Mezzing and Thanes



We love Mjollnir, up with Thanes and Mjollnir

ps, i think the number of albs supporting Mjollnir says about enough, don't you :p


i hate to say this......but thanes imo have had alot of bad press over the last few months.Mostly its due to mjollnir (which healers seem to hate), but i ask...when else do we get to use it? If we use i in malmo were called mad, soloing it just stupid and in RvR if we use it we get insulted,bitched at by healers and sometimes (well...most of the time) chucked out of groups, and lagas infamous /as "speech" didn't help. The main job of a thane is a tank, but due to the fact we have less hp makes it more differcult to get in teams, and sometimes the only thing that gets me in teams is that i can MA in malmo or because of my axe (sad but true).I don't beleive this bullshit (sry 4 word) that thanes are crap, so what if they have less hp, i don't give a shit if i die in rvr, its not like i lose exp or anything, and i hate some (not all) healers attitude, just because we have a "shortage" of healers (which in my veiw, we don't) they think that they can order us about, scream at us and really fuck up a day (note some healers lack this factor,which is nice)

just because teams need you, doesn't make you the leader

oh and don't forget,tanks may need healers....but healers also require tanks.

sorry if i offend any1...but thats just what i feel


Originally posted by laga
Mezz=battle-winner.....just think about what you hate the most....I guess being messed ends up on the top part of that list. Trust me...the guy of the other realm hates it just as much.....SO....Thanes stop using your damn hammers when you have mezzprepped healer(s) standing by. I have seen a lot of winnable fights lost due to thanes(rms) mezzbreaking.....but the best part is that I've been i some fights, with proffesional ppl, that seemed lost but we manage to win due to mezz and good teamwork...focusing on 1 target at a time etc.
Mids have a BIG healer problem...the other realms have many classes that can ress and heal....dont make the few healers you have quit playing the game(playing alt in my case) because you love the gfx of a spell you have....
My apology to the thanes I offended tonight but I just couldnt take it anymore....I have been dissapointed by thanes(rms) soo many(talking in the 100 range here) times that I snapped.

Dont start babbling about stun being better and stuff....I am the expert here(together with the other healers) and in general mezz is always better than stun...talking big rvsr 25+ on each side....

Fellow me out with this....I dont want to win the even fights...we can usually manage that.......I want to win the fights when they outnumber us 2:1 and that means NO AE......ask them nicely..yell at them ...but make them stop

I feel your pain mate... Thanes can really piss a healer off sometimes. But still they are brilliant when you get a decent AE stun off.

Nemesis Warlock

Yes stupid mids ... kill yourselfs so i dont have to anymore ;)
Insult each other and tell each other how to play your chars then insult each other again ... lol

Stupid healer stop breaking my aoe with mezz ;)

All thanes quit Mid and come Hib / Prywd ;)

so funny


Originally posted by Solid
Krill where DO you find this stuff? lol

Believe it or not that stuff comes from "Varingar's Guide to Being an Offensive Thane 2.0", which is at Classes of Camelot. Offensive seems the right description, though maybe not in the way the author intended. Still, I can barely believe it and half-think it must have been written by a sarcastic healer.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by SilverHood
albs are taking on the dragon soon.... when everything is quiet, the giant strikes? no?

Just turn up with 100 peeps, get 5 rams on first door, 5 rams on 2nd door, 5 rams on the 3rd door

Problem sorted

It's getting the rams thats the problem

Gole is dead and you never bothered showing up.


Originally posted by talleyrand
Combined arms? What is that? Everyone knows that 1+2=2 and can never be 1+1=3, or?

1+2=2 ???? i always thought 1+2=3..... im sooo stupid sometimes its apalling......


> but i ask...when else do we get to use it?

During sieges, both offence and defence.

> The main job of a thane is a tank, but due to the fact
> we have less hp makes it more differcult to get in teams

More difficult than who? Thane is the de facto main tank of Midgard. At least on Prydwen.

> i don't give a shit if i die in rvr, its not like i lose exp or anything

Lets make a brief selective summary of your statements here.
1. You have trouble getting groups.
2. You don't give a shit if you (or your group?) die in rvr.
3. You don’t like to be ordered around by healers (and presumably by any non healers as well).
4. You then advance a hypothesis, that the reson you are having trouble getting groups is because thanes have too low HP.




Originally posted by reinnon
when else do we get to use it? If we use i in malmo were called mad, soloing it just stupid and in RvR if we use it we get insulted

Why do you want to use it so badly? :) It can be quite nice to use when standing on a wall defending a keep or something if you insist but it isnt that useful otherwise, i promise.

Look at it like this:
The person that you target get average damage. The person right next to him (one or two troll-sizes away) gets a little damage and then anything outside of that distance up to maybe 5-7 trolls or something, only get like 30 damage plus any disabled enemies within that range get VERY MUCH ENABLED AGAIN (and a hint to you is that that is not a good thing). It is not worth it if you play to survive instead of desperatly farm rp for yourselfe or watch the nice effects.

I don't beleive this bullshit (sry 4 word) that thanes are crap

If you want to know how thanes feel over in the us you can go and check out . Thanes are pretty nice tanks but not many thanes are happy with their stormcalling. And even if you think it is fun to spam the mjollnir button and watch all the big hammers rain down remember that you, yes YOU cause midgard to loose instead of win. And please accept that as the fact that it is.


And anyway, I am TPT, if I say HammaSpamma is lame, it is, just dont fight it:D


hmmm, I'm getting the feeling that when healers say "FFS!!!" after someone hits mjollnir, they aren't actually saying "FFS, look at those way cool graphics!" :rolleyes:

Nemesis Warlock

Originally posted by Solid
And anyway, I am TPT, if I say HammaSpamma is lame, it is, just dont fight it:D

Dont fight it !

Fred ;)

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