Mezzing and Thanes



Mezz=battle-winner.....just think about what you hate the most....I guess being messed ends up on the top part of that list. Trust me...the guy of the other realm hates it just as much.....SO....Thanes stop using your damn hammers when you have mezzprepped healer(s) standing by. I have seen a lot of winnable fights lost due to thanes(rms) mezzbreaking.....but the best part is that I've been i some fights, with proffesional ppl, that seemed lost but we manage to win due to mezz and good teamwork...focusing on 1 target at a time etc.
Mids have a BIG healer problem...the other realms have many classes that can ress and heal....dont make the few healers you have quit playing the game(playing alt in my case) because you love the gfx of a spell you have....
My apology to the thanes I offended tonight but I just couldnt take it anymore....I have been dissapointed by thanes(rms) soo many(talking in the 100 range here) times that I snapped.

Dont start babbling about stun being better and stuff....I am the expert here(together with the other healers) and in general mezz is always better than stun...talking big rvsr 25+ on each side....

Fellow me out with this....I dont want to win the even fights...we can usually manage that.......I want to win the fights when they outnumber us 2:1 and that means NO AE......ask them nicely..yell at them ...but make them stop


Don't Listen to him thanes!!!!


old.Gombur Glodson


You can mez these.


Thanes do tend to hit the AoE key alot and at the wrong time, rm's too. generally all it takes is one aoe spell then everyone goes for it. Agree with all that, would be happy if they took away that spell and gave me something usefull instead.

Ottar telling me (and you but we covered that already) that i do the wrong thing 9 times out of 10 and some other witty insult i cant remember doesnt help anyone. This is a game but it's real persons you talk to. So next time you feel like insulting 60 people at once Ottar, imagine that one of them is standing infront of you and what the result would be.


Laga, I want to thank you personally for ruining this evening for me. I went to Emain an hour or so after your outburst on /as (was playing an alt before that, but saw what you said about thanes there). I couldn't get a damn group, even though I stood shouting and asking for one half an hour or something.

I understand what you are saying about not using AE when healers are near and mez. Hell, I've even tried to avoid it for ages. Now you come shouting on /as saying that all thanes are shit or something, and ruining peoples characters who weren't even there!! You've got me pretty worked up right now I must say. Explaining this in an orderly fashion like you did here for all the noob thanes if you will, but don't shout insults to every thane in the realm on alliance chat!! Bah!

Brannor McThife

Laga, I respect you a lot, and I'm pretty sure that this has built up over time. And I totally understand. But, I will come to Det's defense, and a few other thanes that I do know, and say that they are some of the best people I've partied with in Midgard. But, as you, and I, and many of us, have experienced first hard, there are a good number of people in this game that believe they mus do as much damage to as many people as fast as possible. Unfortunately, thanes and AE rms that are not battle wise in RvR yet, mess up. I wasn't there, so I don't know how this particular incident went. But I do know, that at a keep defense, hell, thanes are a blessing.

In the end, try not to let the few stupid ones ruin a nice game for you and those that have grown to know you, I'm sure you'll calm down eventually ;) and will think that maybe AS wasn't the best way to handle it.

To Thanes and AE RM's AS WELL AS AE DOT USERS!!!

-> AE is dangerous, are you licensed to use it? ;)


j000 d000d

Gotta love it as an Alb :D

"Shit, mezz..... FFS 72 SECONDS!!!"
"Sees the hammer"
"You are hit for 7 damage!"
"Gotta love thanes :D"


Well sometimes aoe mezz followed by aoe stun and a co-ordinated aoe attack form some thanes and RM's is devestating , we used a couple of times in BG's , where my hammers do 100+ dmg to even con and more to blue's , most peopel in Thadranki dont have alot more than 500hp's , cause thats what I have as a dwarf with cap'd con and 10 to con at build ( 550 hp i have at lvl 24 ) That means 3 thanes who get of 2-3 hammers can take out an entire group with 3 mjolnirs , the first 2 we can manage before peopel recover then they are down to like 15% health ( if 3 thanes or more or a RM too then they are dead ) , most peopel tend to panic a bit at 15% health or lower..and then they die.. but as said it takes co-ordination and can of course not be used in every situation. At high lvl RvR its not realy a vaible option except its its realy realy well co-ordinated , cause peopel have alot more hp's and the mjolnirs dont hit for the same % of peopels health, but with like 10+ thanes and some RM's an AOE barrage can be deadly


i got 513hp as a briton infil not even capped, go figure :) its all in the +stat armour from catacombs.

but back to aoe thanes, the best incident i can remember of this was a mega siege of beno with the mids defending and suddenly bang, some healer mezzes twice and we are all nearly mezzed, nowt we can do except krissy shouted "COME ON THANES, SHOW US YOUR POWER" and then 2 seconds later a load of hammers came down and everyone started laughing in the cg :) cant remember if we retook beno, but i made sure i bowed to the thane (not gonna reveal his name, but hes well known and ugly ;) )

the single hammer hit is a bitch to my wiz ill give you that, but aoe is really a defence thing / no sorcerer for miles only option ;) , its a shame the second of those is becoming more often.


> Ottar, imagine that one of them is standing infront of you and
> what the result would be.

No. You imagine seeing perfectly winnable fights fucked up by mez-breakers again and again and again and then imagine what you would like to do to those idiots. Can give you a few pointers if ya insist.

> Ottar telling me (and you but we covered that already) that i do
> the wrong thing 9 times out of 10 and some other witty insult i
> cant remember doesnt help anyone.

What does then? Seriously, I am at loss. Of course there are less than competent individuals in every class and even good players mess up now and then. Somehow, however, its the thane AoE breaking mez that is THE most common mistake made in RvR, as common as to be expected and a huge surprise when mez in a large battle actually holds. Rarely do I see runies break mez, tho they too have AoE. Not enough shamen to cause realm-wide problem.

A skald can make a mistake, a warrior, a hunter. Most what this results in is they get themselves killed and perhaps few others. Its AoE breaking mez that causes big battles lost that we could have won. Every single thane has a button on their keyboards that when misused, kills off large number of their realm-mates. Thane AoE has caused far more damage to Midgard than it has ever caused to the enemy.

Thane AoE is a blessing in a siege. Co-ordinated massive AoE can be devastating (tho I have never first hand seen it happen). People who cast mjollnirs regardless that they have been yelled at by healers to not to do so is as far from co-ordinated as it bloody gets.

Forcing the few healers we have using 10 sec stun instead of 52 sec or better mez is nonsense in vast majority of situations. Try to approximately add up total damage done by thanes in your force casting 2 mjollnirs each. Then try to add up total damage output of all the enemy force in 42 seconds. Compare those two figures. Yes, they aint neccessarily that accurate and there are more factors but basically, thats it. Then go cast mjollnirs anyway because they look so good and if yer very lucky, maybe those not busy casting mjollnirs can kill off those you have nuked to 80% of their hp and get you a few realm points before everybody is killed off by happy enemies.

> This is a game but it's real persons you talk to.

There are real persons behins all those characters who die because yet another thane thinks it cool to cast a few mjollnirs making larger battles suicide for everybody. What manner should they be talked to then? Frankly, if a thane quits because he doesn’t like how I talk to him, its no big loss compared to yet another healer quitting because mez-breakers get their groups killed one time too many. Hell, the whole bloody realm has been pissed off at bloody mez-breakers since the first time AoE was cast on a dozen beautifully immobilized targets and now, oh horror!, they get insulted!


PS! Lets make a deal here. I will publicly appologize for any insults on this very forum, when 1 week goes by without me seeing mez being broken by a mjollnir. Good fun - others can make bets on it.


I only use hammers at keep raids/defence or when we are completely gonna own the enemy, the outer radius damage is laughable tbh.

There are very dumb thanes and there are very clever thanes, I fall in the middle as I forgot to get slam :(


Just make a quickbar WITHOUT ae spells and you can't hit them 'acciedently'.


Yes its all a matter of being able to valuate the situation, and in most aoe's is not a viable option , but in those cases it is , it can do realy nice damage if co-ordinated correctly


> Yes its all a matter of being able to valuate the situation

Yes and its so bloody simple really.

Basically. If.

1. you are not attacking a keep
2. you are not defending a keep
3. if there is anyone nearby, looking like he/she might be a healer

Do Not Use AoE.

Now, if we get that much tactics into common practice, perhaps then we can speak of fancy stuff like co-ordinated thane AoE groups and such.

Until that happens.. Well, Froler was right saying its individual idiots, not really a class as such. What can we do? Keep logs and report AoE mez-breakers to their respective guildmasters?



whenerver I go into RvR, I usually replace my mjolnir with my stick macro

Only when we're dead anyways, or when we will win 100%, do I use AoE (hey, free RPS with no risk)


Let's just see if Laga and Ottar are big enough to apologize for insulting all those people that are playing the class I think has the largest number of characters on Mid/Pryd...

I could agree with most that has been said about mez breaking here, but you two have just insulted EVERYONE playing a thane.


mezz is lame shit coz u cant do nothing at all.

old.Max Payne

I'm getting quite sick of all this bullshit about thane's.
Thane's are a great class imo, you get the strenght/power/tankability's from a warrior, zerker (maybe) + you get spells so you can take things out on distance.
In RvR.. mjollnir saved my but alot of times or it gaved me the victory. (nothing is cooler then mjollniring a caster who rooted you and runs away to take distance to nuke)

And yes Ottar, your (not only yours but from alot of ppl) bullshit makes me wanting to delete my thane even if I like him sooo much.


Really i dont care what ppl think about me that mutch and i am a thane. I know if i mess up. But yes ALOT of ppl dont understand that mess can be the diffrent between win and lose in a fight.
And i agree thanes AE are not that great its more usefull taking keeps defending keeps and alot use those AE and its not that good.. But latly alot of shammys has started to do bad things.. :)
Anyway i like my thane.
Just boring to lose when messes are not giving the opertunity to change the battle. But really try be more civilized.
And if u see a messbreaker. perhaps explain first..
Like dude give mess so they cant run away and we an win the battle alot more easier and stuff like that..
Better then sounding to mad imo.
And i understand if its gets frustrated.. BUT it wont help sound like that belive me..


hhehehe, report mezz breakers to their guildmasters, that's funny. You'll never get do some some decent coordinated ae'ing in random rvr in emain, it involves too many people, lots of ae'ers and healers. People go out there to have some fun and get away from the at times boring leveling. Do not expect all people to be as elite and experienced players as you, it's human to screw up once in a while. I'm not saying I don't mind mez breakers, I almost blow up everytime I see a won battle change side due to some breaking mez with their silly ae spell, but I do keep it to myself and don't go bite their heads off on /as. People will learn from their mistakes and stop making them in the future.

Besides I have seen far more runemasters breaking mezzes than I have seen thanes do it, that doesn't mean I hate all runies

And a trip on the horse never hurt anyone, go enjoy the game, remember all the times you have helped wipe out some albs/hibs


Its the second time ive seen someone flame a whole group of people over /as, when it really individuals we are talking about. And it pisses me off everytime, that people generalize.
And the reason you dont see as many runemasters and shammies who break mezz, is that theres not many of them, and it would be silly of them to cast a AE spell when they havent specced in RC, but the few who have specced in it, have been breaking mezz as often as any thane. But i dont start flaming, not even giving private msgs, heck, I even group with the guy next time i see him, no hard feelings, because im mostly playing this game for the fun of it.

I do agree that the out radius of the AE spell gives hilarious damage, but its still god for disturbing casters. Which reminds me that i love those AE wizards or sorcerers, or for that sake clerics with the AE's, its just as lovely as thanes, and it happends just as often :)

We in midgard shouldnt be flaming each other, we should work together, and it is not helping to start flaming over /as, thats for sure

Glyph Ancient 50th thane, of the Savage Conclave
Kedaya ElfMangler 29th hunter, of the Savage Conclave


Don't listen to Laga please and make a quickbar full of AE's. :) It's your best spell and Albs/Hibs hate it! Honest!


AE hammers have only caused me to be revealed recently while trying to sneak through places I should be ;) . It's those silly dropping spear things that keep breaking mezz for me.

Thanks guys :D

Level 50 Infiltrator


smite clerics are just as bad
some of them really really ignorant when it comes to mez

most of them just see a group od enemys not moving and think 'Hey they are all in AOE radius'

Also get theugist claiming there AOE root can be used as crowd control in RvR...typicly they do it after my mez lol



Laga, I agreed and support you 100%. Thanes haven't only turned the table in RvR unnumbered times and getting me, and loads of others killed, but also wiped whole groups in PvE same ammount of time. "oops, slipped fingers. oops wrong key" etc. IF a thane wants to be a good thane he needs to remove all AOE spells from hotbar, but then he might just make another class.. warrior for example.

Lets form an organisation; MAT (mids against thanes) :D


omg ottar, you honestly cant tell the difference between a game and the real world can you.

"No. You imagine seeing perfectly winnable fights fucked up by mez-breakers again and again and again and then imagine what you would like to do to those idiots. Can give you a few pointers if ya insist."

Really? So what would you do to these people who fuck up your winnable fights in this game you play? Pls tell me

"There are real persons behins all those characters who die because yet another thane thinks it cool to cast a few mjollnirs making larger battles suicide for everybody. What manner should they be talked to then?"

Like the adults they are, if you can not handle that then dont fill /as with you bullshit.

"Frankly, if a thane quits because he doesn’t like how I talk to him, its no big loss compared to yet another healer quitting because mez-breakers get their groups killed one time too many."

You selfish little punk, any person quitting (dont personally see why they would value your opinion) because of something you do is a loss.

"PS! Lets make a deal here. I will publicly appologize for any insults on this very forum, when 1 week goes by without me seeing mez being broken by a mjollnir. Good fun - others can make bets on it."

Let me tell you something you obviously need to hear:
Next time you take off your World War 2 helmet and turn off your computer after your daoc morning session and are on your way to get your mothers groceries from the local store, leave that bullshit punk attitude of yours with the helmet or you will be in a world of trouble.


Originally posted by old.Det
Let me tell you something you obviously need to hear:
Next time you take off your World War 2 helmet and turn off your computer after your daoc morning session and are on your way to get your mothers groceries from the local store, leave that bullshit punk attitude of yours with the helmet or you will be in a world of trouble.

LOL. Gotta love this one :D :D :D


Originally posted by old.Det
Let me tell you something you obviously need to hear:
Next time you take off your World War 2 helmet and turn off your computer after your daoc morning session and are on your way to get your mothers groceries from the local store, leave that bullshit punk attitude of yours with the helmet or you will be in a world of trouble.



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