are awesome, teamed with one on Mordred PvP and omg this dood was cool, Jackie Chan in a robe, them staff moves are just so cool, and a ROved class evading, mega cool :) Gotta say if I was an Albion I would pick a Friar as my 2nd class (After Infiltrator of course :))

- Pathfinder -

So gimpy :p Give us 11 sec instant stun with 500+ Thanes AEing ^^


wardens are healer\fighters? i thought htey were just the bubblers :D a warden cant fight!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D


rofl that made me laugh, ask the Healers of Midgard what they think of Thane AE?

On paper it sounds great Path, have you ever seen Thane AE damage?, how often do you see enough nme players clumped together to justify an AE attack?

AE is ONLY good for Keep raids and Defence (Includes Relic Raids)

Question: How often do we attack keeps with lots of defenders, how often do we defend keeps?
Answer: Not enuff to make what you say a reality :)


I agree on wardens, they are meant to be the Healer Fighters, but their melee is on par with Minstrels, ie doesnt get specced very high at all.

Saying that they are by far the most group friendly class in Hib, I know cos Breydel went to US and now has a 50 Warden and before he has even logged and zoned in, he has 3-4 tells asking if he needs a group.

- Pathfinder -

Heh have you tried DF? :p

The times you have no mezzer it's basically an AE everything scenario. And as gimpy as your thane AE is considered by you, take a look at the Cleric one :p A class with a good AE and melee capability :)


Cleric AE does 50% more damage than Thane AE.

Also I am not inlined to Spam AE in DF, we have healers, they like to mezz, they like us NOT to use AE, we agree that Mez owns Stun, we get along charmingly :)


Hey, mercs are actually pretty good.. :) lots and lots of damage... just not frontloaded in RvR (till we get McFlurry with creme egg)

And Cabalists kick arse... just not very group friendly (although they can heal... and debuff monsters... and nuke... and tank... hrm mibbe they not so bad after all)

Wizards are the gimpy caster of Albion if you believe what they say (then again every class is gimpy if you believe what they say...)
as they have the bolts and the DDs but not the mezzes speed, stuns or whatever ;)

by 1.52 it'll be fair as Earth improves, and they make Fire DD's not the slowest thing in the universe (3 second casting time instead of 2.6... makes a big difference)

Of course they still complain about nearsight and mezzes (which eldritches complain are useless and that they want more damage like fire wizards... can't please anyone can you? :))

- Pathfinder -

It does? Huh, since when did you meet a cleric speccing 49+ smite? :p

And you do spam AEs all over DF; Mids spam AEs more often than they mez :) Which means we usually wipe them, but when a zerg with 10+ thanes and RMs to boot start AEing, you'll wish Paladins ahd those too ;)

Roo Stercogburn

Waddya mean gimped? <sniffles>

Ok, keep assault SMs rock... and everywhere else except maybe scaring backstabbers they don't particularly shine in RvR (and not stunningly group friendly for PvE with no obvious group benefits apart from debuffs and dd). You can't hide inside a keep from Junior though. I get a target on you or you hit me, expect a visit from my little friend. Think of him as Casper The Friendly Stunning Nuking Proccing Ghost.

Runies got all the group-friendly toys for sure, but I don't know any other Midgard class that will go and deliberately pull scout mobs solo. (I mean yellow con at least, not green btw). (Group bonus playing solo...YAY! Its mine all mine I tell you. Ahem.)

Might be wrong, but doubt it ;)

I think SMs are getting a targetted ae mez as well as the point blank in a future patch, someone mentioned it but I'm not sure if this is right. If it does it will make us much nastier in RvR.

The more I hear about Alb Cabbies, the more I'm dying to try one: it actually sounds like they rock, rather than being gimped and with any char type it comes down to knowing how to play it. It did make me cry with jealousy when I started an eldritch on Hib/Ex and saw just how many nice toys they get to play with.

The lack of something or other in a realm isn't a bad thing. Look at Starcraft and other games where the differences in play-styles between races was huge. You don't want all equivilant abilities all the time across all the different character types. That would be dullsville. Games like Star Trek Armada did this (minor variations only) and it made the whole gameplaying experience very samey, no matter what you tried to do or which race you played. Having different abilities in different realms does make the game balancing a lot harder (and everyone likes to make a lot of noise when they think that balance is unfair to them in some way) but in the end a lot more fun.



Yeah and we want a fighter class who can bloody well rezz :p
I hope one of the new midgaard classes will be a rezzer/fighter like the paladin. Yeah I know SM's gets a rezz , but in a line noone is gonna specc ohhh woopdidoo


If all realms had the same classes....that would be lame


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
The cleric is generally regarded as uber. So's the minstrel, basically :)

The minstrel is not an "uber" class. Its just a balanced class unlike many others


I would love to see a class called a Mime, he would be a stealther with an instant ae mezz. Then when he mezzed someone he would portrai them untill they got so annoyed their heads would explode....


Im a friar, and Im nice in PvE(but not too many ppl know this, and very hard to find a group :( )
In RvR: I can fight if not mezzed, and the enemy have no ranged classes, except I die as soon as every meele class(or a little quicker: Im looks like a caster which is the first target, but if the enemy kow Im a friar, then Im the second target as a healer), oh yes I can heal, but my rejuv15 dont compare to a cleric who can spec higher + 2 instaheal. Personally I mean a mezz or DD would be better then Jacky Chan moves, and my evade looks useless when I get hits form 4-5 enemy from behind :) or get 2-3 DD/bolt. I like my class, but dont mean this uber and you need this class :D
I have a warden too, whats very similar to friar: a bit lesser weaponskill, but pbt, selfhealregen buff, gruopdamagebuff, groupspeedbuff, and bow :) This class is very good in any situation.
Would be nice if Midgard get some gimp class, and Mythic nerfing the uber ones. I like see some troll/dwarf-friar, this would be looks funny :D

And at last some question:
Where is in Albion an AEmezzer in chain with instaheals, instamezz, instastun, AEstun?
Where is a tank who can nuke/instanuke/instaPBAE
Why dont need for a skald to play on an instrument?
Why only the minstrel who have insta-spell, and the cleric have a very short range emergency instamezz.
Why have we too much caster-class, and they why have lesser spells, then casters in other reams?


Originally posted by atomy

And at last some question:
Where is in Albion an AEmezzer in chain with instaheals, instamezz, instastun, AEstun?
Where is a tank who can nuke/instanuke/instaPBAE
Why dont need for a skald to play on an instrument?
Why only the minstrel who have insta-spell, and the cleric have a very short range emergency instamezz.
Why have we too much caster-class, and they why have lesser spells, then casters in other reams?

Yawn, atomy, you're boring me now.

Every single class in the game has advantages and disadvantages over other classes, with exception of the gimpiest ones. That's how the game works. I could quite easily come back on every single one of these questions, and turn it around to make the albion classes seem better.

Please shut your gaping pie hole. Thankyou.


Given that Albion has currently 3 good classes, all stealthers, and soon to have one-two good classes, why is it mythic still insists on nerfing albion and boosting hibernia? Midgard doesn't really feel the nerf bat anything like as much as Albion, they don't really get boosted though. But Hib just gets more and more stuff heaped on them.
For example:
Insta PBT for warden, wtf were they smoking there? Mid/Alb get shafted here with their 4 sec castable pbt.
Insta ranged AE Mez on bard, Mid already had it, Alb gets the shaft bigtime with the cleric pbae nerf, meaning it has by far the weakest CC (nearly all alb CC is on casters, hib/mid have a lot of healer based CC which is much less likely to get killed in the first 2secs of battle. Alb also has no ranged insta mez at all). In an attempt to make it look like they aren't shafting alb they give minstrels a useless 5s cast AE mez, thanks.
Insta root on druid, this is just silly, the only good thing about it is at least a lot of druids will be respeccing to get an uber root so will have lame heals/buffs :p


I don't think we're gimped in PvE, but Paladins could do with some extras in RvR. The ward chants are very nice - but don't always work too well. Last night I was chanting spirit resist (had a 45% resist to mezz) but still got mezzed and stood there like a muppet for two minutes or so.

Also, the fact that we can be outfought by a skald of even level is utterly ridiculous. Not that I'm calling for skalds to be nerfed, mind, but an increase in our hit points/combat abilities would be very nice. Maybe even a short range shout attack ... we are supposed to be singers after all. My own singing IRL has been known to hurt people :)

We're brilliant battle field rezzers, which can make it hard for an enemy force to kill our side off, and - when we max our biggest strength our chants - we give a lot to our group, but we do struggle in 1v1 situations to a ridiculous degree.

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