Midd relic raid



Originally posted by Azal
So your saying it takes guts to leave 70 ppl to defend your relic while sending another 40 or so to attack ours when we only had 40 ppl there attacking?Not really no

At the time we made the decision we had no idea how many of you were incoming. I think it's true to say that the most common approach in those circumstances would be to get as many defenders in place as possible, but we said no to that - too easy. We showed guts in taking a risk, splitting our force and taking the fight to your back yard in Yggdra. That was a bold move which ultimately forced you onto the back foot as you realised you had to go on the defensive.


Can everyone stop moaning here and have fun and enjoy the rvr its been great lately even u mids have to admit its been more better fun coz u aint wiping all albs out with ease as such no more u getting more of a good fight.As for hibs they r becoming good and strong too so lets just stop all this moaning nonsense like 10 year old kids and enjoy the nice battles we are now getting as the way daoc should be.:clap:


1) Whoever is spying for you has problems counting. At no point did we have 150 people defending Excal, sure we had 150 people out in the frontier but at least 1/3 of those were taking keeps back. When your raid was launched at midnight there were 178 Albs online in total and only 62 were over 30. That is a FACT.

Out taking keeps back when there weren't any in alb that weren't already yours? Doubt it.
You had over double our numbers the first time we went there, like it or lump it it doesn't change a thing

2) 11am CET is a reasonable hour for a raid even on a Sunday, don't blame Albion because you were all still munching your cornflakes.

You started raid at 9am cet, not 11am cet.

3) Sitting in a keep for an hour with level 65 guards popping every 3-4 minutes is an achievment. You should know this as they kicked your arse and wiped you out on the 3rd door while we on the otherhand had our shit together and killed every pop. So 0 defenders? Well I guess 0 defenders wiped you out then really.

No, sitting in an undefended keep holding it isn't an achievement particularly.

You also had more than 35 ppl camping in our relic keep, we also had defenders harrassing us at the same time.
Compare that to how many more albs you had inside our relic keep and no mid defenders then try speaking again.

4) Albion relic raid planned in a week? Nah planned in 3 days actually but then if you are planning a raid you should give youself time to prepare.

Still valid point then, u planned 3 days in advance to take our relic when there was as few mids on as possible. Tactics - yes, Gutless - yes.

5) How are your doors at the relic keep in Yggdra? Must have been a shock to find big lumps knocked out of your doors eh? Yet still enough Albs to defend Excal and retake our own keeps.

They are nice and at 100% thanks last i checked. I could care less if you attacked and defended at same time. We managed to do plenty well enough attacking your relic keep with less than half of your defending force.

6) Some Mids are classy and work thier arses off to try get the relics back. Others like yourself just sit and bitch on this forum because even your midnight raid failed and you find any excuse to knock Albions achievements. It was a joy to see certain Mids congratulate us Albs when we took the relics, they weren't bitter but they made the point that the relics were going back to Mid and I can respect that.

The only persons bitching about our midnight raid are albs, the ones with brains accepted it already, try follow suit maybe? And if you checked how often I actually post on here maybe you wouldn't have to spout more rubbish that makes you look stupid..maybe next time eh

As far as effort and courage goes no one can fault the Mids. The problem is your realm has become too used to raping the other realms night after night, now we are giving you a fight but you haven't adapted your tactics accordingly. The way relic taking/defending is going no one realm will hold all the relics again for months, the best any realm can do is dig in then fight tooth and nail to hold them for as long as possible. Don't be bitter because you know have a fight on your hands, enjoy the fact that you have so many more enemies to kill and every night is a challenge.

Lets be honest, if we had as many mids at excal as there were albs defending then you wouldn't be holding the relic(s) now. As it was a mere 50 mids wasn't quite enough this time.

Before telling me to get my facts right you might want to check yours first



6) Some Mids are classy and work thier arses off to try get the relics back. Others like yourself just sit and bitch on this forum because even your midnight raid failed and you find any excuse to knock Albions achievements.

You do know who the main people are that sort most of the mid rvr out don't you? No, obviously you don't. Just another completely wrong 'fact' you managed to come out with, not doing very well so far are you


Originally posted by Azal
You started raid at 9am cet, not 11am cet.

I must have dreamt about it then - I remember very clearly the fact that I thought I would miss the raid because I was staying at a friends place and didn't get up very early. I wasn't actually online until 10:30 CET and yet I was stood on the wall of the keep when the doors were attacked.

The gathering for the raid was at 10 am CET, actually attacked about 11 CET I think is true.

Edit: FACT :p


Raid = 9am cet actual port to odins 9.15cet.[ask nilo if you need a reference, or anyone who was there from beginning for that matter]

raid was completed more or less at 11 cet.

And to Azal,

What hipocrisy ! Not only did mids attack excal on patchday (actually the day after patchday and excal attack was 11 cet) but you then proceeded to attack myrrdin at 4-5am (!!!) with something like 8 albions defending.

9am - 4am (both in weekend)...tell me where the hell the difference is !!?

Suck it up and move on - any mids who have been here from start can't seriously bitch about that raid. On the other hand, you seem to do a fine job of just that.


:D :D :D :D
:clap: :clap: :clap:
dammit! kick the baby!
stop this whining about time.
like i write once, here is 3 maybe 4 different times.
that is history, and what i have learn, winners write history, not other.
meet on field, have fun, and dammit! if still need much run after Spice when he is in yggdra! i am quite athletic person after that?
atleast my legs ;)
oh hell, my work ends soon and i go home watch side my bottle of cold beer, hope empty one :)

old.Gombur Glodson

if we are the ones who love taking undefended keeps then how come you took keeps during the big duel event in emain?
I hardly doubt you had much trouble taking them

hmm from what I hear most of you didnt even know about the duels, if this is true then ignore my complaint and accept my apology


Hmm, tables turned eh ?

Wasn't that long ago that Mid were raiding all alb keeps at 4am, or just rolling over us because we were out-levelled massively (and before anyone starts the bitching over that, mid was officially easier to level in at certain levels hence the keep resets)

Midgard didnt give a damn what time they took all our keeps.
Midgard planned to take the relics during a patch period, and did so when many people couldn't get on server - yes it affected both realms, but mids didnt need as many as they massively outnumbered us.

I dont see why you can say 9am is not a valid time to attack, yet 1am is ? Not everyone stays up til 4am and sleeps until 12noon. Many of us actually spend normal hours awake, and just because we don't stay up to watch late night porn, and prefer to see the morning news, does that mean we aren't permitted to raid ?

In future, I suggest all keep raid plans be posted on here 48 hours beforehand. All high level mids must leave mobile numbers so the raid planners can phone them so that they know to defend their keeps, and safe passage will be given for all mids wishing to get to the relic keep before we attack- tea and biscuits optional
During the attack, all Albs will not wear armour, and will provide unlimited toilet roll to wipe the mids arses

Stop moaning. We will not abide by you're personal timetables. If we want to attack at 4am, we will. If we want to attack at 7am, we will. If we want to attack at midnight, we will.
It never stopped you guys before. You set the Rules Of Engagement in the first couple of weeks, live with it & please stfu

old.Gombur Glodson

/em runs for cover hoping the explosion wont hit him
:flame: :uhoh: :flame:


Originally posted by Chavez
Raid = 9am cet actual port to odins 9.15cet.[ask nilo if you need a reference, or anyone who was there from beginning for that matter]

raid was completed more or less at 11 cet.

And to Azal,

What hipocrisy ! Not only did mids attack excal on patchday (actually the day after patchday and excal attack was 11 cet) but you then proceeded to attack myrrdin at 4-5am (!!!) with something like 8 albions defending.

9am - 4am (both in weekend)...tell me where the hell the difference is !!?

Suck it up and move on - any mids who have been here from start can't seriously bitch about that raid. On the other hand, you seem to do a fine job of just that.

Poor azal, condems us but takes part in the same thing.


Originally posted by fatgit
Hmm, tables turned eh ?

I dont see why you can say 9am is not a valid time to attack, yet 1am is ? Not everyone stays up til 4am and sleeps until 12noon. Many of us actually spend normal hours awake, and just because we don't stay up to watch late night porn, and prefer to see the morning news, does that mean we aren't permitted to raid ?

In future, I suggest all keep raid plans be posted on here 48 hours beforehand. All high level mids must leave mobile numbers so the raid planners can phone them so that they know to defend their keeps, and safe passage will be given for all mids wishing to get to the relic keep before we attack- tea and biscuits optional
During the attack, all Albs will not wear armour, and will provide unlimited toilet roll to wipe the mids arses

Stop moaning. We will not abide by you're personal timetables. If we want to attack at 4am, we will. If we want to attack at 7am, we will. If we want to attack at midnight, we will.
It never stopped you guys before. You set the Rules Of Engagement in the first couple of weeks, live with it & please stfu

omg, please stay inside albion and do some more crafting.

<closes the now-boring-thread>

:puke: :puke:


hmm Azal ..

Big thread to try to point out a conclusion, which is quite obvious.

Facts are : when Midgard had what was needed, they owned relics. At the moment, you do not anymore. So you dont have anymore whats needed to own them.

So keep comming in Albion frontiers, you will be beaten. And dont mind us to take meanwhile the other relics. This whenever you want, will avoid the moaning about raid date.

I also suggest to let Hibernia Power relic in your frontier, that way you will have a reason to say that Hibs made a pact with the evil Albion realm.

Edit : typo

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