Midd relic raid



At this moment I'm running from P keep Bridge to Sauvage, just been in excal, there were about 40 midds there with 3 rams for the doors and two more for the inner doors. it seems that they picked the best time ever to attack, my guild mostly have about 15 peeps online, tonight 3 =)

I couldnt contact any SOtL seems like they were all fast asleep, don't know if the midds will make it, but if they do, they just picked the right time, that all.

old.Gombur Glodson

hahahaha they failed :clap:
thx to lyal (being played by delket), walker and monkey


w00t yes they sure did fail, I just arrived at Excal again, see,like 50 Albs standing infront of the opened gates :)

aaah, we are just to good :rolleyes:

(= this is a completly different post than the first one =))


If anyone deserves praise it is Lifegiver, he died in sauvage so I went exploring and rezzed him and found high level middies such as Oldbone around.


hehe, well don' matter who did a good job in the first place now we got to finish it and with all them wancking about who should lead this aint getting nowhere :/

old.Gombur Glodson

you to once we break the doors on grallarhorn


Tonight was a victory for Midgard and you Albs fail to realize that.


Finish the job next time! (hopefully I won't jinx it) Atm we still have the relics so :clap: to you!


lol its cordain hehe i killed u in odins few days back hmmmm oh well u have guts charging us fair play.


Well anyway its nice to know that now that I finally go to bed some poor Albs bangs hes hammer on relic doors inorder to fix them before the morning raid.
Oh did I say morning raid ?
You didnt hear that. Now did you ?

old.Gombur Glodson

that will give you approx 4-5 hours worth of sleep even albs dont get up THAT early...

now im gonna go lick my rag doll


Well I have to say a few things...some criticism and some praise.

A. I am surprised and a bit disappointed that our response time was so slow. Thought there were Unity people taking turns watching Excal. ( I say this because we (members of TDS specifically) have on several occasions approached different members about taking turns with "guard duty" and were told matter-of-factly that it was "being taken care of". But none the less, we did finally get the call to arms and away we ran.

B. It was for the most part the guard pop that finished off the majority of the mids attacking. I know this because Fightersuntzu was inside Excal and told me what was going on.

C. They then went and took Beno while a good chunk of peeps stood around Excal shocked. They then proceeded to take Surs and other keeps. The number was up to 3 when I logged.

D. Laird started taking donations and Krait started on the door repairs (thx guys). I then went off and started making wood trips and saw many albs doing the same. Meanwhile there were STILL a large amount of albs standing outside Excal. I have to say that I am very disappointed that they were still there after my 3rd trip (this time with Roalith and Sirloras) instead of going off to defend the keeps. :( The obvious response will be "we were defending Excal", which is noble but the less keeps we have, the less uber guards we have. Plain math that even I can understand....keeps under attack deserve priority attention. Also I want to thank the member of Order of Templar Knights that so generously gave me the 100g donation, your name escapes me right now. (soz )

No matter, the enemy was defeated. But I hope this is a wake up call for all of us that when we are attacked that we can't stand around and wait to be told what to do. Instead get a group together and go take care of business.

I suggest that in the future we continue to work together to keep our realm together.

If ever you need help from TDS or any member of the Eternal Circle alliance, please message me, Vestax/Shadowblood, Choppy, What, Matthias, Fightersuntzu or Casbardh.

Thx guys and although it was spur of the moment, we did well :)


So lemme get this straight... you wanted us to all go off and attack/defend our keeps leaving a skeletal force at excal?

That's plain madness. What we did was right. Kept the bulk of the defenders at excal and a small force (about 16 of us) went and took back berkstead, sursbrooke and boldiam. Then another smaller group went for erasleigh and got unlucky, fortunately when we showed up the doors were wide open and the keep lord had about a quarter health left, so that was easy.

Then merged groups and took a defended benowyc.

Sorry, but what we did seemed to work very well indeed, I'm sure there'll be a lot of critism levelled at a variety of people, but I think that repairing and defending the doors at excal was the priority.

All we need to do now is make sure that the planned relic raid for our power relic takes place as agreed on tuesday at 3pm and we'll be fine. Ooops! Did I say that?

I do agree with the patrol rota thing though, thought that one was already in place <shrug>

Btw, whoever that dwarf was that I PA'd in benowyc who then jumped down and died.. hope you didn't get an XP death for falling damage. Wasn't my intention i assure you.

Lvl 45+ Infiltrator
Order of The Knights Templar


Aye,I think we all did fine today but what scares me is that the mids could get a large force all the way to Excalibur and beat down doors without us knowing :uhoh:

And oh..SotL never sleeps..we're just putting on some more coffee/baileys and keeps going:D


Wow, that was fun, and really annoying. :D

I find it hilarious that (at least some of) the mid army went down tangler-style.....taken out one by one by uber guards *sigh* just makes my day. :clap:

Grats and thanks to all albs who helped defend the relics, despite slow warnings a huge force assembled in excal within a few minutes after the demise of the mids :clap:



I posted this reply in another topic but it fits well in this one too as a response to the Mids that are patting themselves on the back for damaging a few level 8 doors.

'Hmm, you seem real pleased that you broke down 2.5 level 8 doors in an undefended relic keep at midnight UK time and yet we were all lamers for taking all 3 relics at 9am in a relic keep with 3 level 10 doors and you think you were succesful? The only thing you achieved was to cost us money by having to repair the doors but thats ok we can afford the costs and when we leave both your relic keeps with wide open doors in the near future there is 15 plat that you guys will have to find. Seeing that half the time you rely on a handful of generous level 50's to buy siege equipment I am sure 15 plat won't be a problem for all you other leeches to stump up.

Just remember one thing, Albion has no chance of catching you Mids when it comes to overall realm points, however we can put 100 Albs on your keep doors any night of the week and we don't give a shit about giving you more realm points while we are knocking down your relic keep doors. We are in for the long haul and that means we will die as many times as it takes to get the job done.

*Update* You do know that level 10 doors have more than twice the overall hitpoints of a level 8 door right? Yet we managed to knock 3 of those down and stay there long enough to get our own relic back to Excal and then take the other 2 while you were all munching your cornflakes one fine sunday morning In total we sat in your relic keep for 50 mins with guards popping left and right, now THAT is an achievement.'


My apologies, Jadow.

On alliance chat we were told that no one was defending/taking back the keeps. Everyone was quite frustrated because we were not told anything, not even Fighter who was on a chat group with some leaders of other guilds. (don't know who else was in the group, will have to ask him if you want to know).

Yes having an army at Excal was the right thing to do with other armies on the move taking back our keeps.

Please forgive me shooting off my mouth without all the facts, just tired of no one sharing info with us. :(


*Update* You do know that level 10 doors have more than twice the overall hitpoints of a level 8 door right? Yet we managed to knock 3 of those down and stay there long enough to get our own relic back to Excal and then take the other 2 while you were all munching your cornflakes one fine sunday morning In total we sat in your relic keep for 50 mins with guards popping left and right, now THAT is an achievement.'

Well you had more ppl there than we did last night, and no defenders, isn't that much of an achievement :p

- Pathfinder -

Ugh now I hate my ISP :( Azal come let me keel you in emain, and I'll be happy again ^^


Many of the important albions online were in there and i was passing what little information i could along.

The outer keeps were undefended AFAIK, beno, surs, eras -

the resistance increased at berkstead but they were overwhelmed, and at boldiam i think few showed up. After that things were kinda looking bad, no one was doing much even tho i was asking to send reinforcements to berk most effort seemed to be concentrated on keeping awake :)

SotL and several others went raiding in a party of 16, taking surs and boldiam afaik, and somewhere in there berkstead fell too :) . Eras was taken by another team, and the excal force + sotl guys + eras team converged on the pseudo-defended Benowyc and split a few mids in two. :)


This would be a perfect time to down the sevrvers and have the doors fully repair, I seem to remember that from somewhere.


Originally posted by Wels
This would be a perfect time to down the sevrvers and have the doors fully repair, I seem to remember that from somewhere.

I'm up for that so long as we Mids can have back the multi-plat we sunk into our Level 10 doors before it was downed.

Oh look at the news, your wish is Kemors command :p


Sorry but I would not leave excal with the relic doors wide open.

and the mids that showed up on the doorstep of excal later were totaly slaughtered by both us and the guards :)
but you did get to meet alot of people at the same time, it was mostly all a costly reunion =)

as about the leadership, Laird did a good job , but "someone" always have to argue against decisions and when they get the oppurtunity to say something they are silent.

I payed all my money (1P) and run several wood trips and the last door still werent completly fixed when I logged.

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