Mid guilds after patch ¿



SM/Ice Wizz groups are very effective as long as the following doesnt happen.

You get messed first.
You face high rr opponents.
You face BAoD.

You pick targets well and fast and most importantly debuff first otherwise you just waste mana doing pitiful damage, and for christs sake dont spam pbae praying you hit something/someone ;p

But even then facing a hib caster group that is rr5+ will be painfull if there RA`s are up. You either need to hope there Druids are AFK or GP is down, and pray the Enchanter(s) havent bought BAoD early on.

Ohh and Savages are still good tanks after 1.65. not as uber god mode as they are currently but still one of the better tanks in the game. Best Defense still but there DPS is now on par with that of other lighttanks (not including zerk cos they still suck ;p)

The only major downside to Savages in 1.65 is the huge mana drain on healers when they use there self buffs. 3 buffs that last for 15 seconds is gonna cost them upwards of 400hp. Some have resorted to getting aug healer haste and only using there DPS buff reducing there hp costs alot and only using Evade buff when actually being attacked by melee.


Blah like theres been any innovations in euro servers. Full of copycats from us ones, savage trains blaa blaa...

Just go see whats the trend on usa and make your fotm group #5345434543545 from it.

Due the GoAs unability to keep up with patches you have long time to be TEH uberleet.


Originally posted by quinthar
A more fitting time line would be

1. OMFG anybody seen what those yanks are doing on the US servers with savages?
2. Damn, gotta get me one of them grossly overpowered chars
3. Roll a savage with a similar name to many of the overpowered pre nerf zerkers
4. go out and wtfpwn
5. Pretend that god made savages this way for a reason and argue till your blue in the face
6. TOA arrives
7. Oh well I only made one to muck about with, they were quiet crap at keep raids to tho.
8. Ummm Hib looks good with all them TL's and what sweet ownage stuff they can get
9. roll hib
10. end of story

So true its scary.


Originally posted by old.Emma

The only major downside to Savages in 1.65 is the huge mana drain on healers when they use there self buffs. 3 buffs that last for 15 seconds is gonna cost them upwards of 400hp. Some have resorted to getting aug healer haste and only using there DPS buff reducing there hp costs alot and only using Evade buff when actually being attacked by melee.

Buff (Combat Speed)
Increases the target's combat speed, which will cause it to be considerably more effective in melee combat.
2 Lesser Purity of Attack Friend 3.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1000 8% haste 1 conc
10 Purity of Attack Friend 3.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1000 10% haste 4 conc
20 Lesser Purity of Offense Friend 3.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1000 12% haste 7 conc
31 Purity of Offense Friend 3.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1000 15% haste 11 conc
40 Lesser Purity of Aggression Friend 3.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1000 17% haste 14 conc
50 Purity of Aggression Friend 3.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1000 20% haste 19 conc

Buff (Combat Speed)
Increases the target's combat speed, which will cause it to be considerably more effective in melee combat.
3 Passion of Kelgor Self 0s/15s/5s 16% haste 3% base hp
11 Drive of Kelgor Self 0s/15s/5s 20% haste 3% base hp
25 Mania of Kelgor Self 0s/15s/5s 27% haste 4% base hp
35 Fervor of Kelgor Self 0s/15s/5s 32% haste 4% base hp
48 Zeal of Kelgor Self 0s/15s/5s 39% haste 5% base hp

....choices choices...........


will play my savage along with the runie and healer :)
savage suck as a solo class tho a big big time before patch or after no matter :(
so if thane would be unplayable solo and uber in grp ppl would whine anyway...
so those who make savages to pve can delete toon already :p


Originally posted by quinthar
A more fitting time line would be

1. OMFG anybody seen what those yanks are doing on the US servers with savages?
2. Damn, gotta get me one of them grossly overpowered chars
3. Roll a savage with a similar name to many of the overpowered pre nerf zerkers
4. go out and wtfpwn
5. Pretend that god made savages this way for a reason and argue till your blue in the face
6. TOA arrives
7. Oh well I only made one to muck about with, they were quiet crap at keep raids to tho.
8. Ummm Hib looks good with all them TL's and what sweet ownage stuff they can get
9. roll hib
10. end of story

Or...when SI was released...

1. Ooh, got my shiney new SI!
2. Hmm I fancy making a new char, quite fancy an agressive melee type.
3. Hmm warrior's not really my thing, besides they're too similar to the thane 90% of mids rolled as their 1st toon.
4. Light tank it is then
5. Zerker? Hmm there's a lot of them around atm, too many bandwagoners
6. Oooh, what's this new class...savage? (Which I know nothing about in advance cos not everyone reads US whine boards)

Ofc there were some who DID roll savages because they knew in advance what they would be like, but don't tar all of mid with your idiot brush.


Originally posted by Rulke-RM
Ofc there were some who DID roll savages because they thought it seemed like a cool class, but don't tar all of mid with your idiot brush.

there, much better


Originally posted by Rulke-RM
Or...when SI was released...

1. Ooh, got my shiney new SI!
2. Hmm I fancy making a new char, quite fancy an agressive melee type.
3. Hmm warrior's not really my thing, besides they're too similar to the thane 90% of mids rolled as their 1st toon.
4. Light tank it is then
5. Zerker? Hmm there's a lot of them around atm, too many bandwagoners
6. Oooh, what's this new class...savage? (Which I know nothing about in advance cos not everyone reads US whine boards)

Ofc there were some who DID roll savages because they knew in advance what they would be like, but don't tar all of mid with your idiot brush.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Atrocity will not quit:) I know most of em to well for that:) mebbe a break on pryd for a while...........


Originally posted by Kallio
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Savages weren`t the wtfpwn class when SI was released here ;p my savage was the first 50 on prydwen and i was one of the first to find out our RA`s had been messed up, no Det, expensive ip and purge, was ~1 month after SI release that got fixed it was around that time the first savage gank squads started to appear on prydwen cant say for excal as i wasnt playing here then.

During that time Rokan and some other Savage were busy kicking ass in emain and doing bloody well.

Took a while for Savages to catch on, and the same thing happened in the US. was a good couple months after the release of SI the Savage gank squads started to appear in the hundreds.


Originally posted by Pandemic
the savage nerf wont really cause any problems for savages especially those of high rr so most savage based rvr guilds will continue playing i expect

remember its only a small nerf

Was thinking the same...


tbh dunno what ure on about, they will still 2 shot you..


Re: Re: Mid guilds after patch ¿

Originally posted by Rulke-RM
Are you leaving? Thank fuck for that
scared when his ranger gets to a higher rr again he will chain pwn j00? :<

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