Mid stealthzergs



wtf is wrong with teamwork in groups?

It only makes it easier to take out full groups, Emain some kind of fucking arena? Kill and let be dead.

my 2 cents.
Solo is fun or at least its fun when you don't have to camp spots for an hour before anyone runs by solo. And face it how many spots can you camp like that ... the milegates, PKs, Bks some roads maybe... becasue those spots are well travelled chances are you will get ganked anyhow while killing your solo target by the others passing by. So solo occasionaly is fun but most of the time its a frustrating waste of time.

2/3 stealthers. Fun imho. Rpoints don't drop to bad. And if your well adjusted to eachother and know what you are doing you can take out 4/5 ppl (before you cry nerf it involves getting PAs in on the right targets and with the removal of IP the "agrod" assassin of your group is most likely gonna die.

Stealth zerg ... hard to coordinate, crap rpoints and going after a full group of other playes is hardly an option. You don't have crowd control and heals so unless all steathers are in perfect position and can attack from stealth something like this is doomed to fail. The stealth zergers can only take out what about 2/3 ppl can take out for 1/3rd or less the rpoints. + you spoil the fun of the ppl who do understand how to enjoy an assassin.


sorry errr but no i wont the more RPs i leech off the enemy the weaker you remain. Do you honestly think I would let the enemy gain a advantage over me ?

I have often been stood looking at a hib zerg meet a alb zerg and happily put some arrows into both sides :)

Leeching RP's is like a exp kill on a grey kick them while they are down and never let them up.
PVP is a hard game to play, so either live with it or quit is my only advice.


I must say I have no respect at all for the SB out there. A guildmate tried telling me some SB actually solo, but I have yet to find them. With my scout I tend to get ganked by atleast 2 SB at a time. I did not even bother getting IP, cause I never have a one on one fight (I tend to be unable to land slam anyway, cause 50% evade rate means you can still evade all slams in a fight...). Also, if SB's are slammed, they have purge... so I kind of should have gone 50 longbow, 50 stealth, rest slash I think now...

Except for those SB out there soloing, you are all skillless tossers... I would cry myself to sleep if I was playing a grouped SB.... Albs hardly ever have stealth groups, certainly not on the basis off those elite SB's...

I did partake in stealth group just yesterday, camping mmg. The number of SB trying to pass was just sick.... we got about 8 of them within 30 mins.. different ones... All were grouped...
But I made a character that is meant for solo, ie, a scout, a hunter, an assasin class... But SB are so sad, I think Mythic should nerf them by making int their main stat...
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
<snip> Albs hardly ever have stealth groups, certainly not on the basis off those elite SB's...

I did partake in stealth group just yesterday, camping mmg. The number of SB trying to pass was just sick.... we got about 8 of them within 30 mins.. different ones... All were grouped...
<snip> [/B]

AHahahahahahhah, hardly ever, ahahahahahahah. I have yet to find a solo alb stealther in odins gate. And in emain, well not much needs to be said about albs in emain.

So the stealth group you DID take part in, that was a hardly ever group? and how the hell you know they were grouped?
Just because two stealthers are seen in the vicinity of eachother doesnt mean they are grouped. (ps, i think glotwat has groupcheat v4.3 since he can see whos grouped and whos not)

Look, just like in normal zergs, its something all realms do. Cept maybe hib, its VERY rare i see many hib stealthers together.


Originally posted by Arnor2

The usual complete nonsense

Umm, Jox and his gay lovers do camp apk at this moment. They have been doing this for 3 days or so now...
Just shows.. that slowly Midgard is becoming the real off the utter shitheads.
But I do not blaim little, brainless twats that just want to be elite, etc, without much skill. I blaim Mythic for making the game this way...
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu

Umm, Jox and his gay lovers do camp apk at this moment. They have been doing this for 3 days or so now...
Just shows.. that slowly Midgard is becoming the real off the utter shitheads.
But I do not blaim little, brainless twats that just want to be elite, etc, without much skill. I blaim Mythic for making the game this way...
Regards, Glottis

and infils hasnt been camping mtk in addition to 6fgs albs wearing down the stone on mmg?

I laff, but yeah its lame to zerg-camp ANYTHING, my point is that you do it too, so stop with the holier-than-thou bullshit because even if you dont shadowzerg as much as mid, you sure as hell zerg "normally" to make up for everything in the world that needs making up for.

And then some


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I must say I have no respect at all for the SB out there. A guildmate tried telling me some SB actually solo, but I have yet to find them.

...And we all know that the world revolves around you.

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu

Except for those SB out there soloing, you are all skillless tossers...

Ooh, such a sweeping generalisation!

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I would cry myself to sleep if I was playing a grouped SB.... Albs hardly ever have stealth groups, certainly not on the basis off those elite SB's...

Well, firstly i think you need to lighten up a little then and stop taking this game so seriously. Cry yourself to sleep? Now thats just idiotic.
Secondly, judging by your post, you seem to be gimped in the area of intelligence, so any SB-Zerg grp that I was part of wouldn't want you anyhow.
Seems to be albs that call SB elite, such a compliment - we thank you.

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I did partake in stealth group just yesterday, camping mmg. The number of SB trying to pass was just sick.... we got about 8 of them within 30 mins.. different ones... All were grouped...

8 SB in 30 mins? Wow. Different ones all grouped? So you mean 8 SB grped with other classes in 8 grps?
I think what you mean is 8 grps of SB - all different ones in 30 mins.
If thats the case and you don't like it - don't go to mmg. That tends to be where mids will pass through you know.
Try not going to emain too if you are just going to bitch about it.

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
But I made a character that is meant for solo, ie, a scout, a hunter, an assasin class... But SB are so sad, I think Mythic should nerf them by making int their main stat...
Regards, Glottis

Which is why SB aren't locked out from grouping in RVR, why the official strategy guide, as inaccurate as it is in places talks about the stealther venus-fly trap system, the duo-run-on PA system right?
So you want to solo - good. Good luck to you. (I don't actually mean good luck, personally I hope you get butchered in-game 99% of the time)
Some people want to group up. And YOU want to take away that right from people. Well... erm.... no. Not going to happen.

Ask your alb stealther teams that block mmg in Hadrians what it's like to gank people running through. Inf, scouts and mincers are the most devastating stealther classes all playing together- you got a lot to shout about.
But hey - they don't group do they? No of course not.
And I'm not so self-centred to believe that all alb stealthers group up simply on the basis of those that I run into, and I don't mind alb stealther teams either - I don't LIKE them, but I am not going to complain about them.

SB are so sad? I think someone who confesses to the possibilty of crying themselves to sleep at night over a game is the real one who is sad.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I must say I have no respect at all for the SB out there. A guildmate tried telling me some SB actually solo, but I have yet to find them. With my scout I tend to get ganked by atleast 2 SB at a time. I did not even bother getting IP, cause I never have a one on one fight (I tend to be unable to land slam anyway, cause 50% evade rate means you can still evade all slams in a fight...). Also, if SB's are slammed, they have purge... so I kind of should have gone 50 longbow, 50 stealth, rest slash I think now...

Except for those SB out there soloing, you are all skillless tossers... I would cry myself to sleep if I was playing a grouped SB.... Albs hardly ever have stealth groups, certainly not on the basis off those elite SB's...

I did partake in stealth group just yesterday, camping mmg. The number of SB trying to pass was just sick.... we got about 8 of them within 30 mins.. different ones... All were grouped...
But I made a character that is meant for solo, ie, a scout, a hunter, an assasin class... But SB are so sad, I think Mythic should nerf them by making int their main stat...
Regards, Glottis

Gratz Glottis for making yet another post of total bullshit. Wish I had that ability, is it hard to learn?


Hmm, I find it interesting that you say there are massive inf zerges out there. All infs I know tend to solo. I sometimes see an inf running around with a minstrel, but that is it really.
The scouts I know group, only know 1 scout that solo's besides me.
There are 128 infs between 46 and 50 (88 lvl 50) according to Duskwave, while there are 152 SB lvl 46 to 50 (131 lvl 50).
So it is pretty safe to say that at any moment in time, there will be 2 SB per inf in emain.
Hunter and scout are allmost equal, 63 vs 71, but no idea what number of those are active, I tend to see around 10 active scouts. Guess it is similar for hunters.
But statistically, it is a bit easier for SB to be zerging, would you not agree? Not lets tie to this actual experience, and yes... I see SB camping apk, road to amg, amg nonstop in little stealth groups. Getting ganked by 5 SB after you slam one is pretty funny, but slightly annoying... so I guess I'm a little bitter about.
Would like all classes to have fun playing this game, not just some tosser ruining it for several classes... But again, I mentioned this before, I blaim Mythic, not the little kids trying to be uber.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Hmm, I find it interesting that you say there are massive inf zerges out there. All infs I know tend to solo. I sometimes see an inf running around with a minstrel, but that is it really.
The scouts I know group, only know 1 scout that solo's besides me.

Not necessarily zerging, sometimes just camping, but yes they do sometimes zerg also.

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
There are 128 infs between 46 and 50 (88 lvl 50) according to Duskwave, while there are 152 SB lvl 46 to 50 (131 lvl 50).
So it is pretty safe to say that at any moment in time, there will be 2 SB per inf in emain.[/B]

I don't think Duskwave picks up unguilded chars so these figures could go either way.
Plus who says that all SB goto emain? I know mine for one rarely does, and I also know of others who don't.
Who says they are all logged on at the same time? Who says they are even on every day?
Statistics like the ones you bring prove nothing other than the total numbers of chars per class.

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Hunter and scout are allmost equal, 63 vs 71, but no idea what number of those are active, I tend to see around 10 active scouts. Guess it is similar for hunters.[/B]

And again you are basing all your opinions purely on what YOU see. Everytime you go to emain, there could be scouts in either of the 2 frontiers, DF, their own realm or simply not logged on.
What you see, again, proves nothing.

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
But statistically, it is a bit easier for SB to be zerging, would you not agree?[/B]

Statistically yes. In reality? Who knows. Probably.
Given that SB have a SB-only guild in Midgard a zerg (or guild group if it sweetens things) is highly likely.
I don't believe that Albion has anything exactly the same for Infs, but there will be stealthers in guilds that grp, stealthers that are not in guilds together that will group.

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Not lets tie to this actual experience, and yes... I see SB camping apk, road to amg, amg nonstop in little stealth groups. Getting ganked by 5 SB after you slam one is pretty funny, but slightly annoying... so I guess I'm a little bitter about.[/B]

I can say exactly the same thing about Infs, scouts and mincers the times i have been to Emain. I close in on one, and between 1 and any number of others show up and kick the ever loving crap out of me. Shit happens. I just learn to try to check my targets out better.
I'm not bitter at all.

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Would like all classes to have fun playing this game, not just some tosser ruining it for several classes... But again, I mentioned this before, I blaim Mythic, not the little kids trying to be uber.
Regards, Glottis [/B]

Mr Generalisation speaks again I see.
Little kids trying to be uber? You have a knack of appearing to be quite intelligent in places, and then ruin it with stupid little name-calling like this. Oh well.
If other classes weren't having fun, I very much doubt they would play this long.
I don't have too much fun in emain, so I go elsewhere - and I have fun there. Midgard and Albion can be fun too you know.
What exactly do you mean by some tosser ruining it? You are implying that it's one person there and last I checked, 1 person - SB is called solo, not a zerg. So you are now against zergs and solo SB?

You were right about one thing though... boy are you bitter.


2 Glottis_Xanadu
We have different lines of sight on one problem, cause we are play for different realms. U notice that u attacked by 2-3 sb at the moment, but didnt mind when u and ur realm-mates (scouts, infils and minies) attack 1 sb together. 1 mez by mini, 1 critical by scout, 1 pa by infi - sb dead, u search for next target and forgot about this poor guy. Sure, u didnt mind it like "sb was zerged", but SB did :). Same thing from our side. When i am soloing, i know that other sb's or hunters are near. I attack infi (for example). In the middle of fight i saw an arrow in his back. Infi dead. But i didnt notice that he was zerged, he just dead in the fight, what can i do? But he think he was attacked by couple of my group-mates.
And 1 more thing: u scout, right? So u know all about numbers of other alb stealthers around u, or sometimes u surprised when some infi attack ur target? I'd want to say, even when u solo, u cannot guarantee to your enemy that he was soloed.
All - imho.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Hmm, I find it interesting that you say there are massive inf zerges out there. All infs I know tend to solo. I sometimes see an inf running around with a minstrel, but that is it really.
The scouts I know group, only know 1 scout that solo's besides me.
There are 128 infs between 46 and 50 (88 lvl 50) according to Duskwave, while there are 152 SB lvl 46 to 50 (131 lvl 50).
So it is pretty safe to say that at any moment in time, there will be 2 SB per inf in emain.
Hunter and scout are allmost equal, 63 vs 71, but no idea what number of those are active, I tend to see around 10 active scouts. Guess it is similar for hunters.
But statistically, it is a bit easier for SB to be zerging, would you not agree? Not lets tie to this actual experience, and yes... I see SB camping apk, road to amg, amg nonstop in little stealth groups. Getting ganked by 5 SB after you slam one is pretty funny, but slightly annoying... so I guess I'm a little bitter about.
Would like all classes to have fun playing this game, not just some tosser ruining it for several classes... But again, I mentioned this before, I blaim Mythic, not the little kids trying to be uber.
Regards, Glottis

Na, I don't group. Atleast not in stealthzergs. Sometimes I might get angry due to at minimum 2 sbs ganking 1 scout when you run solo, and getting a stealthgroup to get a bit of revenge. 80% of my time in emain has been solo. These days I prefer normal rvsrgroups tho. Since I don't have a buffbot.

Most of the scouts are solo most of the time. Atleast from what I've seen.


Originally posted by Agreac

Gratz Glottis for making yet another post of total bullshit. Wish I had that ability, is it hard to learn?

Find it funny you can disagree with my own, personal, experience... Did not know you were there...
Regards, Glottis


i m no fan of stealth zerging, but: speak after me...

it s every mans god given right to bring a friend in this game. EVEN THE MOBS DO IT.

Finster, <Nolby Pride>


mobs dont baf unless ur grp size is 3+ ^^


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
mobs dont baf unless ur grp size is 3+ ^^

tell that to the pygmy goblin tanglers


Repent Reloaded

I kinda forgot about this post so I've left it to long for any kind of comeback soooo Im not gonna say nout.... except this.
made by arnor2
I agree with niki, and repent is SURELY a twat beyond imagination

and Katt, comin up with all this I hate repent BS, I dont even know u so please be quite. I dont mind ppl sayin, yeah repent is a twat etc... but when ppl start takin what I say to seriously its kinda depressing... like you got some built up anger you need to get out your system so u take it out on someone.... did your dad touch you when u where a child ?


Originally posted by Repent
...like you got some built up anger you need to get out your system so u take it out on someone.... did your dad touch you when u where a child ?

That's extremely low...


hmm...this is fun to read.

Seems like some ppl would actually want the game without assassins in the first place.

First they take away the "bug" stay-hidden after PA, leading to assassins focusing on single targets, then ppl grp up even more, cuz they don't want to be jumped. Assassins then team-up like EVERYBODY else does, WTF is wrong with that. Personly about 70% of my RP is Solo, 25% regulare grp and 5% Stealth grp. I solo most of the time because I FIND it more fun as a stalker, but looking down on ppl that find it more fun to team up is LAME. I fail to se the difference between 1 pally getting jumped by 5 SB's or getting steamrolled by one regulare grp. Mythic took away much of the solo abilities of Assassin/Snipers after endless whining. Ppl wanted to force Assassins/Snipers into grping. When finally they DO grp you whant them to solo?? That is f¤cking beyond me :wall:

As for regulare 1-2FG grp Assassins are ok, but on many occations it would be much better having a Tank with IP. If I ask my guild grp if they want me to come with my RM or SB, guess what they want...I understand why though :) . It's only during Keep attacks/defence that I find myself more useful :p

As for kill stealing in RvR...never heard of that. Thougt the game was about Realm vs Realm and not individual RP gain.

Repent Reloaded

I know its low m8 but Katts has been rly takin the piss for no real good reason. Just came out of the blue, showing links to death pages and stuff.


Originally posted by Runolaz
I fail to se the difference between 1 pally getting jumped by 5 SB's or getting steamrolled by one regulare grp.
Totally agree. Same thing, regular grp kill lone assasin with big pleasure as i notice, without any honorable "duel challenge".
Anyway - "to group or not to group" - its a right of all players, based on they playstyle. I prefer to grp with my friend (1 friend, not friends) or solo, but was ganked by regular and stealth grps, so what? I release with unprintable words and back for revenge if possible. If not - choose another place for hunting.
Relax, its a game.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Find it funny you can disagree with my own, personal, experience... Did not know you were there...
Regards, Glottis

Ok, let me re-quote that post.

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Except for those SB out there soloing, you are all skillless tossers... I would cry myself to sleep if I was playing a grouped SB.... Albs hardly ever have stealth groups, certainly not on the basis off those elite SB's...

All SB's that grp are skilless tossers? Ok, no comment on that because there's no logic behind it. And albs not having hardly ever stealth grps? We all know how ridiclous that claim is. Like I said, bullshit.

I did partake in stealth group just yesterday, camping mmg. The number of SB trying to pass was just sick.... we got about 8 of them within 30 mins.. different ones... All were grouped...

So you could see that they were all grouped how? You got screenshot showing their group-bar? And you clicked on everyone to see that they were different ones and not the same? Think not. Like I said, if you can't prove otherwise it's just, yes you guessed it right, bullshit.


urm niki if u the sb on the server called niki (which u probably are) you killed me the other day with 2 archers and 2 other SBs

pot kettle black?



Originally posted by Arnor2
Look, just like in normal zergs, its something all realms do. Cept maybe hib, its VERY rare i see many hib stealthers together.

If I was being totally honest I would probably put that down to hib having less lvl 50 ns in comparison to the other realms. Seems like every mid/alb has a stealther alt, whereas its not as common in hib ;)


in so many words......what your asking is that everyone cater to what YOUR current situation is.

thats just selfish.

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