Midd relic raid



Originally posted by Casbardh

I think it is something to brag about - it shows that we are thinking in more depth than just "lets all stick to Excalibur" and get trollied en masse...no wait a minute - if we were all at Excalibur - what would have happened to the mids?

Also - it shows the level of Intelligence and planning you mids are up against.

I think we made it very interesting!

So come on you Mids! Im really getting value for money now - no matter what tactics are used - its blimin better than just going to emain each night for the same old slog innit as i like being kept on my toes?

"Taking an undefended Relic keep is nothing to brag about when there was no chance of defenders coming.. "

This line is about albs getting str relics at early hours I belive. and its nothing to brag about.

But youre right! - helluva lot better rvr now and bash some mid keeps while mids raiding albinon is tactical correct.


Re: Re: Well..

Originally posted by Coren

Can't remember a solo'ing me recently. Please enlighten me with his name, so I might remember it. (I'm pretty sure I would remember the name of a healer solo'ing me tho ;) )

And you're a greencon afaik, so I probably get about 200-250 for killing you.

Wont give you his name since you would only hunt him down with your friends all i can say is you killed him once before he got you and killed him once he got you... :) And i thought rlmpoints affected how many rlmpoints you where worth....


If I would hunt everyone that killed me once down, I wouldn't have time for sleep/work anymore, silly dwarf :)

This line is about albs getting str relics at early hours I belive. and its nothing to brag about.

There we go again :rolleyes: /em waits for someone to mention Mid's first relic raid again...


Just know that we will come hunt you down in your own frontier every time you set foot on excalibur soil. Any action will cause a reaction, any action has consequence :clap:


to change the topic, cos i wanna, is anyone on our server worth over 1000 rp yet? Is it possible?

old.Gombur Glodson

dunno if sinister or blood is but those two will be my guesses


As far as I know, Blood and Apsk are the 2 highest rp holders on Prydwen and both of em give about 935-940 rp fresh out of PK. ;)



Originally posted by Chavez
Just know that we will come hunt you down in your own frontier every time you set foot on excalibur soil. Any action will cause a reaction, any action has consequence :clap:

Ohhh, mommie. I'm so scared.. :)

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Solid
And who is the most "valuable" alb on Prydwen?

One of the silly gimps, ie the Gryphon Knights :p Kill Coren, Giona, Thiralith and Artemis and see which gimp is most rewarding :p


Ofcourse he means kill Giona, Thiralith or Artemis and leave Coren alone. :D


Will hapilly kill any of the famous four just not when they run around in pairs and trios :( so many tiems I unstealth one of em thinging I got the jumo on a stealther when his mate PA's me :( then they both procede to twat me to death, this is usually when i am omw to meet guildies in emain or Odins, tho it aint happened for a while with all the Relic raids.


Originally posted by Azal

Midnight when you have 300 ppl online is hardly a late attack, compare that to 9am on a Monday morning when there are all of 40 mids online total and that's why people are unhappy about it.
Bearing in mind albs planned a week in advance to raid us when we had the least amount of defence and we planned our raid 1 hour in advance there' s a helluva difference there.

The whole point of your raid timing was so we had as few online as possible, that's what people think is sad and don't like seeing.

Also the person that thinks camping inside a relic keep for an hour when there are 0 defenders is some kind of achievement?

Try 70 mids on first door of relic keep with 150+ albs inside
defending AND full uber & normal guard pops to deal with and it taking an hour before you managed to beat us away. THATS an achievement.

Hehe your facts are so fucked up I don't know where to start. ;

1) Whoever is spying for you has problems counting. At no point did we have 150 people defending Excal, sure we had 150 people out in the frontier but at least 1/3 of those were taking keeps back. When your raid was launched at midnight there were 178 Albs online in total and only 62 were over 30. That is a FACT.

2) 11am CET is a reasonable hour for a raid even on a Sunday, don't blame Albion because you were all still munching your cornflakes.

3) Sitting in a keep for an hour with level 65 guards popping every 3-4 minutes is an achievment. You should know this as they kicked your arse and wiped you out on the 3rd door while we on the otherhand had our shit together and killed every pop. So 0 defenders? Well I guess 0 defenders wiped you out then really.

4) Albion relic raid planned in a week? Nah planned in 3 days actually but then if you are planning a raid you should give youself time to prepare.

5) How are your doors at the relic keep in Yggdra? Must have been a shock to find big lumps knocked out of your doors eh? Yet still enough Albs to defend Excal and retake our own keeps.

6) Some Mids are classy and work thier arses off to try get the relics back. Others like yourself just sit and bitch on this forum because even your midnight raid failed and you find any excuse to knock Albions achievements. It was a joy to see certain Mids congratulate us Albs when we took the relics, they weren't bitter but they made the point that the relics were going back to Mid and I can respect that.

As far as effort and courage goes no one can fault the Mids. The problem is your realm has become too used to raping the other realms night after night, now we are giving you a fight but you haven't adapted your tactics accordingly. The way relic taking/defending is going no one realm will hold all the relics again for months, the best any realm can do is dig in then fight tooth and nail to hold them for as long as possible. Don't be bitter because you know have a fight on your hands, enjoy the fact that you have so many more enemies to kill and every night is a challenge.


Originally posted by cHodAX

Hehe your facts are so fucked up I don't know where to start. ;

1) Whoever is spying for you has problems counting. At no point did we have 150 people defending Excal, sure we had 150 people out in the frontier but at least 1/3 of those were taking keeps back. When your raid was launched at midnight there were 178 Albs online in total and only 62 were over 30. That is a FACT.

2) 11am CET is a reasonable hour for a raid even on a Sunday, don't blame Albion because you were all still munching your cornflakes.

3) Sitting in a keep for an hour with level 65 guards popping every 3-4 minutes is an achievment. You should know this as they kicked your arse and wiped you out on the 3rd door while we on the otherhand had our shit together and killed every pop. So 0 defenders? Well I guess 0 defenders wiped you out then really.

4) Albion relic raid planned in a week? Nah planned in 3 days actually but then if you are planning a raid you should give youself time to prepare.

5) How are your doors at the relic keep in Yggdra? Must have been a shock to find big lumps knocked out of your doors eh? Yet still enough Albs to defend Excal and retake our own keeps.

6) Some Mids are classy and work thier arses off to try get the relics back. Others like yourself just sit and bitch on this forum because even your midnight raid failed and you find any excuse to knock Albions achievements. It was a joy to see certain Mids congratulate us Albs when we took the relics, they weren't bitter but they made the point that the relics were going back to Mid and I can respect that.

As far as effort and courage goes no one can fault the Mids. The problem is your realm has become too used to raping the other realms night after night, now we are giving you a fight but you haven't adapted your tactics accordingly. The way relic taking/defending is going no one realm will hold all the relics again for months, the best any realm can do is dig in then fight tooth and nail to hold them for as long as possible. Don't be bitter because you know have a fight on your hands, enjoy the fact that you have so many more enemies to kill and every night is a challenge.

omg u bitch alot, will not even respond to your post....ops just did

:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00:


Originally posted by froler

omg u bitch alot, will not even respond to your post....ops just did

:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00:

I do bitch alot don't I ;) But then I am level 46 and haven't made any exp in 10 days because I am in the frontier 12-14 hours a day watching our keeps and buffing the guards. I am only annoyed because some Mids won't give us any respect no matter how hard we fight, surely you can understand that and you must agree it is far more fun now that we are fighting back?

j000 d000d

Everything's gotten better since we got some relics.

Before it was only emain and the whining about the PK camping, right now there are big battles everywhere, that's cool and much more fun :)


.... I'm trying to hold down a full time job on about 3 hours sleep a night atm.... lots of fun :rolleyes:

Brannor McThife

That's it. Blame us for your lack of sleep...:sleeping:


'Eh? Wazzzat?

Oh, sorry...dozed off there again.




Raid or no Raid, I aint gonan make a SPECIAL effort to get up at 8am for no damn game (I was told that alb raid was at 9am CET, now its changed to 11am? which is the actual time it happened?)

Same as I aint staying up till 3am on a work nite, I have priorities and playing at silly times aint one of em.

teador said it correctly, you got the relics and all of a sudden hardly any 9wont say none as some still happens) PK camping, lots of action in odins and even in the god awful dogs dinner that is Alb Frontier has Rvr these days.

All 3 MK's swap hands regularly, and lots of relic raids.

The current stat of affairs is great for the server and i give much props to a large number of Albs i do have respect for in rvr, BUT the manner at which relic keeps have changed hands on ALL occasions has been not to my liking. Problem is it was the ONLY way it was gonna happen.

We took it after patch day at early morning and you took it on my day of rest, my beautiful lye in day, SUNDAY morning.

Lets stop bitching at each other and agree that Albs used some of our tactics in their successful radi but took it one or two notches up.

FACT atm is Albs has the numbers, Mid population is on the decline, so even if we relpel, or make a strong stand against you guys we feel proud. At least we dont cower in face of being outnumbered and we dont hug guards at our PK, you gotat say we have the balls to fight on most terms.


Originally posted by Solid
Raid or no Raid, I aint gonan make a SPECIAL effort to get up at 8am for no damn game (I was told that alb raid was at 9am CET, now its changed to 11am? which is the actual time it happened?)

It was 9am UK time mate, no way am I getting up at 9am CET.

*edit* Infact I may be lying it could have been more like 8:30am UK although people were gathering and organising rams an hour before but the actual raid was later. Plus the 40+ mins we stayed inside the relic keep till we got the 1st relic back to excal and then the time it took to get the 2nd and 3rd relics home. Anyway it wasn't as early as some people would like you to believe and the whole raid wasn't finsihed till about 10:45am UK time.


Originally posted by cHodAX

I do bitch alot don't I ;) But then I am level 46 and haven't made any exp in 10 days because I am in the frontier 12-14 hours a day watching our keeps and buffing the guards. I am only annoyed because some Mids won't give us any respect no matter how hard we fight, surely you can understand that and you must agree it is far more fun now that we are fighting back?

I guess you know what i would write here, but i wont so i write this instead. I gratulate you on you relic raid a few weeks back, just pissed i missed out on all the fun... But what the hell will come more times to kill albs and hibs... :)


Originally posted by Fafnir

I guess you know what i would write here, but i wont so i write this instead. I gratulate you on you relic raid a few weeks back, just pissed i missed out on all the fun... But what the hell will come more times to kill albs and hibs... :)

Indeed mate, it is happy days for all atm. Even level 25's are making RP's defending the relics and the whole realm is much more pleasent atm. I am sure some Mids are still unhappy but personally as a caster I would rather have all 3 power relics ;)

j000 d000d

Aye, even the low levels go defend the relic keep. Some get to see a big battle for the very first time :)

And as you know, Hibernia got into the scene as well, they have done a lot of efforts too to take keeps etc.

RvR is everywhere, even in Hadrian's yes. And maybe Hibernia will get a relic too, it's gonna be even more RvR when that happens :)

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Jupitus
.... I'm trying to hold down a full time job on about 3 hours sleep a night atm.... lots of fun :rolleyes:

If i need sleep, i go sleep.

During the week i won't be up later than 24:00 CET

In weekends ill be there for a longer time, but not much more either. :)

And you can't blame yourself for going to sleep if they should take relics.


Damn right Teador.

I had no remorse going bed when huge scale RvR is on, this game is exhausting at the ebst of times, and i need my 8 hours :D


Originally posted by Jupitus

... so why all this logging out _near_ excalibur when we're defending last night?

As for guts - in the face of such an 'awesome and uber Midgard fighting machine' such as was there at excalibur last night we split our available defense to bring the fight to your back yard... that's guts Froler.

So your saying it takes guts to leave 70 ppl to defend your relic while sending another 40 or so to attack ours when we only had 40 ppl there attacking?

Not really no

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